"Dhou!!! wherefore doth dhee taketh mine own glass?" Eleni exclaimed, her voice filled with anger and frustration.
The orange-haired person shrugged nonchalantly and responded, "I did see an opp'rtunity and tooketh t. Besides, t hath seemed liketh dhee w'ren't going to misseth t"
Eleni's face turned red with anger as she clenched her fists. "Yond wast mine own drinketh! dhee hadst nay right to taketh t without asking," she shouted, her voice trembling with fury...
Yo, you are in the same race and group as Dryad... "If you want more water, I can give it to you any time..." It's just water from a tap and is free, so there is no harm or loss in giving it away.
They looked at me at once; Eleni immediately said, "Most wondrous," and the other said, "Mineth too…"
Eleni exclaimed to me with her anger, "Taketh not h'r glass, taketh mineth!!"
"Anon, dhou art so whiny about a single cuppeth of wat'r…"
They were having arguments with each other, meanwhile, I took both of their glasses and walked behind. As I walked towards the sink, and refilled the water, I just thought Do Dryads love each other? Or do they hate each other? Or do all the nymphs hate each other?
I came back to them with two filled glasses of water, and I saw that they were quite suddenly. Yet, they avoided each other's gaze. I put the glasses in front of them and said, "Here's your water…"
I tried to break the tension by asking, "Is everything okay between you two?"
They exchanged glances before one of them finally spoke up, Eleni said, "T's just a fartuous gesture from h'r, and t hath happened ev'ry timeth"
"Fartuous gesture from mineth?" The orange-haired dryad looked at me and said, "Dhee believeth this mistress? aft'r being und'r fireth f'r just a cuppeth of wat'r…"
"At least, i am not the p'rson who is't doth take someone else's belongings…" And…They had another argument again…
Seeing they argued, spontaneously my mouth said, "Are dryads harmonious and loving creatures?"
Unexpectedly, they heard it, stopped at the moment, and looked at me. My gut told me, I would immediately regret speaking up.
The orange hair immediately jumped at my face and said, "Who is't hath said yond!!"
Eleni came and joined it too, "T wilt beest yond elf who is't toldeth that gent…"
"No!" I tried to explain it to them, "It's just my belief that a dryad creature like a nymph is a harmonious and loving creature…So are you a harmonious and loving creature? Or a devious and hateful creature?"
Eleni said, "Of course, we art harmonious and loving creatures…yet, hearing yond from dhee, immediately in mine own heart hast diff'rent meanings…it maketh me questioneth dhy true intentions" and immediately they sat again.
I reassured them, "I apologize if my words were misunderstood by you. I am just surprised that you two can argue with each other, despite you are dryad and my belief as the harmonious and loving creature."
"Ev'ry creature can argueth with each oth'r, nay matt'r how benevolent yond creature is…"
"And…I still don't catch your name…"
"Mine own nameth is alani…"
"Eleni and Alani…It's like the elf's name bef-" Immediately they stared and showed her heavy gaze to me, "Alright, I will not mention the word of elf again, yet the naming pattern is similar…"
They took a sip of their water, and I saw they were calm and composure, so I wanted to ask something, "You are calm now, and there is something I want to know from you…"
"Is't about dhy status again? mine own apology, but we has't not the answ'r…" Said Alani…
"No, It's about your race…"
"Our raceth?" Asked Eleni, "T's been a while since oth'r races hath asked about our race…"
"So you are the nymph's race, yet you are in Dryad class, or I can say group, so do you know or realise there is another nymph beside your class, Dryad??"
I saw them suddenly startled and confused about my question, and they looked at each other. Eleni asked with a confused tone, "What doth dhou cullionly th're is anoth'r nymph beside us?"
Well, that confusing question… I said, "Do you not know there is another nymph beside you, dryad? Or indeed, there are only you, dryad in nymph's race…"
"I knoweth not what dhou art talking about, we art just acknown yond th're art only us, so th're isn't anoth'r nymph beside us…the questioneth is, wherefore doth dhou feeleth liketh th're is anoth'r nymph beside us?"
When you read some myths and stories, you will read them from a human perspective. So did all the humans know all the nymphs, yet the nymphs don't know each other? Like Dryad, does Dryad know about Naiad, the nymph of water? How about finding it from the dryad, itself…
I asked, "Do you know about another like Dryad whose environment is different than you, for example, water?"
"From mine own mem'ry, I has't not any recollection of oth'r nymphs beside us, so I knoweth not this wat'r nymph…the oth'r questioneth is, how doth dhou knoweth m're about nymphs than us?" Asked Alani…
So nymphs aren't aware of the other nymphs, it actually makes sense because they are so bonded with the environment. Can Dryad meet Naiad which has a different environment? Will they Dryad out from their environment which their life depends on wood?
I wanted to explain or tell them more about nymphs, so I started to speak, "What about if I tell you, there is another nymph beside you, and it's a lot of them…"
Their faces were shocked; it was like it was the first time they heard this, as Alani tried to say to me as a liar, "Th're is nay way, th're is anoth'r nymph beside us, dhou might not but beest telling a forswear aft'r dhou hath met the elf…"
I started to explain, "Speaking of elves, there is a story about a world where elves, fairies, and nymphs love each other and live harmoniously with each other…"
Hearing that, they spat the water from their mouth, and Alani said, "Yond shall beest a hellish w'rld…"
I chuckled and replied, "Well, it may seem unimaginable and hellish to you, but in that world, their coexistence is quite beautiful. They have found a way to embrace their differences and celebrate the unique qualities each species brings…"
"So what thee hath called yond hellish w'rld?" Asked Eleni…
"I called it Faerie…"