The bull-man swung sideways. The cut would have taken Vandal's head off his shoulders, but he moved in such a way to be grazed across the upper arm. The slice made him scream. Nu, after dispatching the Umbra, flew under a metal overhang and began to channel some spirit. "Find cover!" she shouted.
Vandal did as she bid. Nu's warning distracted the bull-man, and Vandal took advantage of it, swiping at the beast's hairy thigh. The deep cut forced and angry moo from its throat, and had trouble standing on the injured leg. The cleaver drank the bull's blood and the gash on Vandal's shoulder diminished to somewhat of a paper cut.
Vandal dove into the backseat of a car. Jayden, about to drive the burning fang into the bull-man, drew back once he heard Nu's warning. He dove into the driver and passenger seats.
Moments later, Vandal could hear the patter of rain on the roof. Rain? Outside the drops sizzled viciously. The rain is acidic, mused Vandal.
Outside, the creatures were drenched in the torrent. The great spider, already with its abdomen looking like a little forest with Senshi's arrows, writhed in torment, slid off the roof, and crashed onto the floor, either dead or dying.
The bull's cries did not sound like that of pain, though its fur and horns wasted away. It was a sort of war cry, valorous and accepting of its defeat. Nu fainted and the rain stopped.
Vandal and Jayden sprinted out of the rusty, old car, to take down the bull, weakened, yet still somehow threatening.
Vandal struck the skull, and Jayden buried the hot fang into the heart. The bull roared and grabbed Jayden's arm, but it released him just as soon as he did.
The warrior beast's skin and muscle turned to warm, white ash, and its bones clattered in a pile. Its two-handed axe kept its form, its colored gems glistening in the coming dawn's light.
"Now, Vandal," Jayden growled, his anger rising, "can you tell me why the hell you went out here?"
Senshi, flew down, on her newly grown wings, and checked on Nu.
"I didn't ask you to come," Vandal replied quietly, abashed, "you shouldn't have."
"But if we didn't you'd be dead," snapped Jayden.
"Then that would be my fate!" shouted Vandal, "If one can't protect themselves, then they should ... "
The memory of his brave grandfather flashed in his mind unbidden. Why did it have to be him ... shouldn't an old man die in a peaceful slumber? It's because of me he was butchered by those bastards.
He realized Senshi was staring at him.
"Damn it ..." Vandal muttered before Jayden could see the hot tears run down his face. "I'm going back to the hotel," he said brusquely as he shoved past Jaden. "Take the axe. It's my thanks and apology, I suppose."
He stopped and took one look at Nu, still in Senshi's arms.
I swear, Vandal thought, I will carry her throughout this journey if she asks me. If that man, that treacherous watcher, dares to trouble her I'll ...
Vandal stood, gripped his cleaver, and looked up into the sky.
Above, the stars faded, yielding to the rising sun.