It was truly strange how I literally bumped into that "Time Machine", or that's at least what I thought it was...
I arrived home early that day, stressed out from the mountain of schoolwork I had to do. I could practically imagine myself with a big eye-bag under my brown eyes, my curly golden hair shooting into every direction possible. I didn't care about watching my favourite TV show; I just dragged myself straight into my bedroom. I felt like I was drunk, though I had not experienced being drunk before. I had to focus hard to walk straight and keeping my eyes looking where I was going. To my surprise, I did not bump into anything and luckily I "waddled and paddled" to my bedroom without any injuries.
I flopped myself straight onto the bed but moaned weakly as my forehead bumped into something hard. I rubbed my eyes to see what the hard object was - a cardboard box. On the box, there was a sheet of paper clipped to it that says, “Open Me". That's so strange, I thought to myself. I hope this is not some kind of prank.
Despite my suspicion that it might be a prank, my curiosity forced me to rip open the box. It revealed a tiny painting of a complex machine. I had been interested in machines and art since I was in grade 2. And now a mysterious someone gave me a gift that contains both of my interests in it. I smiled: maybe my friend gave me this gift as a friendship present. No way! I shook my head. I told them that I’d lost interest in paintings a long time ago! Paintings are so old fashioned nowadays. I soon started pondering who sent the box to me.
"Chloe! You'll be really late for the math class if you don't come down in ten seconds!" screamed my mom from downstairs. I jumped up in surprise and soon hurried downstairs to face my angry mom.
"Looks like I'll have to think about it after class." I said to myself.