“Hisssss” a loud hissing sound filled the dark damp room. Senshi bolted upright gasping for air and looked around frantically “what the...where am I...” she mumbled as she stood up only to stiffen and tense up.
Senshi looked over her shoulder to see that her wings were gone, she screamed and fell backwards on her butt and gasped rapidly “my wings...they’re gone...oh my god...” she bit her lip to hold back tears as she angrily stood up.
“Hissss” the hissing grew louder and she looked up only to make eye contact with a huge cobra, she stiffened and frowned as she tried to understand the cobra but the words were jumbled and muffled.
The snake hissed again and struck towards her causing her to somersault quickly to dodge its attack, “dammit why can’t I understand you! Speaking of which why am I even alive!” She yelled the snake stopped abruptly and then hissed again before vines of flowers and thorns covered the snake’s body.
Senshi raised a perfectly plucked blonde eyebrow and raised the palm of her hand slightly “Huh...so I still have my elements atleast” she grinned and walked past the snake grabbing a satchel from a shelf in the dark warehouse.
She looked around only grabbing the things she needed and sighed before she looked down at her outfit which was tattered and torn “I really need a new outfit...” she mumbled before spotting a light in the ceiling.
Her eyes widened and she smirked as she pushed over a bookshelf towards the hole. They crashed against the wall and instead knocked it out. “Well...that works too I guess” she shrugged and stepped through the hole before stepping into a brightly candle lit room with a statue sitting in a throne in the middle with a sword in its hands.
“Well I’d like to stay mr. Statue but I need to figure out why I’m here, where is here and why I’m alive, so goodbye” she scowled as she made her way passed the statue towards two hugely important looking doors when a stone sword slammed down next to her.
She flew into the wall and gasped for air as she fell from the wall to her knees. “Damn...you needn’t be so angry.” She growled before grabbing her sword from its holster only to grab a dagger “OH COME ON!” She yelled.
The statue stood, shaking the whole room with the movement and swung the sword again. “I really don’t like you already.” She sneered before dodging the attack and then going to fly “oh right...no wings. Hehe” she chuckled nervously just as she was slammed against the wall again, this time having all her breathe knocked from her lungs.
She coughed up blood and slammed her hand against the ground as if gravity was trying to slow her down, she groaned and clenched her head before looking up and seeing a person in front of her holding out his hand.
“C’mon zen lets go.” He said, her eyes widened and she gripped her chest and held back tears before he disappeared and she got up slowly only to get knock against another wall, this time at least 2 bones cracked from the impact.
“What’re you sitting around for! Fight!” He yelled, she growled “DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!” She screamed as the whole room started to crumble. The hallucination stopped and she dodged a rock before dragging herself to the doors getting hit by the earth every once in a while.
She coughed violently before the doors started to open and she stepped through into darkness.
There were buildings, and she thought she could see people in the distance but she couldn’t move.
She looked up at the stars in the sky and fell to her knees as the world went dark.
Name: senshi noōjo (zen-she new-ho)
Age: 23
Sex: female
Race: elvish/fairy hybrid
Preference: both genders
Status: deceased
Eye/hair color: ice blue/blonde to pink
Notable markings: she has a tattoo on her left shoulder that makes a sorta black and orange triangle pattern, she also has a scar on her nose from a fight in her previous life.
Current occupation: warrior
Previous occupation: refugee/prisoner
Weakness(s): love, hallucinations
Strength(s): cockiness, hatred, intellect
Power(s): she can speak to animals, control the earth around her like make plants grow or die.
Personality: she’s smart, cocky, spiteful (unless she likes ya as a friend), she hates dealing with drama but loves to start and end fights, she’s dramatic but can be laid back and calm. She has a bad temper along with a bad desire to commit suicide due to her passed death where she died due to the hanahaki disease. She is basically the entire embodiment of the seventh deadly sin, wrath.
Important background stuff you should probably know: she was a refugee from her kingdom for “betraying” them and was thrown in jail but she eventually escaped. She then saved the kingdom and was awarded the spot as the queen’s number one warrior where she fell in love with the queen’s son who did not return the feelings and she died very slowly from the Hanahaki disease.