Makenna took one hand off Raeven and grabbed hold of her cape. She peered up to her new crystal wings and flapped them. With each flap, rainbows shimmered in them.228Please respect copyright.PENANAOz2Mom0kNx
Slowly, Makenna lifted into the air, and she chuckled. “I’m flying,” she whispered. She felt like it had been forever since she flew.228Please respect copyright.PENANAZLjwUQRII8
She was just getting ready to head down the hallway when suddenly, Mr. Nelson called to her from where he was pinned down, “Hey! What about me?! Aren’t you going to release me?”228Please respect copyright.PENANAjJs8kyRlsA
Makenna peered back to him and smiled sarcastically, saying, “I’d prefer not to. I need to make sure it’ll be easy for the police to find you, Mr. Nelson. I on the other hand have to rescue my friend and brother. Good to know you though. Perhaps both you and Peter will think about your mistakes while you’re in jail.” Raeven blew Mr. Nelson another raspberry, and he glared at him. Makenna patted him and prepared to fly away again, but then she realized that she had no idea where Mr. Nelson was hiding Tracey, Gina, and Caleb. She had to make an attempt to force the truth out of him. Therefore, instead of flying down the hallway, Makenna flew to Mr. Nelson and landed next to him. Raeven landed on one of her shoulder pads. Makenna kneeled to Peter Nelson’s dad and asked in a calm voice, “Mr. Nelson, do you think you can tell me where you’re hiding Tracey and my brother?” Mr. Nelson scoffed and closed his eyes. No way was he going to tell her. He was going to find his way out of this and become famous. He was going to deliver Makenna, Caleb, and Tracey to a laboratory, no exceptions.228Please respect copyright.PENANAQcSLpBVIS9
He turned his head away from the newborn fairy and said, “Humph.”228Please respect copyright.PENANAs13dtD54jl
“Mr. Nelson.” Makenna added. She gripped her knee, “I don’t have all day. Talk or I’ll make you talk.” Makenna glared and lifted her new wand. She pointed it at Mr. Nelson and warned, “I’ll use this if you decide to not fess up.”228Please respect copyright.PENANAHsnzOUxTY3
“Go ahead.” Mr. Nelson spoke, “However, Miss Makenna Delling, you do not have the higher authority over me. You’re not the police.”
“That may be true!” a sudden voice yelled from out of nowhere, “But we are!” Makenna gasped. As did Raeven. The Metamorphic Fairy leaped to her feet, and she, Raeven, and Mr. Nelson all peered down the hallway.228Please respect copyright.PENANA7ewWof5Uxy
Five Charleston County police officers, two of which were female, had appeared at the end of it, and all of them came toward the fairy, her avian friend, and Mr. Nelson. “Officers!” Makenna yelled, “You’re right on time!” Yes! Mr. Gheesling and Dr. Medford had called 911! “Oh snap!” Makenna suddenly yelled. She brought her hands to her lips, “They’ve seen me! Great! Now I know they’ll throw me into a laboratory!” She gulped and tried to enjoy her last minutes of freedom. She just wanted to see Mr. Nelson arrested before she was taken. She removed her hands from her lips and brought her wand down on the rainbow vines that were wrapped around Mr. Nelson.228Please respect copyright.PENANAc8Z640scNM
Right after they touched, the vines vanished, and immediately, he jumped to his feet and tried to run, but two police officers grabbed him and said, “Now just hold on a minute, sir! Where do you think you’re going?” Another officer, Officer Camden, who appeared to be maybe in his early forties, glanced at Makenna and stared at her. She nervously gulped and waved at him. She waited for the officer to grab her too, but strangely, he didn’t! He just let Makenna be and approached Mr. Nelson. She was beyond confused. Why weren’t any of the officers gaining up on her? She was a freaking fairy! Her true self had been revealed to the entire world!228Please respect copyright.PENANAUZUVq4zL5K
Both she and Raeven watched bewildered as Officer Camden stopped next to Mr. Cody Nelson and held a clipboard up to him. “All right, Cody Nelson,” he calmly spoke, and he flipped through the clipboard, “You’re under arrest for kidnapping, parking your car in an illegal parking spot, bringing an illegal weapon into a school, and child endangerment. Search his pockets.” The officers holding Mr. Nelson felt him up and down and pulled out his wallet as well as his walkie talkie.228Please respect copyright.PENANAXLHi1L4lLA
They pulled the sunglasses off his eyes, and scoffing, Mr. Nelson asked Officer Camden, “Who said I brought an illegal weapon to a school?”228Please respect copyright.PENANAfd99ijnRgJ
He tried to break free, but he was held tightly. “Oh please,” calmly spoke Officer Camden, and his eyes skimmed the bazooka pieces spread out all over the hallway, “Don’t you play dumb with me, sir. I know those are bazooka pieces lying around. I’m just doing my part in protecting the community. We don’t need any troublemakers like you and your son roaming around.” Makenna smirked and nodded. She and Raeven did a small fist bump.
However, they immediately lost their smiles and gulped when they saw that the remaining two police officers were approaching them!228Please respect copyright.PENANAhVP6Kzz0TL
Makenna started to sweat. “Oh no!” she whispered, and she rubbed sleep from her eyes. She was ready to drop to the ground and sleep, but she knew she couldn’t. The officers approaching her and Raeven were a female and male officer. They stopped next to the Metamorphic Fairy, and holding her breath, she wrapped her cape tightly around her. Her new wings shook crazily with fear. Makenna waited for the officers to put her in cuffs, but surprisingly, they didn’t.228Please respect copyright.PENANAjaP7Sw7bHA
Instead, the female officer, Officer Jordan, feebly smiled and saluted, saying, “Hi. Are you all right, young lady?” She was a tall woman, but she looked quite friendly. She was very pretty. She had a British accent. Makenna didn’t answer. She couldn’t. She was way too scared. Officer Jordan noticed her fear and comfortably said, “Oh don’t worry, young lady. You’re not under arrest. We’re not even going to take you and your little friend there to a laboratory.”228Please respect copyright.PENANAiRV0ri2Ppl
“You’re not?” nervously asked Makenna Delling. Officer Jordan shook her head no. Makenna sighed with relief. It was nice to finally meet a group of people who didn’t go totally crazy over the fact that she and Tracey were fairies. Then again, they were the police. Makenna relaxed her muscles. The male officer, Officer Patrick Hobbs, was the next person to ask her a question. He was a younger officer. He looked to be maybe in his early thirties. Makenna thought he was a little cute.228Please respect copyright.PENANArGn6cekkZP
Hobbs too saluted at her, and his question was, “Did he hurt you, young lady?” His radio started to talk, and he reached for it. Makenna gulped and nervously shook her head. “Are you sure?” Mr. Hobbs questioned.228Please respect copyright.PENANA0AfisJVre5
Makenna nodded. “What about your friend and brother?” Officer Jordan questioned. She held her hands behind her back, “Do you know if he hurt them or not?”228Please respect copyright.PENANA1b6E7Oi5ZP
“I don’t know.” Makenna whimpered. Images a Tracey flashed through her brain. Makenna fessed up. “However, ma’am,” she added, “my friend, Tracey, has broken wings. Broken wings are the worst thing that can happen to a fairy. I fear he’s in a lot of pain.”228Please respect copyright.PENANAKBd2x4mwmp
“Well then we must hurry and find him.” Officer Jordan comfortably spoke, “Don’t worry, miss, we’ll succeed in finding your brother and friend.” She, Makenna, Raeven, and Officer Hobbs together turned their heads and glanced at Officer Camden, Mr. Nelson, and the officers who were still holding him.
Camden took a deep breath and asked Cody in a calm but stern voice,228Please respect copyright.PENANAOYNmGrCABT
“Well, sir, where are they? Where did you hide the two boys?”228Please respect copyright.PENANAKs5kig7vFl
Cody came up with an excuse. “This is a free country, sir,” he told Officer Camden, “so who said you have the right to force me to answer?” Camden was patient with him. He had dealt with people far worse than him before, so this was nothing new to him. During his journey, he had learned that the best thing to do during a crime scene was remain calm and patient.228Please respect copyright.PENANAxTHZUvq7f9
He asked Cody Nelson, “If this is a free country, sir, then how come you kidnapped two kids and locked them up?”228Please respect copyright.PENANAuffo7GF6Pk
“I refuse to answer.” Mr. Nelson scoffed and turned his head away from the officer.228Please respect copyright.PENANAYL0Ip14Bv9
“I’m just asking you a simple question,” he calmly spoke, “and all I want is a simple answer. You’ve lost, sir. Nobody can save you now. I’ll repeat the question. Where did you hide the boys? I’m going to keep asking you until I get an answer.” He wrote a few notes down on a notepad he had also brought to the scene, aside from the clipboard.228Please respect copyright.PENANAQFoAOp7g1Y
Mr. Nelson slightly glared at him and said, “Man, you’re just harassing me.”228Please respect copyright.PENANAapXY5wO7QO
“My apologies, sir. I’m just doing my job. All I want to know is where the boys are. Not to mention, there is a fairy over there who can probably launch a spell that will force the truth out of you.” Officer Camden pointed his thumb in the direction of Makenna. Seeing this, she pointed at herself and peered behind her to make sure he wasn’t pointing at anybody else. Turning back, she nodded at Raeven, and he nodded back.
Makenna had to be brave.228Please respect copyright.PENANAy1LQ21nwNW
She was now a Crystal Metamorphic Fairy, and it was her duty to rescue Caleb, Gina, and Tracey! “That’s right, Mr. Nelson,” she spoke, and she banged her wand up against her hand, “There is much more to me than you think. I don’t believe you’re aware of the magic I have concealed in this here wand.” She approached Mr. Nelson and held her wand up to his chin, “Where did you hide my brother and friend?” Mr. Nelson gulped. You could tell he was contemplating an answer. Makenna held her wand closer to his chin. Her glare finally just forced Mr. Nelson to speak. “Fine!” he yelled, “I hid them in the auditorium!”228Please respect copyright.PENANAXJnTEa0cwf
“Auditorium?” questioned Officer Camden, “Where exactly in the auditorium did you hide them, sir?”228Please respect copyright.PENANAUsbNxVPxa3
“Backstage in the men’s changing room!” he answered, and sweat fountained down his temples.228Please respect copyright.PENANA6p61bsgDvE
“Thank you,” voiced Camden. He glanced at Makenna, “Makenna, do you think you could lead Officer Jordan, Hobbs, and I there? You most likely know the way to go since you go to school here.”228Please respect copyright.PENANAoW3m09cRSJ
Makenna nodded. “Yes, sir,” she answered, “I do know the way. Let’s go, but we’ve got to hurry! Follow me.” She flapped her wings and lifted into the air. Makenna flew forward, with Raeven next to her, and she looked very serious. Behind, a few more police officers arrived on the scene, and all of them scurried to the two officers holding Mr. Nelson and assisted them. The only ones that didn’t stay behind were Officer Camden, Officer Jordan, and Officer Hobbs. They followed Makenna.
She led them down the hallway, and she was flying as fast as she could. While she flew, her crystal wings shimmered with rainbows. The officers were jogging close on her tail. Every once in a while, Raeven peered back to them and made sure they hadn’t lost anybody.228Please respect copyright.PENANAKOBG7BdYu3
In his head, he asked himself, Oh, how will I ever repay Makenna for saving my life? and groaned.
Everybody soon made it to the auditorium. Makenna did a good job navigating. She threw open the auditorium’s door and flew inside. With her free hand, she gestured for the officers to come in. They did. One by one, they too entered the auditorium, and the door closed behind them. They searched the area.228Please respect copyright.PENANA651pjOpzWa
Officer Camden held his radio to his lips, and he spoke into it. “Currently we have just entered the auditorium in the east wing,” he explained, “We feel this is exactly the place where Cody Nelson hid the fairies. Yes, Makenna’s with us. Yes, she’s all right. However, Officer Lilly Jordan says that she’s worried about Tracey. Makenna may be all right, but she’s not sure if he is. We will search this entire auditorium from top to bottom. Trust me. Over.” Officer Camden lowered his radio and attached it to his belt. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, joining Makenna, Raeven, Officer Jordan, and Officer Hobbs on the search for Tracey and Caleb. Since she could fly, Makenna searched the ceiling. Acting out her flying pose, she frantically flew up to it and for the moment decided not to celebrate for becoming a Crystal Metamorphic Fairy. She had to rescue Caleb and Tracey before she did. Raeven followed her up to the ceiling. He was still trying to think of a way how to repay her for saving him.
Makenna soon hovered at the ceiling, and she called,228Please respect copyright.PENANA6yiv0jhgqs
“Tracey! Caleb! Gina!” in a loud voice, “Somebody! It’s Makenna!” Nobody answered her. Makenna frustratingly clenched her fists and groaned, “Argh! This is killing me! Tracey! Caleb! Gina!”228Please respect copyright.PENANA8z8ysffEzL
“Makenna!” suddenly called a voice from down below. Makenna dipped her head and peered down. Her eyes landed on Officer Hobbs who was standing almost directly under her. He was the one who had called her. “Makenna!” he again yelled, “I think the suspect stated that he hid your brother and friend backstage in the changing room!”228Please respect copyright.PENANANPr8jtofZt
Makenna gasped. “He did!” she announced, “Thank you, officer! Come on, Raeven!” Both she and Raeven stooped down and soared toward the stage. The officers followed them. Reaching the stage, Makenna landed on it, and Raeven came to rest on her shoulder. He urged Makenna forward. She hurried toward backstage and called, “Caleb!” Her voice cracked; she had yelled so loud.
Caleb was still trapped in the men’s changing room with Tracey and Gina, but he was quite busy. He was still checking to make sure Tracey was still breathing. He had not woken up. He was completely unconscious.228Please respect copyright.PENANAzaUcpYua4B
Caleb kept his bare chest exposed, just in case he had to perform CPR, and he was comforting the young fairy by rubbing his hand. “Hang in there, Tracey,” he begged, “Please.” Tracey’s hand was cold. He had lost the warmth in his body. All his body systems were shutting down. Scared, Gina hobbled to Caleb and leaned up against him whimpering. She hated to see Tracey in such terrible shape. In her opinion, fairies his age should never have to experience something like this. Fairies his age shouldn’t be dying, – in her opinion – they should be living their lives the way young fairies should be living. If birds could cry, Gina would. She cuddled up to Caleb and turned her head away from Tracey. He covered him back up with the sheet and stressfully clenched his teeth. Where was a phone when he needed one? “Hang in there.” Caleb repeated, and he rested his hand on Tracey’s neck, “Don’t let your heart quit on you. Please, Tracey. You’re way too young to die.”
Suddenly, from outside of the changing room, Caleb heard the voice of Makenna,228Please respect copyright.PENANARBJt1WsunF
“Caleb!” Caleb gasped. He listened carefully. Was that who he thought it was who had called him? After a bit, Makenna again called for him, “Caleb! Caleb!”228Please respect copyright.PENANAIiU92c1chU
“Makenna!” Caleb shouted as loud as he could. Gina jumped.
Outside the changing room, Makenna, who was roaming backstage and searching for him and Tracey, heard him and whirled around,228Please respect copyright.PENANAxk3gMiSyau
“Caleb!” Raeven shuffled on her shoulder. Officer Camden, Officer Jordan, and Officer Hobbs soon arrived on the scene, and they joined Makenna, listening carefully.228Please respect copyright.PENANAmAMtpwpMPq
All of them heard Caleb, “Makenna we’re in here! We’re in here!” and they all turned in the direction of the men’s changing room. Caleb asked his sister, “Is the police with you?”228Please respect copyright.PENANAg0MdskWOm1
“Yes!” Makenna called back. She and the cops hurried toward where they had heard Caleb’s voice. Makenna added, “Yes the police is with me!”228Please respect copyright.PENANATrUBs4Ansx
“Hurry!” yelled Caleb, “Makenna please! Get us out of here!” Makenna heard the fear in his voice. She sped up her pace, but she and the officers reached the changing room at the same time.228Please respect copyright.PENANAwJrWSQm8oG
Officer Camden reached forward and grabbed the doorknob. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. “It’s locked!” he yelled at his partners. Both Officer Jordan and Officer Hobbs gasped.
“Move!” Makenna Delling suddenly shouted. She pushed through the officers and forced her way through to the door. Stopping in front of it, she lifted her fist and knocked on it, asking Caleb, “Caleb, is Tracey in there with you?”228Please respect copyright.PENANAq8FJEh6zDF
“He is!” Caleb called back, “And Gina is too! Makenna please! Get us out of here!” Makenna rested her palm on the door and said,228Please respect copyright.PENANAKOMqO6aIOc
“I’m going to use my magic to break down the door, Caleb.”228Please respect copyright.PENANATKPFZ6VWRR
“Magic?” Caleb asked, “What are you talking about, Makenna? But your magic is-your magic is…break is down?”228Please respect copyright.PENANAoyJzSXJJJU
“Stay clear of the door!” yelled Makenna, and she peered back to the officers, “Officers, you too need to stay clear of it.” She focused her attention back on the door, “All right, Caleb, don’t worry! The door is coming down! Protect Gina and Tracey!” Makenna backed up and prepared a spell. Raeven gulped. The police officers quickly stepped away from the fairy and didn’t stick their noses up her business. After all, she was a fairy. Unlike them, she could launch spells.
In the changing room, Caleb grabbed Gina and approached Tracey’s head.228Please respect copyright.PENANAySoHBV76Jf
Grabbing his arms, he slid him back a few feet, away from the door, and said, “Sorry, Tracey. I just have to move you so you won’t get even more hurt than you already are.” He returned to Tracey’s side and got down. Caleb flung himself on top of him and protected both him and Gina. “I’m ready, Makenna!” he called.228Please respect copyright.PENANAUwRXuQZTEC
“Okay.” Makenna said from the other side of the door.
Outside the changing room, she flapped her wings and lifted into the air. Makenna bent her body and clenched her fists. She closed her eyes and yelled. A ring of blue, fire-like magic surrounded her, and the blue figure of a dragon suddenly escaped from the ring and flew straight for the door. The officers watched amazed. Makenna’s dragon roared, and holding out its claws, it flew right through the door and ripped it off its hinges! The door went flying over Caleb and Tracey’s heads and crashed into the wall. Caleb yelled.228Please respect copyright.PENANAaofBSYmebn
However, he then opened his eyes, and they landed on Makenna’s dragon. “Holy smokes!” he yelled. The dragon flew all over the room, and it roared while it did so. It appeared as if it was dancing for Caleb. Before Caleb knew it though, it went poof and disappeared in the heart of the room. Blue sparkles floated down toward Caleb, Tracey, and Gina. Amazed, he yelled, “Whoa!” and he caught a few sparkles in his palms, “Sweet! How did she do that though?” Caleb, Tracey, and Gina were free! Makenna had freed them!228Please respect copyright.PENANABdGPclzNLc
Outside the room, she landed and reached for her knees, saying, “Whew. Spells are exhausting.”228Please respect copyright.PENANA7rUKhyaeLq
“That was amazing, Makenna!” Raeven announced, and he did a little jig on her shoulder, “Absolutely amazing!”228Please respect copyright.PENANAlIi2X5OVjn
“Thank you, Raeven,” said Makenna. Narrowing her eyebrows, she landed and jogged into the changing room. Behind, the officers stood a bit thunderstruck. They then chased after Makenna.
Caleb had immediately become serious again. His smile quickly died, and he moved his body off of Tracey.228Please respect copyright.PENANA3zcQAEiKdP
Then, grabbing him, he pulled him to a sitting position and hugged him, saying, “You’re all right now, Tracey. Makenna is here. Help has arrived.” Tracey still didn’t move.228Please respect copyright.PENANAxDjd1ZN0cl
Caleb soon heard Makenna, “Caleb!” and he turned his head. His eyes widened when he saw her new transformation.228Please respect copyright.PENANANUmeOkBWsw
“Makenna!” he gasped, and he gently lied Tracey down again, “Look at you! You…!”228Please respect copyright.PENANAnilCWCFwlG
“Not now,” sternly spoke Makenna, although she knew he was talking her Crystal Metamorphic Fairy transformation, and she kneeled to Tracey, “We’ve got to get Tracey out of here.”
Officer Camden, Officer Jordan, and Officer Hobbs soon appeared in the doorway of the changing room, and their eyes landed on Caleb and dying Tracey. Officer Jordan gasped and smacked her hands over her mouth when she saw Tracey.228Please respect copyright.PENANARQ25L4uxsL
“We’ve found you!” Officer Camden announced. He, Officer Hobbs, and Officer Jordan hurried into the room and rushed toward the fairies and their avian friends.228Please respect copyright.PENANAxnAyPpvWkh
“Officers please.” Makenna begged, and she grabbed Tracey’s hand, “He’s dying.” Officer Hobbs was the first one to reach them. He quickly reached down and picked up Tracey, in the sheet. Gasping, he said, “He’s freezing!” and he brought his palm to Tracey’s forehead. Caleb picked up his two shirts and tucked them under his arm. Gina landed on his head, and she, Caleb, Makenna, and Raeven focused their attention on the officers who had crowded around Tracey. “Are you okay?” they asked him, but he didn’t respond. He was as still as a rock.
Officer Camden soon took his radio off his belt and brought it to his lips.228Please respect copyright.PENANAIA5bhtLnIU
Stepping away from the crowd, he spoke into it, “Officer Camden calling. Get me an ambulance here. We’ve found the two boys, but the older one, the other fairy, isn’t responding. It’s his broken wings. I don’t know what else to say, ma’am. Just, I need an ambulance.”228Please respect copyright.PENANAIgrGprh4NB
“He can’t go to a human hospital though!” Caleb yelled, “He’s a fairy!”228Please respect copyright.PENANANfl5M6vQv3
“Makenna,” spoke Officer Jordan. She held her hands behind her back and glanced at Makenna, asking, “Are there such things as fairy hospitals?” She had an idea in her head. She just had to clarify with Makenna whether or not fairy hospitals existed.228Please respect copyright.PENANABrkjdrmBoo
She nodded and answered, “Yes, ma’am, there are. The closest fairy hospital is on Coutarine Island which that isn’t far from Seabrook Island’s North Beach. What’s your plan?”228Please respect copyright.PENANAp6AoISPkSO
“Why don’t we try this?” asked Officer Jordan, “I know EMS never hangs up on an emergency call. Why don’t we have them drive Tracey to North Beach, and then you, Makenna can fly him the rest of the way to the fairy hospital? That will at least give him some medical assistance on the way there.”
Makenna thought about this for a moment.228Please respect copyright.PENANAa5bcY0gXsa
“Hey,” she said after a bit. She cracked a feeble smile, “That’s actually not a bad idea, Officer Jordan.”228Please respect copyright.PENANA6ClqqLO5Ra
“Whoa,” spoke Caleb, “How come I never thought of that? That’d be perfect!”228Please respect copyright.PENANAgUk9quf70n
“Why don’t we do try that?” asked Makenna, “Tracey needs medical assistance right away. This may be the only way how we’re truly going to save him.” She scratched Raeven under the chin, and he purred.228Please respect copyright.PENANAHeaxpLPYrp
“So, it’s settled then?” Officer Camden questioned. The others turned and nodded at him. He again brought his radio to his lips and spoke in it, “We’ve come up with a plan. Contact EMS and tell them this as well. We could have them drive the boy to Seabrook Island, – at least give him some medical assistance – and then his friend, Makenna can take him to a fairy hospital from there. I know this sounds totally unrealistic, but it’s the truth! I’m not playing around! I need an ambulance!”228Please respect copyright.PENANA9MEeg0BKpZ
“Don’t worry, Officer Camden,” spoke a female voice from the radio’s other line, “I’m getting your message dispatched to the paramedics right now. We’re well aware of what’s going on at Johns Island High School. This mission is going to be top secret through. We will never share with the world that it involved real fairies. I don’t want to put them at risk of being thrown into a laboratory. All right, EMS just answered. They said they have no problem with coming and getting that boy. They’re on their way right now. Stay on the line with me though. Keep me updated on the boy’s condition. So, the problem is broken wings?”228Please respect copyright.PENANARdByiqoIxs
“Yes,” said Officer Camden, and he gestured for everybody to start leaving the changing room, “Makenna Delling, his friend, explained that broken wings are the worst thing that can happen to a fairy. They’re killing him, and they’re killing him very fast too.”228Please respect copyright.PENANABgQhHiLhGB
“Is he conscious?” was the dispatcher’s next question.
Officer Camden glanced at Tracey and shook his head,228Please respect copyright.PENANA3VjaEGCzJR
“No.” He touched Tracey’s hand, “His skin is as cold as ice! He’s not moving at all!”228Please respect copyright.PENANAcTMPxVCyNH
“Okay,” calmly spoke the dispatcher, “I’m going to call the paramedics back right now and tell them to hurry. Don’t shut off your radio, sir.”228Please respect copyright.PENANARKOJ97veHr
“I’m not,” said Officer Camden. By this point in the conversation, he, Hobbs, Jordan, Makenna, Raeven, Gina, and Caleb had gotten down from the stage, and they were hurrying toward the auditorium’s exit. Makenna flew next to jogging Caleb, and both of them glanced at Tracey and then at Officer Camden.228Please respect copyright.PENANABJDyr97SwR
After a bit, Caleb said, “He’s doing quite well despite this his first time calling for help for a fairy.”228Please respect copyright.PENANAXq3X5tp1ov
“Not every human is a bully to Tracey, Caleb.” Makenna explained, “I don’t know if he understands that yet. After all Peter did to him, I don’t blame him not trusting humans, but he needs to realize that not all humans are bad. Life lessons from Makenna Delling. I’m going to tell him right now.” Still flying forward, she closed her eyes and reached for her temples. “I love having my powers back,” she admitted. Now that she was no longer a dying fairy, Makenna was able to communicate through telepathy again. She focused her powers, and through telepathy, she said to Tracey, “Tracey. Tracey this is Makenna. Makenna Delling.”
Suddenly, she found herself, her figure, floating in Tracey’s mind! Now that she was a Crystal Metamorphic Fairy, her telepathic powers had grown. She was now able to literally visit another person or fairy’s mind! Makenna was shocked with what she found in Tracey’s mind. It was only here that she discovered the truth about him. She almost wanted to cry. It was so sad. Makenna found tons and tons of fear bugs in his mind; these were little bugs that roamed a fairy’s mind whenever they were feeling great fear. The fear bugs fed on that fear, grew, reproduced, and added more to the individual. Aside from fear, Makenna also found a lot of loneliness in Tracey’s mind.228Please respect copyright.PENANA0V47O4KTdg
Suddenly, an image of him appeared in front of her, and she heard him yelling, “Mom! Dad! I’ll wait for you forever!” to two, blurry figures in front of him, “Until you return to me, I will train extra hard on Merlin’s Island!” The image then shifted and next showed him sitting on a rock on the beach, and he was staring gloomily out to the ocean. “Where are you, Mom and Dad?” he asked. In the image, Gina was with him, and she was resting on his knee. Tracey’s next few lines really did make Makenna cry, both in his mind and outside of it. Rubbing Gina, he sadly voiced, “Makenna was right about me, Gina. I’m nothing but a burden. I don’t deserve to have friends. Every time I try to make one, they always pitch me underground. Nobody cares about me.”228Please respect copyright.PENANAgd4LYW46oL
Makenna, who was sobbing, couldn’t help herself. “No! That’s not true, Tracey!” she yelled, “Don’t think that! I care about you! Not everybody in this world is a bully! I know you no longer trust me and the world of humans, but I promise I will save you!” Tracey’s silhouette didn’t answer. It started to fade, as a sign that he was reaching the very end of his life. It was a sign that his heart was slowing down. Makenna continued to yell at him though, “Tracey, please! You can’t die! I need you! You’re the only boy I know who will never hurt me! Please! Please understand that not everybody in this world is a bully! These people outside your mind in the real world are only helping you! They’re not trying to hurt you! Tracey, please trust me one last time!” She next found great sadness in Tracey’s mind. A fading image of him appeared in front of her face, and he looked like he was about to cry. He looked severely depressed.
Before long, he spoke to Makenna! He too was communicating with her through telepathy, even as unconscious! However, his voice was filled with sadness. “I’m sorry, Makenna,” he told her, and his image continued to fade, “but I don’t belong here. I don’t want to be a burden anymore. I’m doing what I think is best for me.” Tracey was basically committing his own suicide. He had lost all hope. He knew his wings would never heal, and he knew that if he stayed then he would continue to be bullied, so he was letting himself die. He had given up. Makenna had to try her best to give him his confidence back so she wouldn’t lose him. Suddenly, she felt a great pull behind her, and she was pulled away from her friend. “Tracey!” she yelled, and she reached for him. However, she didn’t succeed in approaching him. She was only getting pulled further and further away from him. Makenna started to spin, – she yelled as this happened – and then she went plop, and she fell onto her front back in the real world. She had just escaped Tracey’s mind. Makenna shook her head and looked up.
Caleb’s face had appeared in front of her.228Please respect copyright.PENANA9yhJOqsXOn
“Are you all right, Makenna?” he asked, “You went into a trance!” Officer Camden, Officer Jordan, and Officer Hobbs were rushing down the hallway further away in front of them. At the sight of her brother, Makenna gasped. “Caleb!” she yelled, “We’ve got to save Tracey!” and she stood up, “I literally went into his mind! I saw everything that was going on in it! Caleb, he’s severely depressed. He’s letting himself die. He’s committing his own suicide!”228Please respect copyright.PENANAoJZzCgzkQn
“What?!” Caleb asked, appalled, “No! We can’t let him do that!”228Please respect copyright.PENANAMmQqZGIkRe
“We’ve got to hurry,” said Makenna, “While we’re waiting for the ambulance to come get him and on the way to the hospital, I’m going to try to give him back his confidence and stop him from killing himself.”228Please respect copyright.PENANAnCUBtE4Mfq
“Merlin’s apprentice can’t die!” Raeven shouted, “He’s Merlin’s apprentice! He’s one of the most gifted fairies in the entire world!”228Please respect copyright.PENANA27usLTkIyP
“He doesn’t know that though.” Makenna sobbed. Tears streamed down her cheeks, “This is all my fault. I was the one who never came and comforted him when he was sad. I was too immobilized by Peter Nelson.” She sobbed harder, “And check out where my mistakes led us! I honestly don’t believe I should’ve gotten this new transformation. Not after all I’ve done. And now, thanks to me, Tracey’s dying.”228Please respect copyright.PENANAfQGfZCQ6D7
“Not all hope is lost,” said Caleb, and kneeling, he took Makenna’s shoulder, “We can still save him, Makenna. We will save him. I promise.” He pulled Makenna into a tight hug and let her have her cry. She appreciated it. She needed a hug. As soon as she and Caleb hugged, they let go and hurried after the cops and Tracey.