"Faerie? what a weird nameth?" Asked Alani,
"Yeah, Faerie sometimes can be called as Fairy Land…"
"So t's the landeth of fairy not elf 'r dryad…"
"Hold on a second; let me explain it to you more…Faerie has been ruled by the Queen of Fairy…"
"Seeth!! coequal the rul'r is a fairy, disgust'd…"
Seeing her behaviour, my image of Dryad had been gone, I thought this creature would be loveable and harmonious, yet all of that was so different. Wait until she heard the other name of this Queen… I said, " And her other name is Queen of Elfame…"
"ELF!!" And they started to ratling about Elf being bad…
I wonder how these creatures hate each other or have feuds, maybe because they are from different folklore or tales, but I am not in my world, it's a fantasy world. How the hell is that relevant in this feud…
"Do you want to hear the story about this Queen or not?"
"Wend on!! alloweth's heareth this st'ry!!" Said Eleni.
"So the story begins with a human named Thomas the Rhymer…Let me recite the rhyme…
True Thomas lay on Huntlie bank;
A ferlie he spied wi' his e'e;
And there he saw a lady bright,
Come riding down by the Eildon Tree."
I looked at them, their face showed disgust to me…
With her mocking face to me, Eleni said, "How dhee recite the rhymeth is h'rrible…"
"Well I am sorry if my voice and my recite aren't great…" I rarely recite… "So let me continue…
Her shirt was o' the grass-green silk,
Her mantle o' the velvet fyne;
At ilka tett of her horse's mane
Hang fifty siller bells and nine."
Eleni asked, "Wherefore doest this mistress dresseth liketh us? grass-green silk, yond's our clothes…elf shouldst not beest dressing liketh yond…"
"Is that so??" I was confused, about why she brought the clothes…
"Dhou has't hath met elves bef're, right? what dresses 'r robes doth those gents weareth?"
"Well, let's see, let me remember it…Aella wore a white robe with golden ornaments, and Noella wore a black robe…"
"Elf only weareth those two-colour robes because t's the 'rd'r of their goddess to weareth those two colours…so an elf wearing a green dresseth isn't their custom, t's our custom…it's a raceth appropriation"
Well that's new for me, and I don't believe it; I hear the word of appropriation in this world…Is there any cancel culture in this world? Duh It's a just a story… "It's just a story; So don't think about it so much, may I continue the story?"
"Wheth'r t's a st'ry 'r not, t's an appropriation, aye dhee may continueth…" Said Eleni.
True Thomas he took aff his hat,
And bowed him low down to his knee:
'All hail, thou mighty Queen of Heaven!
For thy peer on earth I never did see.'."
I could hear some giggles from them, as Alani said, "HA! HEAVEN!! QUEEN OF HEAVEN, WHAT A PUN!"
"Because t's a human the lady encount'rs, so the human doesn't knoweth about divine being…" Said Eleni to Alani.
"Ah aye, dhou art right! humans knoweth not about divine beings…"
Suddenly I remembered that Dryads are divine beings too, "Ah yeah, I forgot that you are divine beings…" But they were minor divine beings, not celestial divine beings…Spontaneously I said with a low tone, "Yet, a minor divine beings…"
And they could hear it, and quickly Eleni asked, "What doth dhee cullionly 'minor'? we art divine beings not a min'r one…"
"Yeah yeah, you are a real divine being…Let me continue the story…
'O no, O no, Thomas,' she said,
'That name does not belang to me;
I am but the queen of fair Elfland,
That am hither come to visit thee."
'Harp and carp, Thomas,' she said;
'Harp and carp along wi' me;
And if ye dare to kiss my lips,
Sure of your body I will be.'."
Eleni said, "Seeth!! coequal if 't be true the lady did admit t, if 't be true t's me, I shall sayeth, 'kneel in front of me, queen of heaven'."
"Right, playing with humans who is't art doing nothing, just playing with a harp in the middle of a f'rest, shall beest a valorous way to passeth the timeth…" With Alani's response to Eleni's words.
Again I thought Dryad was a benevolent creature who gave direction to humans…I asked them, "Do dryads always give direction to humans? Why do you love to play with humans to pass the time?"
Eleni answered, "Because a lot of humans tooketh a piss in front of mine own tree, so those gents didn't respect moth'r nature, yond maketh us loveth to playeth with those folk, liketh giving those folk a most wondrous direction yet a misdirection…"
"I see…" A lot of tales circulate about how we as humans don't piss recklessly around nature, I heard it when I was a child from another child as a myth, that when you take a pee in front of a tree, you need to ask permission to whoever the spirit that lives in that tree. "Let me continue to recite. 'Betide me weal, betide me woe,
That weird shall never daunton me.'
Syne he has kissed her rosy lips,
All underneath the Eildon Tree.
With a disgusted face, Eleni asked, "Waiteth so yond human did kiss h'r? or what? because I shall not alloweth a single toucheth from a human toucheth mine own lips…"
"Because t's an elf, dhee knoweth elf right, those gents dareth to crosseth the line of the custom and doth t with humans, nasty creatures…" Responded Alani.
"Dhou art right, I did see a lot of those things in mine own t'rrit'ry doing it…what a disgusting being…especially doing t on mine own turf and in front of mine own tree" Said Eleni.
Seeing these creatures hating Elf, I want to ask them, I asked them, "Before I continue to recite the story, I want to ask you two something…"
"What is yond?" Said Eleni.
"Do you hate humans and elves that much?"
"T depends to answ'r yond, what we art doing just to protecteth moth'r nature, if 't be true some creatures bringeth disast'r to moth'r nature, certes we shall misprise those creatures…if those creatures didn't bringeth harmeth to moth'r nature, I wouldst not misprise them…f'r example dhee…"
"Yeah dhee, behold 'round dhee!! some of dhy furniture is madeth from moth'r nature liketh this table, so t's not surprising if 't be true I misprise dhee, right?"
"I see…" Even in the real world, some vegans hate me…So it's a nature if these dryads hate me too…