I was standing at the back counter after what had happened, I looked at the ring she gave me in my right hand, I went to the front counter, to clear up everything on the table..
I cleared up and wiped the table, while wiping out the table, I grumbled “What a demon like her race itself, ran without paying, and just gave me a ring..”.
I took all the cup, glass, and the plate to the kitchen behind the counter, and brought it to the sink, because what had happened, I was in a bad mood, I didn’t want to wash the dishes, so I went to the front, locked the front door. The pictures and the illustrations of the coffee I put it behind the counter, if there was someone like her in the future. I went to my room on the second floor, and immediately I laid on the bed, while laying in the bed, I kept looking at the ring..
“It’s like an expensive ring, the 5 color stone seems like an emerald stone, she said this ring is proof that I had met her.” I tried to wear the ring on my middle finger on my right hand “There is no harm for me to wear this..” I wore it, and I kept looking at it on my finger..
I felt tired, because everything that had happened, from the coffee shop stranded in another world, and a demon lord who ran without paying..I closed my eyes for a short nap.
Suddenly I woke up from a nap, because of a loud noise coming from the front door. I immediately stood up and walked to the front door. It kept banging the front door and became more brutal. I opened the door.
“Ahh yes, how can I help yo—” I looked up and….it was 2 women elves in front of me, they were taller than me..
One elf had light skin and wore a white robe, with some ornaments gold colored in the robe, and she wore a gold circlet with green emerald in the middle of the circlet. She had clean straight long gold hair, my eyes seemed not focused on her appearance but in the middle of her body, it was her bust which was quietly bigger than I had seen.
The other elf had dark skin and wore a black robe with same ornaments like the other, and she wore a silver circlet with blue emerald in the middle of the circlet, she had clean short straight silver hair, and my eyes was doing the same like other elf, she had same appearance and body like the other elf, with the beauty of elf and those things, of course my eyes could not off from it.
“Ehemmm” The blonde elf made a small cough.
I came back from staring at those things..
“Yes…How can I help you??”
The blonde elf said “We saw from a distance about this building, and were curious about it..”
“Ah right! How about you two come in first?”
I pleased them to come in, They stepped their feet into the buildings..I saw their eyes were everywhere..and immediately their eyes went to the back of the cafe..
The white hair said “Human, what are those..” she pointed to the pillow in the back..
“Ah! Those are pillows..”
“Pillows? How are those bigger than usual?”
“Those are different than usual, pillows usually used for pad sleep. Those pillows are used for seats, because they are bigger and more comfortable..”
I saw her immediately walk toward it, and ignored the sign..
She turned her body and asked “Why?”
“You cannot go there with your shoes on, because in there, I used carpet, you will leave a stain in the carpet if you wear shoes there..and there is a sign—” I pointed at the sign, but I realized that they seemed not to understand it..
“What sign? You mean this picture that shows a red circle and diagonal line in front of the shoe.”
“Yes, that sign means no shoes in that area..”
I saw the blonde elf slowly approach her, and I felt she seemed so nervous. She whispered something in her ear, suddenly the white hair stared at me, and her gesture became different than before, like the blonde hair, she suddenly felt so nervous..
The white hair said with a nervous tone “You can forget everything that I say to you..”
“*sigh* if you want the pillow, I can bring it to you, and you can sit in there” I pointed to the table at the front counter..
“No..no..no It’s alright..” she said with a more nervous tone..
“It’s okay, you can wait there, and see the menu..”
The two elves went to the seat in front of the counter, I removed my indoor slippers, and took two pillows from there..I wore the slippers again, walked toward them, and brought the pillows to them..
“Thou don’t need to bring it to me..” The blonde hair said..
“I don’t need it anymore..” The white hair said..
I was confused, out of the blue they were so nervous..
“It’s alright, so you may be wondering what this place is?”
They nodded their heads.
“This is a coffee shop…perhaps are you familiar with coffee drinks?”
They said at the same time “Koffii?”
“Perhaps you are familiar with tea…” The blonde hair said “Ah yes we are familiar with tea.”
“If tea came from leaves, coffee came from beans..” I pointed to the jar of coffee beans “like this beans..”
The white hair asked “So those things that like peanuts can become a drink?”
“These aren’t peanuts, but beans..”
“I see no difference between them, so what is the difference?”
“Peanuts are more like a fruit and beans are more like a seed, you can’t grow a plant from peanuts itself, but you can grow a plant from these beans..”
The blonde hair said “So thou mean those things can grow a plant, if they are being planted.”
“Interesting, what about the flavor? Is there any difference between tea and koffii?”
“It’s more bitter than tea…”
“Really! That’s great for mine palette..”
The white hair suddenly said “Is there anything beside this koffii that is not bitter?”
I went behind the counter, I picked up the pictures and illustrations of the coffee behind the counter, and showed them..
And I heard something familiar…
The blonde hair said something familiar “Thou painted all of this?”
“You have a talent here..” the white hair said..
I was just giggling in front of them..
I explained to them about the pictures and illustrations, where the less bitter was the one with less espresso in the pictures, and where the more bitter was the one with more espresso in the pictures, and I explained to them about the milk too..
“Thou mean this dark brown is the beans?”
“Yeah…that’s the beans..If you have made up your mind about the drink, you can check the menu” I pointed to the menu and I felt shivering again.
They looked at the menu, they rubbed the menu with their fingers, they held it together, and they looked back at me behind the counter…and I knew what would happen..
“What is this?” The white hair said.
“The paper is so thick, and there is a thing that shields the paper.” The blonde hair said.
“Ah yes, sister is right, it seems to shield the paper.”
Dejavu, and she called her sister “The paper had been laminated by plastic, it makes the paper shielded by it, to prevent water.”
“Laminated means shielded..”
The white hair asked “And what is this plastic…”
“*sigh**” I explained it to them..
“I don’t wot that resources can compose this thing…”
“So what do you want to order?”
I watched them keep looking at the illustration and the menu at the same time, it felt like they wanted to find which one was the correct one for them..
“I want this” they said at the same time, the blonde hair pointed to the black menu, and the white hair pointed to the latte...
“Great..I will write it..”
The white hair suddenly pointed at somewhere and said “Those things are the things I am thinking about right?”
I saw where she pointed at, and it was the cake stand…
“Ah you mean the cakes…”
“Right!! Those are cakes…”
I saw her mouth emitted some saliva..
“You want one??”
Her face turned to the blonde hair with a pitiful face..
The blonde hair said “*sigh* Alright, one cake…”
The white hair’s face seemed so happy..
“So which one do you want? The dark one is chocolate cake, the red one is strawberry cake, and the light yellow is cheese cake..”
The white hair pointed to the dark one “I chose that..”
“Right…and what about the other?”
“Ah!! She can’t eat some sweets…”
“Really!! I think you can eat some sweets with your drink…”
“What thou mean?”
“Your drink order is bitter, and it should neutralize the sweet flavor. When you drink it, and eat the cake, the sweet flavor in the cake should decrease..”
“Are thou sure?”
“Yeah I am sure, how about the cheese cake? It is not as sweet as other cakes..”
“If thou quoth that, surely I shall decree that cake..one..”
“Great…Just wait a moment, I will prepare everything…” I forgot to ask if their drink hot or cold “Your drink, do you want to be hot or cold?”
The white hair said “What you mean about the cold?”
“Well there will be ice in there..”
They suddenly stood up, leaned their face in front of me…
“What thou mean there is ice ’i there..”
“It means I will add some ice in the drink…”
“What you mean some ice? How many ice you have?”
“I have plenty of it…”
“Show it to us” they said at the same time..
I took a step back, and walked toward the freezer box, I opened it, and showed it to them..
“This is where the ice came from.”
They were so amazed about it “Can we go there and check it?” The white hair asked.
I walked toward the counter gate, and asked them to come from there, they went to the counter gate, after they passed it, their eyes went everywhere, because there were a lot of things behind the counter, and there was a passage to the kitchen, of course their eyes went everywhere..In front of the freezer box, they crouched down because the box was in below the floor..I opened the box, it seemed the felt the cold from the box..I watched them stuck out their hand to the box, and put their hand to the outside of the box..
The blonde hair asked “The inside is cold, but why is the outside of the box hot?
“Ah!! That..” That’s thermodynamic stuff, where I learned it in 11th grade, how I explain to them about thermodynamics.. “As you can see, there is an magic that makes the box cold, this magic transforms to become cold, but this transform requires a lot of that magic, after the magic is transformed and becomes cold, the cold magic will being transformed back to the magic before the transformed, before the transformed the magic is hot, and that energy be taken out from the box, make the box is hot in outside because it’s from that energy..and the cycle keep going on, make the box stay cold.. ” I hope it’s right, It’s 6 years since I learned it from high school…
I saw their faces seemed unbelieve and dumbfounded from what I had explained.