“Poison reduction. We're gonna clean the air.” The Scientist looked at everyone and pointed to the diagram she had.
“Oooh no.” Lee & Sun held back their laughs, looking at her diagram. Her circles were crooked, her drawings were bad, and overall it was better just to speak.
“Now. Let's focus, two idiots is more than enough.” The Scientist tossed a hammer at Lee and an Axe at Sun, knocking the both of them upside the head and over.
“Like we stated before, Sun found one of the Gateways to the underworld. He said he heard something and well by that notion means that whatever is in those gates they either want it to get out or are trying to keep it in.” The Scientist perked up and pointed out the graph.
“So I figured we go for broke, whatever could be on the other side it's clear WE don't want it getting out. So, we go for the simple brained maneuver.” punching her fists together she looked at everyone and then pointed at Xenthos.
“We destroy the gate before whatever's in it can crawl out of it.”
“....Why the hell’re you pointing at me?” That reaction took some of the wind out of her sails.
“Do I have to spell it out? You,-” Xenthos
“you,-” Kenji.
“and you.” Sun.
“All like to break things.”
“I like to break certain things as well.” Utsukushī put her hand up and The Scientist looked at her.
“.... So yes, we're going to that gate. Once we get there I have a theory on how we can do one of two things, the main goal is break it and if that doesn't work. We'll do the second plan. Got it?” The Scientist asked, looking over at her team.
“If this is my closest chance I'll get to really dealing a proper blow back at these bastards for what they did to the world, you're damn right I'm in.” Clenching his fist energy crackled from it, Xenthos was primed and fueled with revenge.
“I don't really understand all of this nonsense coming outta your mouth but I do know a good chance for some killing, I'm in.” Kenji smirked.
“As am I, if we don't lower the readings of the Miasma soon. Kagura won't survive, I won't let these demons continue to do their own thing.” Utsukushī stood up.
“What're we waiting for? Let's go!” With a hurry Utsukushī rushed out and began to run to the village gate.
“Haha! I like her speed!” Kenji followed behind her.
“I'm not done-!”
“Hey wait for me!” Xenthos hopped up and sprinted off after them.
“Hey! Don't forget- Ow!” Sun yelped, he felt Ibaraki grab his tail as she stood up and glared at him.
“You know the rules right?” Ibaraki scolded him.
“Thank you Kusujima, so far you're the only-”
“It's my turn to run head first!” Ibaraki ran out and then Sun followed her… Now it was just Rivkah, The Scientist, Konkitsu, and Rose who was here as an Exile representative.
“.....The best course of action would be if you followed them, they're clearly thinking with more brawn than proper brain.” She says.
“No need. Saves me the trouble of having to actually do any leg wo-” She stopped and looked over.
“Out both of you.”
“Wait huh? They've got it, why do I gotta go too?” Konkitsu was a bit stunned and a bit more annoyed.
“Say what you want, I'm not getting up and following them.” Lee rolled over.
“If you're not going to follow then feel free to help me run errands around the village, both of you.” The Scientist smiled as she stood up, her glasses shining as she looked down at her “willing” subjects.
Deep In The Underworld, Miles From Valentina Village. South.
“Brrr!! Geez it's so cold out here!!” Sun spoke as he walked with everyone.
“It's barely a chill, wear a shirt sometime and maybe you won't freeze.” Xenthos exhaled his breath being visible as he walked.
“Dude not everyone was trained in the ways of not giving a damn.”
“Sun! Your words are wasted on this ruffian! He does not understand the ways of simple people like us.” Ibaraki spoke with a smile, Sun’s fluffy tail wrapped around her neck like a scarf, this caused him to snicker a bit as they closed in.
“Alright. Through these thickets there was a village nearby, I remember that much. Once there I'll figure out where we go and it'll just lead on.” The group wandered further into the forest, sprinting alongside one another as they ran. It wasn't too hard to keep tabs on each other, the only issue was the various demons they had to stop and kill. But time went on and as it did they finally made it. Before them embedded in the very earth was the gate, the doors pointing to the sky.
“So she said to just destroy the damn thing right? So hitting it hard enough.” Kenji began to walk towards the Gate. Raising his blade above his head Kenji began to allow his zanken energy to just flow throughout his body and went in for a swing.
“Is the stupidest thing you could do and something I figured you'd do.” The Scientist spoke, everyone turned to look behind them but saw nothing but the road they'd taken.
“I'm sorry where is she at right now? I mean unless rocks and stone can mimic voices. I'd say- wait did she beat us here? Wait, how'd she beat us here?” Sun looked around checking the inside of his coat and behind him.
“No clue? Hey Boss where ya at?” Ibaraki asked, looking inside Sun’s pockets.
“I can't say I see nor sense her presence, The Scientist is such a fascinating woman.” Utsukushī said as she examined her surroundings with everyone else.
“Utsukushī I cannot stress enough how you need to spend less time around these idiots, they're affecting your brain too. I'm not there, I'm in your head. Telepathy from the power of Kagura-”
“Hi everyone!” Kagura called out to them.
“Hey kiddo, how ya doing today?” Sun asked.
“I'm pretty good, Mr. Sun. I love the toys you got for me, the crafted ones are fun too! Hopefully you'll bring me more sometime!”
“Absolutely! As soon as I find some new ones, it's a bit hard to find them when you've kinda cleaned the area. But don't worry, with The Scientist's help I'll find ya lots more toys.”
“Awesome! I can't wait to see what the world had before all of this!”
“And I can't wait to wow you! Now you focus and make sure you don't overexert yourself.”
“Mhm! I'll make sure!”
“Uh huh. Focus up, this is much harder since you're doing it long ranged and I'm not there to monitor you all. Now listen, Ibaraki. I need you to put the energy of your hand into the Gate, surround it with all the energy you can manage and with that everyone attack it at once. Ibaraki keep focus and this should go off without a hitch.” The Scientist gave her explanation and everyone else looked at each other.
“Alright. Let's do this thing.”
“GAH!!! What is that?!” Ibaraki screamed out as Xenthos stood in front of her blocking her with Sun, Kenji & Utsukushī. Before them stood someone. A large male, glaring down at them… no. Not a man, some kind of monster.
“Hnnhh!!! Ibaraki move!!” Xenthos shouted, Ibaraki saw fangs inches from her head trying to bite her skull clean off. However, Xenthos held the beast back.