#23's P.O.V.
I walked down the cold corridor, hearing only my footstep and occasional dripping of the guard's blood. I turned a corner and came to a metal door. I pushed the door open with my back since I was carrying the guard in my arms.
I spotted a few scientists in white lab coats, doing experiments on living and dead creatures. I walked past them towards a white bed in the corner and placed the injured guard on the bed.
I applied a pressure bandage to his leg and called for one of the workers around me to help,"Hey, can you fix this man for me? When you're done just bring him next door to the interrogation room."
A women nodded and went to work. Since I had nothing to do, I decided to go visit the jailhouse on the floor below.
The half naked prisoners reached out towards me as I walked pass. I could see their ribs showing through their skins. I laughed at how pathetic they looked. This jailhouse's atmosphere was so different from Fabian's jail. His, compared to mine, was a barbie dream house. I love the feeling of death and pain on other people. I guess that's a bit strange, but I was just like that.
After my little stroll through my lovely jailhouse, I went back up to check the progress of my little human experiment.
I arrived at the interrogation room. Just like what I told my worker to do, everything's set up already. There's an area in the middle of this grey room surrounded by glass. Of course, inside of the glass chamber laid the guard, unconscious. His leg was already half healed. There was a camera and an audio recorder inside the chamber. Now, all I needed to do was to get some screams out of him.
I called one of my worker to come and find a way to torture him. My worker started by pulling out the guards hair one by one. The unfortunate man woke up after the fifth pull. Soon, the pulling turned into a full scaled skinning. My worker used a knife and sliced cuts onto the guard's skin. Every cut resulted in a glass-shattering scream. I chuckled. This is what you get for competing with me when I'm hunting for the time machine. When the man finally wilted, I took the recording of the screams and put it into good use. Since I knew that Fabian would be chasing the Time Machine, I called him. Putting the recording on loud volume beside me, I spoke into the phone in a voice an octave lower than my normal pitch.
Chloe's P.O.V.
What the hell? Why is Fabian now having a conversation on his phone? I'm speechless. If he really wants to catch me, shouldn't he do it now? And I'm unable to go anywhere right now - I'm not feeling any particular strong emotions. Eh...I better run now.
I grabbed Oceymoo's hand and decided to run straight past Fabian, who was having a "whisper conversation" with another person on the phone. While Fabian was staring at the floor, I took the chance and sprinted.
Fabian didn't seem to notice us as we ran past him. His eyes looked blank and his face was pale. As soon as we ran past him, we heard something drop with a loud thump.
"What was that?" I stretched my neck to see what happened while climbing down the ladder that I discovered when I opened the door.
Fabian was standing still, his silver phone fallen on the ground.
"What's wrong with him? He's usually quite determined in stopping out escapes." Oceymoo commented while flying behind me.
I almost jumped up in surprise and fell. Who knew that she could fly? Yes, she was an 'angle', but I didn't think that she could actually fly.
While glaring at Oceymoo, I firmly held onto the rope made ladder that was swinging furiously," What are you trying to do? Kill me?! Gosh.."
Then the ladder started swinging faster, a chuckle sounded above me," Yes, I'm trying to kill you." I looked up and saw Fabian smiling at me. His smile was so scary that I felt goosebumps up my arms. Seriously, it was THAT creepy.
"Until you tell me where you are, I will not stop shaking. You better do it. Your life is in my hands." He shook the rope ladder so hard that I started to see beads of sweat dripping from his face. Eww.
I tried climbing down the ladder, but it was impossible. There was an alternative to attempting to climb down and falling to my death though. I could tell Fabian a made up address.
If this was a bit gruesome for you....then learn to enjoy this kind of cruel beauty. As you might have noticed, some parts( for example the part about the fast healing leg) might be a bit unrealistic. But...I mean...if there's a time travelling machine, then why can't there be quick healing machine? Open-mindedness is a keyword here. If you see any plot holes, please do tell me.:) Otherwise, have a good day/night.
Raspberry and almond shortbread thumbprints,