I walked nearer to the force-field cautiously, hesitating on my steps frequently but nevertheless making my way over. As my small hand touched the surface, the entire cave rumbled. "WHO DARES WAKE UP THE GUARDIAN?!" A voice bounced through the cave, echoing its way from me to all the others, we kept quiet, but whatever it was, it wasn't having that. "I SAID WHO!?" I cowered back, slowly begining to raise my arm, "Me." I announced, "AND WHO ARE YOU???" "Crystal Dalan, me and my friends have come to retrieve the ring."
We listened to the questioning 'hmmm' that passed through, but chose not to say anything more. "VERY WELL.." It concluded, then we were enveloped by a bright light, after regaining our sight back we heard Prexa shouting at something. It was a boy around our age.
-Prexa's p.o.v-
(A/N: Have fun Yangire-chan! 😂)
Dizzy from the sudden flashes of light, I stumbled slightly, tripping and falling backwards. While awaiting my fall I realised that I suddenly stopped falling. Wait why? I opened my eyes to reveal a boy probably our age, he was strikingly pale and sadly taller than me. He caught me.. I sighed happily and was about to try and stand when he grabbed my shoulder, preventing me from doing so.
"I just arrived, and you're already falling for me?" He smirked, I facepalmed. "NO!" I shouted at him, probably destroying his eardrums but oh well. "Then were you not paying attention? Cause I really don't want that pretty face to get scratched." Oh now he was gonna get it. "LISTEN HERE YOU. YOU MAY BE THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF A FRIEND OF MINE BUT I STILL WILL NOT HESITATE TO PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE." I watched him smirk then turn and back away.
Alrighty then..?
-Crystal's p.o.v-
My face was so red from laughing. I swear, the look on her face was the definition of: 'Time to die' I lifted my head to see him walking towards me. "What's so funny little one?" He said, patting my head. I hissed, scowling at him when our eyes met. "Does this form not please you?" He asked at random, I shook my head, "Well let me try something else then." He offered and I watched him hover slightly and land back on the ground.
His once shiny gold hair now turned as black as tar, from a slick back to emo hair and his eyes blue. I blushed slightly, I like the pattern (I do actually 😅) but I wasn't gonna let it fool me, "Better?" He asked me, "Better, but don't you have a question for us?" I taunted, he stroked his chin thoughtfully, randomly raising his finger before asking, "Alright, here;
'What can be won but not bought,
You say you do it when you do the exact opposite for some,
You throw it around like nothing of it matters,
What is it?' "
We all froze, he gave us awhile to think when suddenly it hit me.
"Love?" I asked out of the blue,
"Why first, if I'm satisfied I'll give you the ring." He challenged.
Oh bring it on...