"Ibaraki!" Xenthos shouted looking around in a panic for her.
"Xenthos!" Ibaraki cried out drawing Xenthos's attention — in her hands she held a chain from a broken weapon — fear building in her eyes.
"Ibaraki! Toss it!" Xenthos shouted and she did just that throwing one end of the chain towards Xenthos and with one mighty tug he pulled Ibaraki to him and held her close. Thinking quickly Xenthos began wrapping the chain around their bodies — the skies laughing and cackling at them, glowing lights gazing at them as they spun and were flung around — locking them together with an arrows from Ibaraki’s quiver. Ibaraki grabbed him and pressed herself against him.
"Don't let go..." Ibaraki begged, holding Xenthos tightly.
"We're not dead yet." Xenthos held hope onto hope. 457Please respect copyright.PENANA1IngDKCSI5
"Like he always said. The easy way out isn't an option." The two grit their teeth and held each other; they were erased from existence.
"N-Ngh. Damn." Ibaraki awoke with a groan, her eyes were a bit hazy. Tapping her head she’d feel her vision dip between two stages — her sight was regular and then the world appeared blue an cold — soon her sight stuck back to normal. Looking around her heart was put at ease, beside her Xenthos slept. Reaching out she went to wake him but grunted in pain, looking at herself she noticed — first off she was naked — second she was bandaged up like she’d been beaten to an inch of her life. For starters, she needs to cover up. Grabbing the blanket they shared she wrapped it around herself tying it tight and then she reached down to awaken Xenthos. 457Please respect copyright.PENANAUxqemnLnfp
"Hey. Get up."
Xenthos jumped awake in a panic swinging and stopping his fist inches from her face. Dropping his hand he grabbed her and hugged her tight — Ibaraki hugged him back a smile protruding, embracing him after fear of never seeing him again. Despite wanting to stay like this the two knew just off looking at each other. This would have to wait. Stepping towards the doors they slid it open and looked at the next room.457Please respect copyright.PENANA7vvYaNTkeJ
"Hey someone left us some fish! Nom!”
"Hey, don't just eat whatever you see!" Xenthos went to knock the fish out of her hand after away but stopped when he saw her pupils vanish and her eyes widen.
"Th-Thi-This...THIS IS SO GOOD!!!" There were four — Ibaraki took three and tore into them, she was starving.457Please respect copyright.PENANAU8TuskfK53
“Xen…Nom! MMM! You know me, either eat that one or I’ll eat them all.”
Xenthos looked at her and took the last one — inspecting it, examining every inch of the fish — biting into it. Sitting beside her and chewing for a second.457Please respect copyright.PENANAL8IqvRMBEO
“.....This is good.”
“Riiiiight!” Having finished their meal the pair checked the wardrobes finding some clothes and dressing themselves.457Please respect copyright.PENANAm7Z22Q66dh
"Oi. I found something over here, a letter.”
"From The Scientist, okay no name." The two read the note.
"Greetings, Hello, Guten Tag, and other forms of saying hi. I found you two collapsed on the road during one of my explorations, so I graciously carried you this far. You are free to leave. If you do want to hear more, come to my lab. I leave the choice to you." The letter read.
"Tells us to come to a lab but gives us no coordinates or idea of where to go, that’s just stu- put the helmet back on Ibaraki."
"Only if you do first, plus I’ll miss the wind in my hair and I CAN’T have that." Stepping out Xenthos and Ibaraki gazed around and saw they were in a village, folks walking around barely paying them any mind — the village was a shining beacon in comparison to the hellscape they’d came from.
"Scout the place out Ibaraki.”
"Huh? Oh! Right right." Ibaraki's pupils faded making her eyes turn white — placing his hand on Ibaraki’s shoulder Xenthos shared her sight. The lands were simple, mountainous ranges far and wide — a large body of water behind the village almost mimicking the ocean in a strange way and many different houses packed into one barrier and a section ahead being a building with the Fiend Crest on it and a Lion’s Head for decor.
"Where are we..?" Xenthos asked — their eyes reverting to normal.
"Better question. Why haven't I climbed that Lion face?" Ibaraki asked with a grin already on her way to do just that.
"As tempting as it may be, please don't climb the lion head."457Please respect copyright.PENANA44agZOHWgZ
"It's pretty obvious that you two aren't from around here. Pardon my asking but where did you come from?" The man asked politely.
"We came from Ōkoku." Ibaraki answered with a hand on her hip examining the man before them.
"Ōkoku? Then you two must be very strong, from Ōkoku to here is a very difficult journey. This is Valentina Village far far to the west of Ōkoku, hopefully nothing too bad happened to you two along the way." The man stopped in front of them.
"A number of things." Xenthos mumbled.
"That is unfortunate, then again fortune is a thing in very little supply these days. I have a little restaurant near your home, a nice place in the village for some R&R. Care to visit?" The man offered with a smile.
“Will there be food?” Ibaraki asked with a intrigued expression.
“Free of charge for your first few times.”
"We'd love too!" She cheered.
"Heh I can tell someone is famished. I'm Zaibatsu by the way." The man introduced himself.
"Ibaraki and this is Xenthos." Ibaraki returned the favor — after a small walk they arrived at his restaurant. They sat down while Zaibatsu made them both tea and a meal. 457Please respect copyright.PENANAbtNipDEXge
"Wa-Wait was that fish in that empty house made by you?" Ibaraki asked.
"Yes it was. Hopefully it was tasty. I don't make fish all that often." Zaibatsu laughed while fanning himself and Ibaraki hugged him — more so dove into his arms — which left him a bit surprised.
"You're so nice and a great cook." Ibaraki kept hugging and Zaibatsu let out a pretty flustered laugh.
"Oh stop it, I'm just a lowly Way Walker. Comes with the position I guess."
"A what?"
"I'll explain later down the road, for now enjoy." Zaibatsu smiled as she nodded then sat down and finished eating.
"I like him."
"I can tell." The duo ate for a few more moments before they heard a voice.
"I see you are getting along." Ibaraki & Xenthos looked over and spotted...a Doll.457Please respect copyright.PENANAbRnZ3kqm95
"UWAH!!!" Both Ibaraki and The Doll shouted in fear — onebecause a doll is moving — the other because someone is screaming.
"Eh?! Wh-why'd you scream?" The Doll asked.
"Yo-You're a moving doll!" Ibaraki screamed again.
"I'm a Human thank you very much!"
"No you're not!"
"Yes I Am!"
“SHUT UP! You’re both idiots, now let’s leave it at that.” The two went back and forth for a bit before Xenthos shut them up.
"Geez. Anyway my name's Konkitsu. I am a HUMAN and I'm the one who carried you two here to our village, thank me." Konkitsu added.
"Wait, didn't the note say The Scientist did it?" Xenthos looked at Ibaraki.
"Yeah. It did."
"She would write that wouldn't she!" Konkitsu appeared agitated and the two quickly began to understand what kind of person this Scientist was. 457Please respect copyright.PENANAsVSthjoNTk
"Well she lives in that house up the hill, when you have a moment go talk with her. Just don't let her sink those claws into you." The duo listened and went to her house, it was pretty wacky looking but they still entered. They saw a furnace and a bunch of science materials, inside wasn't as big as the outside made it out to be.
"Look at these blueprints. Sōzō's Creation?" Ibaraki looked at the prints.
"It's about that Doll..he really was a human before. Damn now I feel bad. But how?"
"Sorcery and Witchcraft. Divine Liquid and Fire." Xenthos spoke without thinking.
"Sorcery and Witchcraft. Divine Liquid and Fire." Ibaraki said mockingly before giggling.457Please respect copyright.PENANAJNre3f6w6n
“You try so hard to sound like Master hehehe.”
"Shut up Ibaraki."
"That’s actually pretty close." A small woman walked in looking at the duo.
457Please respect copyright.PENANAB6kDX9pFLP
"Oh it's you two. Don't say anything. Let's get down to it-"
"Thank You." Xenthos said and got hit on the head — she had to jump to hit him.
"What did I just say?" She groaned in annoyance glaring up at him.
"Are you The Scientist?" Ibaraki asked, examining the child-like physique of The Scientist.
457Please respect copyright.PENANAVxzbAnqUlc
"Who's asking?"
"Sounds nosey, don't know her." The Scientist's tongue was as sharp as her wit, Ibaraki could tell she was very cautious person — the three sat down around the table.
"Now let's get down to this. Who are you two? Where did you come from?" The Scientist questioned the two.
"I'm Xenthos. The one with me is Ibaraki. We're Fiends and we just want to know how to get back to Ōkoku." Xenthos explained. Even though he hated the idea that he was taking so long he wanted to do this carefully so they could go back and save Junsui.
"Please we have to get back. Our comrades are waiting for us. Zaibatsu said we were far west, how far?" Ibaraki was impatient. Junsui was battling; without them he could die; she wanted to save him she needed too.
"If you two really are from Ōkoku then you're not getting back anytime soon. Even as the crow flies that's a hell of a distance in its own right. This sounds...complicated. Tell me more." The Scientist leaned in a bit.
"We don't have "tell you more" kind of time! We-" Xenthos stopped Ibaraki; they needed to do this right.
"We were fighting Demons in Ōkoku and next we know we're here in Valentina." Xenthos explained as much as his memory held.
"That's a pretty strange story. Nothing else for me? Nothing at all."
"None recallable sorry."
"That's a pain. Happens more often than you'd think too. Valentina is located far west of Ōkoku as you probably know. It's close to Blood Ridge. But before we face that hurdle. There's the issue that Ōkoku-"
"We know how far now let's go Xenthos!" Ibaraki jumped up and got ready to run out.
"-was abandoned Ten Years Ago."
"What?" Xenthos said in disbelief.
"You're kidding!" Ibaraki stopped in her tracks.
"If only I was. No one lives there anymore. It was during The Revival, ten years ago. It was savaged by the Demons and sank into the Underworld." The Scientist went on and Ibaraki fell to her knees.
"I-It can't be..."
"I'm afraid it can..If you were truly fighting in Ōkoku then-"
"Have you identified our guests?" Konkitsu jogged in.
"AAAAAHHHH!!!!!!" Ibaraki's hair was coated in flames and burst up as she started crying.
"H-Huh?! Why the long faces?!" Konkitsu was taken aback by the aura of sadness that washed over the room which was quickly filled — with a fiery rage.
Ibaraki’s purple hair burst into flames — the flames emitting heat waves that made The Scientist & Konkitsu both back away from her. Xenthos stood there as she screamed before emotionlessly walking toward her — pulling her to his chest and hugging her even though it burned and in moments her flames died out. Her hair returned to it’s purple color and she silently cried into his chest.
"Ca-Can someone explain?" Konkitsu shakingly asked from outside.
"Unlike a certain happy-go-lucky idiot, some of us have real world issues to worry about." The Scientist barked at Konkitsu.
"Hey! I get my timing was bad but no need to throw your bad mood at me, okay?" Konkitsu barked back.
"I'm not in a bad mood. Rather the opposite. But the situation for them isn't as it is for me." The Scientist sighed.
"Catch me up whenever..Sorry you two." Konkitsu apologized.
"Don't be...go on." Xenthos held Ibaraki.
"That bell signals demon attacks, you've missed out on a lot these past ten years. This entire village is surrounded by the underworld which is where the Demons live, no need to worry though they can't get through while we have the Priestess's power."
"Didn't Axel's village have one of those?" Ibaraki shakingly asked Xenthos.
"Axel?" Konkitsu seemed to be a bit quick to react to the name.
"Yeah but we'll talk later." Xenthos sat Ibaraki down and stood up.
"Wai-Wait." She wiped her tears.457Please respect copyright.PENANABLOSHDrWEo
“I have hell to pay them back for." Her hair flamed up again.
"We both do. You two stay here, it's too dangerous." Xenthos said to Konkitsu and The Scientist.
"Hold it where are you- Right. You're Fiends. Should've said sooner but so are we. Still it's reckless to fight unarmed. I threw away your old gear. The state it was in it wouldn't have done you any good. Before you go take a new device I made. A nice creation of my own intellect and a bit of a thank you to the creator. Other words an invention. I'll fix up a weapon for you two afterwards." The Scientist strapped the devices to them.
"....You're using us."
"Shut up Konkitsu, I'm not."
"You're using us, I know you are!" Konkitsu shouted.
"Hold still, you're messing me up." Once done The Scientist smiled.
"Looks good on you all, I call it The Right Hand Of Sōzō. Now let's go run some field tests, we'll be using it to defeat the incoming demons." The Scientist smiled at the two.
"Uh cool, we do get an instruction manual for this right?" Ibaraki asked.
"I knew it! This was just for one of your crazy experiments!" Konkitsu shouted.457Please respect copyright.PENANAqasr8O1Rzr
"Well I'm not participating, not this time! I'm going to rip this thing off right now a-"
"Try to forcefully remove it and it'll blow up." The Scientist said coldly.
"YOU STRAPPED A BOMB TO US?!!!" Konkitsu and Ibaraki shouted in complete shock.
“Or it could completely rend your very self apart, tearing you to pieces at a cellular level.” The Scientist laughed — opening a door everyone walked in and saw weapons lining a table. Xenthos walked over to a pair of gauntlets and slid his arms in locking them.
"Don't feel as good as my old ones but they work." Xenthos lightly complained.
"They'd better, don't worry. Eryx is making special ones." Ibaraki grabbed a bow and looked at it, sighing.
"Yo." Konkitsu tossed a sword to her which she caught and passed right back.
"Thanks but no thanks, nothing can or will ever be able to replace Crimson Queen." She said to him, he nodded as the group finished preparing. They left and arrived at the front of the village.
"Oh hello again, may the spirits of fallen warriors give you strength." Zaibatsu prayed for them as he waved them off.
"We're about to kick some demon ass!" Ibaraki cheerfully exclaimed, The Scientist jumped up onto the tiled roof of the building harboring the Lion’s head and everyone began to follow — except for Ibaraki who — climbed the Lion Head.
"Hehehe told you I'd climb the Lion head." Ibaraki smirked and nudged Xenthos. They all glared down at the Demons as they hit the barrier.
"Let's slay some Demons." With that the group leapt into the fray.
Once they landed they were instantly greeted by a swarm of Imps all growling, snarling, and cackling at them.
"This shouldn't be too hard." Xenthos rushed at the Imps and leapt in the air slamming his gauntlets down crushing some to death before he went in swinging at the rest — after the attack he looked at his gauntlets which were now oozing a black smog.457Please respect copyright.PENANANEJa2as4eH
"Not like my old ones. But they work."
More imps arrived and Xenthos rushed them, however he heard loud shots rang out and saw arrows fly.457Please respect copyright.PENANAIcDUiHFnHI
"What the hell?! Those were mine!" Xenthos complained.
"Whoops, sucks to be close ranged!" Ibaraki teased and laughed. An Imp hiding in the trees leaped out at Xenthos but ended up with half its body buried in the ground killing it, Xenthos groaned. Punching his fists into the ground he let out a fierce war cry which blanketed the ground in a small shockwave — causing the dead Imps to rise up and glow before their bodies vanished as glowing white lights rose to the skies.
"Good work you two. Seems your talk of Ōkoku has some evidence to it but don't forget the experiment, use Sōzō's hand! Think of something and manifest it!" The Scientist shouted. Ibaraki trusted the Scientist and thought as she did a...slice of cake appeared.
"AWESOME!!!!!" A smile spread across Ibaraki's face as she quickly stuffed her face with everyone staring.
"Wh- oh come on I was hungry." Ibaraki licks her lips before her eyes begin to change white, she proceeds to try again and her arm begins to glow white before it hardened around her arm.457Please respect copyright.PENANAtdODm1Thnv
"Uhm..Whoa… WEEEEE!!" She extended her arm at a tree and a manifested arm launched out grabbing the tree propelling her forward — launching her into the air.457Please respect copyright.PENANA3BITlV8Otz
"Hehehehehehehe! This is the best!"
"More incoming! They're bringing a big one!" The Scientist shouted as a large Oni sent imps in and slammed its massive club down.
"Just great, I hate these guys!" Konkitsu shouted.
"Good! THEN STAY OUT OF THE WAY!" Xenthos rushed at the Oni.
"Wait!!" The Scientist shouted, Xenthos punched the Oni causing a small explosion from the contact causing it to slide back and then be sent flying. He caved a hole in its chest and exposed its life force.
"Nice! Still got it!" Xenthos smirked looking at the demon, looking towards the imps he began to rush at them next.
"Xenthos Move!" The Oni recovered and rushed Xenthos slamming its club into him — he barely blocked with his gauntlets and was sent flying through a tree — slamming across a ground and into a nearby wall the rocks coming down on top of him. A surge of energy blasted the rocks off of him — coughing blood, blood quickly pouring from his gauntlets — the metal now wedged into his flesh Xenthos stood with a cut over his head.
"What the hell was that? None of them ever survived one hit from me." Despite his injuries Xenthos sounded more agitated than in any kind of pain.
"You idiot, you're ten years in the future, things aren't like they were! Demons have grown stronger!"457Please respect copyright.PENANAnWfMKYXPax