She pointed to the illustration of the difference between the coffee “What is the meaning for steamed milk, foamed milk, and frothed milk?”
I showed the previous book, which showed some types of coffee..
I pointed the milk part of the each coffee “These are the steamed milk (Pointed at middle of Cappucino, Machiato, and Latte), and these are milk foam (pointed at the top of Cappucino, Macchiato, Flat White, and Latte..), and this is frothed milk (pointed at the late art..)”
“Thou mean this fluffy stuff on top of these possets is milk”
Fluffy? “Yes it is..”
“And this” she pointed at the late art “How thou compose a shape in the water, are thou sort of sorcerer or what?” She looked at one of the latte art and pointed at it “And what is this shape?”
I looked at it..and it was heart shaped “Ah it’s shape of heart..”
“Heart, thou say?? i saw a lot of heart and none of those thus..”
How she sees a lot of heart.. “So from what you see in all these pictures, which one catches your eye, and you want to try drinking it.”
“How the flavor of all these drinks?”
“The flavor? I think it’s bitter from tea.”
She was surprised “from all of this milk, it’s a sore drink…i can’t handle a sore drink”
“Well” I pointed at Cappuccino and Macchiato “These drinks are not that bitter, because they only have one shot..”
Damn it! This lady surely asks a lot of questions “it means how many coffee beans that I will serve..”
“Ah right!!...I shall accept thy suggestion, so I want this” she pointed at the picture of cappuccino “Surely the creator of the drinks shall not delude me right?”
“Of course..not..just wait a minute….I will prepare your drink..”
I walked back to the counter to prepare her drink, and she sat in the counter while her eyes were running around in the shop, and there were some small plants on top of the wall..
“Thou surely hast a lot of herbs..”
“Herbs?? What do you mean? ”
“Those on top of the wall, are those herbs right..”
I looked at it “Ah those things…Those are fake…”
“Fake??? How doth thou fake the herbs?”
“Those are made of plastic…”
“Ahh! That thing which shielded this paper…I don’t know natural resources can make fake herbs…”
“Surely they do..”
I turned on my espresso machine, and for some reason the electric was in this house…and the machine made a sound, I saw her face when the machine made a sound, her face was scared of the sound..
“Hehehe, relax it’s just a mach—” suddenly I realized, If I tell it’s a machine, surely she will ask ‘what is a machine’ and how the hell I answer it, my espresso machine is shaped like a box. So let’s call it a magic box. “It’s a magic box..”
“Magic box??? That thing is a magic box??” Suddenly her eyes became more sparkling than before, her face became more curious than before, and her grip on the pillow became tighter.
Maybe I just step on the big mine then tell the truth about the machine, “Yes it is..”
“What sort of magic came from that box?”
“It’s a magic where from these beans” I pointed to the jar of beans “became a dark water..”
“But there is no water coming from it..”
“Just wait, the magic box needs a time for chanting it, the sound of the machine is the sound of chanting..”
“That horrible sound is the chanting sound…”
In a moment, the water was coming from it and flowed to the cup..
“See…the water is darker than any water..”
“Thou are right, it’s darker than the tea I hast seen..”
When I wanted to steam the milk, I forgot to ask her about the drink..
I leaned my face out of the counter to her “Hei!! Do you want the drink on Ice or hot?”
“Huh!!” Her face immediately in front of my face “Thou hast ices in here?”
I took a step back “Yes I have.”
“Great, so I want the ice then…”
“Okay then..”
I straight away leaned down my body and opened the ice box on the bottom. When I opened the ice box, I felt I had been watched by her. I ignored her and directly scooped the ice cubes out of the box. I stood up and saw her face sparkling a lot…Again, I ignored her, and started to steam the milk, but her sparkling stare made me feel uneasy, a moment later, I looked at her..and she started to ask.
“What is that on the bottom of the floor?”
“That’s the Ice magic box..”
“Ice magic box??? Woaahhh, how do thou get that?”
“That’s a secret..”
“So what are thou doing now with that little bawbling tube?”
“Ah! I try to—” I realized I had steamed the milk for too long because of her..”Crap!!”
“Crap?? I don’t wot if thou had bear it for a long time..”
“Not that crap, what I mean..” I tried to throw the milk at the sink..but she saw it..
“What are thou going to try with that drink?”
“This? I want to throw it?”
“Yet, that’s milk right? that’s a waste thou throw it, grant me if thou desire to throw it..”
“Are you sure you want this?”
“Of’s milk..”
“Okay then..” I poured it into a small glass and brought it to her..
Before I went to steam another milk, I wanted to see the reaction of her to taste that crap steamed milk…She took a sip from the small glass, and immediately she lowered her eyebrows..and…
“WEGHHHHH!!” Immediately her face showed distaste for it and her tongue was out “It is sour. Are thou trying to poison me?”
“You who want to drink it, that’s why I want to throw it..”
I started to make another steamed milk…because her palette had tasted like sour milk, it seemed she was quiet for some moments.. After I steamed the milk, I looked at her, she was just hugging the pillow with a distasteful face.. While she was quiet, I made the coffee calmly..In a second, I had done it..I served the glass of coffee with a small glass of liquid sugar..
I saw her, she took a look closer to her cappuccino, even she tried to put her finger on the foam of the milk..She took a sip of the drink…and immediately she showed the same expression as she took a sip of the sour steamed milk.
“WEGHHHHH!! ’tis bitter……you quoth it’s not bitter…”
“I said it’s less bitter than others…”
“How come this drink is drinkable..”
“If you don’t like that can add some from that small glass..”
She looked at it “Thou mean this small this sort of water or what?”
“That’s sugar…” suddenly I felt shivering in my body.
She turned her face slowly at me and slowly lifted her smile at me…
“What thou say??” she said with a big smile at me..
“It’s sugar??”
“Is this suuuuuu...gar? But this is water…” She tipped her finger at the glass, and tasted it…
“That’s water sugar…or liquid sugar…”
“It means water…”
“But how doth thou get sugar when the sugar is coming from a part of a new world?”
“New world??”
“It’s a world apart from our world..”
Does she mean another continent? Because sugar is so rare in some continents, some say a new world for other continents. “Yes, it is from a new world..”
“How??? Haply I underestimated thou, human…so thou add this to the drink?”
“Right….you can add what you want.”
Immediately she poured all the sugar into the drink…and she realized something…
“Where is the ice cube?”
“It’s at the bottom of the bubbling milk, so it got hidden from it…but you had tasted it right? And it felt cold.”
“Thou right…they are hidden in the milk…”
When I saw her drink the coffee, I felt I wanted to suggest something to her…
“Perhaps you want some desserts?” I asked her.
“Desert? thou desire to bring meself to dry land?”
“Not that desert, but desserts..”
“I don’t wot what thou mean..”
“It’s a cake, then do you want it??”
For once more, her face was sparkling with milk in her upper lips from the cappuccino..
“Is this shop for royals only?”
“Why do you think that?”
“First the drink that is so divers from others, second second the sugar thou hast from the new world, and now a cake…what are thou sort of aristocrat or royal?”
“Is cake that rare?”
“Yes it is…and it is so expensive, not all the creatures have it, only some royal creatures whom aye taste it…”
I don’t know if cake will be more luxurious “Have you tasted it?”
“No, I have never tasted it before…”
“How about you taste it now? Which one do you want to taste from the menu?
“What doth thou mean which one?”
“On the menu, there are various types of cakes..”
“What doth thou say?” Immediately she read the menu again..after that she showed me the menu and pointed to the desserts part ”thou mean the section that quoth ‘desserts’ is all the variants of cakes.”
“Yes…there is chocolate cake, strawberry cake, cheese cake, carrot cakes, and many more, everything written on the menu..”
“Haply doth thou hast any pictures for that? like thou didst for the drinks.”
“Right…you don’t know what those are.”
I walked toward the second floor to take some pictures for the cake…On the way to the stairs, I remembered that I had some cake stands, that I had planned to display the cake on the counter…I went back to the kitchen where it was located in the back of behind the counter…I searched the cake stand, and found the stash some of cake stands..I immediately pulled out the cake from the inventory system..where I took out a whole circle of the chocolate cake, strawberry cake, and cheese cake…I put them to the cake stand.. When I brought them to the front counter…her eyes suddenly were magnetized.
I said to her “So these are cakes, the dark one is chocolate cake, the light red is strawberry cake, and the one with light yellow is cheese cake…So which one you want?”
“Thou are really a royal…there is no way a person like thou could hast all of these…I choose the dark one..”
“I am not royal..” I took a knife and started to cut the chocolate cake..and put it on the small plate of cake..and brought it to her with a fork.
“Wait!! Thou not grant me the whole cake, thou just grant me this..”
“This whole cake is for 6-8 people, of course I will cut it and that is the reasonable portion..”
“Methought thou would grant me all of the cake…. So what is this white thing beside the plate”
“That’s a fork..”
“What is that?”
“It’s a tool for eating that can help you more than use your hand..”
“So this is a tool whom all human royals use..”
I saw her use a fork like a kid, who used all the fingers to hold the fork, and stabbed it with full power…and she tasted it…made her face become so happy from the taste of it..
While I saw her eating the cake, I realized sometimes she called me human even though she said human royals, but she was more like a human itself apart from her sheep horns.
“I don’t understand, why are you calling me human?”
“But thou are a human right?”
“I think you are too..”
“Me human?? are thou joking or what…”
“So what are you?”
“I am the demon lord, lilith…and thou are the first human who is not afraid in mine presence..” She said with some of the cake cream and milk over her mouth and cheeks.