AKISE unlocks the front door and she scurries off into her room, leaving SAKIKO to hang out in the living room until she is done. AKISE gently puts down the glass rose SAKIKO gave her, she softly admires the elegance and smoothness of the figurine. Then she snaps back to her original plan, ‘this is going to get sexy’ AKISE thinks slyly to herself. To match the cat ears AKISE strips herself down completely, she puts on one of her fitting black shirts that shows the curves on her body and makes her breasts larger than they already are. AKISE then scours through her closet to find a pair of black leather jeans, she struggles and shimmies into the pants. Picking up the clip on cat ears again she puts them on very carefully, centering it just right on her head, AKISE thought about putting make-up on but it’s just a get up. So she then decides to come out and show off her outfit, the fangs that AKISE have pairs off perfectly with cat outfit. She walks to the back of the couch where SAKIKO is laying waiting, she leans over the back, her breasts almost spilling out of her shirt.
AKISE (purrs) : What do you think?
SAKIKO gasps as she quickly sits up, AKISE moves out the way of the sudden abruptness. SAKIKO is in awe as she gets up and walks around to check AKISE and the sexy get-up, her grin is almost ear to ear. She then spins AKISE around laughing and then stops.
SAKIKO: You’re my pretty kitty.
SAKIKO then felt an urge to kiss AKISE right then and there, the outfit, the ears, it’s all too much sexy for SAKIKO to handle, so she stands onto her toes and kisses AKISE. Pressing her lips softly and passionately on AKISE’S, her lips open up and SAKIKO takes the opportunity to quickly and teasingly swipe her tongue in her mouth. When SAKIKO pulls back, she sees AKISE’S eyes slowly open back up and a gleam of desire show in them. Moving away from AKISE she goes into fun mode.
SAKIKO: I wanna be a cat like you. Wait, you need whiskers!
Before SAKIKO could run off to her room to grab a marker, AKISE grabs her by the waist and moves to the couch, they plop down together almost sitting on one another. SAKIKO moves around to get comfortable and ends up straddling AKISE’S lap having a big goofy grin on her face.
SAKIKO (giggles) : What?
All AKISE does is smile softly and brings her face closer to SAKIKO’S until they kiss again. This time AKISE explores SAKIKO’S body, moving her hands up and down her back, pushing her body closer to hers. SAKIKO felt the message of what AKISE wants.
AKISE (whispers) : Are you okay with this?
SAKIKO looks at AKISE confused.
AKISE: Can I keep touching you?
Her cheeks flush at AKISE’S question, SAKIKO then feel her hands slip down to her butt and they squeeze her gently. SAKIKO breaths in, she would be lying if she said she wants this to stop, so she smirks.
SAKIKO: How far are you gonna go before you chicken out?
AKISE (laughs) : I guess we’ll see.
SAKIKO chuckles, instantly AKISE flips her onto her back and straddles SAKIKO. She leans down and their lips kiss lightly as first but quickly picks up the pace. AKISE slips a hand under SAKIKO’S skirt, stroking her finger against her sex, she feels the underwear and recognizes the material.
AKISE (stops kissing SAKIKO) : Lace huh?
SAKIKO pouts and decides to unbutton AKISE'S jeans, they continue kissing while AKISE went back to stroking SAKIKO, who made light fluttery moans every time AKISE grazes against her clit. AKISE then sits up and takes SAKIKO’S skirt off along with her own bottoms. Once the bottoms were off AKISE goes back to passionately kissing SAKIKO, she slides her hand from SAKIKO'S hip all the way up to her breasts. SAKIKO visibly shivers.
AKISE: What?
SAKIKO: Your hand is just cold.
AKISE takes her other and slides it up her other side, SAKIKO shivers again at the sudden cold.
AKISE: Well, I guess your body needs to start heating them up, huh baby?
SAKIKO laughs, then using both hands AKISE squeezes her breasts lightly, thumbing her perky nipples. SAKIKO stifles out a loud moan, the noise excites AKISE wanting to hear more of her. So she starts tracing the line of her lips over her lacy panties with her finger. SAKIKO'S hips slightly lift and AKISE immediately and roughly pushes them down, leaving SAKIKO aching, AKISE removes both of their shirts now. Leaving them only in bras and panties. AKISE nibbles on SAKIKO'S neck, grazing her fangs lightly on her skin. SAKIKO shivers again at the feeling of AKISE'S pointy teeth, her legs shook, itching and wanting AKISE to touch her. Instead AKISE goes and nibbles on her ear lobe, slightly pulling on it. SAKIKO whimpers at this point, AKISE smiles and decides to end her little game. So she starts kissing down her throat, stomach, hips and takes the lacy material in her mouth and slightly pulls down. Seeing AKISE passionately tend to her body excites SAKIKO, her heart swells and she wants to see more of AKISE. She takes her underwear out of AKISE'S mouth so she can take them off, the panties met the floor like all the other clothes. But SAKIKO smiles devilishly.
SAKIKO: Now it's my turn.
And in one swift movement SAKIKO turns the tables and now she straddles AKISE who is lying on her back where SAKIKO just laid. AKISE couldn't contain her excitement at the sudden domination, making SAKIKO smile at the cute reaction. SAKIKO leans down and kisses AKISE hard, roughly dragging her bottom lip down with her teeth. She hears AKISE growl playfully in her throat, her hand immediately goes underneath SAKIKO and she starts circling and playing with her wet hole. SAKIKO gasps then groans when AKISE pulls her hand back, scowling in frustration SAKIKO takes her bra off, leaving her completely naked.
SAKIKO (serious) : Won't be needing this.
She tosses the bra on the floor and SAKIKO kisses AKISE'S neck, leaving her lips feeling cold from her icy body. Trailing from her neck down to her breast, SAKIKO'S mouth takes hold of AKISE'S nipple and she sucks softly. AKISE moans low, getting this reaction excites SAKIKO more, looking at her as she moans, her eyes were close as pretty noises escape her lips. 'She's beautiful', SAKIKO thinks to herself. She then sees the bite mark on AKISE'S forearm from when she got bit, grabbing her arm SAKIKO glides her tongue on the old scar. AKISE gasps, knowing exactly what SAKIKO was licking, looking down at SAKIKO they lock eyes as she continues to suck and nibble. Then a flare of panic sets in AKISE, an unknown shot of adrenaline pumps through, shooting straight up SAKIKO falls to the floor. AKISE pushes her legs up to her chest as she held her arm with the bite, her face had fear on it when she got up and ran to her room. The door slams making SAKIKO flinch, sitting back on the couch she places her hands over her face. Regret settles on SAKIKO'S shoulder's.
SAKIKO (mutters) : I messed up big time.
SAKIKO put her clothes back on and grabs her house keys, putting on only shoes she leaves the house without a word. Locking the door behind her SAKIKO starts walking to the park, needing fresh air to think and to leave AKISE be. The bitter winter air hit her face, leaving the tip of her nose icy. Reaching the park in a matter of minutes SAKIKO goes straight to the swings and sits down. Another girl enters the park, SAKIKO doesn't notice her, but the other girl did. Smirking to herself she decides to walk up to SAKIKO.
GIRL: Well look who it is.
The way she talks pisses SAKIKO off, it's the sound of a stuck-up popular bitch who doesn't know their place. Her brown hair flows with the wind as it picks up. The GIRL'S strong perfume blows towards SAKIKO who tries not to gag at the repulsive smell.
GIRL: Alone again I see, what happened? AKISE finally got tired of you and kicked you out?
The GIRL smiles smugly as if she won, the smug smile only pisses SAKIKO off more.
SAKIKO (growls) : I'd shut the fuck up if I were you.
The GIRL laughs.
GIRL: Whatever, your just all bark and no bite. No wonder your parents tried to kill you, you're such an i-
And before the GIRL could get the next word out SAKIKO stands up and punches her square in the face. The GIRL tumbles back and lands flat on her back, hitting her head hard on the ground. SAKIKO walks over to her and grabs her brown hair with one hand, bringing her ear close to SAKIKO'S mouth.
SAKIKO (whispers) : Stay away from me you stupid cunt.
Instead of crying tears of pain from her face and head, the GIRL spits in SAKIKO'S face. She slowly wipes the blood stained saliva off her face as she lets go of the GIRLS hair. She tries to crawl away fast not wanting to take any chances, but before the GIRL knew it SAKIKO is next to her, grabbing her wrist she pulls it all the way back effortlessly. Hearing the crack and scream right after is like music to SAKIKO'S ears, the GIRL is now in fetal position as she cradles her broken wrist. SAKIKO stands up now and glares down at her.
SAKIKO (threateningly) : You'd be smart to stay away from me before I do even more damage to that pretty face of yours.
And with that SAKIKO leaves, black rage starts to ooze out of her to the point her hands were shaking. She really wanted to kill that bitch but keeps walking on to cool her head. And again without thinking she walks back to the abandoned house where she used to live in when she was younger. Walking back through the front door she looks at the same picture under the same knife for company. In the picture it shows a younger SAKIKO smiling brightly between her parents, but they were looking down at her angrily for some reason. SAKIKO couldn’t remember what happened that day, but she figured it was best to leave traumatic memories hidden. Under the picture on the frame words make out; One Happy Family.
SAKIKO (snarls) : We were all but that.
Grabbing the knife on the floor SAKIKO starts stabbing the picture repeatedly until the rage inside her subsides. Laying on the ground she curls up next to the knife and photo, letting the cold steel blade lull her to sleep as it touches her skin.