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Finally Amon woke up....god...
We all ran through the narrow hallway and found another flight of stairs,we were all walking down the stairs when,again it turned into a slide
*Thump* a loud sound was heard when we all landed
"Ow,does anyone have a flashlight it's so dark in here!!"I yelled
Amon then used his phone and turned on his flashlight,and stopped to point at something,"What is it Amon-!"I followed his gaze to see a shocking sight
Ben and Crystal
Ben was on top of Crystal
They were facing each other
Blushing redder than any tomato
Their lips
Locked with each other..
Basically they were kissing
By accident....
I immediately pulled out my phone and snapped pictures as Ben and Crystal were crimson
"This is revenge!!!!Bwhahaha!!!!"I yelled
Crystal and Ben pulled away from each other and looked away from each other
"It was Amon,not me!"Ben shot back and glared at Amon who was also taking photos
We all then turned to Crystal who looked as red as a beet and by shock she hit him in the head with hers and pushed him away from her and scooted near a wall
"Come on we ain't got time for this ...we have to hurry!!" Ben exclaimed
All of us sighed as we found ourselves in a room,we turned around and saw something was the ring
Amon turned to grabbed it when he stopped in his meet his own reflection,he tried to ignore it but a powerful force pushed him back,it seemed that the reflection was guarding the ring.
Finally,Crystal then went forward to meet her own reflection,well the reflection spoke obviously,and it asked something which was almost impossible to solve.....