Amon pov
Wait? Prexa was possessed!OH NO this is bad...
''What are we going to do,how are we going to save her?''I asked
'' I don't know,the ghost inside her body is probably going to kill her and all of us along with it.'' Ben stated
''Guys I have an ide-''Crystal started
''Uggh, this is all your fault Ben,I told you not to choose this place''Sam stated angrily
''My fault?Ha your the one who was pestering all of us about the idea of making hotel''Ben shot back
''Ben don't blame Sam,its your fault for choosing this place!!!''I yelled
''SHUT UP AMON!!!''Ben yelled
''Amon,stay out of this i will handle this issue on my own''Sam told Amon, he then turned to Ben and shouted''Stop screaming at him!!!''
At the corner of my eye I saw Crystal starting to cry,she then screamed''GUYS STOP FIGHTING AND LISTEN TO WHAT I HAVE TO SAY!!!!!!!''
''What?'' we all asked in unision
" What if we give whatever the ghost wants and then maybe it will leave us alone."
We all agreed to her idea and then Sam said''But we have to wait for Prexa to wake up''
''Oh no, you dont have to wait any longer for that''a new voice said
We all turned around to see Prexa
Crystal pov
She did not look like herself,her eyes are black and red now which shows a sign that she is possessed
"So are you ready to dieee~"the ghost asked .That voice sent chills down my spine at that instant,her voice sounded as if a chorus of devils were speaking all at once.
"Wait please ,hear me out"I said
"Hmm,what do you want to say girl~"she said
"If we fulfill your wishes will you let us go?"I asked hopefully
"Well,let me think...hmm alright"she said"You must find a ring"
"A ring?"Ben asked
"Yes, a ring,when I breathe my last breath,the Germans took my ring,a very valuable one too.I have no idea where that ring is now,but you better find it"
"Can you give us a description of the ring,and do you know the name of the person who took it?"Sam asked
"Well,this ring is a Sapphire ring,taken by a man called Arthur Blackstone,Died in September 22ND 1944,cause well,I killed him myself"she laughed creepily
"I guess that's all the information we have "Amon stated
"And you better hurry uupppp~your friend here has very little time to live I will give you two days to find my ring,if you don't return by sunset I will kill your friend here and make you as my slaves,or I might kill you."
And with that the ghost left her body ,leaving Prexa to faint again..
~Time skip~
Prexa pov
I woke up feeling like a zombie,I had no clue what happened to them ,but by the looks of my friends terrified faces,I must have done something wrong
"What happened,what did the ghost do to you when I was unconscious"I asked
"Thank goodness your alright"Crystal exclaimed"The ghost..well took over your body for some time,we asked what it wanted,it told that it wanted a ring or something,Now we only have two days from now to find that ring
"Well we better get started,or your going to get killed by Hella"Ben said