Casie pov
We all ran back to the mansion,I never knew it would be this easy to find the ring ,I mean we still have a few hours till the day ends,and we already found the ring,I just hope nothing happens..
Narrator:But then little did she know that something was-
T.B.W.L:Oh no not this time,we are not letting you reveal spoilers
Yangire chan:Yeah,lets get him or her ? I don't know who cares,CHARGEE!!!!
Chat Noir: -_- woohoo let's get him !
Author:Shut up,we are in a middle of a story here!
T.B.W.L:Yangire chan,shut up
Yangire chan:Uh guys that's not me...
Chat Noir and T.B.W.L:Huh??!!
Author: (Slaps Chat noir,Yangire chan ,T.B.W.L and Narrator,and takes out a hanger and whacks the shit out of the Narrator)THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR RUINING THE BLOODY STORY, NARRATOR!!!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU,YOU APPEARED IN MY OTHER STORY,NOW HERE TOO!!!! DON'T MAKE ME DELETE YOU !!!And also
this is a troll chapter sorry,just wanted to have fun with it,i promise the next chapter is the real one hehe~