~Crystal's P.O.V~
We pushed and pushed and we finally made it to the mansion. "Finally. That took forever to do but thanks to me we made it' Amon said like a speech and I suddenly replied "OI! WE ALL DID!". "Oh yeah we all".
We went inside the mansion and it was very dirty and messed up so Ben shouted "Time for some hardcore cleaning". We got our brooms and other cleaning stuff. I went to the guest room, Sam went to the kitchen, Prexa went upstairs, Amon went upstairs with Prexa and Ben cleaned the main hall since he loved cleaning.
~1 hour later~
Ben was done with the main hall so he roamed around the mansion to see how to give some changes. He went to the kitchen and said "this could be the restaurant". By that time I was finished too so I went to him and we went upstairs and then to the attic.
It was still messy so we got to the job. After that we looked around and found a taser. "Holy shit what's that doing there!" Ben screamed. He picked it up and then put it in his pocket. We searched more and found a rope. Something was very fishy.
I picked it up and then went down to put it in the van. Ben stayed in the attic to look around more. I felt like someone was following me but there was no one.