I have to admit, it was pretty hard waiting for lunch while listening to the teacher's BORING lesson about how Christopher Columba (wait was that even how you spell his name?) journeyed by sea and did...stuff. Up to this point, the only thing I remembered about him was that he traveled a lot and loved gold (or did he?).You know what? If I continue to talk about class, I would puke, literally. Seriously, why learn history? Those people were all dead anyways. =.=
So. As I watched the clock hands spinning around, class came to an end.
"Yessss!!!!" I screamed as the bell sounded. Oops, the teacher was staring at me weirdly.
I rushed to my friends, Anna and Charlotte, with the machine of course, "Check this out guys! It's a machine that looked like a painting! Was this from any of you?"
"Wow Chloe! This is amazing!" Anna exclaimed, squealing with delight.
"You know what? We should bring this to the antique shop across the street from the school to see how much it's worth," suggested Charlotte the money lover.
I clapped my hands together," Yeah! That's a good idea!"
I mean, when you don't need something, why don't you sell it so that you can get something you actually need? I'm so lucky to have such smart friends like Charlotte.