I slowly tried to open my eyes. Half way there, a strange voice half-surprised me.
"Hey, you awake?"
I was going to respond, but then I felt too sleepy. I decided to go back to sleep. "Umm..." I turned away from the voice.
Suddenly my eyes opened wide. What the heck?!! What did I just hear? I turned my head ever so slightly to peek at the mysterious source of the voice.
"Ahh..so you are awake. You have been sleeping for 2 days already."
All my sleepiness was gone from my body. I jumped/scooted away from a girl who was sitting on the bed beside me.
"Who are you!?" I yelled, pointing a finger at the girl who was dressed in white, but had dark, long hair flowing down her back. She looked like those ghost girls who came from horror movies.
"Hello to you too. My name is Oceymoo."
"Um...you've got an interesting name." I replied, still cautious.
"Don't worry. I mean no harm to you. I am the guardian of the Time Machine. It is my duty to protect the secondary guardian of the Time Machine when they have low energy." the girl said in a British accent.
"What?" I was really confused. I've got about a thousand questions to ask.
"This is the campus for the guardian angles." the girl gestured to the room.
I glared at her. She never responded to what I said. It's as if she's a robot. I looked around anyway.
My first impression of the room was that it was very wooden. Almost everything was made of wood. The ceiling was made of wood, the floor was made of wood, and even the back and right walls were made of wood! I was lying on a huge king-sized bed with 2 white pillows. The blanket was golden with stripes and swirly designs on it. Beside the bed were two chest-like wooden drawers, each with a fancy lamp on top. By the foot of the bed, there was another bigger version of the chest-like drawer that allowed me to sit on. In the middle of the ceiling, there's a beautiful golden chandelier that matched with the bed-side lamps. on top of my head, there's a ink painting depicting bamboo trees. On the left side of the room(from my perspective), there was a simple white sofa with three soft looking white pillows displayed neatly, side by side. Beside the sofa, there were two more chest-like drawers with lamps on them. In front of those drawers, there were two chairs facing towards each other with the same style as the sofa. In the left corners of the room, there were 2 pots of plants that added a bit of freshness and green to the room. The left wall was actually 70% made of glass that I could look out of. I could see trees and greenery out of that window. The wall in front of me was mostly made of glass too. It showed a clean balcony with comfortable looking white chairs. There were also plants on the balcony. The right side of the room was simply an empty wooden floor with an empty wooden wall.
I looked at Oceymoo questioningly and then glanced towards the empty part of the room.
"Oh yes, that part is for the angels' training purposes."
"Can you explain the whole thing from the beginning?" I asked.
"Sure. But I can only briefly describe my job, because it seems like you are currently in trouble and someone wants to find you."
Who cares, I'm always in trouble.
"Okay then I'll go ahead and explain my job. So... my name is Oceymoo, as I've mentioned previously. It is my job to be the guardian angel of the Time Machine carrier. You are the current Time Machine carrier, so I am protecting you right now. I can only protect you if you have the intentions to protect and keep the Time Machine. This time, I saved you and brought you here because you were trying to keep the time machine instead of giving it to someone greedy. Job well done!" The girl slapped my on the back.
"Now, let me explain why the Guardian Angel Society decided to make you the carrier and the purpose of the Time Machine. The very first king of Detseland was a horrible person. He worked for the Devil in order to gain money, power and immortality. He succeeded in becoming rich, powerful, and immortal. It's heard that the only thing the Devil wanted Detseland to do is to stole the Time Machine away from the Guardian Angels Society. The Time Machine is essentially a power source for us guardian angles. We use the power from the Time Machine to keep the Devil from destroying everything on Earth. Basically, We use the power of it to put a shield in the Earth's atmosphere to keep out any real harm. The Devil wanted to destroy it so that we cannot get power from it anymore and there will no longer be any shield to block out his dark power. The king stated to his people that whoever gives the Time Machine to him will get paid handsomely. He even twisted the truth so that now the people of Detseland thinks that the Time Machine is actually their own artifact that's stolen by us. As time passed, the Devil grew even more powerful. He somehow managed to cast a spell on all the guardian angles that whoever physically touched the Time Machine will die. And this is where you come in. You are the carrier."
"Eh..so I have to physically help you carry the Time Machine and protect it from the Devil's helpers?"
"Exactly. And I am here to guide you."she replied.
"Can't you guys just kill the Devil? That'll be way easier."
"Easier said than done. That will take a lot more than just the Guardian Angel Society's magic."
Suddenly Oceymoo grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of bed," Shoot! Fabian is here. We've gotta go."
"Who?" I asked.
"No time to chat. We have to run!"
And then we just stood there on the wooden floor, doing nothing...
"Chloe what are you doing!!!??? You are supposed to summon the Time Machine and get us out of here! He's right outside of the door now!!" Oceymoo whisper-yelled.
"Um..What!?" I whisper-yelled back, surprised.
That's when the fat police officer stepped into the room and saw us.
A/N: HELLO!! I hope you are liking the random names attack! Do you like the name Oceymoo? It reminds me of a cow (obviously). If you are reading this right now, I love you for spending your time and enjoying this story!! :) If you really like this story, slap that "like" button right now!
Country apple dumplings and bread pudding,