Valentina Village; The Exiles Area364Please respect copyright.PENANAR9xovz0lZ1
Lord Takai's Residence
Xenthos, Ibaraki, Utsukushī, and Konkitsu were all seated around a table within Lord Takai’s residence awaiting a verdict. The Scientist was in another room tending to the wounds of the mystery woman. Sighing as she took the crude wrappings off and began to properly clean and tend to the wounds.
“We’re not actually entertaining this are we?” Xenthos asked looking around the room examining everyone in it for a few moments.
“Entertaining what?” Lee asked looking at Xenthos with a glare.
“She oozed Miasma so clearly, she isn’t human. You grabbed and saved a demon, no way you didn’t know that. You camped with her all night and brought her back alive, when you should’ve killed her.” Xenthos wasn’t in on the idea of aiding a demon.
“An injured woman isn’t something I’m so keen on killing.” Lee added glaring.
“A woman is sensible but a demon doesn’t count towards that. She wouldn’t hesitate to rip your soul from your body if she needed it to survive.” Xenthos and Lee began to close distance the more they argued.
“If you two are going to bicker and turn barbaric I’d appreciate it if you did it outside. Break anything and I’ll have Maxwell break your necks.” Vergil walked in examining the group for a moment holding documents.364Please respect copyright.PENANAGb96GXEE1k
“Where’s The Scientist?”
“She’s currently The Doctor right now. She’s making sure to tend to our guest's wounds.” Utsukushī told him.
“Right. Now what’s this about her being a demon?” Vergil asked, looking towards Lee. Lee didn’t say a word and then flopped back laying on the pillow he sat on — which irritated Vergil.364Please respect copyright.PENANAyOnLBzXBbw
“I don’t plan on repeating myself.”
“Yesterday Lee was attacked by this woman, she proceeded to speak to him and then suddenly passed out and hasn’t woken since.” Utsukushī explained to Vergil.
“I see. As long as she doesn’t destroy anything within our space we’ll accommodate her as long as she’d like. I’d say-”
“Yes!!!” Vergil was cut off by the sound of his various troops cheering and whistling.
“What’s with the noise?” Ibaraki asked, hopping up and skipping out of the room Sun’s tail swished and he immediately jumped up and followed after her. Sun’s movements caught Xenthos’s attention and he got ready to stand up but Utsukushī sat him back down.
“It's best you stay here. That’s just Officer coming to check on the exiles, it's his thing. I feel you need to stay for when she wakes up.” Utsukushī smiled and tried to keep Xenthos seated. Xenthos ignored her standing up and following anyway. She sighed and followed behind him leaving only Lee and Konkitsu behind.
Outside everyone saw a man walking over with a wagon, the man wasn’t too tall (5’9) and wasn’t much out of place, seeming more average than most. He wore a police officer uniform and was currently writing down on a notepad. The various exiles came over to him singing praises, smiles painted on their faces.
“Mr. Trigger!” Behind him a woman's shouting was heard. A slim young woman with short red hair tied into a small ponytail called out to Dallas. The woman wore large-circular glasses, a business suit that ended in a skirt short enough to expose her abdomen all clad in yellow and black.364Please respect copyright.PENANAKsPjnLAPiL
“The exiles are expecting you and you’re taking so much time stopping at every occasion! We don’t want to be around these barbarians for too long otherwise they may try something.” Dallas was tending to the various citizens who came and asked him questions, which caused him to keep lagging behind quickly hurrying over once shouted at.
“Come on Jess that’s not nice. Everyone in the village collectively are my people. Until we get ourselves a proper leader.” Dallas patted a kid on the head and handed the woman a pouch of coins. The woman bowed smiled.
“No Mr. Trigger. The exiles are barbaric, not your people the defenders are our people. These aren’t your people in all stance, you’re their scapegoat.” Jess corrected.
“Proudly so. If it means a guy like me can make it up to these folks and make em as happy as can be. I’m fine with this position until someone can really take care of them.” Dallas hurried forward to catch up but suddenly was stopped by a kid hugging his leg. He looked at the kid and smiled down at them seeing their mother waving at him as thanks. He waved back and sent her child back to her.
“We hand them out and we leave. The last thing we want to do is deal with them longer than we have too.” Jess continued on staying behind Dallas waving over two defenders with Wagons.
“As much as I don’t like that I don’t want any issues either. I’ll hand out the requested supplies, just pass them over to me an-” Dallas looked over seeing Officer.364Please respect copyright.PENANAkufp3BAUKH
“Ha ha! Gotta love that guy. Hey Officer Something Something!” He called out walking over with Jess and the two defenders following him. The exiles saw the defenders and their cheering went down as Vergil stood at the forefront of it all separating his people from them.
“Mr. Trigger? To what do we owe the pleasure?” Vergil asked looking at him.
“Just thought you guys needed a little bit extra.” Dallas smiled as he stepped aside motioning to the wagons.
“Extra? I’m sorry I do not follow.” Vergil tilted his head, placing his clipboard at his side.
“You’re part of the village as much as any defender is. I can’t make it all perfect but we’ve just gotten some supplies sent in. I feel it's no issue if you all get a bit more as thanks for all the hard work you do.” Ibaraki and the others watched the situation.
“I- huh. Gues you aren’t just sitting in the seat.” A small smile spread across Vergil’s face. He walked over towards the wagons of supplies but was blocked by Jess.
Before he could speak Dallas stood between them and gently made Jess step back. Vergil understood the motions and with a whistle a bunch of servants dressed similarly to Rose stepped up. One by one they took and escorted rations professionally and swiftly.
“Hey! Wait!” Everyone was caught off guard with the sound of Lee shouting. Turning they all saw the woman was awake and now floating around sniffing the air she seemed to be very focused on something like it was bugging her.
“Up there.” She called out and everyone looked up in the sky seeing nothing. However only the few noticed the various ripples in the air, it wasn’t nothing, something was there it was just invisible.
Ibaraki took aim and instantly ignited, aiming at the creature in the sky she fired an arrow and hit a dead on mark. The beast roared and intense gusts of wind were launched at the people. Xenthos jumped in the way and blocked them with his body taking some slices but defending those near him. Ibaraki quickly made a symbol and a barrier rose up blocking the rest of the people and then they saw the beast quickly retreat. Everyone turned to the woman who seemed to be very relaxed despite this sudden attack.
“I do apologize for the interruption, I couldn’t sit by as that thing stalked you all further. However I have a request as thanks, does… Does anyone know whereI am?”364Please respect copyright.PENANACIiAw2D2qk