Idris Eynon was his name and he was indeed beautiful. That word would rarely be used on men, preferable being the adjective handsome but Idris was an exception.
Idris was taller than the average tall man in England, also comparing him with Cerberus and Dumbledore, both oddly tall wizards. He had shining white long hair that took the color of the light reflected on it. His face had proportions very close to perfection complemented by eyes blue like the sea, big and yet so sharp as if this man could look you in the eye as he destroys your life. From this point of view, it reminded her of Tom. And yet, dressed in a dark blue suit and standing with one leg over the other, slightly leaning back but standing straight and elegant he was far from being Tom.
"How have you been, Idris?" Mr. Potter interrupted the awkward silence.
"Well, until a certain wizard found me." Idris replied coldly. His eyes fell over James before they went on Ophelia. She was staring at him with doubt which amused the elder. "He asked me for a favor, funnily enough."
Cerberus rolled his eyes as he shifted in his seat. He was uncomfortable and hoped Idris will leave soon.
"The house is uncertain about you. Why?" Ophelia asked hearing the cracks in the walls.
"You tell me since you let me in." He answered. "It is your house, isn't it? A magic house that protects its owner."
"Are you taunting me?" She asked warily, and she had all the right to with the man in front of her.
Idris raised an eyebrow and leaned towards this girl. Her eyes were glinting in the light of the fire, strikes of red and yellow dancing around bright green. He couldn't see himself reflected in those orbs, but he could see greed and an infinite source of mischief.
"I see your son is growing up well, Potter. He is far more handsome than I believed your inheritors to be." Idris changed the subject, attacking James as he leaned back with a smirk.
"Excuse me?" James asked already annoyed.
But Mr. Potter laughed it off, genuinely amused to the confusion of the rest. Idris seemed to be smiling too and James turned to his friend with narrowed eyes.
"They're nuts," he mumbled not understanding the funny bits in what was definitely an insult.
While it was also intriguing to see Mr. Potter laugh with his confusing old friend, the kids went up into their rooms. James was going to sleep in Spinnard's bedroom which would probably leave a mark on the young Gryffindor.
Lying in bed on her back, staring at the rays of moon light on her ceiling, Ophelia thought about everything she had figured out in these three years. It was a lot but she concentrated on her mother and Peverell mostly. She never wondered what Tom did and how it came to having a child with his cousin. Was that even planned or was it a mistake? Really, her father was a man of many secrets.
A knock interrupted her thoughts and she looked up, the door opening a bit for James to stuck his head in.
"My room is scary. Spinnard's stuff are literally screaming at me!" He whispered as he slowly let himself in. "There are so many pictures and I can swear some of them are looking at me." He added as he shuddered.
"You'll get used to it." Was her answer which was not what he expected.
"You were right. This jerk will probably be our next professor. He said it himself, Dumbledore asked him for a favour." The boy changed the subject and sat on her bed.
"He didn't say who asked him for a favor. It might have been someone that has a high position, Lestrange for example."
"It does seem like they'd make a good pair, doesn't it? They'd probably talk all day long about how they could deteriorate further the relationship between wizards and muggles." he said grumpily, already imagining Idris point his wand at innocent people on the street.
Seeing how he was getting comfortable, Ophelia rose in a sitting position and crossed her legs. She stared at the boy with a soft expression, finding it impossible to tell him to leave her alone in her thoughts.
"He will piss off many students." She said already imagining all the fuss.
"At least we'll have entertainment if not real education. He doesn't seem like he knows much."
"I believe he does. He looks so young and composed but there is more to him. There's darkness." She added her eyes glinting in the dim light coming through the crack of her opened door.
"Well, I should inform Sirius about him."
"Why not the whole school?" She added sarcastically.
James looked carefully at the girl in front of him, taking in the developments in both appearance and personality. She became so lively, so happy and playful and she was radiating.
"You really changed a lot, Molley. In better, if you want my opinion."
"You should go and sleep. Cerberus is an early riser. He will do everything in his power to wake you early in the morning."
She was bad at accepting compliments, even if it was from the same person that gave her stupid nicknames.
"Sure, sure. It's still so strange finding out you live in Spinnard's house with Knowingall as your guardian. Will you tell me next that the jerk downstairs is your uncle or cousin or second brother or- " he rambled on even after he left her room and went towards his. She could hear him yelp when the door closed behind him, keeping him captive in a room filled with memories.
It was no surprise that next morning at six o'clock sharp, screams erupted from the room across the stairs. Ophelia's eyes opened wide and she jumped up looking for the reason. Thuds and moans were heard from the hall and she sighed heavily. Checking the time, she sighed again, feeling like the day has started way too soon and way too loud.
By the time she walked into the kitchen, it was silenter. Passing through the living room, she noticed Idris on the same spot as last night dressed in the same clothes only he seemed slightly more relaxed with a cup of something in his hand. He watched her the whole time she walked, until she closed the door behind her with a suspicious look. She sat next to James and glowered at his grumpy face for the whole time they ate.
James glanced at the door to the living room, especially the way the light seemed to flicker under the door.
"That man is infuriating. How did you meet him, dad?" Asked the boy, turning to the elder.
"Ah, we were young back then. I remember he used to intimidate every student but he was quite popular. He came and left too soon for others to realize what he did back then."
"And what did he do? He's not British from his accent." she continued, curious about the man with the looks of a story character.
"He's Irish actually but after what happened at Hogwarts, he had to leave to the United States. I believe he was educated at Ilvermony."
"Ilvermony? The magic school from America? I haven't met anybody from there." James' eyes glinted with curiosity but noticing how excited he became, he quickly calmed himself down remembering just who he was talking about.
Ophelia watched the boy with an amused smile, expression mirrored by Mr. Potter seeing how his son was growing interested in his old friend.
"But why did he leave Hogwarts? Back then Dumbledore wasn't the Headmaster, was he?" Ophelia asked, returning to the subject that mattered.
"No, he wasn't. But I wasn't born either so I do not know why he had to leave."
"Wait, wait, wait, dad. What do you mean you weren't born? Weren't you colleagues at Hogwarts?"
"No, definitely not. If you're asking me, I believe the one colleague he had and you might have heard of was Newt Scamander. I met Idris when Dumbledore brought him to Hogwarts, in my sixth year. He was troubled back then and Dumbledore asked me to entertain him, we could say. It wasn't just me, of course, there were others but they all ended up hating Idris."
"No surprise there," James whispered to his colleague.
"Idris worked as a librarian at Hogwarts for a while and Dumbledore tried to pursue him into teaching Potions but he declined. And then, that happened and Idris was forced to leave and go into hiding." Potter's voice took a turn towards more sorrowful tone, "It was horrible to watch because I couldn't do anything, Dumbledore's advice."
"Did he murder a student?" James asked, his interest showing on his face; the same could be said about Ophelia.
"That's what they said but I didn't believe them. Idris is many things but he is not a murderer; nor a liar! Something happened, that student must have done something or said something because, to be frank, I had never seen Idris so affected before that day or after."
"How did the student die?" Ophelia asked, recalling Spinnard's journal.
"He fell off from the Astronomy Tower."
"He was pushed, you mean."
"No, so called witnesses stated that they saw a shadow lurking around the victim before it grabbed him into the air, as if a Dementor had him hanging in the air before it dropped him." Mr. Potter finished his story, letting the youngsters imagine and reflect on his words.
Cerberus rolled his eyes, already having a clear idea of what happened back then. It was troublesome to have such a person in their house, one that could spontaneously change from a well-doer to an evil monster. And Dumbledore asked him for a favor, ha!
"He was the most talented Slytherin, I bet. At least while he was at Hogwarts," mumbled James to Ophelia, breaking the silence.
It was a few hours later when James was investigating the house that Ophelia walked into the garden and noticed a shadow lurking behind thick trees. It was definitely a young man because once another person walked out, the shadow ran away instead of disappearing.
"He's been watching this house since last night." Said the newcomer. He approached Ophelia and took a peek behind her at the fountain before he turned to her.
"Ever since you arrived. The mysterious stranger that will teach at Hogwarts. A professor with a criminal record, for a change." She said, still watching him with a glint of suspicion. "Why are you here exactly?"
"Why are you here? Why aren't you with your father?" Idris asked in return, "Many people died because of you. Neither this land or Hogwarts will protect you forever. Why don't you just go with him so that the rest can live peacefully?"
Ophelia stared at the man with a frown, her eyes tearing up around the corners. She tried not to show just how angry that question made her but her face was giving it away.
"The truth hurts, doesn't it? Too bad." He added, pushing one string of hair behind his ear. "You shouldn't attract innocent fools into your life. Don't bother searching for aliances because no one will help you."
"My friends already help me." She replied quickly.
"Your friends are all children. Don't count on their promises. Once they grow, they move on and forget all about the past."
"And yet here you are, in the house of a stranger only because you were called by someone from your past. Or is Mr. Potter not your friend?" She asked with an icy tone.
There was obviously no retort as Idris seemed to be thinking about it. Ophelia glanced at the forest and sighed, thinking of her father and what he might be doing at the moment. Did he even know who Idris was?
"My Lord, Rabastan returned and it seems there is a problem." Aeron Lestrange started, feeling small in front of the mighty Dark Lord. Seeing how Voldemort didn't say anything, Lestrange continued, "It's a man. I believe his name is Idris."
A guttural chuckle left Voldemort's throat as his eyes sparkled. It looked like those once blue eyes have almost completely became red.
"What do you want us to do? Should Rabastan go for a visit and gather more information?"
Voldemort smirked as he remembered when and where he had heard that name before.
"No need. My daughter will tell me everything when time comes."
Lestrange was suspicious. For some reason, his master was being secretive and that could only mean possible trouble for him and the others.
Once Lestrange left, Rabastan entered the room of the most terrifying man he had ever met. His hands were trembling, never walking up to him so boldly before but he was worried.
"Here to talk to me about Ophelia, I suppose?" Tom asked in that alluring yet cold tone.
"I think it would be best to have me go to her, sir. What if that man tells her something not proper for her current state?" Rabastan asked knowing Ophelia's respect for her father did not mean indefinite trust.
"He can do whatever he desires. Ophelia won't stray from her path."
"Why are you so sure she won't just give in? Her bond with Potter has evolved into something genuine and troublesome." Continued the boy, taking a step forward.
"I wouldn't worry about Potter in your place, Rabastan." Hissed the red eyed snake, annoyed that this young boy was growing too attached and was losing sight of his own purpose. "Remain on your post and do not disappoint me."
Rabastan's eyes widened in fear before he nodded and left quickly. Once in his room he sighed heavily, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't understand how Ophelia could be so casual with her father, even after learning who he is. Lord Voldemort was a fearful man, if he was a man anymore.
Although Idris came to Spinnard's cottage, Dumbledore did not make an appearance until a week later, time in which Ophelia and James avoided talking with or about or even near Mr. Potter's friend. But Fleamont was very talkative and made Idris laugh a few times, a sound stranger than parsletongue.
On the night Dumbledore arrived, Ophelia was in the backyard, talking to the fountain, as weird as that may be.
"Although he is an unlikeable creature, his story reminded me of yours. There are two sides to the story and we haven't heard his yet. Maybe it wasn't his fault, maybe a Dementor did attack that student or maybe I'm just searching for the side that I would like." she said, staring at the water.
There was no response but she noticed the same young man, making his way towards the house. It stopped and scooped to the ground suddenly which made sense after she heard the backdoor open.
"Professor Dumbledore's arrived." Cerberus informed her before he returned into the warmth of the house.
Ophelia glanced at the door before she turned to the young man in the forest. She was more curious why he was there rather than why Dumbledore wanted an alleged murderer to teach at Hogwarts. The decision was easy, she just went with her heart and almost scared Rabastan to death when she appeared in front of him.
"What are you doing? Is this what my father orders you to do?" she asked genuinely worried for him.
Rabastan glared at her and jumped on his feet, wiping the leaves and dirt off his clothes.
"Who's that man?"
"Dumbledore?" she asked, knowing well what Rabastan meant. He narrowed his eyes at her and scoffed, making her chuckle bemusedly, "Is my father curious who he is or are you?"
"Both." he said, only giving half of the truth. "He's a powerful wizard but there's more to him. Haven't you noticed it? He's wary of you and the house."
"I believe his target is James not me. But it might be just childish teasing."
"That man is anything but childish. The Dark Lo-I mean, your father heard about him but he didn't tell us anything. I can only guess he wants you to find out on your own."
"I have a question," she started suddenly, "I heard about a certain werewolf, Fenrir something..."
"Greyback. Fenrir Greyback. He's a nasty creature, what about him?"
"Does he have any connection with the Dark Lord yet?" It was interesting how she could say her father's title with so much ease.
"He will. Why?" Rabastan asked warily, knowing -no, seeing in her eyes- that there was more than just curiosity.
"No reason." She answered quickly but those green eyes were just as intense when they were filled with hatred as Voldemort's. "Well then, I'll go back. You should too. Dumbledore's here."
With that said, she spun around and ran back into the house. Rabastan sighed, worried for not Ophelia's safety but her anger. It seemed there was more of her father's character in her than any would have expected.
"You coerced the best legiliment in Britain to teach and then this-whatever this owl can do is above my understanding and now you want me to teach Defense against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts? Are you insane?"
Idris' voice was so loud and clear that even if she wasn't eavesdropping, she could still hear him perfectly. Ophelia walked upstairs only to find James leaning on the railing, his ears perked up.
"It seems he doesn't like the offer," whispered James with a joyful smile.
"Let me remind you that Hogwarts only brought me misery and a title that I do not agree with! It made me a murderer when we both know what happened back then!" Idris continued, no sign of interference from Dumbledore.
"I'm sure they have forgotten already." Mr. Potter tried to mend the situation but Idris wasn't a fool.
"And yet I am still hiding from the Ministry of Magic. What if the Minister pops up for tea? What then?"
"I will take full responsibility, like I have always done."
"Really? Like what you did for Newt? Was that regarded by you as 'taking full responsibility'? Or should I remind you of your friendship with Grindelwald, or even better! Tom Marvolo Riddle and his incestuous relationship with his cousin. You couldn't control him but you could have stopped it from happening. You could have protected Lillian Gaunt just like you protected Newt or Luce Spinnard."
It was deadly silent. After so many accusations, Dumbledore could not say anything without thinking it through. Ophelia was outside, her eyes staring at the floor while all the portraits in the house were whispering to each other. James glanced at his friend and noticed she was not surprised by what she heard.
"I know and I regret what happened but I could not interfere more than I did. It was Lillian's choice. As for my former friendship with Grindelwald, it was before he acted out his ideas. Everything you say is right, Idris, but it is not relevant for the present or the future. I'm asking this favor because I know your condition is not improving."
"I'm in this condition because of that filthy Rosier family. They made me hide among muggles and we both know what it arose in me. It is rare for a child like me to pass into adulthood and then be cured of my darkness and yet it came back after that incident. My Obscurus came back because of that wretched castle."
Ophelia and James looked at each other, one more curious than the other. Just, what was an Obscurus?