“Is there something wrong with the water??" I asked them.
"I nev'r did drink this wat'r bef're..." answered the green-haired../
"Is that great??"
"MANA??" Even Mana is common in fantasy worlds or video games, but it was the first time I heard that word in this world...I told Chistera and Varania about the wave around them as magic power, not mana...
"Yeah, this wat'r suddenly madeth us refreshing..."
Yet, it's sink water...wait sink water sounds gross, how about tap water... "So that's why you said it was full of mana..."
I saw their expression look at me weirdly and raise their eyebrow as if they were questioning my understanding..."T's liketh dhee und'rstand not about this mana thing..."
"May you tell me this human about this mana?"
The green-haired started to explain it to me, "Sure, as a replyeth f'r dhee giveth me the wat'r full of mana, I may pray pardon me to dhee the mana thing. First, alloweth me showeth dhee mine own status"
In a second, a status window appeared in front of her, it indicated she didn't use chant like the elves before.
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"Has't dhee seen a status bef're?"
"Of course, I have..." with some amazing creatures.
"Well, in the attributes parteth, th're is anoth'r status enshielf which shows the complexity 'r the detaileth of their status of yond attributes, f'r example, intelligence, in th're th're shall beest "mana affinity". T det'rmines a p'rson's natural connection and aptitude f'r manipulating mana. The m're intelligence those gents did get, the m're mana those gents hadst. high intelligence excels in casting spells and using magical items"
"And...what is mana?"
"Th're art two ways mana can beest manipulated, from nature's en'rgy 'r dhy innate en'rgy. From nature's en'rgy, mana can beest harness'd through the environment, such as by drawing pow'r from the earth 'r abs'rbing t from the atmosph're. On the oth'r handeth, innate en'rgy ref'rs to the mana yond is already within a p'rson, allowing those folk to tapeth into their owneth int'rnal res'rves. The intelligence in status can beest did increase by yond mana manipulat'd if 't be true dhou art focusing on dhy innate en'rgy, so dhee needeth to learneth m're about knowledge 'r inf'rmation, yond maketh dhee knowledgeable..."
"What about the others besides intelligence?"
"Agility is focus'd on speedeth and dext'rity. charact'r's swiftness, reflexes, and ov'rall dext'rity. Ov'rall those gents shall beest nimble and quick, making those folk excellent at checking at attacks, evading traps, and p'rf'rming precise physical actions. T's eke increasing the p'rson's accuracy..."
"And strength?"
"Strength certes focuses on physical pow'r, measures a charact'r's physical prowess and raw pow'r. Those gents eke excel in dealing and abs'rbing damageth, wielding heavy weapons, and breaking through obstacles. All of the details of these statuses art enshielf, because t's the private matt'rs..."
Again, I had asked Lilith, Aella and Noella, yet they still didn't have any answer, how about the Dryad...Let's try it...
"What happens if a person or creature doesn't have the attribute section in their status?" I asked them,
Their faces were puzzled as they heard my question, and Eleni, "Is yond a pun? th're is nay way a creature doesn--- woah..." I showed them my status, immediately they were shocked as they saw that the attribute section was gone...Their expressions turned from puzzled to astonished...
"Have you seen this??" I asked them.
"Nay nev'r, i has't hath lived hundreds of years, and still i nev'r seeth liketh this bef're..."
That's odd; she just lived for hundreds of years, and the elves before have lived for thousands of years "Hundreds of years??" I asked them lightly, as I wasn't surprised...
Again they looked at me weirdly and raised their eyebrows as if they were questioning my disbelief. "T's liketh dhee has't seen oth'r long-living creatures besides us.."
"Uhmmm....Yes, I have...they had relation to you..."
"Relation to us?"
Wait do wood elves or Dryads have a little feud with other elves..."Yes...I believe her name is Aella, she is a High Priestess..."
Their expressions revealed surprise, and Eleni said, "Dhee cullionly yond high elf!!" with a high tone as if she were furious about it...
"Well, I don't know if she is a high elf because, in her status, she is just called an elf...So I don't know... Is there something wrong??"
The group exchanged concerned glances before Eleni responded, "T's just yond high elves art known f'r their arrogance and sup'ri'rity complex..."
"I didn't see her as being like that..."
"Really?" asked Eleni, and her face immediately appeared in front of me with her eyebrows raised in disbelief...
"Yes, and may you pull your face from mine?? and tell me why you two have a little problem with each other!!"
Eleni sighed and took a step back, giving me some space. "T's not just us, t's the entire group," she explained. "we've hadst some lacking valor hist'ry with high elves in the past, and t's madeth us wary..."
"Bad history???"
"Yeah, high elves at each moment focus on magic and civilization, while we, as wood elves, pri'ritise nature and harmony. Those gents hath tried to achieveth aught by consuming aught and doing aught, coequal if 't be true t meanteth destroying the natural balanceth. T did cause conflicts and tensions between our two groups, and t's been sore to ov'rcome those diff'rences"
"I thought all of the elves tried to protect nature..."
Their faces suddenly became disgusted after hearing that. Eleni said, "I understand you not? art dhee bluffing 'r what? th're is nay way yond high elf tries to protecteth nature"
"Okay I get it, now let's move on from slandering high elf to how--"
Her eyes suddenly wide opened, and again her face immediately was in front of mine, "So dhou art on their side, i understand you not???"
"No, I am not on anyone's side...I am just a human in this small place as a barista..."
"Have you read my status in the job part?" I showed the status in front of her face..."There, Job Barista..."
She took time to read and check it, and after that she took a seat back..."Oh, i seeth. I apologizeth, so what is this job? i did see humans has't jobs liketh warri'r, coystrill, mage, blacksmiths, 'r oth'r advanc'd jobs, yet i nev'r seen this job, a barista..."
"Well, it's my job, the barista's job is to make a coffee..."
"Again i nev'r kneweth th're wast a job liketh yond as if 't be true th're w're a job mast'r tav'rn who is't did provide 'r madeth mead, ale, 'r beest'r, whatev'r humans hath called. Yet, yond mast'r tav'rn job isn't real. so dhy job is actually bogus 'r not real..."
"In my status didn't say like that..."
"So congrats to dhee..." Eleni tried to pick up her glass in front of her without looking, but she felt her glass was missing, she looked at the table, there was no glass...Eleni looked beside her, the orange-haired...Her glass was in front of the orange-haired, emptied...
Confused, Eleni asked the orange-haired person, "Didst dhee taketh mine own glass?" The orange-haired person smirked and replied, "Well, dhee w'ren't paying attention and talking a lot with that gent, so I holp myself...."208Please respect copyright.PENANAB8A3hj85nb