Makenna, Mrs. Edith, Mr. Gheesling, and Dr. Medford piled out of the auditorium, and they hurried toward Mrs. Edith’s office.229Please respect copyright.PENANA01Sb18Xrdk
“Stay with us, Tracey.” Mr. Gheesling told Merlin’s apprentice.229Please respect copyright.PENANAeayA3bRgIY
Makenna again tried to communicate with Selene, “Selene, Selene, please. What should I do?” Just before Makenna gave up on trying telepathy, Selene answered her!229Please respect copyright.PENANAEkEEdKPJEk
She answered her! “Bring him to me,” she told the young Metamorphic Fairy, “Bring Tracey to the shipwreck on North Beach. I can help him.”229Please respect copyright.PENANAQ6oRuNEM5x
“But, Selene.” Makenna answered back.229Please respect copyright.PENANAdZvJ45tkNb
“No buts. I hate to say this, Makenna, but if you don’t get Tracey to me as soon as possible, he’s going to die.”229Please respect copyright.PENANAC2I8j2bXuu
“Die?!” Makenna shockingly asked through telepathy, “What do you mean ‘die?!’ What’s wrong with him?!” However, Selene didn’t answer her this time. She fell completely silent. “Selene!” Makenna called in her mind, “Come back! Come back, please! What do you mean ‘die?!’” It didn’t take long for her to realize that Dr. Medford was no longer with them. What? Where did he go? Makenna searched the area. Sure enough, Dr. Medford was nowhere to be seen. Next, the Metamorphic Fairy focused her attention back on Tracey. No! He couldn’t be dying! He just couldn’t! But he was. He was growing weaker and weaker by the second. His eyes were barely open. Tears appeared in Makenna’s eyes. She told Merlin’s apprentice, “Just hang in there, Tracey,” and Tracey feebly nodded. Makenna had to find a way to get him out of there and to the shipwreck on North Beach as soon as possible! But how?! These thoughts troubled her.
Before she knew it, she, Mr. Gheesling, and Mrs. Edith had reached Mrs. Edith’s office.229Please respect copyright.PENANA4m1hbkGIFj
Mrs. Edith opened the door, and she and Mr. Gheesling tried to have Makenna wait outside, but again she refused to leave Tracey’s side. “Don’t you dare tell me what to do!” she snapped at them, “He’s my friend! I refuse to leave his side!” She forced her way into the nurse’s office, and finally, Mrs. Edith and Mr. Gheesling just gave up. They let her stay. Mrs. Edith’s office was actually fairly large. It was not cramped, like some high school nurse offices. It had a lot of room in it. Mrs. Edith led Mr. Gheesling over to one of the beds in the office, and she pointed at it. Nodding, Mr. Gheesling gently set Tracey down on it, and Mrs. Edith tossed a blanket over him. He was still conscious, but just barely. The poor fairy wanted to go back to Seabrook Island, back to Merlin’s Island, where he belonged, but something inside told him that he most likely was going to be staying in the hospital that night. He didn’t even know he was under a curse.229Please respect copyright.PENANA4YNgU0fisZ
While he rested there, one hand clutched his burning head, and the other stretched out to Makenna. “Makenna,” he mumbled.229Please respect copyright.PENANA7RswEvyTqw
“I’m right here.” Makenna told him. She took his hand, “Just rest, Tracey. I’m going to find a way to help you. I promise.” She rubbed his hand, but she, as well as Mr. Gheesling and Mrs. Edith had not yet seen his injury.
Mrs. Edith felt the teenage fairy’s forehead, and she clenched her teeth,229Please respect copyright.PENANAIYCKZNB29S
“Oh, gosh, he’s got a fever. Makenna,” She glanced at Makenna, “who are his parents? Do you know their number?”229Please respect copyright.PENANAm6mkgeM09a
Makenna started to stutter, “He-he doesn’t have any pa-parents. He-he’s with me.” Both Mrs. Edith and Mr. Gheesling gave her a funny look. Soon, Dr. Medford, yes, Dr. Medford entered the office, and everybody glanced at him. “Dr. Medford.” Makenna mumbled.229Please respect copyright.PENANAh4t3ugL8Uu
Dr. Medford was out of breath. “All right,” he breathlessly said, and he rested his hands on his knees, “I called EMS. They’re on their way.”229Please respect copyright.PENANAv0Ex27Bar2
“Well, that’s a relief.” Mrs. Edith spoke. She placed a cool towel over Tracey’s forehead and rubbed his cheek.229Please respect copyright.PENANALjsbopci9J
Makenna suddenly gasped, and her eyes widened. “EMS?!” she screeched, “No, no!” She released Tracey’s hand which dropped onto the bed’s sheet and quickly turned to Dr. Medford, “That can’t happen! We can’t do that! He can’t go to a human hospital! He has to go to a fairy hospital!”229Please respect copyright.PENANAk47VOMAY5P
“A fairy hospital?” Mr. Gheesling asked, and he took the hood of his jacket off his head, “What are you talking about, Makenna? Do you want him to die?”229Please respect copyright.PENANAjNAES6273j
“Of course not!” shouted Makenna, and she started to sweat, “I know he needs a hospital, but he can’t go to a human hospital!”229Please respect copyright.PENANAgNp8ju9ENP
Mr. Gheesling, Dr. Medford, and Mrs. Edith were very confused. “Makenna,” asked Mrs. Edith, “are you feeling all right? Maybe we need to check your temperature too.”229Please respect copyright.PENANA7q6QxtxYvW
Approaching Makenna, she moved her hand toward her forehead, but Makenna slapped it away. “I’m fine!” she shouted, “I’m not sick! I’m telling the truth! He needs a fairy hospital or a magic hospital, whatever! Let me take him! I know someone magical who can help him!”229Please respect copyright.PENANAWw59IgxkYv
“Magical?” Dr. Medford asked, “Fairy? What is going on, Makenna?” He placed his hands on his hips.
Makenna was totally freaking out. She felt Tracey’s aura. It was very weak. Like him, his aura was fading. If Makenna didn’t get him to Selene in the next hour or two, by sunset, he would be dead! Makenna did not want him to die. She cared about him. He was her friend. Her fingernails turned black – she was so scared – and she could feel her magic growing in her body. Tracey had saved Makenna too many times! It was time she returned the favor! She had no choice but to fess up.229Please respect copyright.PENANAHmBJ7ZJf6i
Makenna clenched her fists, and she asked Mr. Gheesling, Dr. Medford, and Mrs. Edith, “Mr. Gheesling, Dr. Medford, and Mrs. Edith, do you know why he’s so different from the other kids in this high school?” They didn’t answer. They just stared at her. Makenna’s fists clenched tighter, and she added, “It’s because he’s a fairy! Ha! That’s right! Fairy! F-a-i-r-y! And he’s suffering from a spell fever!”229Please respect copyright.PENANADzuJxMyn40
“Fairy?!” the three faculty members yelped, and they quickly stepped away from Makenna, “Spell fever?” They stared at Makenna. Then, Mrs. Edith grabbed her arm and started to lug her toward another bed, “You’ve got to lie down, Makenna, and I’ll call your parents! Everything will be okay! I promise!”229Please respect copyright.PENANAoW080ATx6z
“Let go!” Makenna shouted. She ripped her arm free from Mrs. Edith’s grasp, “I know you don’t believe me, but it’s true! He’s a fairy! His wings are just hidden in his shirt!”
Mrs. Edith didn’t speak. She couldn’t. There was just way too much on her mind now. She left Makenna, and she, Dr. Medford, and Mr. Gheesling approached the bed Tracey was on.229Please respect copyright.PENANAvVF6f7w2aW
He was moaning, and looking up at Mrs. Edith, he complained, “Mrs. Edith, I feel hot.”229Please respect copyright.PENANAnpxoKIUEDZ
“I know.” Mrs. Edith comfortably said, “Hang on for just a little bit longer though, dear. The paramedics are coming.” She took the towel off his forehead, and handing it to Dr. Medford, she asked for him to go soak it again. Dr. Medford obeyed. He left the bed and scurried toward a sink. Mr. Gheesling hovered over Tracey’s left side, and he rubbed his burning forehead. He had to admit, even though he just met Tracey that day, he already really liked him. He hated to see him so ill.229Please respect copyright.PENANAXE2tCZl63V
Especially since he was only a teenager. “Oh, Mr. Gheesling.” Tracey cried. Tears streamed down his cheeks, “I’m dying.”229Please respect copyright.PENANApenSmcv3l1
“No, you’re not.” Mr. Gheesling told him, “You’re just sick. You’re going to be just fine. I promise.”
Soon after he said that, Dr. Medford returned, and Mr. Gheesling took his hand away from Tracey’s forehead. Dr. Medford placed the towel over it again, and he exchanged glances with both the nurse and Spanish teacher.229Please respect copyright.PENANARzCgsLJ1ok
Tracey soon closed his eyes, and moaning again, he pointed at the arm that had been punched and whimpered, “My arm. It hurts.”229Please respect copyright.PENANASDiGqf9I7p
“Your arm?” asked Mrs. Edith.229Please respect copyright.PENANAQHMal09xvB
“Your arm?” Makenna repeated, “What’s wrong with your arm, Trace?” However, Tracey didn’t answer. In his mind, all he was thinking about right now was water. He was craving water. He was craving the ocean. The sirens sang for him to follow their voices. This time, the Octopus Man would succeed, right? Wrong! As long as Makenna was with Tracey, he had no chance of getting his hands on him! Tracey would not be taken back to the Bermuda Triangle with him, as long as Makenna was with him.
Mrs. Edith soon approached his right side, his injured side, and she kneeled to it.229Please respect copyright.PENANAPHvKNuAARx
Her eyes landed on his bloodstained shirt sleeve, and gasping, she whispered, “Oh, my gosh!” Mr. Gheesling, Makenna, and Dr. Medford leaned in toward Merlin’s apprentice. Makenna could feel her magic growing stronger and stronger. Mrs. Edith quickly pulled up Tracey’s shirt sleeve, and she flinched when she saw his arm. “Oh,” she whimpered, “that looks awful. What on earth happened? Mr. Gheesling, go get the First-Aid kit. That’s an order!”229Please respect copyright.PENANABedGerytqr
“Yes, ma’am!” Mr. Gheesling worriedly spoke. He saluted and sauntered away from the bed. Tracey’s arm did look terrible. The entire upper arm was bruised and swollen.229Please respect copyright.PENANAQJ9ZEOsPtf
Tears were now falling down Makenna’s own cheeks. “Tracey,” she whimpered, “Please, Mrs. Edith, please, I know somebody who can help him! He’s a fairy for Pete’s sake! And I am too!”
“You?!” Mrs. Edith asked. She and Dr. Medford glanced at her. Mr. Gheesling had also stopped halfway back to the bed, and he was carrying a First-Aid kit. Everybody, except Tracey, since he was barely conscious, glanced at her.229Please respect copyright.PENANAu1I8DdHnJU
“That’s right!” Makenna shouted. She again clenched her fists. Fire burned in her eyes, and she gave Dr. Medford, Mr. Gheesling, and Mrs. Edith the evil death glare. Her necklace pendant started to glow.229Please respect copyright.PENANA8KzRKm4fI4
The nurse, principal, and teacher noticed this, and at the same time, they asked, “Huh?”229Please respect copyright.PENANAaNxhEb5GPp
Makenna started to yell at them, “Go ahead! Chuck him into a laboratory! Have the paramedics throw him into one, but wherever he goes, I go! I will never leave him!” Faint, blue sparkles escaped her necklace pendant and started to circle it. Makenna was outlined by sudden blue magic. However, she continued to yell, “Don’t you dare have EMS take him away! You hear me?! Let me save him! I’m the Metamorphic Fairy! It’s my job! I know I can save him! I believe I can save him!” Believe. That was the word. That was the word that changed fourteen-year-old Makenna Delling forever.
Suddenly, a great blast of wind rushed through Mrs. Edith’s entire office, and Makenna’s pigtails were thrown into the sky. Her fists were still clenched. She was desperate to save Tracey. Mr. Gheesling, Mrs. Edith, and Dr. Medford were staring at her. What was going on here? The sparkles surrounding Makenna’s necklace pendant soon left it, and they started to circle her instead. Makenna gasped as suddenly, she started to glow up blue. “Wha-what’s going on?!” she asked, and she looked at her hands. Suddenly, in her head, she again heard the voice of Selene, “You’ve done it, Makenna! Congratulations!”229Please respect copyright.PENANAgJd64AY0Dx
“What have I done?” Makenna asked her, “I don’t understand!” And she didn’t. Makenna had no idea what was happening to her. She peered down on her feet and gasped again when she saw that she was lifting into the air! Makenna closed her eyes, and suddenly, it was strange, but a wave of beautiful pain washed over her entire body! “What’s happening?!” she asked again.
Suddenly, her entire body glowed up blue, and Makenna extended her arms. Blue sparkles surrounded her hair, and magic put it into two braids. One braid hung over Makenna’s left shoulder while the other one hung behind her right one. Aside from the braids, blue and pink flower designs decorated it. The sparkles left Makenna’s hair and she blinked in which during the process, light pink eye shadow appeared on her eyelids. Makenna’s hair waved, and as it did so, a crystal circlet appeared over her forehead. She was totally unaware of what was happening to her. Right now, she was more focused on trying to fight the beautiful pain. She held her arms behind her back, and blue sparkles next circled her right wrist. A crystal bracelet appeared around it, and it glimmered with Makenna’s circlet. She glanced at her wrist with a smile, and next, she kicked out her legs which during the process, appeared her ballet slippers from her Full-Fledged Transformation. Makenna next acted out a few dance moves, and when she stopped, she now wore a multi-layered, blue dress that had pink, yellow, and green mixed in with the bottom layer.
To finish off the transformation, Makenna lifted her hand and announced,229Please respect copyright.PENANAXUJ0awyTmS
“I am Makenna! Metamorphic Fairy of Seabrook Island!” and for the last time, blue magic surrounded her from head to heels. However, suddenly, from Makenna’s back, came another wave of pain! This wave of pain wasn’t beautiful though. It was excruciating! Makenna yelled, “OW!” and she reached for her back. Again, her magic flung itself on top of her, and as a reward for fighting the agonizing pain, suddenly, from Makenna’s back, she popped brand new fairy wings! These wings were huge! They were maybe as large as Tracey’s! If not, larger! Soon, when the magic left Makenna’s body and wings, the wings’ details were revealed. They were still a bit simple, but they were definitely more glamorous than her previous wings. They were blue with pink outlines, but rainbows shimmered in them because each wing had a crystal in it. The phenomenon left Makenna a little sore, but her back was sorest. However, gradually, the soreness started to slowly go away.
It was unbelievable! It had taken some time but finally, Makenna did it! She did it! She had earned her second transformation, the Soon to Be a Crystal Metamorphic Fairy transformation! Makenna was now a Level 2 Metamorphic Fairy, and the crystals in her wings proved that. She was the one! She was the one destined to save Merlin, Tracey, and all the magic in the world! This transformation totally blew the minds of Mr. Gheesling, Dr. Medford, Mrs. Edith, and Makenna herself. She couldn’t believe she actually did it!
Once the transformation officially ended, she dropped gently to the ground and took deep breaths. She was trying to get the soreness to go away faster. She fell to hands and knees and closed her eyes, taking deep breaths. Whew, transforming really took a lot out of you. Aside from being sore, Makenna was also a little tired. Everybody in the nurse’s office, except Tracey, was staring at her. They were openmouthed in astonishment. Makenna continued to take deep breaths. Then, after catching them, she opened her eyes and fell back onto her bum.229Please respect copyright.PENANA2gUvTelM0h
She examined herself up and down and gasped at the sight of her new transformation. “No way!” spoke the Metamorphic Fairy, “I did it!” She continued to study herself, “It’s inconceivable! I can’t believe I got my second transformation!”229Please respect copyright.PENANA3xeL76JEof
In her head, Selene suddenly spoke to her again, “I can.”229Please respect copyright.PENANAbx3jaeVJb3
“Wow.” Makenna squeaked. For the time being, she forgot about her soreness and stood up. She rested her hands on her crystal circlet and asked Selene, “How, Selene? How did I do it?”
“I can’t tell you right now, Makenna!” Selene quickly spoke, “You’re still in an emergency situation! You have to get Tracey to me as soon as possible! I will tell you one thing. You do deserve these new wings, Makenna. Your belief in yourself and friendship with Tracey is what set your Level 2 self free. You have come a long way in such a short amount of time. I’ll give you more details at North Beach. For now, you have a mission! If you don’t hurry Tracey to me, he is going to fade away!” 229Please respect copyright.PENANAhQ5wdQzlB5
Makenna gasped, “Oh no! Don’t worry, Selene, I’m coming! Mr. Gheesling, Dr. Medford, Mrs. Edith, please!” She put her gloved hands together and stared desperately into the faculty members’ eyes, “I know EMS is coming, but no matter how great a human hospital is, it will not be able to save Tracey! I have to fly him back to Seabrook Island! Please! Please let me go! If you want to share with the world that you saw two real fairies and want to give away our secret, go ahead, but keep in mind, if Tracey gets thrown into a laboratory, then I do too! Please.”
The three faculty members finally blinked, and they all peered down on semiconscious Tracey. While they were trying to make up their minds, Mrs. Edith kneeled to his arm and started to clean it.229Please respect copyright.PENANAxCZnrWdJ8R
However, he flinched as she did this, and his knee shot up from under the covers. “I know it hurts, dear.” Mrs. Edith told him, and she steadied his arm, “But you’re doing great.” Sighing, she turned her head and looked over her shoulder at Makenna who still had a desperate face glued on. Mrs. Edith’s eyes soon left her, and she met Dr. Medford’s and Mr. Gheesling’s eyes. They made up their minds.229Please respect copyright.PENANAh8YquSTjGm
Together, they nodded at one another. “All right, Makenna.” Dr. Medford finally spoke. He turned to her, “You can go. But you’ve got to hurry!”
Makenna gasped.229Please respect copyright.PENANA74F6SJaRZl
She cracked a feeble smile. “Really?” she asked, “Do you believe that you’re looking at two real fairies?!”229Please respect copyright.PENANAdsHRRaPA4v
“Well,” Dr. Medford stammered, “We weren’t sure at first, but then you transformed right in front of us. That’s enough proof for us.”229Please respect copyright.PENANAwZTxgy29X1
“That’s right,” said Mrs. Edith. She tied a bandage around Tracey’s arm and put it in a sling. Then, standing up, she too turned to Makenna, and she winked, “Don’t worry, Makenna, we’ll keep yours and Tracey’s secret safe.”229Please respect copyright.PENANASasyQ6iXjp
“You will?” Makenna asked. Tears appeared in her eyes again.229Please respect copyright.PENANAqq5MvWf3Cw
“You can count on us.” Mr. Gheesling spoke next. He gave Makenna a thumbs up, “The second I laid eyes on Tracey this morning, I knew he was special.”229Please respect copyright.PENANAYSyRgDfVHi
“You have our permission to skip the rest of school today, Makenna.” Dr. Medford explained, “But I will have to call your house and tell your parents what happened.”229Please respect copyright.PENANAiMfZC0Gi1e
“Don’t worry,” said Makenna, and she waved her hand, “They already know. They already know Tracey and I are fairies.”229Please respect copyright.PENANAr2DIJDQODm
Dr. Medford sighed. “Whew,” he said, “Well then that makes things much easier.” He and Mrs. Edith moved off the side and allowed Mr. Gheesling to approach the side of the bed Tracey was resting on.229Please respect copyright.PENANACDkNud3jsY
Quickly, he took the towel off his forehead and carefully picked him up again, this time in his blanket. “No wonder he doesn’t weigh much,” he spoke, “He’s a fairy.”229Please respect copyright.PENANAzfCt9PaBXW
Makenna rushed to Tracey’s side, and she rested her hand on his forehead, saying, “Don’t worry, Tracey, you’re going to be okay. I’m going to take you to Selene. I promise.”229Please respect copyright.PENANAr0nCBVizPa
“Where should we exit from, Mrs. Edith?” Mr. Gheesling asked the nurse.229Please respect copyright.PENANApiNyrIv6W5
“From the side of the school,” she responded. She pointed at the door of her office, “At the end of the hallway is the side exit that will take you out to the dumpster. You’ll be okay. No students are in the hallway right now. They’re still in either lunch or the auditorium. You’ll have to make it quick though.” She edged closer to Dr. Medford, “In the meantime, Dr. Medford and I will talk to the paramedics when they get here. Makenna, I know we promised to keep yours and Tracey’s secret safe, but we may have to fess up to them about you two being fairies.”229Please respect copyright.PENANANVrka7s945
Makenna nodded, “I understand. Do whatever you can to help them understand, Mrs. Edith. I know they’re going to be very confused.”229Please respect copyright.PENANA32jzZyrLAx
“We’ll make sure you and Tracey don’t wind up in a laboratory though,” spoke Dr. Medford. He clenched his fists, “I promise.” Makenna feebly nodded, “Thank you, Dr. Medford.”229Please respect copyright.PENANAAIrOwfxY09
“Now go, Makenna!” Mrs. Edith announced. She gestured her and Mr. Gheesling to the door, “We’ve kept you too long! Fly! Fly, little fairy! I know you can save your friend!” This time, both Makenna and Mr. Gheesling nodded. At the same time, they hurried to the office’s exit and stepped outside. They closed the door behind.229Please respect copyright.PENANA0r4FnfgDVc
Left behind, Mrs. Edith and Dr. Medford glanced at one another, and at the same time, they whispered, “Fairies?”
Mr. Fernando Gheesling and now Level 2 Metamorphic Fairy Makenna Delling followed Mrs. Edith’s directions. They together peered out from behind a wall, and both pairs of eyes rested on the door Mrs. Edith had mentioned. However, a few teachers were wandering the hallway and standing in front of the door. Mr. Gheesling gestured for Makenna to stop, and she did.229Please respect copyright.PENANA4DzxMsxLTs
She hid behind him, and under her breath, she whispered, “Oh, curse the Octopus Man! Tracey.” She took his shoulder, “Hang on for just a little bit longer.” She could still feel Tracey’s aura growing weaker and weaker. His entire face was drenched in sweat, – he had such a high fever – and he had not opened his eyes. His book bag hung from Mr. Gheesling’s shoulder.
Finally, the coast cleared.229Please respect copyright.PENANAGg7izJ2uRi
The teachers wandering the hallway disappeared into their classrooms to prepare for 7th Period, and Mr. Gheesling whispered, “Let’s go,” to Makenna. She and he stepped out from behind the wall and crept toward the side exit. When they passed teachers’ rooms, they crouched down and started to tiptoe. They stayed as quiet and as stealthy as possible.229Please respect copyright.PENANASB8582GvlN
In her head, Makenna whispered, “We’re coming, Selene. We’re coming.” She and Mr. Gheesling soon reached the side exit, and they together stood up and peered outside. They were looking out to the school’s side yard and a road, but the road was further away. Cars zoomed down it, and a few stopped at a red light. Since Mr. Gheesling’s hands were full, Makenna decided to open the door for him.
She pushed it open with her shoulder, and immediately, a gush of warm April air blew through the hallway and onto hers and Mr. Gheesling’s faces. However, along with this gush of warm air also came a gush of the scent of the dumpster. Makenna gagged when she smelled it, as did Mr. Gheesling, but they went ahead and stepped outside. The dumpster was next to them. It was a large dumpster, and flies buzzed around it. Young Makenna shook her head and again gagged. Her ears picked up the sounds of sirens, ambulance sirens, in the distance that were gradually getting closer and closer. Makenna gulped when she heard them. That must’ve been the ambulance coming to get Tracey. Hopefully, Dr. Medford and Mrs. Edith had come up with a plan to talk with the paramedics and try their best to not give away hers and Tracey’s secret. Although, she understood completely if they did have to.
Makenna and Mr. Gheesling soon passed the dumpster, and they were now standing in front of it, peering forward to the side yard and road. It was time. It was time for Makenna to shine. Mr. Gheesling had done his part.229Please respect copyright.PENANAYTq62UPZLv
She turned to him and said, “Don’t worry, Mr. Gheesling,” and she reached for her friend, “I’ll take him from here.”229Please respect copyright.PENANAbp6xMQ70Hd
“Will you be okay?” Mr. Gheesling asked her. He knew Makenna wouldn’t be able to carry Tracey. However, she had another plan on her mind.229Please respect copyright.PENANAc6WhkwKRz7
Grabbing hold of Tracey’s uninjured arm, the arm that still had the Octopus Man’s trident on it, she told Mr. Gheesling, “Watch this, Mr. Gheesling.” She closed her eyes and focused her powers. She waited. After a bit, Makenna’s magic outlined Merlin’s apprentice, and opening her eyes, she pulled him out of Mr. Gheesling’s arms. She wrapped his arm around her shoulders and next grabbed hold of his hand. She tried her best to not bump the arm that was in the sling. Makenna said, “All right, I’ve got him,” and she peered into the sky. It was clouding up. A blanket of clouds was starting to engulf the entire sky, but very faintly, through the clouds, shone the rays of the sun. One ray shone over Makenna, Tracey, and Mr. Gheesling. Makenna gulped. She still didn’t know if she could fly properly yet. Yeah, she may now be a Level 2 Metamorphic Fairy, but she doubted the higher transformation changed her flying skills.
After a bit, Makenna peered back to her sore wings, and very slowly, she started to flap them. With each flap, great blankets of blue and pink fairy dust escaped them. These wings flapped even more gracefully than her previous ones. They were beautiful. Larger wings would also probably let her fly faster. Mr. Gheesling watched her open-mouthed. Very slowly, Makenna’s feet lifted from the ground, and she started to ascend into the sky.229Please respect copyright.PENANAj4sJ3MVeJ1
She balanced herself out, and once balanced, she peered down on Mr. Gheesling and told him, “Thank you, Mr. Gheesling. Thank you for everything you did.” Mr. Gheesling was too astonished to speak. Without blinking, he took the strap of Tracey’s book bag off his shoulder and tossed it up to Makenna. She caught it and let it hang from her own shoulder. Winking down to Mr. Gheesling, she blew him a kiss and waved goodbye.229Please respect copyright.PENANAzyqQt6weJy
Then, she shot into the sky, and Mr. Gheesling watched her from down below. “Fa-fairies,” he stuttered after a bit, “Re-real fair-fairies. Thi-this entire t-time, I-I’ve be-been te-teaching re-real fair-fairies.”
Makenna Delling was in a rush. She flew over her school’s parking lot, and her eyes landed on the road. The ambulance coming to her school came into view, with sirens blaring and lights flashing, and cars stopped to let it through. Makenna gulped when she heard it. She had forgotten how loud ambulances were. The ambulance ran a red light and continued to rush. Makenna didn’t waste any time. She flapped her massive wings and shot into the sky. Momentarily, she stopped, hovered, and peered down to her school building. Then, turning her head, her eyes left the building and landed on the ambulance instead. She followed every movement of it. Soon, the ambulance’s sirens turned off, but its lights were still flashing, and Makenna watched as it slowed down and pulled into her school’s parking lot. It stopped at the front entrance of the school, and the doors opened, revealing the two, small figures of the paramedics dragging a stretcher. They hopped out of the back of the vehicle, and right when they landed, Makenna’s eyes next caught two more small figures approaching them. She sighed. Those two figures were Dr. Medford and Mrs. Edith. They stopped at the paramedics and started to chat with them. Makenna assumed they had everything under control. She took a deep breath and peered down on Tracey’s face.229Please respect copyright.PENANAz89LubpcjK
Lifting her hand, she rubbed his sweaty cheek and whimpered, “Oh, Tracey, I’ve got to cool you down. Don’t worry. We’re going right now.”229Please respect copyright.PENANAKfqufntbKu
“Makenna,” he moaned, “I’m so hot. Where’s Gina? I want Gina.”229Please respect copyright.PENANA98MPZN6oGW
“Don’t try to speak, Tracey,” said Makenna, and she removed her hand from his cheek, “Keep quiet. You need to save your strength. As soon as Selene helps you, I’m going to take you back to Merlin’s Island, and you’ll be able to see Gina again. For now, just concentrate on resting.” Makenna wouldn’t mind a rest herself. The new transformation had left her exhausted. To wake herself up, she forcibly shook her head. Then, flapping her new wings, she shot forward and zoomed across the sky, in the direction of Seabrook Island.
Makenna was rocketing across the sky! Now this was flying, real flying! Makenna had predicted correctly. Larger wings did help her fly faster. She soared over the road her mother and father took to get to Seabrook Island, and while she soared, she peered down and studied the woods and marshland. Wow, the view was magnificent! Flying really was a beautiful thing. With each minute that passed, Makenna flew faster and faster. While she flew, her hair as well as her necklace pendant waved in the wind. Unfortunately, momentarily, Makenna was forced to stop because she almost ran into a flock of migrating seagulls. “Hey!” she yelled at them, and she clenched her free fist, “Flying here! I’m kind of in an emergency situation! Move out of the way!” Seeming to understand her, the seagulls did, and Makenna thanked them. She flew forward again. Since she was holding Tracey’s arm around her shoulders, she wasn’t able to act out her flying pose. This caused Makenna to wobble a bit in midair. Her flying pose was what helped her keep balance. She assumed every fairy had their own unique way of flying and keeping balance.
Makenna’s new transformation was beautiful. She looked absolutely gorgeous in it. Even though she was wobbling, her wings didn’t stop giving her a way of flying in which she looked beautiful, wobbly or not. After flying for a little bit longer, Makenna suddenly heard Tracey coughing.229Please respect copyright.PENANAMhb9xIWb7J
Gasping, she glanced at him and yelled, “Tracey!” Tracey’s chest was hurting him. He started to gasp for air. He was having trouble breathing. However, the sirens continued to sing in his head. As crazy as this may sound, but Tracey needed them. Why? That was a good question for another time.
Makenna soon realized he was having trouble breathing, and she gasped with fear.229Please respect copyright.PENANA3FT17nERwA
“Hold on, Tracey!” she yelled, and she sped up her pace again, “We’re almost there! Take deep breaths!” Makenna was right when she said they were almost at Seabrook Island. She had just passed the sign for it, and she saw the ocean in the distance. Soon, the Seabrook Island Stables came into view, and Makenna could barely see the tiny forms of horses cantering around in the rinks and leaping over hurdles. Normally, Makenna would stop and watch the horses jump, but currently, she couldn’t. Right now, Tracey’s life was more important than horses. Makenna soon soared over Seabrook Island’s gate, and the clubhouse close to the gate came into view. Makenna passed it, and her eyes next caught a few tennis players whacking tennis balls at each other. People rode their bikes on the roads, but not many cars were on it. There were more bikes than cars. Makenna shot forward as straight as an arrow.
Suddenly, she jerked to the left and hurried in the direction of North Beach. She searched the area for it. Currently, Makenna was flying over woods, but then, the woods vanished under her and marshland appeared instead. Tracey coughed again. Tightly shutting his eyes, he lifted his hand that was in the sling and covered his nose and mouth, ignoring the pain in his arm. Makenna desperately clenched her teeth together. However, then she saw that she was flying over the boardwalk that led to North Beach! North Beach! North Beach was so close! The young Metamorphic Fairy soon reached the end of the boardwalk. Now, she was literally hovering over North Beach! Since kids were still in school, there weren’t a lot of people roaming on it. Makenna hoped and prayed that nobody was at the end of both Seabrook and Kiawah Island. Her beautiful, blue eyes landed on the ocean, and she gulped when she saw that on the horizon of it, was another buildup of dark clouds! Another storm! Another storm was coming! Makenna didn’t waste any time. She shot to the left and hurried toward North Beach’s end.229Please respect copyright.PENANArQmB354GXy
While she flew, Tracey repeatedly choked out, “Water! Water! I need water!” He again coughed, and he started to breathe heavily under his hand.229Please respect copyright.PENANA5pLLre8fIf
“We’re so close, Tracey!” Makenna yelled at him, “We’re so close! The shipwreck’s right up here!” The aches and pains in her wings grew, she had been flying so fast and so long. Makenna’s wings became stiff. She started to sink lower to the ground, but she tried her best to stay aloft high enough so that it wouldn’t be easy for people to spot her.
Within another minute or two, she reached Seabrook Island’s end, and she stopped to hover for a bit. There was the shipwreck! Instead of Seabrook Island, it was resting in the shallow waters of Kiawah Island, on the other side of the channel. Nobody was roaming the ends of both islands, so Makenna got lucky. However, her luck soon ran dry. She hurried toward the shipwreck, which indeed, was a sailboat. It was a huge sailboat, maybe about thirty-seven feet long, and its hull was covered in barnacles. Waves sloshed onto the boat’s side, and a torn sail rested on top of it.229Please respect copyright.PENANAGD3yDYRQFM
Before Makenna crossed the channel and went toward it, she stopped at the edge of it and whispered, “The shipwreck. There it is. There’s the shipwreck.” She scanned the channel and gulped. The channel. The channel was where the Octopus Man had grabbed her and Tracey and pulled them into the sea the day before. Makenna was nervous, but she had to do this, for Tracey! She was willing to take any risk for him. She knew he would do the same for her if something terrible ever happened to her. Makenna took a deep breath. Her beautiful, new wings flapped gracefully, and another blast of wind blew not only her hair and necklace but also the gems that hung off each wingtip. When the Metamorphic Fairy was ready, she started across the channel and headed toward the shipwreck, yelling, “Selene!” She held her free hand out to it and tightened her grip on Tracey’s hand. Like him, she was sweating, but she was sweating from fear.
However, before she knew it, things only got worse. Fun never ended for Makenna and Tracey. The Octopus Man had been waiting for them to return. He knew they would return, and sure enough, they did. This time for sure, he would get Tracey. First things first, he had to separate him and Makenna. That was the only way he would be able to succeed. He was really upset with the fact that Makenna was now a Level 2 Metamorphic Fairy, so he acted with much more aggression this time. He would do everything in his power to stop her from reaching Level 3! Makenna was almost at the shipwreck when he attacked. Suddenly, from the channel, popped out an enormous, blue and black whirlpool, and it hurried toward the two fairies!229Please respect copyright.PENANAdQOBghEgsB
Peering over her shoulder, Makenna saw it and gasped. “AHHH!!” she screamed, “NO!!” The whirlpool smashed into her and Tracey, and Makenna yelled as she felt Tracey’s arm being ripped right from her shoulders! His wings suddenly popped out of his back, and both he and Makenna started to spin crazily in the whirlpool! “TRACEY!!” Makenna shouted. She tried to swim toward him, but because she wasn’t a merfairy, she was too weak. The whirlpool pulled her away from her friend, and from the outside of it, she could hear the Octopus Man laughing. After a bit, suddenly, the whirlpool burst, and both Makenna and Tracey were shoved away from each other, and they went flying in different directions! Tracey landed on the very end tip of Seabrook Island, and Makenna landed on the very end tip of Kiawah Island. They weren’t too far from each other, but the water separated them.
Tracey’s back slammed down on the ground, and he yelled, holding his arms out to his sides. The whirlpool had ripped his arm out of the sling, and the sling was being blown away. From where he rested, Tracey tilted back his head and gasped for air. His breathing was getting worse by the second, and just as he said, he needed water. Oh, where was Selene?! Makenna Delling, like Tracey, slammed down hard on Kiawah Island’s sand, and she yelled as she started to forcibly roll. While she rolled, she yelled.229Please respect copyright.PENANAGmiqDeQ1qW
Sand blew into her face, and she yelled, “Tracey!” However, the Octopus Man gave her an invisible shove. A great wall of energy suddenly slammed into the Metamorphic Fairy and caused her to roll further down the beach and further away from Tracey. Her necklace was ripped right from her neck, and the wind started to blow it all over the place! Finally, Makenna stopped rolling. However, the Octopus Man had knocked her unconscious on her back. Makenna’s arm was in a V-position, and she didn’t move. Her teeth were clenched together, and her head was tilted to the left. Before long, another blast of wind blew her necklace right to her! As it came closer to its fairy, it started to glow very faintly. It moved like a boomerang. Soon, the necklace reached Makenna. It landed on the sand and rolled like a coin. It rolled into her arm’s V-position and tapped her hand, stopping. Right after it tapped her hand, a quick blast of light came from it, and it made a small ding sound.
The Octopus Man had succeeded! He had succeeded in separating the two fairies! Now, for sure, he would get Tracey! From the ocean again popped out his watery ropes from before, and they swirled in the direction of Merlin’s apprentice. Unlike Makenna, he hadn’t fallen unconscious, but he was too weak to get up and fight back. For once, he couldn’t fight the Octopus Man. Besides, he was in too much pain to fight back. The fall had only made his arm injury worse.229Please respect copyright.PENANA31W9Nj0yIC
Weakly shaking his head, Tracey mumbled, “Help. Someone, please. I don’t belong here.” He tried to get up and flap his wings, but he only collapsed again. His entire world was spinning like a top. Tracey again coughed, and he breathed heavily again.229Please respect copyright.PENANAatI7sp1zW9
However, soon, in his head, he heard the Octopus Man, which he imitated the voice of Merlin the Great, and he told him, “I’ve come, my boy to take you back to my island, where you belong.” Of course, he was lying to him. He wasn’t going to take Tracey back to Merlin’s Island, he was going to take him to the Bermuda Triangle.229Please respect copyright.PENANAujg4b3gXwm
Tracey of course thought Merlin the Great was actually communicating with him, and shuffling uncomfortably on the sand, he begged, “Merlin. Merlin, please. Get me some water. I feel like my forehead is on fire.”229Please respect copyright.PENANAURiBMBbA0E
“Oh, trust me, my boy,” the Octopus Man evilly told him, “You’re going to get plenty of water.”
His ropes crept closer to the young fairy, but just before they could grab him, suddenly, the familiar, purple fairy figure that rescued him and Makenna before jumped in front of the ropes, and she yelled, “Hey!” The ropes grabbed her by the wrist, but she ripped them off and added, “If I was you, I would show a little respect! You do not have the right to hurt these two children! Find somebody else to do your dirty work to but not two teenage fairies!” A beam of light escaped her hand, and it slammed into the Octopus Man’s ropes, causing them to flinch back. She constantly attacked them, and the ropes screeched. Finally, they got tired of her attacking them. Therefore, they fell back into the ocean with a small splash and vanished. Finally, all was quiet on North Beach and Kiawah Island again.
The purple figure hovering over the channel soon stopped glowing, and a beautiful, wise-looking, elderly fairy was revealed! It was Selene! It was truly Selene! She had a very fairy godmother-like appearance to her. Her hair was held up in a bun, and she wore a long, green cloak, a dark green cape that was pinned by a purple heart, and green shoes. In her hand, she held a purple wand that could change from a wand into a cane and back into a wand. Her wings were colored purple, and they were fairly small, but they were a good size for her. She had the same colors as Tracey, but unlike him, even though it appeared her theme was green, it was really purple.
When Selene was sure all was safe again, she flapped her wings and landed next to Tracey. She shook his wrist, but he didn’t stir. His face was now tinged blue, and great waves of sweat ran down it and soaked his hair. Quickly, Selene grabbed his hand and pulled him into the sky. Tracey again was outlined by magic that let him float, and his wings dropped limply behind his back. Tightly clutching his hand, Selene flew him and herself toward Makenna who was still knocked out.229Please respect copyright.PENANAX1As6R6OkL
While she flew, under her breath, she mumbled, “Curses. The Octopus Man is nothing but a monster! These are teenagers we’re looking at!”
Makenna Delling was dreaming. She was flying over the Atlantic Ocean, with Tracey next to her, and they were laughing. Tracey was healthy, and the Octopus Man wasn’t coming after them anymore. The two fairies were living the way young fairies should live. However, outside the dream world, that wasn’t the case at all. Tracey was not healthy, and the Octopus Man was coming after them. This was the Octopus Man’s curse.
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End of Part Two: Seabrook Island
Current Word Count: 115,400