his ruby eyes fell upon the small woman, her hair ornately twisted in to a queenly fashioned braid adorning the back of her head. vladimirs stomach was in knots, he had just let the woman he loved fall in to the hands of his enime and chose to capture his ex-wife...now he was greeted with a woman whome he loved and yet also betrayed him..she glanced up and touched his face. as swiftly as he hand grazed his stone flesh he retreated a few steps back. " when i first came to this village, i came here out of thirst. then i became its king, slowly i have conquered the sarrounding homes of lord and nobles. among our kind there must be justice and order an yet i find myself convinced that not a single one of you know the meaning of mercy or restraint. and after all that pleading from talia about how you want peace between us? i should have know it was a plot to help numon. this is twice you have entered in to my life and meddled and twice i have lost the only things i care about. get out. i dont want to harm you but i will if you do not leave." his tone was deadly and sure. aribellas breath caught in her throat...he had never used this tone with her even in the moments he was so angry he couldnt bear to even look at her " vladimir...please..." before she could finish her stateent he was already across the room with his hand around her throat "i want no excuses or reasons. i want you to disappear because if you despite your crimes against me...i still love you deep down and if i harm you i may not regret it now but i will later. so i am asking you to take this chance and run, i have a war to fight to rescue my lover who is in the place she is because of you." he let her go as she fell to her knees gasping for air. she stood swiftly and retreated out of the room. stefan was used to this with vladimir, on his throne he was vladimir first of his name and conqueror of the 12 covens. now things were far different, he did not doubt his brother would handle these things accordingly. "so. war it is then i assume?" vladimir stood against the window that had a deep sill he could lean against crossing his arms. " i find no joy in it, but it is inexorable. i need to know who are allies are, i want all the humans brought to the tunnles to assure safe travel to the icey wasteland. you my brother will be going with them fallowing my exact instructions. you will fallow the shore of the black sea till you find a great black door with a skull upon it. it will speak to you, its enchanted. it will ask you what is the music of life, to this your answer will be silence, my brother." 104Please respect copyright.PENANAiljZtM6D89
stefans eyes widened in shock at his brothers revelation "the blood brotherhood sydicate! are you sure?"104Please respect copyright.PENANANPRpypMguC
vladimir nodded "i have an arrangement with their leader estella, like aribella and myself she was changed as a child...rather, shes an immortal child she was only 11. quite cunning she is, shes a different kind of assassin she lures in the victim with a poor orphan story begging for food"he gave a soft chuckle "but after staying with her in my youth i have come to understand there is nothing she wouldnt do for me. shes the only vampire there and she exists in harmony around elves and humans alike. she will house my people for war, i trust her with this." 104Please respect copyright.PENANA7BHgiFYQmw
stefan nodded "alright, but this is a big risk."104Please respect copyright.PENANAhfI12V8ux3
vlad nodded " i am aware, but its safer then here. if it pushes in to our lands they will become a food source for me and others and my people are not cattle." 104Please respect copyright.PENANAjsM33y2B5I
stefan nodded "so what is the plan?" he spoke in a curious tone, despite vladimir being younger and despite them ruling together his brother was far more educated from always being kept inside. his friends were his books even now he spends many a night in his liabrary. his brother was better when in a commanding position then he was so in matters like these he let vladimir lead.104Please respect copyright.PENANAmRTigrHKDy
104Please respect copyright.PENANAX4Aj4XUzX1
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~104Please respect copyright.PENANAjn9eUG5MQv
catarina was swept away in a blur, everything happened so fast...what was going on why did vladimir let numon take her?...once they had arrived at his outdoor camp that seemed to suffice as his kingdome he set her gently beside his throne. he spoke not one single word to her the entire time, he had not brought her any harm this far but she was sure it was to come. she watched him timidly ass she looked around at the hundreds on crimson irises that now stared at her peircing in to her very soul. she suddenly felt herself missing her nice warm cell in dacia more then ever... she decided to ignore the stares and look onward towards numons elegant frame as he spoke to two woman "bathe it"he said harshly nodding in catarinas direction. the two girls nodded and approached her. 104Please respect copyright.PENANAfEuP6eTive
104Please respect copyright.PENANARpcrL0kpEq
both girls looked rather young with blazing red eyes that suggested they were newborns. half of their face was covered by a deep maroon veil, two peices of fabric strung over a rope hung to their ankles in the front and back but only covered to the half point of their thigh leaving them mostly exposed they didnt wear shirts instead they wore bras made of fur that tied over their necks, their hair was dreaded and braided in some places " up, walk"they said using few words to communicate. catarina did not move at first, so the taller of the girls went behind her and bound her hands and yanked her up "it said walk"she whispered in catarinas ear. she shoved her in the direction the other girl was leading. they walked through mug that squished in to catarinas shoes sticking "take its shoes off!"the woman behind her said untying her hands. catarina had never been so mortified in her entire life then she was the moment her eyes brimmed with tears seeing med bathing in a large river with the woman, all around her were whores displaying their skills to please a man. the woman behinds her began to slice off her dress and pulle her hair down tugging it to hard catarina almost yelped in pain. admist the crowd she made out a nude numon. steam radiated off the surface of the water obscuring everything but the white cold skin of numon...what the hell was going on here she was not this kind of woman. the waters surface rippled around the many moving bodys that had cleared the path between her and numon. she draped her arms over her bare body as the woman behind her shoved her forward aggressively, she was hesitant but soon realized as the girl shoved her down on to the muddy river bank she didnt have much of choice. she gathered herself as a tear streamed down her mud soaked face, she treaded onward unwillingly in to the cold estuary. the water conceiled her form in a warped light pattern under the moonlight as her body sank further in to the cold water until her breasts were fully submerged. numon offered out his hand on to the stone stood flooded beneath the glittering surface. 104Please respect copyright.PENANAgRbtHkrlXm
"come to me dear girl, i swear i will do nothing to harm you." numon said his voice compelled her forward, his words sweet and drenched in honey. she was hesitant and turned her head refusing him. 104Please respect copyright.PENANAj9iIr4B7ne
"i already have been claimed, please just let me go home...this will bring nothing but war..." catarina had some time to think as she walked here to realize vladimir must have been at a disadvantage. in the brief time she had spent with him he showed her nothing but kindness...she truly believed him a man of his word, he confessed his feelings for her just days ago. she didn't believe he would let this happen unless he was given no options. he was already planning on war to protect her, instead of thinking of all the ways he had betrayed her she instead had to think about all the reasons why he had to and decided to trust this choice. 104Please respect copyright.PENANAQTUgOxpv78
"claimed? by that boy king..."numon scoffed. "that man will bend a knee to me when i come to him first, have you taken a good look around you? i have more then enough to handle him and his brother if he dares refuse me the dacia throne" 104Please respect copyright.PENANATrzuBfqzDm
she was astounded at this statement as she then began to observe the circumambient through the water. men and woman all of red eyes sarrounded her like a merry sexual gathering. numon had five times the men that dacia had she knew that, vladimir valued human life..he didnt cast it aside so needlessly for protection. she got up on the rock to meet his crimson eyes with her own jade. "he may not have as many men, but are your men as old as his? have they seen war? that man may seem weak to you but to protect dacia from the likes of you he will do whatever he must. those men did not win dacia over night. you should be afraid when the lion bares his teeth" she spat at him. he gripped her jaw before she could say another word. his lower jaw jutted out in rage as he picked her up off the ground his eyes glaring up at her "speak not your insolance, i know the history of that coven through natalia. i am protecting you from that monster, i know what he is capable of. i have seen it for myself." 104Please respect copyright.PENANAxIRLiBN0iu
104Please respect copyright.PENANAgExcf1CTto
catarina clawed at the hand around her face she could feel her flesh heating up under the touch and knew that it was beginning to bruise. he set her upon her feet as she doubled over gulping for air, he knelt down speaking in to her ear his lips brushing against her flesh cold and moist making her flesh crawl with discomfort. "did he tell you how he came to sit on that throne with so many loyal covens? did he tell you about all the humans he slaughtered in their sleep to get to the coven that opposed them that used the village as cattle? did he tell you how he stuck his enimes heads upon spikes to allow them to watch their own bodys burn? what do you really know about the man you say claimed you hmm?" 104Please respect copyright.PENANAIM6eX1aq5V
his words made her shiver, so full of malice for vladimir...how could the man she met have ever been so cruel. These accounts of vladimirs nature made her stomach turn as bile spilled from her lips.." lies..." she stated as she caught her breath. she did not believe that to be his true nature it couldn't have been...104Please respect copyright.PENANA8bHq6FJuPW
" if only, but this will be the first vow as your husband i will make to you. i will never tell you a lie. "his slimy cold arms slithered over her waist as he carressed her bare body. she turned trying to shove him away only to feel his hand grip her hair tightly yanking her head back "you may not want me now.."he said softly staring at her lips as he caressed her bottom lip with his thumb. "but if your lover boy looses his head i suppose you will submit then." catarinas bottom lip quivered with fear as tears flooded her eyes. he shoved her in to the water "wash yourself, its almost time for you to rest." 104Please respect copyright.PENANA0aG0JMRxe1
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~104Please respect copyright.PENANAALvm3ImUAG
vladimir and stefan later retreated in to the great hall were he had a marvelous table crafted of the land. carved from the trunk of a great oak tree and glazed with glass every town village and kingdom in all the land etched in to the open trunk laid flat mounted on curved metal legs. beneath it the coals had been alit lighting every village in a blazing orange. he placed his hands on the side of the table deep in thought with stefan. 104Please respect copyright.PENANAp3Tn1JzVPf
" i could recruit from these villages in the wastes of the riverlands... you could head east to the calisar mountain range. i heard the natives there make quite strong newborns" he breathed out a sigh of frustration. he always hated battle planning, so tedious so many pathways but which one would lead him to victory. 104Please respect copyright.PENANA1QZ2dEK4os
"we could do that, or we can recruit from the islands. far less interference and an opportunity to welcome others in to the fold of dacia in peace and allow them to choose to become immortals and fight for us rather then taking it by force."104Please respect copyright.PENANAKlOtSHddxt
this entire conversation gave vladimir a head ache " that will take far to long, if you have not noticed my dearest brother our enime is on our damn doorstep! my woman is in his possession and i can only imagine what he is doing to her...it is taking everything in me not to slaughter them all, even at the cost of my own life to get her back here. i may value human life but i need as many newborns in that cavern as possible. i will dispose of them after when i get what i need, for now i need an army that can over come his three to one. newborn strength is the best i can rely on to defeat numon, im going to assume his army is vast he has the numbers. i need to triple ours within a fortnite. drago will travel to the reach and group the thousand humans there and bring them back newborns you will travel to the calisar mountain range calliope will go to the islands and i will travel to the wastes. once we have our hall come meet me at the cavern. the remaining immortals in the palace will reinforce the maw of the carvern and close it off to escape until i am ready to let them loose." vladimir had a point of many they did need a massive ammount of bodys before catarinas time ran out. stefan didnt dare oppose his brother in the state he was in now knowing it would be foolish as vladimir was above killing his brother but he wasnt opposed to locking him away for a century or two.104Please respect copyright.PENANAd1gOCpfmJA
104Please respect copyright.PENANAKZwraDmfHU
stefan gazed over the table at him seeing the hardened features of a warrior before him. " so...should i get your crown your grace?" he raised a brow purely out of curiousity. vlad looked at him with a glare his brow furrowed in annoyance"it isnt like that, those days are long behind me." he said a smile of fondness appearing upon his lips in memory of the days of vladimir the conqueror of dacia first of his name. 104Please respect copyright.PENANAL8cU9CTvIZ
104Please respect copyright.PENANA2lK3RfqOV0
"could have fooled me...in those times you were much the way you are now, a fire in your belly ready to take what is rightfully yours. it would be a pleasant return for the matter of war don't you think? call on those who have sworn themselves to us and take his armys like you took valhalla..."104Please respect copyright.PENANAj1wNDx7cBG
104Please respect copyright.PENANA9AGcgLKOmZ
vladimir shook his head "no because if i know anything part of being a king is knowing your enimes weakness. he already has mine and he will use it, i do not want catarina to be exposed to what i can truly be. i want her to only know the kind side...those who have seen this side of me were not always as fond as you are stefan."104Please respect copyright.PENANAUt3deD9Aak
104Please respect copyright.PENANAZbTzQMfjyy
stefan scoffed a little at the last part but it slowly dissolved in to a laugh " i never said i enjoyed that side of you, i only stated it would be useful. when you last brought valhalla to their knees you laid seige to their kingdom with only four men...i saw you in battle vladimir, i also saw the way women would swoon in your presence..."104Please respect copyright.PENANATCCinjJLIi
104Please respect copyright.PENANA9es8YzYFlX
vladimir laughed "im sure they did more then swoon brother, i have never shied from my sexual proclivity's without my humanity and i will not deny that the craving is there even now...however before one can celebrate the war must be won..." 104Please respect copyright.PENANAf0nhFDadwo
104Please respect copyright.PENANAJgsOoVS9DR
" and we have a plan that will work at least for the numbers...but what about aribella?" stefan asked a bit worried. he knew deep down his brother loved aribella but maybe not to the extent he cared for catarina, he wondered if their co-existance even for a short while would cause conflict. 104Please respect copyright.PENANAhaMfnxnvAy
104Please respect copyright.PENANAZHnWC3pvQj
vladimir shook his head"what about her?" he looked up meeting stefans watchful gaze " your kidding right?? not again. i love certain things about her sure, but i cant give her what she needs..."he looked away from the table and cross his arms letting out a heavy sigh. he would lean against the wall behind him and look upon his feet "if we are being candid, i know a part of me will always love her, but i love her for all the wrong reasons. i can satisfy her sexually sure, but i dont give her the emotional fulfillment she needs. with catarina it isnt about that, i want her in that way absolutely but...her fragility keeps me at bay, i dont want to hurt her or worse kill her. i feel deeply for her in ways i cannot begin to describe stefan...and i dont get that from aribella. so while i love her dearly it is strictly a primal attraction based on sexual desire instead of an emotional desire...i just want to get catarina home and send valhalla on their way" he said these words with certainty but feared he may not be able to let aribella go a third time..would he really have to choose between aribella or catarina?104Please respect copyright.PENANAli8T5ZZRq3