Fabian's P.O.V.
Yes! I've finally found that little bitch. She was standing all by herself on the floor, looking confused. I smiled at her menacingly, intending to scare her.
Success was only one step away...
I stepped out of the room, frustrated. Who could be as stupid as that guard? Letting a prisoner out! Now I've got two new tasks. I still needed to find the escaped prisoner and find a new jail guard. I need to find the girl RIGHT NOW because she's got all the keys AND she had the Time Machine. I didn't know if the guard was kidding or not about her carrying the Time Machine. As soon as I capture her again, I would know the answer.
I paced around my office. How can I find the girl? I must start acting soon, or else who knows where that girl might escape to. Ugh...all my keys are with her. Yes! I snapped my fingers. Key! I still have a chance to find her.
I got out of my office and walked to my police car parked outside. Since it is really an emergency, I turned on the siren and began driving. On the street, all the other cars stopped to let me drive past. This is one of the benefits with having a police car. You never get stuck in traffic.
I soon arrived at the main police station. It looked like an apartment, but it's actually a building for the police forces. Each floor was for a different category of police. I stepped into the silver elevator right beside the entrance. I pressed number 8 and waited. Soon after a "ding" I arrived at the floor for prison management. I speed walked into the one and only room on this floor. Inside sat a man, sitting on his leather spinny chair, his legs up on the desk. He held a coffee cup in his right hand and was sipping from it slowly. I scrunched up my nose. This room smelled like shit!
"Hello Fabian. What are you doing here?" The man at the desk squinted at him. I grunted, unsatisfied with the man's attitude.
"Francisco, I want you to find where my keys are."
Francisco's eyes opened wide, the coffee in his mouth went back out into the air. The coffee(combined with his disgusting spit) spilled all over the table. Eww.
"You lost your keys?!" Francisco kept staring at me, not even bothering to wipe the mess he made.
"So what. I just want you to help me." I shrugged, pretending to be nonchalant.
"I made you promise to not lose it when I first gave it to you. What happened to your promise?" he asked.
"Just find the darn keys!" I yelled at him, impatient. Time was running out. I couldn't afford to waste any more time.
"Fine fine. Gimme 100 dollars."
"After you find it." I spit back.
He glared at me and then turned to his computer. He typed a few things into his computer. He turned to me again.
"Go to floor #60. Find locker #79. There will be an electronic keypad on it. Press : 43-47-43. Inside, there will be a GPS locator for the keys. Follow the arrow that will point to the general direction of the keys. On the bottom of the screen, there are numbers showing your distance from the keys. When you are near the keys the number should be near to zero. It's very easy to use. You'll know how to use it when you see it. Do you need me to repeat the numbers again?"
"No." I always had a special talent in memorizing numbers."I'll go right now. Thanks."
I walked out of the room, making sure that I slam the door in Francisco's face.
"Hey! You forgot to give me 100 dollars!" I heard the muffled yelled from behind the door. I smiled to myself and walked into the elevator.
I soon arrived on floor 60. I walked to the correct locker and pressed in the code. And voila! There's tiny machine inside the square locker. I picked it up (with some difficulty since it's on the highest level of lockers) and looked at it. It is really simple(and crappy). There's literally only an off/on button and a button to change the distance unit. I laughed. They really didn't spend much money on the technology.
I walked out of the building, satisfied that my journey was successful. Now all that I have left to do is to follow the GPS.
I got into my police car and turned on the siren again. The cars around me stopped to let me drive. I simply followed the GPS. I kept driving. I drove over a bridge, through the highway, and eventually got to a plain field of yellow long grass. The road stopped right in front of me when I arrived at the field. I frowned. The GPS still showed a fair amount of distance between me and the keys. How did the girl manage to run away this far? I had to stop my car. I couldn't possibly drive through this wet field of grass. I decided to walk to the keys without my car. I parked my car on the side of the road even though it ended right there. I walked with my GPS, in hope that I'll find the keys soon. I didn't need to rush since the GPS tracker will always guide me to the keys.
I kept walking and soon the sun went down. I was exhausted from all the walking. I found a dry place for me to lie on and rested there. I soon fell asleep...
When I woke up, the sun was not up yet. I was glad that I woke up on time. I needed to hurry up to find that annoy girl. I was surprised to find that the keys weren't that far away anymore. In about 20 minutes I would reach my destination, that is if the girl doesn't move. Just the thought of the girl who caused me all this trouble made my legs move faster. I started running while following the arrows.
Suddenly, a huge tree appeared out of nowhere. It looked like it's older than 100 years old. There's a ladder leading up into the thick leaves. I tried to see what's behind the layer of leaves, but I couldn't. Seemed like the only option was to climb up.
Oh you will never know how painful it was to climb up all the way. I should have lost more weight... But who cares! I made it up anyway!
Flashback Ends.
I was panting hard by the time I got up. My plan was to run up to her and put her into handcuffs. That way, she wouldn't be able to climb down this grand tree. I smirked. How lucky, being captured twice. Just as I was getting out my handcuffs, my phone rang.
"Shit." I muttered. I took out my phone and pressed the green button.
"Hello." a deep voice came from the phone.
"Who are you?" I asked, still eyeing my prey.
"You don't need to worry about who I am. But you might want to worry about your dear old mother." Then, a muffled scream came from the other end of the phone.
"Stop this prank. Who are you?" My gaze averted to the floor in front of me. My palms were sweaty. What if that's really my mother?
"Tell me where you are and I will stop torturing your mother."
"But I don't know where I am!"
"Oh yes you should. I will give you 10 minutes. If you don't tell me within that time, your mother will be dead." then the unknown voice hung up.
A/N: I was having a really bad writer's block time :( . But I've managed to finish this chapter. Also, I have no idea about how the police business works, so I created this whole building thing from my imagination. Hope you've enjoyed this!
Creamy chocolate fudge and black magic cake,