"So dhee assume yond we art doing yond at night? (So you assume that we are doing that at night?)" Asked Eleni…
I said, "Yeah, however, to determine the correct answer and correct assumption, there is one question to answer…” I asked her, “When are you absorbing the tree?"
Eleni answered, "Aft'r the sun set…"
"So everything is connecting right now…"
Confused, Alani asked, "Why??"
"Let's break down the plants' breathing processes. Before I said two processes, right?"
"Go on!"
I explained it, "The first process is during the daytime; at this time, the plant will focus on this process; I call it photosynthesis. In this process, the plant needs carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water. This process generated their own food, I called it Glucose and the oxygen was the waste from splitting the water…"
6 CO2 + 6 H2O + light energy → C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6 O2 < here is what I am talking about, the oxygen is from splitting the 6 H2O, and from that water, it becomes 6 O2.
"Splitting wat'r? how is yond possible? (Splitting water? How is that possible?)" Confused and puzzled faces can be seen on their face, as they couldn't comprehend it…
"Well, water is like air; there is something not visible to the naked eye…And it consists of oxygen too…So the plants can split the water into this tiny thing called oxygen…They released the oxygen, for humans and animals…" Well, there is plankton, the biggest producer of oxygen…
Alani asked, "What is the anoth'r processeth? (What is the another process?)"
I continued, "It’s what I just told you…At night, it's different. Because there is no sunlight, the plants focus on the other process, which I call Cellular Respiration…In this process, the plant needs oxygen and the food that it has produced during the daytime…The exchange of these is energy for the plant, carbon dioxide, and water…" C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy
"Again, wat'r…yet i seeth not a planteth 'r tree releasing a lot of wat'r at night… (Again, water…Yet I don't see a plant or tree releasing a lot of water at night…)" Said Eleni as if she didn't believe what I said…
"The water isn't released as the water we see with the naked eye…"
"What doth dhee cullionly? (What do you mean?)"
"The water is vaporised into thin air…" or atmosphere…The process called transpiration.
"So air consists of wat'r? (So air consists of water?)"
"Yes, air consists of this oxygen, carbon dioxide, water and more of it…yet like I said the water isn't like the water in your glass right now…the water is a thing like oxygen and carbon dioxide which couldn't be seen with your naked eye…"
"Alloweth me guesseth, th're is a nameth of it… (Let me guess, there is a name of it…)"
"I called it Hydrogen…"
Alani lifted her glass, pointed at the glass and said "So this wat'r in this glass consists of those things… (So this water in this glass consists of those things…)" with her puzzled face.
"Yes, you have a great mind…The water in your glass consists of hydrogen…" It's tap water, there is no way it's pure hydrogen, there must be something inside of it like some minerals. Yet, this is another world, and even I don't know where the tap water comes from…However, the dryad likes it, there is a chance it consists of pure hydrogen…
I continued, "After I explained all of that, I believe you have a similar system with plant…The way you absorb trees is a process of feeding and gaining energy because your body can't produce the food, it makes you absorb the tree. There is a good chance that what you inhale right now is carbon dioxide, not oxygen, like in humans and animals. However, I still don't understand the exchange between you and the tree…"
"The exchange?" Asked Alani…
"When you absorb the essence of the tree, you absorb their food, and your body starts to break it down and convert it into energy. That makes you feel light on your body….Are you leeching the tree?"
Didn't like what I had just said, Eleni raised her voice and said, "WHAT ART DHEE TRYING TO SAYETH? I understand you not? of course, we leech not the tree…are thee insane? (WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY, HUH? Of course, we don't leech the tree…Are you insane?)"183Please respect copyright.PENANAbMNiHxZf8t
I tried to explain it further, "I am not trying to offend you. I just can't find the answer to the relationship between you and the tree in that process. If that process occurs during the day, maybe I can imagine it…"
"Wherefore? during the day, 'twill becometh diff'rent? (Why? During the day, it will become different?)" Asked Eleni with calm tone…
"As I have explained before, the plants need carbon dioxide to produce food, so when you absorb the tree essence during the daytime, there may be an exchange between you and the tree, you provide them with the carbon dioxide to produce food, and you gain the food from the tree…Yet I can't imagine in your system, that this food needs to wait until nighttime for your body to break down this food into energy… If it's working like this, there is maybe a new system that I don't know in your body that can store the carbon dioxide as much as possible to provide it into the tree."
"What doth thee cullionly, new system? (What do you mean, new system?)"
"So when you inhale right now, maybe some of the carbon dioxide is being stored in one of your body parts, and you give the carbon dioxide you have stored into the tree to provide you food. After you receive food, the cellular respiration system in your body starts to work, breaking down the food and converting it into energy…"
"How about if 't be true we useth the system liketh thee, humans, and animals? (How about if we use the system like you, humans, and animals?)"
"Yet, it's not working if you inhale oxygen, because there will be no exchange between you and the tree, in other words, you are leeching the tree…If you are the protector of the tree, this isn't going to work…Because the tree doesn't need oxygen at night, in another word again, you are leeching the tree... So there's a high chance that right now you inhale carbon dioxide into your system and exhale oxygen; I called it the reverse respiration system."
Alani raised her voice, "Again, what doth dhee keepeth assuming we art leeching the tree? (AGAIN, what do you keep assuming we are leeching the tree?)"
"Because the tree stores a lot of food or glucose, when you absorb them at night, you leech or steal their food…Which is not like your nature that protects nature…I don't know about your body, yet if what I have explained to you is right, about you providing carbon dioxide, you should absorb the tree essence in the daytime, when the process of producing food is processed. The plant doesn't need carbon dioxide at night… With that, there is a great relationship between you and the tree…The process of you breathing in carbon dioxide…Maybe you just need to change the absorbing tree during daytime than nighttime…"
Immediately, their face was astonished, as if they had never considered the possibility of absorbing the tree essence during daytime…They looked at each other, and nodded at each other…Out of a sudden, they stood up from their seat…
"What is dhy nameth again? (What is your name again?)" Asked Eleni…
"Darya…great, i shall rememb'r yond name… (Darya…Great, I will remember that name…)" Said Alani…
Eleni said something surprising me, "With thy inf'rmation, i shall presenteth this matt'r into our council… (With your information, I will present this matter into our council…)"
Wait what, council…
"Anon alloweth us colours ourselves… (Now let us excuse ourselves…)"
Immediately, they disappeared from my sight…Ah yeah, I forgot to activate the cafe skill again, and now they just run like that…Well, whatever, they just drank tap water…
Am I too far?
As walked to the front to take their glasses, I remembered some possibility…Wait a minute, if they inhale carbon dioxide, how do they break down and convert glucose into energy? To break down glucose, you need oxygen, to convert it into energy (ATP), carbon dioxide, and water. Or the new system for them is storing the oxygen, so when they inhale the carbon dioxide, somehow they store some of the oxygen before releasing it. This oxygen can be given to trees to help them break down the food, and provide dryads to break down and convert the food from trees, into energy…
Maybe their system is Anaerobic Respiration, which doesn't need oxygen, yet the output is less energy and ethanol, than Aerobic Respiration, which needs oxygen…Or they inhale the oxygen, and store the carbon dioxide too…
Well, it's their system, not my system, and it makes my mind hurt if think it too much…Maybe in this world, there is a new system, and maybe the elf body is different either…Or the demon body too…Maybe there is some creature who uses nitrogen…
Forgot all of that, and now it was time to close the cafe…