Yes, the cafe skill has been activated again, do I need to tell them the reason for her rune not appearing..
Aella was so confused and looked at Noella, asking what had happened. Hearing what Aella said, Noella tried to do what Aella did, but later, the rune from Noella didn’t appear too like Aella. The two were so confused and looked at each other.
I watched them try everything to emit the runes, moving all their hands everywhere, their faces were so serious, they even shouted loudly to make the runes appear, when they preferred to not use chanting.
“RESOLVERE! FOTIA! GLACIO!” Both of them shouted at the same time.
Maybe I need to tell them about the skill..
Noella’s expression was scared and sad “Wha..t ha..d hap..ppened..Sis..ter? Wh..y.’t..use…sp.ell..?”
I saw Aella still thinking, after that she looked at me..
“Is this what thou hast done?”
I replied “What you mean?”
“Before I could use the Resolvere, but after you asked it to show it again to you, I can’t use it again, what have you done?”
“Well….Basically it’s not me, that you can’t use spells…”
“What thou mean?”
“The around of us that prevent you from casting a spell..”
“Around us? what around us that prevents us from casting spells?”
“This place…prevents someone from casting spells, more correctly, this place will negate all kinds of the one that makes your spell not casted away, you are inside of this place..”
The look on their faces was unbelieve…
“Forget about that, how about you enjoy your drink and cake, just don’t think much about this place..” And they were enjoying their drinks and cakes.
Out of blue, Aella threw a question at me..
“Thy name darya right? so are thou a human?”
“Hmmm..of course I am a human..”
“Thy attire is a weird one, for a human…”
“My attire?” I looked at the clothes that I wore, it was just a plain white shirt, and black pants, not jeans, for this moment, I didn’t wear the apron. “What’s wrong with my attire? Even your attire white as mine.”
“Well, thou hast these delightful cakes, it seems so expensive, and delightful possets with sugar that are so rare, yet i until with that attire, it feels odd, it seems thou look as a peasant..”
Me a peasant!...Wait a moment! I have a pair of traditional clothes that are used for nobles or civil apparatus.
“You want to see me wear noble attire? I have it, if you want to see me wear it.”
“I don’t mind it…”
I walked out from the counter, and toward the stairs..I went to my room, immediately to the wardrobe, searched the clothes…I found it, after that I searched the hat of the clothes..and found all of it…I changed my clothes with the traditional clothes…After I changed the clothes, I came back down to the first floor with some struggles to move because the outfit, especially in the stairs…
After I stepped on the first floor, I saw them watching me with some giggles. I walked toward them with small steps, every step I stepped. In front of them, I asked..
“What you think..”
Their faces were confused..
Noella the one who said first “It’s that outfit, the nobles who wear it?”
“Well this is the outfit that past nobles wear, right now, it’s so rare for someone to wear this as a casual outfit or party outfit.”
“It’s that outfit, worn by a man or a woman?” Aella asked.
“This outfit was worn by a man..”
“Yet the bottom of it, it’s as a skirt, yet it’s most tight, it causes thee struggle to walk..”
“It’s not a skirt, but a cloth wrapped around my feets…so basically this is not a clothes or pants or skirt, but a cloth wrapped.”
Noella’s eyes were toward my back and pointed at it “That behind you, is that a dagger?”
“Ah! This, yes this is sort of a dagger…but there is something inside of it..”
“Something inside of it? What do you mean?”
“There is a creature inside of it, make this dagger a sacred dagger.” Well there is a lot of myth about this dagger becoming sacred because a creature is inside of it.
“What type of creature is inside of that dagger?”
“It’s an occult one, I believe my ancestor caught that creature. After defeating the creature that my ancestor was fighting for 30 days and 30 nights without resting, he put the creature inside of this dagger, and this dagger passed and inherited every generation until me, as the latest generation.” Well all of that is bullshit, but it is a myth that this dagger is sacred, so a lot of this story is being told by some people who think they are powerful.
“Can I look closer at that dagger?”
“Sure..” I took it out from my hip back, and the dagger was still unsheathed from the sheath, and brought it to Noella, before I brought it to Noella, I gave it a message to her “Don’t unsheathe the dagger, if you unsheathe, the creature that my ancestor fought 30 days and 30 nights will escape.” Of course, you can’t unsheathe it, because it’s fake, it’s just a props where there is nothing inside of that sheath, it’s just a sheath with a dagger handle, to show that there is something inside of it.
Noella seemed so nervous to receive it with her two hands “*gulp* I understand..”
The dagger was passed to Noella hands, Aella and Noella took closer to the dagger, and seemed fascinated by the carving in the sheath and the handle..
Noella asked “These carvings are unique, and I have never seen this type of carving pattern in a dagger or this sheath is made of wood, right?”
“Yes the sheath is made of wood..”
“And what about the dagger itself?”
“The dagger is made of 7 types of iron..”
“7 types of iron? I don’t know if there are some types of steel.”
“Well, there are the sky iron, katub iron, pulasani iron, welangi iron, terate iron, werani iron, windudadi iron.”
“I have never heard of those iron before..”
“And each of those iron have a magical power..”
“Magical power you said?”
“The sky iron is coming from the stone that falling from the sky, I don’t know the magic power from this iron, Katub iron has power for immunity, Welangi iron has power for safety and easy to find sustenance, Terate iron has power for sway the ladies, Werani has power for powerful body, Windudadi iron has power for constancy of heart and not drowning from water…and these iron will not activate if there is nothing inside the dagger…so a lot of people trying to find a creature that powerful to put in to the dagger, so the power from these iron will be activated.”
They were fascinated by the power of the dagger, but Aella was confused about one thing.
“Wait! so there is sort of magic power ’i this dagger, yet if thou sheath the dagger, the creature shall ’scape, so how doth thou use this power, if thou bear never the dagger?”
“The dagger is an artifact not a weapon…you can just display it in your home, but the power from it is still intact on you, it’s like the creature from the dagger is following you anywhere, and anytime..” or I can just say it is a stand.
“And how didst the creature wot the owner of this dagger?”
“If the owner has passed away, the dagger will be inherited or passed to the eldest son or daughter, how’s the process? The soul of the previous owner will be in the dream of the next generation. We believe a dead person’s soul is still intact in their home for 7 days, so in these 7 days, the owner will communicate with the eldest son or daughter in their dream.”
“So this dagger hath been passed down for a hundred years ’i thy family or dynasty I say that?”
“I think it’s more than that, it’s more than a thousand years old, and this dagger is not the powerful one, there is a total 58 types of iron that make this dagger, if someone could find a blacksmith, can make a dagger with more and more iron, the dagger will be more powerful, but the more iron you put, the powerful creature you need to fill the dagger, if my ancestor fight 30 days and 30 nights to fill a dagger with 7 types of iron, how powerful the creature that can fill a dagger with 58 types of iron.”
Noella felt so nervous to hold the dagger “Ca.n I”
“Sure..” I took the dagger from her two hands, and put it back in my hip back.
Aella asked “So what is the name of this dagger?”
“It’s kris or keris, it’s more like a relic than a dagger..”
“I shall remember that name, and try to bid mine fellow blacksmith would he knows about this artifact, yet allow me ask thou again?”
“What are thou wearing? thou are moe as a peasant than before…wait a lady peasant with that ’i thy bottom…atleast the cloth hath a great pattern, it’s sort of flower, plant root, leaf, or…what the hell is that pattern? it’s not making any sense, yet it’s great.”
“Hei…don’t disrespect it…the name of clothes is Surjan, and this one is the lurik type, the name itself show the pattern from the clothes, lurik means stripe, this one has 2 vertical stripes black and brown that multiply until there is no space anymore, and this type not for the big nobles or the royals one..This one usually used for nobles in civic apparatus.”
Noella joined to ask “And what about the skirt?”
“I told you it’s not a skirt, it’s just a plain cloth that is wrapped around in my legs..the name is Jarik, you can just wrapped this cloth as you want, there is a rule how many you wrap the cloth, it is a odd wrap, usually 7, 9 or 11..”
“Doth yarik hath that kind of pattern?”
“There is another name for the pattern itself, the name is batik, usually the pattern is flower, wing, wave, cloud, and manymore. My pattern is wave, the name of this batik is parang, there is some meaning in this pattern, it means never give up like a never ending ocean wave.”
“There are no ornaments of the apparel or robes that i often see ‘i the nobles’ attire, yet thy attire is so nought..”
“At least there is the hat, or blankon, it is made from cloth that ties each of it.”
“See! it’s so simple, there is no expensive garment, or the uniqueness of weaving, or sort of that, thy skirt is a plain cloth that is wrapped around thou, thy hat is the like that ties each of it, are nobles ’i thy kingdom so plain ’i sense of attire? there might be something that portrays the grandeur of nobles, as a beautiful dress that is made from wool, linen, or silk.”
“Simple is a great unique for us, the more you try to show someone about how grand or majestic you are with those beautiful dresses, the more people envy you. This attire that I wore is an image of nobles, who are the same as their people, and avoid all of the lust in this world. The big meaning of this attire is giving hope or light, it gives hope to the people that nobles are the same like them…
Because of the uneasiness from the tightness of the jarik, I wanted to take it off…so I unfold the wrap in front of them, made Aella and Noella was shocked.