As Makenna cautiously trekked through the corridor, she kept her eyes and ears open and said,254Please respect copyright.PENANAesNvwfgXwD
“Oh gosh, I feel like something’s just going to jump out at me and…!” Suddenly, out of nowhere, entered a bat, and it soared by Makenna’s head. “AHHH!!” she screamed. She sprinted down the corridor and waved her hand as more bats chased her. After running for a few minutes, she stepped on a stone and lost her balance. As she fell to the ground, Makenna yelled. She landed on her front and closed her eyes, bracing her head as the bats soared over it. Makenna kept her hands on her head until she was certain the bats were gone. When she was sure they were, she struggled to her knees and peered down the continuous corridor. “I’m a lost fairy!” she yelled. She buried her head in her hands and sobbed. She felt like she was the only one in the corridor.
When finally, she stopped sobbing, she twisted her head and peered back at her back that was covered with the fur coat. She thought for a moment.254Please respect copyright.PENANAhGAzwufofT
Then she asked, “Can’t get in control of my wings?” and unbuttoned her coat, “I’ll show him.” With a stern face, she pulled the coat off and threw it to the ground. She was now looking at her small wings. Makenna said, “Oh shoot!” when she felt the cold and wrapped her arms around her body, “I’m freezing!” She watched as her breath escaped her lips and dissipated in the air. Then, with teeth chattering, she said, “No,” and stood up, “I’m going to-to fly! I’ll show tha-that so-called wizard whose boss!” Standing up, she peered back to her wings again and tried to remember how Tracey managed to control them. When it hit her, she put down her foot and called, “Wings! Lift me into the sky!” The wings did nothing. They were on their coffee break. Makenna clenched her fist and tried again, “Wings! You be-better li-lift me into the-the sky!” Again, her wings did nothing. “Ooh!” shouted frustrated Makenna Delling, “You’re kidding me, right?! Stupid wings! Stupid, stupid wings!” Reaching back, she grabbed them and tried to force them to flap, “Flap, you idiots! Flap!” Nothing happened. Yelling, Makenna continued to attempt flying, but she failed every time. Finally, she gave up and plopped down on her butt. As she sat in the cold, dark corridor, she crossed her arms and started to pout. The wings carried on with their coffee break. After a bit, Makenna finally said, “I want to go home! I just want to be a normal teenager!” and she punched the rocky ground, ignoring the pain. After a few more minutes, Makenna finally decided to continue with her walk. Picking up her coat, she let it hang from her right elbow and trekked forward. While she trekked, she stayed as quiet as possible, and then, she saw something! She saw a light! A light!254Please respect copyright.PENANA8XF2IcSE6A
Gasping, Makenna said, “A light! It’s a light! My room!” Whooping, she jumped into a run and hurried toward the light. Soon, she reached it, and she gasped when she saw, yes, a room! Whooping again, she hurried inside but yelled when suddenly, out of nowhere, appeared Tracey! The two fairies crashed into one another, and toppling to the ground, Makenna yelled, “Ow!” as she landed on her butt and reached for her head. Tracey, on the other hand, didn’t have an as comfortable landing. He crashed down on his back, and the back of his head hit the ground. Tracey yelled and closed his eyes.
When Makenna recovered from her fall, she jumped to her feet and pointed at dazed Tracey, yelling,254Please respect copyright.PENANA1jqwCQe1mn
“All right, Ninja Boy, I’m fining you one million dollars for crashing into me! What are you doing in my room?!”254Please respect copyright.PENANAeAsytLDqry
“Your room?” asked Tracey. He sat up and rubbed the back of his head, “What are you talking about? This is my room.” He opened his eyes but didn’t take his hand away from his head.254Please respect copyright.PENANAcJOx4dnQLd
“Your room?” Makenna asked him, “What are you talking about?”254Please respect copyright.PENANAYCkjXYApnT
“Your room is a little further down,” explained Tracey, “but this is mine. You’re welcome to look around if you want to. I have no qualms about that.” Standing up, he brushed himself off, and Makenna shook her head. Then, turning around, she gasped when she saw Tracey’s room. It was amazing!
Strings of green and purple lights decorated the entire room, and a single, lighted torch was in one of the corners. There were a couple of paintings, like cavemen paintings, on the room’s rocky walls, and a large, green carpet was under Makenna’s feet. Tracey’s bed, yes, he had a real bed, was in the far-right corner of the room, and over the side of the bed, carved into the room’s rocky wall was a jail-like, bar window. Tracey’s bedspread was green, his pillow was white with light green trimming, and he had a purple comforter at the foot of his bed. There was a bookshelf to the right of the bed’s head. Up above, hanging from the ceiling, was a massive loft. Finally, there were lots of stacks of papers and notebooks spread out in the room. For a teenage boy, Tracey was clean.
Makenna chuckled as she explored the room.254Please respect copyright.PENANANgWJz8cIaS
Tracey soon approached her and asked, “Well, is it okay?”254Please respect copyright.PENANAN6FTjErUig
“It’s great.” Makenna said, “I wish my room was this nice and clean.” When she passed Tracey’s bed, she brushed her palm across it. He approached her from behind and took her shoulder, saying, “Makenna, I want to show you something.”254Please respect copyright.PENANAZ046bzvays
“Show me something?” Makenna asked. Releasing her shoulder, she turned to him, “Show me what?”254Please respect copyright.PENANAkQ5CmS1An2
Tracey smiled and offered her his hand. “Come with me,” he said. Makenna smiled. Then, lifting her hand, she took Tracey’s hand, and the second she did, the warm, fuzzy feeling returned. She blushed. She had to admit, Tracey was maybe as handsome as Peter Nelson. If not, handsomer. A bit after the two touched hands, Tracey flapped his wings and lifted into the sky. Makenna peered down and gasped when suddenly, she was outlined by green magic! Tracey tugged on her hand, and Makenna grinned when she saw that her feet were lifting from the ground! She was flying! Tracey was making her fly! As he lifted her into the sky, Makenna grinned bigger. Tracey tightened his grip on her hand and said, “Make sure you don’t let go okay? If you do, you’ll fall.”254Please respect copyright.PENANADwrgDLKSlq
“Right.” Makena whispered as flashbacks of her dream reentered her head, “I remember this in my dream.” Tracey didn’t hear her. He was too interested in showing her whatever it was he wanted to show her.
He dragged her into the sky and took her over to the large loft hanging from the ceiling.254Please respect copyright.PENANAAZpFC77N2H
Makenna said, “Whoa,” as he dropped her off and let her hand go. The second he did, the green magic surrounding her vanished. She watched as Tracey landed and started to scout around for something. As he scouted, Makenna observed his extra, room-like loft. It was just as amazing as his room itself. Like down below, strings of green and purple lights decorated it. There was a green mat on the floor of the loft, and Makenna also noticed that behind her, covering a section of the wall, were some green and purple curtains. She felt a draft. It was coming from the curtains. Makenna wondered if something was behind them.
She was just about to check it out when suddenly, she heard Tracey,254Please respect copyright.PENANAUbZ7WWsNVB
“Over here, Makenna!” Makenna jumped. Turning her body, she saw the young ninja waving her over and smiled, approaching him.254Please respect copyright.PENANABsbgcJqM93
Once in front of him, she crossed her arms and asked, “Well, Ninja Boy, what is it you want to show me?”254Please respect copyright.PENANAKxB0M0Ix2r
Tracey lifted into the sky and held his palm out to her, saying, “Stay there, Makenna. She’s a little shy.”254Please respect copyright.PENANAgSHKzlgERS
Makenna blushed. “She?” she asked through gritted teeth, “Who’s she?” Tracey slightly glared at her. Then he relaxed his facial muscles and backed up to a rock.254Please respect copyright.PENANAQNSt7VFAiC
Soon hovering over it, he placed his right palm on it and held out his left hand. “Come on, Gina,” he said, “You’re okay.”254Please respect copyright.PENANArroWIq8jGs
Makenna turned red from her heels up. “Oh,” she angrily said, “right. Gina.” However, her angry face vanished, and she smiled when she saw that stepping out from behind the rock, slowly and carefully, was a beautiful tern! She had the face of an angel, and she looked just as innocent as Tracey.
She glanced at Makenna and then up to Merlin’s young apprentice. Seeming to smile, she climbed up onto his wristband, and smiling, Tracey bent his elbow.254Please respect copyright.PENANASU39XoECX4
He flew to Makenna and hovered in front of her, saying, “Gina, this is Makenna. Makenna, this is Gina. I found her injured with a broken wing three years ago, and we’ve become the best of friends.”254Please respect copyright.PENANAUqIbJUf6Ww
“She’s so cute,” said Makenna, “Hi, Gina.” She reached out to touch Gina, but she snapped at her. Makenna yelped and took a step back.254Please respect copyright.PENANASKAXbeqKiX
Tracey chuckled and said, “I do apologize about her, Makenna. You’ll have to excuse her. She’s been kind of edgy around strangers ever since she broke her wing.” Nodding, Gina turned to him and started to squawk. “Hm?” asked Tracey, “What is it, Gina? What about Makenna?” Gina hopped up onto his shoulder and silently squawked into his ear. Makenna narrowed her eyebrows and tried to figure out what she was saying. After Gina spoke to Tracey, she turned away, and Makenna noticed that the young apprentice was trying to hold back a laugh.254Please respect copyright.PENANAUtdd0Y7rly
She asked, “What’d she say, Tracey?”254Please respect copyright.PENANANx2LEu09FO
“Sorry,” Tracey chuckled, “but I don’t use that kind of language.”254Please respect copyright.PENANAF1bjS1lyJI
“Oh!” Makenna said. She stomped her foot, “Fine!” and turned away, “Have fun with your inappropriate tern, Ninja Boy! I’ll leave you alone!”254Please respect copyright.PENANASMWNFpXmHA
“I apologize, Makenna,” Tracey calmly said, “but Gina currently is a one-fairy tern.” He turned his head toward Gina, “Aren’t you, Gina?” Gina cuddled up to his cheek and seemed to purr.
Tracey chuckled and twirled slightly in midair as if he was dancing. As he twirled, his wings gave off a blast of green and purple fairy dust.254Please respect copyright.PENANAvObBkgQFnW
Scoffing, Makenna reached for her head and rolled her eyes, saying, “This is poppycock. Ninja Boy thinks he’s a real fairy. Ah.” She waved her hand and crossed her arms, marching past Gina and Tracey who literally started to dance in midair. As Makenna marched away from them, she muttered. However, then quite suddenly, she stopped and turned back to the two friends. They looked like they were having a blast together. Makenna sighed. She was starting to have a change of heart with Tracey. He was just, to her, so innocent, so kind, so responsible, so curious, so trustworthy, and so handsome. She was now starting to realize what a bully she’d been to him and Merlin, and it was all because she didn’t believe she was a fairy. Makenna nodded. She made up her mind. She was going to try to act more like a friend around Tracey and Merlin, not a foe. She was going to try to do better. Her wings sensed her change of heart, and suddenly, for the first time ever, they flapped, and Makenna was lifted a few feet off the ground! She gasped, and smiling, she peered back to her wings. They were finally starting to trust her! Makenna however didn’t stay in the sky for long. Before she knew it, her wings dropped her back to the ground, and she landed on her feet, still smiling.
In a low whisper, she said,254Please respect copyright.PENANAk4lpVhGETb
“Thank you, wings,” and they seemed to nod. Makenna soon focused on the ground, and lifting her arm, she sat cross-legged and put her coat over her lap. Once over it, she propped up her head and watched Gina and Tracey. They together soared gently across the sky, and Tracey scratched Gina under the beak. Afterward, they together twirled up to the ceiling, and Gina flew into Tracey’s arms. Smiling, he closed his eyes and hugged her. When he let her go, he next peered up to his wings, and Makenna watched as his smile turned into a grin. Gina hovered next to his right wing, and it brushed up against her. Soon, Tracey landed, and he reached up, grabbing hold of his right wing. Makenna chuckled when she saw him. Wow, Tracey loved his wings. Gina soon landed on his shoulder, and she and Tracey met eyes. They smiled at one another. After a bit, Tracey let go of his wing, and he grabbed ahold of the tern, again pulling her into a hug. Ah, now wasn’t this just the most adorable thing ever? Oh, how Makenna wished she could have a friend tern. She thought, just witnessing it, it’d be the coolest thing ever. Tracey let Gina go, and he rubbed the top of her head. A few of her loose feathers wafted toward the ground, and the young apprentice chuckled.
He was just getting ready to open his mouth and speak when suddenly, he gasped and yelled,254Please respect copyright.PENANAFZ2lVm4S9C
“AHHH!!” reaching for his head. Closing his eyes, he grabbed it and yelled, “Oh no! Sensei!” He started to sink toward the ground, and Gina called to him.254Please respect copyright.PENANAvrwEmoEbuW
Makenna gasped, and she jumped to her feet, yelling, “Tracey, what’s wrong?!” She hurried toward him. Tracey landed on hands and knees, and his wings fell limply behind his back. They started to shake uncontrollably. The young apprentice continued to hold his head and yell. Gina landed next to him, and she rubbed up against his arm, trying to comfort him. Makenna soon reached young Tracey, and the second she did, she kneeled and repeated, “Tracey, what’s wrong?” She reached out to take his shoulder, but Gina squawked and opened her wings, starting to flap them. She leaped in front of Tracey to protect him and squawked angrily at Makenna. She held up her hands and said, “Gina, take it easy! I’m merely trying to help him! Don’t take it so personally!” She reached out and pushed Gina off to the side. Then, she again focused on Tracey, and taking a deep breath, she asked him, “Nin, Tracey, are you all right?” She almost said “Ninja Boy” again, but then she remembered that she was trying to act more like a friend around him, not a bully.
Tracey kept his hand on his head, and he said,254Please respect copyright.PENANA7YJuHZhaL6
“It’s Sensei Merlin!” in a calm voice, “Something’s terribly wrong! I have to find him!” He opened his eyes and struggled to his feet, adding, “Makenna, Apprentice Fairies know when their masters are in danger. They can feel it. They can feel the pain that their masters are feeling. I have to find him!”254Please respect copyright.PENANAOvrRSnRcu8
Makenna blinked. “I’ll go with you,” she said, and her wings flapped slightly behind her back, “I want to help you find your master.”254Please respect copyright.PENANAfb7DEWX0lm
“Thank you, Makenna.” Tracey said, “This means a lot to me.” He waved at Gina, “Come on, Gina!” and leaped into the sky, grabbing Makenna’s hand. She smiled when once again, she was outlined by green magic, and she felt her feet lifting from the ground.
Together, the two fairies and tern soared back down to Tracey’s main room, and he let Makenna go. She landed on her knees but quickly jumped to her feet. Then, with one more breath, she ran after Tracey and Gina, and together, they exited the room and hurried down the corridor, in search of Merlin the Great. The only thing that was left behind was Makenna’s fur coat.