Senshi sat on the railing of the balcony and let the breeze flow through her open pixie wings. She looked up at the night sky looking for stars and only finding one, the Aries star shone the brightest as usual and she frowned.
She looked down at her hands before realizing there was an object on her finger, the same object that rolled out of the crystal shards. She stared at it and sighed, it was a silver band with a red crystal diamond in the middle lined with green diamond leaves.
She ran her fingers across the ring gently before she felt the actual wave of power coming from it, her eyes widened as she almost fell off the railing. She powered up her wings accidentally shooting farther into the air then she wanted to, she sighed and just decided to fly around for a bit before the coughing started up again and her wings curled behind her and she dropped not to fat from the hotel.
Senshi landed on the ground the impact cracking several bones in her body as she cried out in pain only for it to be muffled by violently coughing and weezing, she gripped the ground with her working arm and coughed up petals the colors seemed to change slightly as they were drenched in blood.
She took a shaky breathe and coughed again before she accidentally created a flowery dome around her to keep her safe and her eyes started to become heavy before she fell into darkness.
The next day Senshi had woken up her eyes shooting open as she realized she was still outside. She clenched her fist the wall crumbling before she realized her other arm wasn’t hurt anymore, she looked down at the ring and stared.
Senshi stood taking one last look at the remainings of her violent coughing from the night before and shot into the air before soaring towards the hotel.
She scanned the area a bit before spotting Jayden through a window of a different room, she raised an eyebrow hoping it was their Jayden and not the wanna be psycho. She landed gracefully on the balcony rail and then stepped down onto the floor of it before opening the balcony doors and entering her room.
She guessed that everyone was still asleep so she grabbed some clothes and walked to the bathroom turning on the bathtub and peeling the blood soaked clothes off her, she sighed stepping into the bath when it was full and submerged herself under.
Her hair fanning out underneath her as she opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling through the water, she felt relaxed more relaxed then she had in a while and she smiled.
She missed the days when she could take a bath like this by herself in Alavaria in the piece and quiet, she would get so comfortable in the water that the prince had always had to come drag her from the bathroom.
She frowned at the thought of the prince and lifted her head from the water to catch her breathe and pulled her knees to her chest and looked at the ring.
She looked at the waters surface noticing something flicker across, she moved her leg a bit and the full image appeared of her and the prince when they were about 6 playing hopscotch.
The images flickered to when they were 16, the prince was sitting in a tree staring at the sky and stars as Senshi was sitting at the trees base sketching something on a canvas.
She remembered the picture she was sketching, it was a picture of the prince the exact image of them but minus Senshi. She frowned as the picture changed, this time Senshi wasn’t in it like she was supposed to.
She was missing from the image, the prince stood there formally with his arms behind his back as he stared at the camera. Senshi frowned realizing why she wasn’t in it, it was because she had died before the respective day they took the pictures.
She buried her face against her knees dreading looking at the water ‘water has memory’ the queen’s voice rang out and she drew in a sharp breathe.
Senshi coughed trying to cover it up so no one would notice but failed horribly as she coughed up more blood and petals, she coughed violently the shaking making her tremble and she frowned.
She was caught in a one sided friendship again...her heart ached as tears started to fall from her cheeks along with the coughing.
After a while the coughing stopped and she looked at the now stained red bath water and frowned as the tears continued to fall, she wanted to tell Jayden so bad that her heart and head hurt but she couldn’t...she knew she’d get pushed away again.
She stepped out of the bath and drained the water piling a towel around her and drying herself off.
When Senshi was dressed she walked out into the living room seeing that vandal was awake and Sitting on the couch, he looked up at her and she avoided his gaze before he spoke “I heard you coughing...are you alright?”
Senshi frowned “I-I’m fine...” she lied before returning to her room, locking the door and curling into a ball in the corner of the room. She wasn’t leaving the room today no matter how much danger they would end up being in.
She was to afraid to face dying and falling in love again, it was frustrating and terrifying. She bit her lip trying to hold back tears but failed horribly.
Why was she growing so soft, she hated it and despised it more then anything, she didn’t like looking vulnerable she never has. It annoyed her just like how she had flowers and branches growing around her heart and around her ribcage.
She hated it.