Ophelia was writing her homework for Muggle Studies, a subject she did not want to study in the first place. But here she is, gathering information on the geography of the world and how muggles report to it. She did not enjoy it at all and found the world to be intimidatingly diverse.
"Hey, badge,"
She could feel her eyebrow twitch in annoyance.
It was just like a broken record, going on and on about the same thing. Seeing how she was bent over her parchment and looked like her hair swallowed her face, she hoped the annoying boy would get the point and leave her in peace.
"What James?!" She didn't mean to cry out but he was exasperating.
James Potter smiled goofy and indicated with his forefinger that she should join them at their table. He was sitting with Sirius and Peter, nothing new.
Knowing him to be a stubborn human being, Ophelia sighed and gave in. She was sat next to Sirius who was deep in thoughts.
"So, as we all know, the next full moon is approaching rapidly. We have to be there for our lovable and incredibly smart and perceptive Loony."
"Loony? Well, Remus has a better nickname than I do," Ophelia mumbled with a roll of her eyes.
"We don't really call you badge. That's just James, messing with you because you actually answer to him." Peter said getting a glare from the other two boys.
"Really? Then what exactly is my nickname in between yourselves?" She asked leaning a bit towards the glasses boy. "Well?"
"Anyway, it's important to start early because I don't want to be hurt or bitten. Let's meet this Friday night and find a place to prepare the potion." James said, completely ignoring Ophelia.
She scoffed and crossed her arms in front of her chest. Potter was not bothered by her attitude; he simply closed his book and walked off.
"He is super excited." Peter said seeing how Ophelia was still staring at the empty seat. "You have to understand that for him, becoming an animagus is a proof of loyalty and also talent."
"What else can you say, after all he is your friend."
"James is your friend too." Sirius interfered. "Why are you so cranky? I already told you that if you want to study legilimency, you can just go into the Room of Requirement." He added.
Indeed, a few days after the news of their new schedules, Sirius was very blunt with her. He told her about a room that appears to students that need some extra space. Of course, Ophelia didn't tell him she knew about it already, even learned some interesting curses in it. But it seemed like it was too...too much like her father.
"Who am I going to use legilimency on? Myself?" She asked feeling like sulking again.
From the moment Black smirked, she just knew he had a bad idea. And she was right because a few moments later she found herself in front of Goldstein.
"Hello Ophelia! Black, Pettigrew," he actually nodded at both boys before he moved towards the back. He was looking at books for something but Ophelia really didn't want to give the Ravenclaw fhe wrong idea.
"No." She said and left, gathering her homework on her way out the library.
By Friday, Ophelia didn't do anything for herself. She also missed Rabastan and couldn't help but have sudden memories of him that would make her smile in the most random places. Like dinner.
"Merlin's beard, Molley, don't suddenly smile at me." Mumbled Sirius, not at all affected although he did seem worried about something.
"Is Louise jealous?" Lily asked sensing that that might be the problem. "She seems like the possessive type. And she always knows where you are and with whom." She added making the other girls shake their heads.
"That's not good, Black. It can grow into paranoia and soon enough you'll see her everywhere, she'll want to eat with us and even let her in the common room." Added Cissney frowning at the theory.
"She's already been in the common room..." he mumbled as he played with his food.
"Is she glaring at us?" Ophelia asked since she was sitting next to Black and she had her back to the Ravenclaw table.
"No, she's talking to somebody else. But Rosier is staring at you-no, wait he is staring at me, this is scary." Cissney looked down at her plate before she checked again. Evan Rosier was looking at Ophelia's back as if he found the answer to becoming the twin of his beloved lord.
Ophelia tried her best not to react to that news but Black and Potter glanced at each other.
"So, Molley, what's your deal with the fresh prince of Sheffield?" Sirius asked but Ophelia had no idea who that was. "Rosier." He explained rolling his eyes at her senseless personality.
"I piqued his interest for some reason. Zabini warned me several times but I didn't feel threatened in any form. I still don't so don't you worry your pretty little heads." She said genuinely content with their protectiveness. "Why are we in this dusty classroom?"
"We'll hide it here. It needs a whole month to be done and we have to either prepare one for each of us or add the final ingredient at the end in each of our portions."
"Add what final ingredient? Is this Polyjuice?"
"No, Molley. We need to choose what form our animagus form will be. Hopefully something big..."
Ophelia looked at Potter's confident expression before her eyes fell over Pettigrew's doubtful eyes. He was playing with the hem of his shirt and looked like he was going to melt. Sirius looked just alright.
"I thought it will be random, like a patronus."
"Can you even form a patronus?" Sirius asked ready to scold her.
"Of course I can. Can't you? Isn't that one of the lectures they teach you in the Black household at the age of 5?" She asked sarcastically which actually hit deeper than she intended.
"Let's see it then,"
She barely moved her hand when the figure of a greyhound appeared proudly in front of Black. Potter was amazed and Pettigrew was speechless.
"How can you control it so well?" The chubby boy asked.
"Practice. And a spartan training with-" she had to stop quickly. For a moment she almost gave out her secret and she wasn't sure how Sirius would react. "-Knowingall. He taught me some stuff." She continued, finding Cerberus as her best explanation.
"Mine's a stag. Wanna see it?" James asked and quickly formed it next to her hound.
"That's...very you, very out there."
James looked very proud of that.
"To be honest, I always believed your patronus would be something small, like a snake." Black commented from the side, seizing her up.
Ophelia's patronus vanished and so did her content expression. Sirius probably remembered their meeting at the Malfoys' party, an event that she hoped he forgot.
"Let's just start this potion already," she muttered.
"Cyprian Littlewood has been coercing more and more officials into leaving the ministry in the favour of the dark wizards." Cerberus informed as he placed a file on Dumbledore's desk.
"It's happening exactly like last time. The wizarding community hasn't changed at all, they still let themselves fly as the wind passes." Eynon commented from his seat. "It is time we entrust the future to the children."
"Ophelia won't be able to stop her father." Cerberus stated convinced that he was right.
"Not Ophelia. All the children, especially Potter. Let's not forget who is his descendant." Idris added glancing at Dumbledore. "I can see Peverell in James Potter. Coincidentally, he has crawled under her skin just like Vernon did with Lillian. Children have the conviction, the desire for a bright future and the tools to make it happen. You should prepare them, Dumbledore. They represent your army right now."
"War has not yet began, Idris." Dumbledore spoke for the first time in what felt like hours. "We are few but we cannot ask students to solve our problems."
"We both know you are not as heroic as they say. Why not tell the truth for once? Why not take the right decision, the impartial one that could save us from death?" Idris continued, his tone and eyes darkening as he got up.
"There are dangers inside the castle too. Slytherins are teaching each other dark magic. Some of the students joined the Death Eaters. It's not all just black and white, Eynon." Cerberus interfered to Dumbledore's aid.
"Is that what you will use to make yourself feel better? That's what you will tell Tom when he will claim his right to be Ophelia's father? After all the trouble you have gone through, are you going to let him have her?"
Cerberus' eyes shined in the fire light, his anger finally showing. He grabbed Idris by his vest but the white haired man did not see any threat.
"Show your true self, Knowingall. You weren't kicked out from your team for playing nice, were you? You almost killed a member of your own team and then expected no consequences. Well, the world is not nice. Not with me, not with you and definitely not with Ophelia."
Ophelia was annoyed. No, she was incredibly pissed off with one Sirius Black. Unfortunately, she couldn't quite show it on her face because she didn't want to embarrass herself and the innocent boy across her.
"So, we both know you are bad with muggle studies although you had muggle parents which truly is above me! But I think we need to get you a tutor, Molley." Black started as he patted the back of one frail looking Arthur Weasley. "Do this for me, Molley, if not for your grades."
Ophelia understood that. She liked Weasley, he was odd and yet very comfortable to be with. Her problem was the other person in the room, watching her from the next desk to their right. She grabbed the dark haired boy by his collar and pulled him down.
"What did you tell Goldstein?" She hissed. "Why is he looking at me with-"
"Lovey dovey eyes? Haven't you heard? There's gonna be a Halloween party and thanks to yours truly we may have a bit more than pumpkin juice," he whispered back, very proud of himself. "I talked to Goldstein's room mate and arranged for the smuggling to happen after midnight. Of course, in order to get it I have to do a tiny, tiny, super tiny favour for him." He added with an innocent expression.
"Tell me it's not what I think it is." She said in a cold tone.
"Technically, I have no idea what you're thinking most of the time so I don't-ouch ouch that's my hair!" He screamed a bit too loudly when she pulled on a thick string of his locks. Everyone turned towards them and they could feel even if they couldn't see the glare from Madame Pince. "Ophelia!" He screamed when she didn't let go.
"What do I see here, Molley? Is this a lovers' quarrel?"
Rosier's voice immediately calmed down her nerves. He was such a conspicuous person that she had to be on guard all the time around him. Besides, it was the first time he came to her since last year.
"I cannot do that when my secret and non-secret admirers are watching," she answered letting go of Black. He glared at her for a moment as revenge before he turned to glare at Evan.
"Too bad, and here I was coming to you with high expectations." She didn't quite understood him so he added, "Wanna have the honor to be my date for the Halloween party?"
The information stunned a number of people. Goldstein was worried, ready to interfere if he had to; Sirius was trying his best not to laugh and Arthur Weasley was looking from one to another as if it was a tennis match. But Ophelia knew there was more about this invitation than it seemed. Rosier was curious and evil and having him dig into her life was dangerous.
"Excuse me? You are a Slytherin and most importantly a prick. Why would I even consider this--whatever this is?" Those words came out of reflex because really her brain was busy finding out ways out of this situation. "Actually, I already have a date so you can just piss off now." She said quickly and turned to Weasley.
Rosier didn't seem to be bothered, instead he looked very entertained by her answer. Clearly, he didn't believe her. She barely found out about the party from Sirius, who looked like he was contemplating human nature. Anyway, she couldn't ask Severus or Potter (she wouldn't hear the end of it, not even after graduating) for advice so she could only count on one person: her new ally, Enzo Zabini