Sirius Black has never been the kind of boy to have any expectations from anyone, especially in his feeble school romantic relationships. He dated around, he lived his life to the fullest when he wasn't around his friends, something James Potter would be very angry about since it didn't involve him. But Sirius was a chatting box, just like his best friend, although he knew when to shut up and walk away if the situation arose. He has dated beautiful girls, modest girls, muggle-born, pure-bloods, half-bloods, girls with glasses, girls with perfect vision, blondes, brunettes, and gingers, indeed Sirius Black has been very busy in the last 3 years of school. But it was always a game for him. He enjoyed charming these girls, getting their full attention and even their jealousy because he knew he could stop whenever he wanted.
Ophelia was his friend, before anything else. He has been there in important moments of her life, even if he had no idea what those moments meant back then. Ever since he found out about her family, it felt as if she could truly understand him and the torture he had to endure every summer as a child. It brought him closer to her but he didn't expect it to transform into something that made his heartbeats faster. But it was just a crush, anyway. A stupid, childish crush on a girl he had seen crying, suffering, being heartbroken, hiding, but also smiling, laughing, teasing him and James, growing up into a young woman who could enter his mind at any moment and find out what he has been thinking about. Now, that last bit was dangerous.
"I'm doomed," Sirius mumbled before he hit his forehead against the window.
Ah yes, they were on the train, going out into the world for their Christmas break. After Halloween, time moved so fast that it baffled Sirius. He continued to avoid being alone with Ophelia, ignoring her as much as possible although it was hard since he wanted to tease her.
"So what are you going to do for Christmas?" Peter asked his friends as they sat in the comfortable and closed compartment.
"Well, mum is getting a lot of help this year in everything from Molley's house-elf," James started as if that was nothing but Remus and Peter glanced at each other in shock. "Ah, no, no, it's a free house-elf. His name is Dylis. Mum loves him because she has someone to spend time with and she apparently teaches him a lot of stuff. He seems to be enjoying his time too but he disappears sometimes for a few days. But apparently, he always returns."
Remus and Peter listened with eyes wide and mouths hanging open. It was so hard to believe but James was talking as if it was something common, which probably was for pureblooded families who have enslaved house-elves (Lestrange, Malfoy, Black, and so on).
"Ah, they also told me they will be away for New Year so," James' eyes narrowed, and he wiggled his eyebrows. "There will be a small gathering of distinguished people such as our group of friends."
"Do your parents agree with this idea? Have you even told them?" Remus asked a bit wary of James' plans in general.
"It will be me, Sirius and Ophelia anyway so how bad can it be if we invite a few more?"
"So Ophelia's really living with you for now?" Remus had a lot of curiosities.
"Yes. Dad told me that she will be living with us for the time being since nobody knows where she is. Her house is watched by Death Eaters and it seems that if she is found, she will be taken to Rosier's mansion."
"I admit I am surprised that no one is waiting at King's Cross to kidnap her at this point," Peter muttered, leaning back in his seat. "It doesn't really seem like her father wants her back yet."
"He's busy creating an army. I'm sure that once we graduate, he'll try his hardest to keep her locked somewhere." Sirius replied grumpily.
But Ophelia was very happy. She was with her friends, in the Hogwarts Express, on their way to one of her favorite places in the world: a homey house.
"Why are you so excited?" Alice asked seeing how Ophelia was humming a carol.
"It's the first holiday when I am allowed to choose where I spend it." She replied, smiling non-stop at the scenery outside.
"But Pheli, that's terrible," Lily said, none of them expecting this answer, not even Cissney. "Where did you spend last Christmas?"
"Petrifying Katie at the Malfoys," Cissney pitched in which made the girls gasp, and Ophelia glared at her playfully. "What? She was petrified and you never denied it even if we all know you would never do it."
"Well, there will be nothing of that where I'm going now. It's such a warm and welcoming place."
"A family friend,"
It was best if the girls didn't know the truth yet. They were still learning how to defend their minds and if a Death Eater would ever think of harming them for hiding her, it was just not something Ophelia could emotionally deal with. It was safer for everyone involved.
"What about you, Cissney? Will your father force you to go to Malfoy again?" Ophelia changed the subject but it seemed to make her roommate feel even more awkward.
"...Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black are getting married this Christmas," The girl spoke softly, knowing how it will definitely make Ophelia angry. "They mostly invited Death Eaters and ministers that have allied with Voldemort. I'm sure it wasn't Lucius the one who sent the invitation or else he might have sent one to you too. Heck, you can take mine, I really don't like being around them."
Ophelia needed a moment to comprehend that one of her most significant friends did not invite her to his wedding. But then she quickly remembered that she was in hiding and even if he did, her owl would lose it or give it to her long after the wedding was over.
"It's alright. I just...didn't know. There was no memory of a wedding in Rabastan's mind either."
"Oh, Rabastan...I heard from my mother, who heard from Mrs. Nott, who heard from Mrs. Black who talked about it with Mrs. Lestrange during a visit that Rabastan will leave for America for a while. He has to meet some followers over there. He will go with Yaxley and Karkaroff. Apparently, there are still some believers in Grindelwald's ideas and they strongly agree with the more violent approach of the Dark Lord. He probably doesn't even know or will find out before he leaves." Cissney explained, having all the girls immersed in the news.
"Even in that circle, you still know everything about everyone," Alice chuckled making everyone laugh and the atmosphere lighter.
But Ophelia couldn't help but have the impression that her father was purposefully sending Rabastan away.
When the train stopped and students started to flood out onto the already busy Platform 9 3/4, the girls and boys met somewhere in the middle. Alice left with Frank, Cissney left with her mother, Remus and Peter left with their parents and only four musketeers remained.
"I guess my parents are running late."
"No problem, Evans. I'm not budging until I see you leaving safely,"
Sirius and Ophelia raised an eyebrow as they watched the pair. It was funny how he could change so drastically just to impress her. But then again, this change was good.
Another ten minutes passed and while James and Lily were chatting in their little corner, Ophelia and Sirius were silently standing next to each other. One detail escaped Sirius, and that was Ophelia's perceptive eye.
"Why have you been avoiding me these past two months? Have I scared you during Halloween?" She asked in a teasing tone.
Sirius was stiff as a rock, his mind blank. He glanced at her, at the way she tilted her head and the way those snake-like eyes stared at him as if she knew his deepest secrets.
" I don't know what you're talking about. I just didn't have much to say."
"You always have something to say, otherwise you wouldn't be Potter's best friend."
"A-anyway, why are you standing here? Shouldn't you go home?"
"Shouldn't you? I don't see you running to the Black mansion," She asked, those green orbs intensifying as she was probably thinking he was an idiot for asking the obvious. "We're all going to the same place. Mrs. Potter told me I can use their house for as long as I need. Apparently, it's nice having a girl around."
She was thankful and happy, that much was visible. She sighed and looked down at her ring, her hair falling in her eyes. Sirius reached out and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Ophelia looked at him with a funny expression, between confused and amused, but the boy blushed and turned his whole body to the opposite direction.
"Did you see what I had just seen?" Lily asked her unofficial boyfriend. Oh, James Potter had seen it and it was impossible to read his expression.
Luckily, Lily's mother arrived just in time and a second afterward, so did Dylis. They had to apparate at the Potter house since Death Eaters were lurking around every neighborhood. James wished to do it himself but nobody agreed and they all grabbed onto the house-elf.
"Home sweet home," James exclaimed as soon as he entered his house. It smelled freshly cleaned and strawberry pie. His eyes sparkled as he went straight into the kitchen. That left Sirius and Ophelia by themselves in the hallway.
"Ah, where should I put my luggage?" Ophelia asked Sirius, leaning towards him. He froze and literally ran after James. The girl stood there, not quite understanding what happened. "Boys..." she muttered as she decided to carry her luggage into James' room, just to keep it out of the way.
When she got back, Dylis was there smiling at her. He seemed to enjoy his time with the Potters which made Ophelia a bit jealous. She wanted that, too. She wanted a safe haven where her father could never find her.
"Is there something wrong, Dylis?" She asked seeing how the house-elf didn't move an inch from his place, not even when she got next to him. And then, Dylis did something that surprised Ophelia. He hugged her.
"Dylis is just happy that Misses is alive and well. Dylis has heard of how dangerous is Hogwarts and was afraid that Misses was taken by the Death Eaters."
"But we met at the train station," She mumbled feeling awkward. Was she supposed to pat his head or hug him back or...
"Still," Dylis said and let her go before he looked up into her eyes. "Christmas this year will be the best, I knows for sure."
Ophelia chuckled and nodded. She completely agreed with him, especially when she saw James and Sirius fight over a tart.
The following days were incredible. Mrs. Potter cooked alongside Dylis and Ophelia, although the young girl did not seem to be good at it. In her defence, she didn't have prior experience with anything regarding housework since she spent more time away from home. The boys were running around, complaining about petty things such as who could drive down to the pastry store or when they could go shopping for presents. Ophelia decided she wanted to tag along for the latter so, in the end, Mr. Potter agreed to drive them into town.
"Be careful. Do not use magic. Don't buy more than you can carry, James. Don't get into fights, Sirius. Of course, you boys better take care of Ophelia." Mr. Potter said once they arrived. He had other business to attend so he had to let them roam around for a few hours. "We'll meet here at six. Again, don't use magic."
"Is there something else you want to tell us, dad?" James asked with a roll of his eyes. Mr. Potter rolled down the window and glanced at each of his kids before he gave one last piece of advice.
"Do not, under any circumstance, use magic." He said seriously before he rolled up the window and drove on.
"Do not use magic," James mocked his father, "It's not like we don't know already, blimey."
Ophelia was amazed. She had never been to another city other than Birmingham. It was such a fascinating view, seeing so many people walk around, some of them carrying bags, others carrying Christmas trees. The square was particularly memorable because it had one big tree in the center and a few carollers singing happily around it. Kids were running everywhere, one almost bumped into Sirius. Everything was so festive and people had no idea about the darkness all around them.
James noted the serene expression on Ophelia's face and smiled to himself.
"Alright, so, I need you to help me find the perfect present for Lily," He started, wrapping one arm around her.
And so, James Potter more or less forced Ophelia to go with him. When she looked over her shoulders, she couldn't see Sirius anymore. It was just so crowded. Worse was how much energy one 16-year-old had in him for shopping. James dragged her to all kinds of shops, some more expensive than others, and still, he just didn't know what to buy.
"What about this dress?" He asked while passing by a cute red dress.
"Nope, Lily doesn't wear dresses that often. And that has a low cleavage."
"Then what about this?" He asked a few minutes later, coming to Ophelia with a china doll.
"How old do you think she is?"
"But it's cute and fragile, just like her," James explained knowing well that it would receive a strong reaction.
Ophelia swore they were talking about two very different Lilys. She also felt like she had vomited a bit inside her mouth.
"Fine, what about this? This seems like she'd like it," He came an hour or so later with a set of beautiful leather-covered books. Ophelia was surprised by his choice, especially because the writer was a 19th-century well-known poet. Ophelia knew because Gloria Molley really enjoyed reading his poems.
"Yeah, I think she'll like it. Buy her a good quill as well and she'll be more than happy,"
"Great," He said with a huge smile before he went to purchase it. Once he was done, he turned to her and asked, "Where to now? Oh, I think I saw something perfect for Frank."
It was going to be a long day.
", Ophelia, are you happy?" James asked out of nowhere after finally buying presents for their friends.
Everyone on the list was checked and she was surprised when he paid for her stuff as well (not that they were many or expensive). After walking for so long, James chose a tea shop and sat himself down with all the bags around his legs for a nice cup of hot cocoa.
"...why?" She asked watching him as if something was about to pop up from behind him.
"Just, you know, random question," he replied swiftly, taking a sip from his mug.
" as happy as I can be right now. I'm always in a good mood when I am surrounded by my friends."
Her answer made him smile widely. It was just so cute how she could open up to him after all the years she was hiding behind a strict and sour image. It took a bit but James was proud that he crawled under her skin.
"Am I your best friend?"
"No," she replied so quickly that it kind of hurt. James gasped and covered his heart. "I'm not your best friend either,"
"How can you hurt me so, badge? Of course, you are one of my best friends."
"You are one of my best friends as well, but not my number one best friend," she tried to explain seeing how the boy was acting even more outrageously. She was sure that James could fall to the ground and spin around just to make a point.
"Then who is it? Sirius? Have you stolen my number one best friend?" He asked with a spark in his eyes that resembled Dumbledore's when he was up to something.
"No," she said laughing at the insinuation, "I don't think that is humanly possible. You two have a great bond. I guess that I think of him as my best friend but maybe he doesn't."
"Malfoy?" James asked after he made sure there was nobody magical around them.
"Close but not quite. It's Severus,"
James raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms in front of his chest as if he was about to lecture her.
"Snape doesn't have any friends, badge. He's always around his roommates because he needs them but there is nobody that cares for him and nobody that he cares for."
"He cares for Lily," was Ophelia's comeback which made James scoff and glare to the side.
"I saw him running after her, always waiting for her in the corridor but ever since he became of your father, he has been even creepier. Besides, he doesn't even speak to you."
"I know. But I also know he will never betray me or else it will cost him his life." She said with such glee that James needed a moment to register the information. "He promised me a while ago. He wouldn't have done it if he didn't care at all."
James was curious what exactly happened but he didn't ask.
"What about Rabastan?"
"What about him?" she asked amused by this interrogation.
"He's not even that handsome. Why did you like him?"
"Because he was there for me when I needed a shoulder to lean on. He was always there when I was in very fragile situations. He accepted me for me. I think I started to like him when he stopped tutoring me in Potions. It just built up from there and then he just always protected me and made me feel safe."
Ophelia's explanation made James think about a lot of things. So, she felt like he understood her condition and accepted her for who she was. He also kept her safe, as much as he could, but in the end, he chose his own interest in her disfavor. Potter couldn't help but feel like Ophelia could have found someone better for her; someone closer to her than she imagines. Someone who has recently realized some stuff...
"We should go and meet Sirius. He should be done by now,"
"Where is he anyway?" she asked as they finished their drinks.
"Oh, that's a secret," James said with a boyish grin. Indeed, Christmas was going to be very interesting this year.