The whole gang apart from Prexa began searching. They looked wherever they could, or could reach and even broke some things along the way.
Crystal was in complete panic. Her heart was racing as fast as the sun started setting for the first day. She looked about and could tell that the others weren't doing any better, Amon having mental breakdowns, Ben freaking out about ghosts and Sam 'Trying' to be cool and okay,
Key word: 'Trying'
They frantically pushed things down from tables and shelves. Suddenly a noise similar to a trigger or gear of some sort echoed throughout the house, leading everyone to gather at the source. It seemed like just a trapdoor but what they didnt know was that it was the hell-hole of Hella's death.
Still oblivious to who found the door or what it was for, one by one, each of them jumped in.
~Amon's p.o.v~
"It's so dark in here!!!" I cried out, I heard Ben groan as he pulled out his phone to use as a temporary flashlight. "Now?" He said with a hint of annoyance in his voice, I cowered back and nodded subtly.