"You know what? I won't tell the rest of the story…" as I said it to them…
"What? art dhee fell aft'r I hath said I misprise dhee??" Said Eleni…
"No, I am not angry because of that…I seem to have found a new interesting topic to tell rather telling you a story about humans with Queen Faerie. It will be fun if I tell you about your kind, right?"
Alani asked, "Mine own kind?"
"Yeah, your kind…Nymph…"
Eleni said, "Ah aye bef're dhee toldeth us about this queen of elfame 'r whatev'r, dhee hath said th're wast anoth'r nymph beside us…" She seemed to emit some chuckles, "We findeth t quite amusing and intriguing at the same timeth"
"Why do you find it amusing?"
"Because we nev'r encount'r anoth'r nymph than us…" Said Eleni.
Maybe because you always stay with your tree…Wait a second, if Dryad couldn't live without their tree, how the hell can they walk and live to my shop?"
In a quick reaction, "Suddenly, there is something off in my mind, after you said that…" I asked them, "You are a dryad, right? Yet how do you two come here and leave your tree? I thought Dryad couldn't leave their tree or they would die."
They were looking at each other, confused and puzzled after hearing what I had just said. Eleni turned her head towards me with a curious expression or mocking expression and asked, "Wh're the hell doth dhee knoweth yond?"
I tried to elaborate, saying that everyone knew what I had just said: "It's common knowledge?" Technically, it is not common knowledge.
Alani elaborated to explain it to me, "Technically, what I knoweth about humans is yond those gents believeth dryad can't leaveth the wood 'r their mana is did decrease 'r depleted, yet dhy belief is something diff'rent. I nev'r heareth about dryad dying because those gents hath left their tree"
Wait what? It was different from Dryad I knew, and I asked them, "How about what type of tree you live in?"
"Again, what doth dhee cullionly by yond? Dhee bethink we liveth in a specific tree 'r what?" Asked Eleni.
Yeah, Duh, the Dryad word comes from the word Drus, which means oak tree. Of course, I will think you are living in a specific tree. "Yeah, I thought you would live in a specific tree, for example, an apple tree or an oak tree, like that."
Eleni explained, "We liveth in any tree, as longeth as th're is life essence in their tree, and by living in the tree, imagineth not we wenteth into the tree and tooketh a nap in th're. We liveth not inside the tree; we can just forswear down 'round the tree, and we shall receiveth the life essence of the tree 'round us. This life essence is what sustains us and allows us to thriveth. T's a symbiotic relationship, as we provideth protection and careth f'r the tree in returneth"
"You are sleeping around the tree; that's what you want to say…"
"Not exactly. Our catch but a wink is diff'rent than oth'r creatures. Our bodies abs'rb the life essence from the tree, rejuvenating and en'rgising us. T's a peaceful and harmonious coexistence with the tree. So we just falsing 'round the tree and abs'rbing the tree's essence can beest did count as we art sleeping, yet our eyes art wide ope"
"I see…So you are not living in a specific tree, however, you are living in any tree, how about bushes? Do you live in there?"
Eleni said with a high tone, "Art dhee trying to fleer us? of course, we liveth not in bushes"
"Well bushes are woody plants, so I thought you would live around there…" So the dryad or the tree nymph in this world was different, "It seems you are different from Dryad, the tree nymph, or the tree spirit that I know…"
"I knoweth not if 't be true th're is a human who is't shall knoweth a lot m're about nymphs than us…when dhee hath said dhee knoweth about our kind, t's quite an amusing and intriguing thing"
"Technically I am not that fully understand about your kind, yet tree Nymph, or tree spirit, that I know is vast and has different species or creatures in the category of Nymph…"
"Seeth! t's an intriguing thing, yond dhee has't just hath said th're diff'rent creatures liketh us than us…"
"For example, let me ask you! What is Nymph itself?"
Alani said, "The simple way, nymph is a nature deity yond the goddess hath sent us to this w'rld to protecteth nature and to accompany h'r…"
"It seems we have the same path or the same understanding about Nymph…Nature Deity, that's the key, so what is nature? Does nature represent your region, woods only? Or is there another nature?"
"Thee has't a most wondrous view on yond matt'r, wend on…amuse me!!" Said Alani with mocking tone and a mischievous smile…
Can I say the names of different goddesses? For example, I don't know the goddess of this world. From the information I get, this world seems to be controlled by the goddesses, and each of these goddesses represents one race: Arum is the goddess of Elf, Ira is the goddess of Demon, and Ainur is the goddess of humans. All of these names are familiar to me. What I get is that each race is a follower of these goddesses; it happened in the real world or the previous world, whereas in myth, Dryad is a follower of the goddess too, and the famous one is Dryad, named Arethusa, the follower of Artemis. Yet if the nymph is outside the Greek myth, it has a different approach. Just make it like a tale to tell so these two are not suspicious of me!
"So nature is vast; a river can be classified as nature, and your goddess place can be seen as nature too; even the underworld of the living dead can be seen as nature. There are a lot of tales to tell about Nymph. Where the world has a lot of nymphs because of the vastness of nature, you two have been seen as generalised nymphs, not specific ones."
Eleni tried to elaborate on what I had just said and spoke, "We as the gen'ralis'd nymphs? so dhee cullionly humans hath called nymphs dryads, not by nymphs…it may beest because th're is only one nymph…it's us…"
"Well, this world tale is different than this world maybe. Even in the woods of nature, there are some nymphs with different traits and living habitats. That's why first I thought, Tree nymph as you live in the specific tree like in the tale…"
They took a sip of their water, and their water was empty…As I saw their glasses empty, and this would soon begin to be interesting, so I asked them, "How about I refill your water?"
"Just continueth what thee wanteth to speak of!" Said Alani…
"No, it's not interesting if a glass in front of you is empty, and we begin to " As like talking with your friends, from here and there like you and your friends are in journey, and the coffee or the drink is empty, sure, the atmosphere will be different. The smoker person can continue smoking to pamper their tongue, but the non-smoker person will be agitated as they need something to pamper their tongue in a heated conversation.
So I took their glasses and brought them back. Quickly, I refilled it on the sink and brought it back to them…They took a sip of the water…
"Now you have your water, and let me explain or continue what I want to talk about…There is Meliae, a tree nymph who lives mostly in an ash tree, or any other hardwood tree, they are considered as the guardian of the woodlands or the forest. Next, there is Epimeliads, a tree nymph who lives in an apple tree, they are considered not the guardian of the forest, however, they are considered the guardian of the shepherds and their sheep. Next, there is Auloniads, a tree nymph who lives in a meadow, because they live in a meadow, they are carefree and playful. Next, there is Hamadryads, this tree nymph is like you two, they aren't bound to any tree, yet the difference is they are born from a specific tree, and that tree is linked to their soul. So if that tree dies, the nymph will soon join the tree's fate and die too, that's why I asked you a question about the tree and you two…"
I looked at them as their expression were so serious listening to what I said…
Eleni asked, "Earli'r dhee hath said riv'r as nature; how about yond?"
"Well nature itself is vast even in the woods there are two nature, trees and water. I have given you some of the tree nymphs. Yet, do you consider if there are any water nymphs?"
"I at each moment walketh 'round the banks, yet I didn't findeth any nymph…so what is this nymph?"
"I called it Naiad, Naiad is a word like Dryad. The word of Dryad represents a wood nymph, and the word of Naiad represents a water nymph. Yet, inside of that word, there are a lot of different types. In Naiad, there is Crinaeae, a Naiad who live in fountains or water sources that spring from the earth, let's call them a Nymph of Fountain. Next, there is Pegaeae, the same as Crinaeae. Pegaeae live in freshwater springs and are seen as the protector of that spring, let's call them the Nymph of Spring. Next, there is Potameides, who lives in the river. The appearance of Potameides is based on the characteristics of the river. If the river is dirty, its appearance will be stained and dirty, if the river is clean and beautiful, its appearance will be as beautiful and clean as the river. Another similar to Potameides is Limnades, who lives in a lake, same as Potameides their appearance will be based on their home. And the last one is Eleionomae, who lives in wetlands."
Alani elaborated to ask, "If 't be true th're is a nymph in the riv'r, certes th're is someone on the flote? art those gents the same?"
"Sea is different; when I say river, lake, or spring water, they are considered freshwater. On the other hand, the sea or ocean is saltwater. So the names of the nymphs will be different; the sea of nymphs named is Nereids…So there are two nymphs in water; nymphs generalised it, Naiads and Nereids."
Eleni said to me, "Dhee seemeth to knoweth a lot about oth'r w'rld tales bef're dhee toldeth us about the queen of elfame which the w'rld is about elf, fairy, and dryad co-existence between each oth'r, anon dhou art just talking about anoth'r w'rld, wh're th're art a lot of nymphs…"
Well because I came from another world if you see it from this world's perspective, yet if I see you right now, you are the other world people, not me…
I saw Alani seemed too hesitant to ask, and finally, she asked to me,
"Waiteth a second…bef're, dhee hath said our goddess's lodging couldst beest consid'r'd nature and the und'rw'rld too. From what dhee has't toldeth to us, t elab'rates yond the goddess lodging and the und'rw'rld has't nymphs too…"
"Exactly…But what I told you is based in this world tale, and I don't know anything about your goddess place…"