She looked like a nun and Ben instantly said "It's gotta be Hella coz when Prexa regained conscious she said something about a nun" and we all started to step back. "Let's just leave it there and search the body to see if it has the ring" Sam said in a little fear. It wasn't there.
We looked around a little more and suddenly Ben saw something shining and picked it up. It was the ring. As soon as he picked it up the place started to break apart and we all started to climb back up. I went first then Crystal then Sam then Ben but one of the rocks hit his leg and he started to bleed so he tore off a piece of his shirt and tied it on the injury. "I'm fine if you're wondering. It's just a little bruise".
~Ben's P.O.V~
God fricking damn that rock it kinda hurts more than I thought. Ahhhh
~Amon's P.O.V~
We all ran towards the mansion