After Senshi came to her senses and found the strength to walk, they walked together to find a new hideout. Close to the end to the day, they found an excellent place to sleep but not to hide. It was underground in an abandoned cellar filled with dusted boxes in various shapes and sizes, and Magpie did not like it one bit. If the evil creatures would attack then Nu, Senshi and herself are at a disadvantage. "You all get some rest; I'll watch over tonight." Magpie grinned at them assuringly. Nu and Senshi looked exhausted, but Magpie denied their help taking shifts. After all, with that fear of disadvantage, she knows she can't find sleep tonight.
After a long time staring on the last glowing embers of the campfire, Magpie suddenly saw a familiar face protrude from it. "Magpie, don't forget why you are here. We have some unfinished business to attend to." It was the smokey shadow from the warehouse.
"Why is that?" Magpie sighed annoyed and held a hand onto the hilt of her sword.
The shadow sniggered. "The same reason why you are here, sweetheart. Don't play coy with me."
"Ever crossed your mind that I don't care?"
"I know you." Suddenly his voice whispered into Magpie's ear and felt his warm breath on her neck. Rapidly Magpie stood up and turned around with her sword unsheathed. "You do care because you vowed to rescue your lost friend, that is why you have joined with the others."
Magpie realised he was watching her all along. Her heart throbbed to the ears in fear and bewilderment. She clenched her teeth as their eyes met. Instead of dark holes, they are now human eyes, and they look similar to her friend's. Her hands began to tremble as a question arose in her mind. "Who are you?"
A devilish snigger came from him, and the smoke around him began to dissolve slowly. Revealing a human form in clothes but all was dark as if dipped in dark grey colour, except the eyes and teeth. Magpie slowly started to shake her head in dread as she recognised the silhouette. "It is I, your dearest friend." He held up his arms as if excepting her to run and embrace him with a broad grin.
"You're not him! He would never kill or harm me!" Magpie held her ground, fighting against her fear to falter and pointing the tip of her sword to him.
"Your determination is inspiring in a ruined world like this, sweetheart." He smirked, a flash of white teeth were visible, but they were sharp like needles. Something with his appearance is off, but I can't put my finger on besides the teeth, wondered Magpie. "You know my name, say it!" He hissed like a snake and took a step closer.
"You're not him, asshole!" Snarled Magpie angered.
"That's where you're wrong. I am his darker side, which made it possible to turn to necromancy." He sighed deeply with content. "Such power with such magic." He began to float, emitting great dark magic.
Magpie felt her legs getting wobbly, feeling an urge to turn and run for her life but her stubbornness and anger kept her on the spot. She grunted and held her sword pointed at him. If he tells the truth, then I can't harm or kill him because it will affect the true Ignatius. If a lie... Well, then I have nothing to lose. Somehow it's too good to be true that it is the later. Maybe he can be of use against Cordis? I need to make up my mind quickly. "What proof do you have that you're him?"
He sniggered softly. "Wanting to know if I'm connected to him? I indeed am, a part is his soul and his mind. You met him the first time on a market and pickpocket each other without knowing. After that he and you kept crossing paths, trying to outwit the other with stealing and soon came into trouble with a dark cult and nightmarish monsters. Without thinking you stepped in to help and he did the same, friendship flourished before the two of you noticed." He paused with a devilish smile. "A lovely friendship I must add personally, but I think you have feelings for him. You like him more than as a friend. Ignatius sensed that before he vanished."
Magpie froze in shock, holding her breath. No! These are all lies to make me weak! Don't fall for it; get a grip, Magpie.
Suddenly he stood close beside her and whispered to her ear. "He is yearning for you too." His warm breath brushed her skin.
Magpie jumped back with a gasp and touching her ear.
"Don't play coy with me, sweetheart." He smirked.
"Why do you want me dead?" Blurted out before Magpie realised.
"Who said anything of dying? A talented caster as you is a terrible waste and Ignatius can't bear that. Neither can I; instead of fighting against each other how about we make a deal?" Magpie remained silent. "I'll help you get back to dear Ignatius, in return you let me use your magic and energy."
Once touched by necromancy, it is a stain that can never vanish—echoed in Magpie's mind, a reminder from her friend. Sometimes to fight fire, it must be done with fire. Magpie dropped her sword and fell to her knees. No! There must be another way! Tears streamed from her eyes; she first noticed it as it dripped silently to the ground. Ignatius! If you can hear or at least sense me, stop this! Please! I don't want to harm or worse kill-
Suddenly her eyes fell upon a doll that looked like Jayden. Dark gold-coloured straw for his short hair and the expression in the cotton stuffed face looked neutral. What made it special was, it had a faint bluish glow. Magpie took a deep breath to collect herself and stood up. She wanted to pick up the doll, but it's sadly too far away to reach it and turning away from Ignatius' shadow might be the end of her. She clenched her teeth to the thought, doubting he will help her. Slowly Magpie picked up her sword and looked him straight in the eyes, showing no fear.
He blinked as their gaze met. "What say you?" His dark lips curved to an excited smile.
Rapidly Magpie thought of the arcane words and struck a lightening from her open hand straight at him. He dodged the lightning with a dismissive wave of his arm as if it were a gust of wind. "You do know only a few casters can produce magic without saying out loud the spell? A unique talent and well taught by your friend." He remained calm as if nothing happened, but his blood-red eyes burned with anger. "What say you?"
"Never!" Called out Magpie bewildered.
He laughed. "I thought as much, sweetheart." His voice echoed as his body began to dissolve. Magpie's eyes wandered feverishly around her surrounding, hoping not to find him hiding or attacking.
Suddenly a sharp pain burned at her left shoulder. Ignatius' shadow bit at her shoulder with its sharp needle-like teeth. Before she had the chance to defend, a dark warm hand held her head tightly at the cheeks from her chin. "Here's a little souvenir and in case you change your mind about my offer." He whispered to her ear and gave a soft kiss at her neck before he vanished.
Magpie winced in pain and disgust. She turned around to see, hoping he dissolved. Nu and Senshi were gone, she was alone. What's going on? Soon Magpie spotted the Jayden doll and wanted to pick it up when her left shoulder burned with pain. She looked at the wound. Damn him! She sighed and picked up the doll with her other arm. Why is this doing here? Who made this doll? I doubt it belongs to a child.
Suddenly she heard a faint sound of tiny bells ringing nearby, almost a sweet sound. Magpie cautiously walked towards the music; it came from the campfire. The last glowing embers were black but from the ashes peared out a green plant. She felt strong magic emitting from that little green plant. Is this one of Shadow's work, or is someone else helping? Her guts told her to hold on to the doll and the plant; they may be of use when the time comes—no matter from Shadow or not.462Please respect copyright.PENANAe44vBDOiSo