He lay in his bed organizing his thoughts, his hands relaxed behind his head his ankles crossed at the base. Immortals didn't require sleep or any human necessity really, so it gave him a lot of time by himself but his mind couldn't drift away from observations of Stefan's. His brother recalled the kid he used to be before he changed, how? no matter how hard he tried Vladimir couldn't recall what he was like before this life. He knew what his parents looked like still only because his brother had captured their essence in paintings, His memories of his human life were murky and distorted now people's faces now a blurred mess. how was it that Stefan could remember what he was like as a child when he himself couldn't even recall the way he was changed or what he did on that last day? he sighed and rolled over to his stomach and looked out his broken window which desperately needed to be replaced as he saw the moon rise over the forest on the edge of the moors. he would admire the beauty of the stars glittering across the deep indigo sky. His enhanced eyes would catch something in the distance standing in the Moors a person with dark hair in a frock coat, his skin was pale as he stared into the town below Vladimir's kingdom. vladimir would jump to his feet without hesitation when the wind shifted. the scent he caught was not that of a mortal, the vampire on the Moor's teeth flashed in the moonlight smiling as Vladimir caught his scent and walked across the moors at a slow pace with his hands in his pockets. Vladimir was curious as to what this creature's business was here he grabbed his coat made of leather and flited down the hall to the stairs throwing it over his body and slipping his arms into it in one fluid movement. he decided against collecting Stefan hearing the affectionate sounds emerging from his brother's chambers that nauseated him. He briskly made his way down the stairs and pulled his collar up as that was his preferred way to wear it guarding his neck. he stepped out the doors of the palace into the cool night air and waited at the base of the stairs for the man fast approaching and swallowed the venom pooling in his mouth. he had no real reason to be so cautious of the newcomer, the man smiled upon seeing him. his hair was pulled into a ponytail in the back, he had a large patch of bangs that swept over his face hiding his eye on the right side, and looked as if it was plastered to his cheekbones and jawbone, this hairstyle of his made Vladimir cringe slightly but nothing noticeable "hello sir, welcome to Dacia." Vladimir would say placing his hand over his stomach and giving a small bow to the man."hello" Vladimir was stunned by his entitled attitude his eye twitching at the disrespect of this individual. the man's eyes stayed straight ahead staring at the doors to the palace "may I help you, sir?" Vladimir asked the man. who simply pushed past him Vladimir's upper lip twitched in anger as he grabbed the man by the back of his coat and looked toward the gardens of the village knowing if he saw his face he would rip it off "i am going to ask you not to make such foolish choices as to push me aside, my brother who leads beside me here is much more malevolent then i am. he won't be as kind. now then may i help you? Vladimir said rolling his eyes to look over to the man from the side as he tilted his head over his face bearing no kindness as it stared at him his eyes cold as ice a vibrant red. the man rolled his shoulders ripping the coat from Vladimir's hands giving no words as he headed up the stairs to the palace. Vladimir's nose flared in anger as he closed his eyes to calm himself before grabbing the man by his ponytail and flinging him to the ground in front of him on the stairs with a thunderous crack that could be heard for miles as he placed his foot on his throat"first mistake you made was disrespecting me, the second mistake you made was keeping your back turned on me. i have fought many battles in my life and if you came here assuming that i am going to allow you to disrespect me..? he smiled eerily as he closed his eyes and chuckled leaning down slightly"well then that was a grave mistake now then what is your business here. he said the man's ruby eyes glared up at him finally exposing a deep scar along the right of his face he snarled at Vladimir and gripped his ankle and tried to twist it but at this point, it was already to late as Stefan appeared to grab the mans arms and pin them to the stairs"i strongly suggest you answer my brother, he enjoys pain after a certain point my friend" Vladimir smiled and looked at his brother. the man growled and answered through barred teeth "i am here looking for my bride!" he said angrily spitting at Stefan at his downward angle Vladimir pressed down with his foot on his chest" who? sorry you must be more specific I don't know who bride is? "he said glaring down at him his voice drenched in sarcasm. the man looked away, "she's a servant sir. she ran away from home a few days ago she was scared by another who works for me. since then that person has been dealt with I just want her to come home" the man's voice shook with what seemed like fear. Stefan scoffed "really? then what does she look like so i can tell you whether or not she works here because we remember each servant's name and their face. " Vladimir said cooly still infuriated by the disrespect this man displayed the man stared up at them his face turning back to stone proving that it was mostly an act "her name is Rebecca, she is short and has blond hair with deep blue eyes shes a human" Vladimir raised a brow and glared at the man lifting him from the ground as Stefan kept a firm hold on his arms "put him in the dungeons till we can find out if this servant indeed does work here" stefan shook his head" thee only servant we have with the name Rebecca is bexs and she is both gay and has been gone in Greece for over a year for schooling. if he was truly her fiance he would know she won't be back till spring" Stefan said with a glare to the man before shifting his hands to the man's head and ripping the man's head off as Vladimir grabbed a torch and holding it to the body only moving it to grab a medallion off the body before torching it as he flipped it through his fingers and chuckled as his hands glided over the V in the metal "ah Valhalla, they really need to send better people to come after us. was it just the Bex thing that threw you off Stefan? "he asked his brother as they headed back in letting the corpse burn where it was. Stefan shook his head" it was the metal cuff on his wrist. it belongs to Valhalla assassin syndicate." Vladimir shook his head and smiled"thank you for coming to help." Stefan nodded at him at the entryway to the staircase "you should have just come and got me if you felt there was a suspicious person looming about" Vladimir looked over at his brother looking up and from the side as he crossed his arms "really? Do you think i wanted to interrupt your and calli's ...carnal embraces" he said rolling his eyes as he opened the door to the dungeons smelling the musk of the mildew and stone below the stairs before him. Stefan laughed a little through his nose" your going down there? what about your issue" his brother said referring to his issue with catarinas blood "brother, i could hide from her forever. It won't change the effect she has on me, i have to get used to her one way or another if she's going to stay here." he said with a soft smile taking his brothers advice and knowing that running wouldn't help anything as she would only haunt his memories making it harder to stay away. Stefan smiled and hugged him" good luck."Stefan would turn and head back up the stairs. valdimir would take a deep breath and close his eyes preparing himself before he flew down the stairs arriving before the oak door of the dry tank as he saw the torch inside the room flicker with a slight breeze from the window in the room. he would place his back against the door and slid down it and sat with his arms resting on his knees bent up towards his chest. he reached in the lapel pocket of his coat and pulled out a book from his personal collection as he let the flames of her scent lick at his esophagus "your back"she said softly from what sounded like the bed in the cell "how did you know it was me he said softly his head turning slightly to the door " it was a lucky guess"she giggled making him smile and laugh through his nose. "i brought you something, i decided for the time being it is safer for you in there at least for a few days" he slid the book under the door"why is it unsafe?" she asked cautiously. her heart rate sped up at this he could smell the fear coming off of her in waves "because of me, in that cell you are safe breaking this door would be easy but rather difficult to replace as it is enchanted by a witch i know to keep the scent of blood at a bearable level for me, this is my personal cell."he tapped the door with his knuckle he could hear here on the bed shift her postion to stand as the chains around her wrists making a scraping sound as it glided over the concrete on the floor "why do you need a personal cell"she asked as she picked up the book from the ground "you should not be this comfortable around vampires"he said with a laugh as he shook his head" but to answer your question, i have had issues in the past controlling myself. i lost my first love over two hundred years ago to other immortals, i lost a part of myself i lost all sense of right or wrong i killed mercilessly and felt nothing for anyone. i had shut down the human part of me and gave in to the beast that i am at my core. my brother couldn't bare to live with me like that cold and closed off because he knew that wasn't who i am or so he thinks"he said calmly listening to her heart rate which never skipped a beat as he explained this to her"what do you think?"she said softly "do you think that is who you are?" i thought for a moment and smiled" i beleive creatures like myself are the darkest kind of evil, i believe that who we are without the human emotion and nature is who we are meant to be at our core. i also believe that there is good, i have a heart it may not beat but it does feel. i believe deep down i want to be good but its a constant battle with myself fighting that carnal desire i now have" he said clasping his hands together and resting his head against the door.126Please respect copyright.PENANA6W7DwbzMjt
he heard her take a deep breath before answering"why is it difficult for you to be around me?" she asked shyly 126Please respect copyright.PENANA4rxSblxX8o
"my brother called you my singer, its a human whose blood is particularly potent to a specific immortal even now i must keep perfect control over myself to prevent in harming you."126Please respect copyright.PENANAfhzV3wV8S4
"you mentioned a mate prior was she from before or after?"126Please respect copyright.PENANAbPPwJqx7XP
"before, i changed her myself after stefan changed me. her name was natalie, before becoming immortal she was a gifted seer she could only see a far off vision which only helped if you lived long enough to see it come to fruition. when we took this leap in our lives over the years we began to drift, she began developing feelings beyond my comprehension for a servant boy who happened to be a traitor from another coven who had infiltrated our coven resulting in her passing"126Please respect copyright.PENANApCeGS8PAsW
"so, you never rekindled the love you had before you changed her?"126Please respect copyright.PENANAfVN131wgnH
" as a vampire, we live a long enough life we are able to find that soul mate for ourselves. humans settle with what they have in the present because they live every day knowing it may be their last, they learn to get along and they learn one another. for my brother he describes finding that other half as seeing you entire future laid bare at your feet in the instant you meet that person...i never felt that for Natalie after we were changed. i loved her, but i felt trapped and so did she"126Please respect copyright.PENANAb9XrgTYdHR
"do you think you will ever find that person?"126Please respect copyright.PENANAsC4AoB5Y0D
vladmir silently laughed and smiled as he licked his bottom lip "well that is what a singer is, if they are not immortal upon meeting them. the singer's blood pertains to that specific vampire to draw them closer together. unfortunately, most of the time it results in the death of the human " her heart rate remained steady and even which amused him.126Please respect copyright.PENANAhhlFndPyvl
"so your saying im your soulmate?, but you dont even know me.." she said with a bit of amusment in her voice 126Please respect copyright.PENANAO5SIUYd9tQ
"it has nothing to do with your knowledge on the person its the bonds and ties between individuals, it jsut means you have the potential to be an emotional bond for me."126Please respect copyright.PENANAfaST5KTE2k
"that is, if you dont kill me. so why are you down here if it's hard to resist your nature."126Please respect copyright.PENANABysxYqA082
"because running isn't an option neither is letting you go. if i were to let you go id be haunted by that choice for the rest of my life, and I'm sure id come find you just to be near you. as much as i want to kill you i also find myself unable to ever hurt you, if you were to be hurt by me i wouldn't be able to live with it" he said honestly. 126Please respect copyright.PENANAl2rCcQzAx7
"Really, well i don't think anyone has ever said that to me or really felt that way towards me" she said he tone shocked by his confession he would take his hand and run it through his hair grateful to have it off his chest he wondered if she was blushing. the thought of the blood rushing to the translucent veins beneath her flesh made him cringe in pain finally noticing the burning through his whole body from her scent. he would take a deep breath to force her scent in. he had to deal with it knowing it would be stronger when she was in the palace working "whats your name?"she asked 126Please respect copyright.PENANAK2MPmNC27R
"vladimir"he said soflty his voice a bit hoarse 126Please respect copyright.PENANAt0iJTWHB07
"you should head back upstairs, this must be torment for you to be this close to me" 126Please respect copyright.PENANAyrlERmBCVC
"it is, but i have to get used to it. besides i want one thing before i go" 126Please respect copyright.PENANAf9S3nckOIY
"oh? may i ask what that is" 126Please respect copyright.PENANAurENel7MAV
he smiled at her openness to his request. he slipped his pale long fingers under the heavy door "i want to touch you." 126Please respect copyright.PENANAnvgYPTMXDS
he could hear the chains as she came closer to the door and placed her fingertips on his fingers. he felt jolts of electricity flow from the searing heat of her fingers on his ice-cold flesh warming the surface of his skin he quickly pulled his hand away "sorry, it was a bit more then i was ready for." he heard her light giggle from the other side"its alright we can take it slow, baby steps. it isn't to bad in this cell nice soft bed mostly carpeted and i have a book to read in your absence" he smiled and turned to face the door and rested his head on the door and placed his hand on the wood"im glad you are comfortable, ill have the cook deliver you a nice breakfast in the morning. also before i go.." he reached in his pocket to reveal a set of keys and slid them under the door"those are to the cuffs and shackles, you don't need them" 126Please respect copyright.PENANACEd3aEVH5B
"go upstairs ill be fine down here, come see me tomorrow rest yourself you have tormented yourself enough for one day" she said softly. he would smile and stand meeting her emerald eyes through the small rectangle window in the door. he would find himself smiling seeing her. she reached through the small opening and touched his cheek with her fingertips igniting his skin with her warmth before moving her hand back and disappearing from his sight. he would smile and rush up the stairs and shut the dungeon door to lean against it from the outside and let the fresh air wash into him soothing the pain. he opened his eyes to see a woman standing before him with long straight blond hair to her collar bones, his mood shifted to annoyance. "calliope." he said with a nod.126Please respect copyright.PENANAclC33CFuOf