“Senshi...” a voice called, senshi opened her eyes slowly and looked around she was in a familiar room the bright candles illuminating the room.
She sat up and looked around frantically catching sight of the prince sitting next to the bed shocked, senshi backed away slightly and he chuckled “y-your actually alive...” he mumbled.
“Huh?” She said confused, he stiffened and looked at her “wait. Can you see me?” He asked, she nodded skeptically.
“Oh my god the spell worked!” He shouted falling backwards out of his chair, Senshi raised an eyebrow and burst out laughing as he sat up on the ground rubbing his head.
“Ow” he whined, senshi sighed and looked at him before frowning and jumping up “I-I have to go...” she said realizing something was off. “What?” He asked.
She turned towards him as he stood up “somethings not right.” She thought for a moment and realized what it was “where are the others? I have to get back to the others!” She said panicking.
He laughed slightly and turned her towards him their faces inches apart “sen...you’re in a dream...” he said, her panic disappeared as she relaxed.
“But then...how come you seem so real?” She asked, “It’s the spell I learned” he said with a sad smile caressing her cheek.
Senshi frowned “look I’m sorry...I don’t exactly know what I did wrong...but...it was obviously my fault...” he said frowning.
She looked at him sadness and love in her eyes, he responded with saddened and tired eyes. “You didn’t do anything...i was just naive hoping you’d love me back...” she said.
He frowned “to be honest...I didn’t realize how much I loved you till I had lost you...” he replied solemnly.
She looked up at him her eyes wide “w-what?” She asked, he smiled “I never got to say it...nor did I know it Senshi but i really do love you...you’ve always been by my side from the start...” he said leaning towards her slightly.
She stared a shine that had never been there before appearing as a smile plastered across her face and tears started to form. “Oh Carlos...” she sighed, he rolled his eyes “what did I say about calling me by my name?” He said their lips inches apart.
She giggled before stopping and his hand wrapped around her slim waist gently going to close the distance between their lips before darkness started to fall and he seemed to be so far away.
Her eyes snapped open as she tried to see in the darkness catching sight of him farther away in the see of black.
“CARLOS!” She screamed, he smiled sadly as she tried to run to him before the darkness swallowed her whole.
“NO” Senshi screamed sitting up quickly waking up the others their eyes wide as they looked towards her. She gripped the fabric of her trousers as tears started to fall, “Senshi?” Nu asked groggily but worried.
Senshi’s breath caught as she stood up leaving the building quicker then everyone else had woken up, tears pouring from her eyes as she walk to god who knows where.
She stopped a couple of miles away biting her lip and gripping her arms as a breeze met her warm skin making her shiver.
Senshi watched as the sun rose above the clouds, she wiped her tears away and sighed “warriors don’t cry...” she mumbled to herself her fists clenched as she choked back tears.
“Let it go Senshi...” she whispered another breeze hitting her, her blonde-pink hair rose and billowed up next to her in the breeze the ribbon holding it into a ponytail loosening and flying away in the breeze.
“Forget him...he’s gone...your dead...stop it” she breathed calming down a little.
She closed her eyes in the breeze the thoughts of the prince floating away with the wind only to be replaced with the thoughts of Jayden and she bit her lip glancing back towards their hide out.
“Stop it...” she whispered trying to shake the thoughts away before kicking a rock “stop it.” She growled the rock hitting a pole and then flying back at her face whacking her on the nose.
She frowned.
Senshi sighed trying to fix a tear in her shirt with the materials they had as the others chatted about something she hadn’t been listening to.
She finished sewing the rip and bit the thread to break it, she glanced over and nu smiled sadly noticing her gaze to the others. Senshi smiled back sadly and then sighed before standing up and walking towards some steps that led farther down in the cellar, she raised an eyebrow curiously before nu’s voice rang out.
“Senshi” she said, senshi’s attention snapped to nu who was walking towards her “hm?” She hummed acknowledging her.
“I was wondering...why...why did that happen...” she asked, Senshi raised an eyebrow “when you coughed up the blood...and petals” she finished.
Senshi frowned knowing she would have to tell her at some point, “I..it’s a long story...” she replied hesitant.
Nu frowned “well...I have a long time... and I need to know what that was so I can help you.” She said drawing closer to Senshi.
Senshi snarled and frowned holding back tears before exhaling her breathe shaken. “It’s a disease...the hanahaki disease...” she replied.
Nu stared and stiffened “it happens when you get caught in a one sided relationship where only one person...loves the other but the other doesn’t return their feelings...it’s the reason I died in my past life...no one can stop it...it either kills you slowly...or quickly...” Senshi explained shivering and gripping her elbows.
Nu stared at her worried and scared “so I can’t heal you...?” She asked, senshi shook her head. “No...you can’t...” she said frowning, nu bit her lip and looked at her “do you mind if I ask why it’s happening again...” nu asked curiously but cautiously.
Senshi stiffened and avoided her gaze “no...” she answered “but-“ senshi glanced at Jayden who was stressing over something and nu realized it “oh...” she finished.
Senshi frowned and shoved passed nu before returning outside and sitting near the entrance the wind had gotten rougher and colder but she ignored it.
She pulled her knees to her chest and sighed, it felt like something had finally been lifted off her chest but it still felt like something was weighing her down.
“Dammit I want this all to end...”