vladimir would chuckle as he looked over his hands, never had he felt more alive than when he shut off all his human emotions ad feelings he would smile at Stefan "what is wrong dear brother?" he would say walking towards him with a shit-eating grin that made Stefan's eyes narrow "why? why the hell would you do this to yourself" stefan demanded both terrified of his brother in this state but also furious at him for choosing to do this.
"do what? be what i am meant to be? do i disappoint you dear brother" his voice was light with amusement desperate for Stefan's answer as he approached him slowly, he would take the silver stake and run it over his brother's skin gently, "did you know even this gorgeous piece of metal cannot kill us? no, a witch charmed this one for the purpose of temporary immobilization"he laughed softly and shook his head and stepped away and tossed himself down in his throne "so dear sweet brother of mine what is so distasteful about me being exactly what you made me"
stefan had to consider his words carefully knowing exactly how Vladimir could be in this state of mind. without his humanity, he was cold, sadistic, and unpredictable a killing machine in capable of feeling empathy and remorse. his current state of mind would allow him to kill even Stefan himself and feel not an ounce of guilt or sadness. he knew exactly what was going to happen and he felt so bad for Catarina, his brother was able to control his thirst but he was also aware this side of him would never allow a weakness so close,she would be seen as a cancer in his life with the state of Vladimir's mind. " it has nothing to do with such things brother, its just that i must confess i find myself rather fond of the human, id very much like to keep her around"he would swallow anxiously as he tried to keep his habitual breathing slow and steady. 81Please respect copyright.PENANATHo9zqpDyq
vladimir knew his brother all to well, despite not having the small tells like a fluttering heart or clammy hands. he could tell from his posture and focus, stefan found it difficult to gaze at him. this made vladimir smile and shake his head, he would suck his teeth before speaking " brother i may have no goddamn humanity but it does not sway my feelings for her. i am doing this to give myself the advantage and protect what i have grown to care about, your fear it perturbs me. " he crossed his arms and glared "why do you fear this side of me so much when it brings you such advantage against your enimes"81Please respect copyright.PENANA7Mp2zfGtYA
stefan breathed a sigh of relief, at least part of vladimir was intact still " because brother i have seen you slaughter entire villages just to send a message when you are like this, i have also seen you attempt to kill those who genuinely care for you. " 81Please respect copyright.PENANAZXY2Nx8nN2
vladimir scoffed"and you believe, that i would harm catarina in this state of mind when all i wish to do is protect her? i myself and more then aware of my crimes and what i have done. but i have no intention of hurting her. i want numon and i want Valhalla, i want to not have to make choices that are not mine to make and more than anything i want Catarina to choose to be with me." 81Please respect copyright.PENANA4I4QXm5DMN
stefan would shake his head and roll his eyes "and you think she will love you like this! in this state of mind you are heartless and merciless." he said matter of factly. 81Please respect copyright.PENANAypzqbyjQgv
vladmirs mouth tilted down in the corners as he shrugged tilting his head left than right "true. that is a possibility, however i doubt she would choose a man she didnt know everything about. this current situation is not ideal, but it does open doors for honesty with her and that is important right?"81Please respect copyright.PENANAUaSORsumNP
stefan tilted his head i a shrug looking to the floor"well yes, that is very important. i just dont think this is a side she is going to be ready for." vladimir shook his head as he ploped down in his throne spinning the stake in his hand as he looked out the window at the daylight left the sky"it is a price im willing to pay to keep her safe. if we fall to valhalla i will be given no choice because we will have to compell everyone to forget what we are and start over and to prevent a mortal of knowing what we are id have to change catarina and while i wont hesitate to do so, but it will interfere with my plan and i will not allow that to happen."81Please respect copyright.PENANA32u6eZCf3x
the throne room door slammed closed in the back of the room revealing a shocked pair of green eyes and the very confused face of catarina "you want to change me? " 81Please respect copyright.PENANAHrSEEkrUzj
stefan turned quickly on his heel and faced her "lady catarina this is really not a good time"he said smiling softly at her and placing his hands on her shoulders. catarinas nostrils flared as she shoved him away and approuched the throne"who the hell is valhalla and explain yourself, or change me now you said you wanted it to be my damn choice but you dont seem to be including me in these things so choose!" she commanded of him. 81Please respect copyright.PENANAXZRLbSvERY
vladimirs attention shifted to her, his deat heart almost jumped at the look of her so enraged. he found it quite attractive " well, i can see your reasons for the frustration but i assure you it was out of my own policy" 81Please respect copyright.PENANAvap2dHQELm
she rolled her eyes as she gave a fake snort of a laugh "yeah? sure okay, then start there" 81Please respect copyright.PENANAG9WRzaaJ9c
vladimir nodded and smiled"as you wish my dear," he said softly." i have rules, i keep to them because i beleive in what i said once before. people are a resource , but i also keep to it because of my own moral values. i believe im married to the dark, that i am a darkness worse then evil. however i know this of my life before i was a vampire " he got up and kissed her cheek and would take her hand and lead her to the courtyard ajoining the throne room. giving stefan a wink before closing the stained glass french door behind him. 81Please respect copyright.PENANAaBOmnFoTX1
the garden before them was bathed in the bright moonlight of the evening with bright stars scattered about the indigo canvas above them. the gardenia trees and roses littered the path before them. there was a small stone bench to the left with an ornate backrest with pillows as cushions. he would spin her around in a circle as he sat and pulled her in to his lap. her scent filling his nostrals making it difficult to keep control of himself in this state of mind, but despite his desire he would keep himself flawlessly under control, he had to. 81Please respect copyright.PENANAYEplhTuKHp
81Please respect copyright.PENANAnm1Sfj3rkv
"when i was young before i was immortal, i was bastardized by my father. i was frail and weak i was born an albino, like my grandmother from my mother's side. he found my pale hair and pale skin to be suspicious and wouldn't accept that i am his son. we lived in a small two-bedroom cabin in the woods i wasn't much help out there with the chores giving that man even more reason to hate me, i couldn't chop wood to ensure the fires kept burning i had this weird rash reaction to the cow so i couldn't milk it. still to this day, i can recall the way it itched. anyway a lot of the responsibility fell to stefan who looks just like our father and that winter i got Scarlett fever and mom tried to keep my temperature down while my brother braved the weather to find me medicine to attempt to save my life" 81Please respect copyright.PENANAYIEFEhP42b
Catarina eyes glittered with interest as she listened intently, she pouted at his hesitation. this reaction made him smile showing her his perfect teeth " needless to say, i didn't know he had been changed the last errand out he took when i had the flu. by the time he had returned it was to late the medicine it wasn't going to help, see the fever went down but my brother was gone a week longer then he was supposed to be. he likes to play human,"he smiled at the thought " but due to this behavior i received beatings all day every day and blamed for his son dying in this weather..he didn't even know if he was alive or dead. when Stefan returned i could barely breathe from my ribs being crushed and i was vomiting blood from my bowel being damaged...i wasn't given a choice i was given a second chance. i was given a chance to be strong and almost indestructible, i chose to use this chance to give others this gift. those who are dying or make this choice to better their lives..or in some cases i let them earn it." 81Please respect copyright.PENANA99Nd7Bd8Sh
81Please respect copyright.PENANAPwATjMnRlP
" so you want me to choose?" Catarina asked him shyly unsure of the situation" Vladimir shook his head and kissed her temple. the heat from her skin burned onto his with a white-hot flame "no,not right now. i have found myself unable to leave you be and it is something big and i think it takes time and thought. but a part of me is hoping you will choose this life to be with me.." 81Please respect copyright.PENANAShF9wqZNXX
catarina blushed softly. " well it is to early to tell if i want to be with you, i dont really know you. but as for my choice your right, it is a big decision and it should be thought through."she gave a soft grin and pressed her forhead against his "so why dont you let me think on that choice while i get to know you," 81Please respect copyright.PENANAYmVmxvpzUR
her flirtatiousness made him smile. " oh? well then, it has been quite some time since i have tried to get to know a woman. how about i make you dinner tomarrow night? you can meet my brother properly, and his mate my sister-in-law calliope. perhaps i can even invite my friend drago and his wife delilah, she will be excited for that in her own weird way"catarina smiled, and hugged him gently making his throat burn he woul gently push her away " one more thing, currently i am having to keep perfect focus and control over myself. this is the usual case in your presence of course, but right now it is harder then usual. i was scared today, for the first time in this extraordinary life i was terrified. i thought i may loose you, and for me that was terrifying, so i turned off my humanity. you will hear about it im sure, but i wanted to tell you myself because i can be heartless and cruel in this state of mind. it is the one advantage i have against valhalla..." 81Please respect copyright.PENANAIj0rZdAMoa
catarina tilted her head to the side confused "how so? " 81Please respect copyright.PENANA638PslZKlq
vladimir sighed as he closed his eyes and sat her down beside him and turned to face her tilting her chin up with his fingertips to look him in the eye " valhalla is kinda like us, they are a form of government. we are honest and open and beleive this life to be a gift. they beleive it is a secret and it should never be shared. its two women and a man, there is the left hand woman the third in command if it where. her name is talia she is tall and a brute of a woman i swear, then there is the second in command marcos hes quiet but is able to communicate with his wife through his memorys...then there is aribella. she is small and fragile at a glance, at a glance but looks are very decieving. her gift is hard to explain, she cannot read your thoughts but she uses her husband marcos gift to read others and upon metting her gaze she can see your memories and project them back as nightmares. she used it on stefan once, from what i hear its torture like no other."he would take a breath and lick his bottom lip before he continued. 81Please respect copyright.PENANA18PpJHUhUj
81Please respect copyright.PENANAbCOSWPQ6rE
catarina listened entranced by what he said as it seemed her knowledge on their kind no matter how vast was so miniscule in comparison. she tucked her knee up under her chin and wrapped her arms around her ankles. vladimir liked that she wasnt scared but seemed genuinly interested in his explanations " i think this is the longest i have spoken to anyone outside of stefan and calliope, " he said chuckling softly "anyway, aribella will try and sniff out any kind of weakness in us. fortunatly i may seem to only have one gift but not every vampire is capable of turning off their humanity like i can and still maintain control. stefan can handle the pain he has felt worse but i am different. with my humanity on i feel everything, i feel all my emotions and i find myself to be rather compassionate and merciful and even kind. in the presence of valhalla i cannot give any indication that i care for anyone, not even you. so i turned off my humanity, because i know without a doubt if it is attempted and we plan it right she can pull any memory from my head and i will feel nothing because i am nothing but an emotionless husk."he placed his hand on either side of her face "i love you, i dont know why i do but i do. but i also hate your goddamn guts, but only because ive never been so compelled to kill someone as much as i am with you. that being said i cannot afford to let them have any kind of upper hand with me, they would use my memories of you as a weapon against me and i wont allow that. " he gazed in to her eyes looking for any hint of fear, instead he was greeted by the moonlight reflecting off soft mossy pools of jade. catarinas eyes glittered against the moonlight as it casted the pale light over her skin making it look almost ivory in its luminescience..his lips parted as a word slipped between them unwillingly "beautiful..." 81Please respect copyright.PENANAWu8NBqtx3O
catarinas face filled with a rosy pink color as she looked away, with a feather light touch he turned her head back to him. he took a breath, regaurdless of feeling nothing in this moment not love nor happiness he felt he still needed to put the work in to win fair ladys heart. as he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, his mouth burst in to an inferno as her lips pressed against his, his throat felt as though he drank gasoline and willingly swallowed bees. the stinging scorching feeling through his nostrals made his mouth overflow with venom which he swallowed back and gently pulled away and gasp for clean air. "sorry, i meant to do that. just didnt think it would feel like that..." he said trying to calm his breathing. 81Please respect copyright.PENANALwskD5zG5Y
catarinas face was flush from this kiss as she placed a hand over her own heart which was fluttering like hummingbird wings, she took her other hand and gripped his free hand " describe it to me? "she asked curiously. his eyes widened in shock at her request as he didnt expect it from her. his eyebrows pulled together in thought as he tried to find a way to describe to her in a way she may understand "have you ever been to a blacksmiths forge?" he asked with a raised brow. 81Please respect copyright.PENANAlzvYAKNzHi
catarina giggled "im a gypsie i can run a forge by myself" vladimir smiled and shook his head as he crossed his arms "well its like when you heat the metal and it turns red hot, and then you take that redhot iron and shove it down my throat and just kinda dig around a little after you shove it down to my stomach" catarinas face scrunched up as she hissed through her teeth "ouch, that sounds like torture. so if you change me that will go away?" vladimir nodded and shrugged"essentially yes, but i wont make the mistakes i made with natalie." he said with a sigh hoping that she understood what he meant given their talks. she nodded "i understand, which is why you said it is something i need to think about." vladimir nodded " precisely, now then i smell food is being mad ein the kitchens. are you hungry my lady?" he asked politely standing up and extending his hand, catarina smiled and took his hand to walk with him. 81Please respect copyright.PENANApf9yIQ7lDQ
81Please respect copyright.PENANAYgMUBq7FPo
as they made their way down to the dining room catarina noticed the many watchful eyes and dirty looks aimed upon her walking beside him. she tugged gently on the sleeve of the arm she held. vladimir smiled and looked down "yes my lady?" he asked in a soft tone. 81Please respect copyright.PENANAGitxqmh5zZ
"why are they giving me dirty looks?" she said sounding downheartened by these things, she didnt mean to cause any problems. 81Please respect copyright.PENANA3Geg3cSv4O
vladimir smiled his sexy crooked grin " pay no mind love, they are jealous. many would love to be at my side, but not many deserve to be so. i am picky, for years my brother has been patient in waiting for me to find a companion. vampires can be patient, for us 100 years is like a week it goes by quickly we can wait it out. humans, not so much." 81Please respect copyright.PENANAMdJlLXYvet
catarina raised a brow "so they dont like me because you chose me? well, that isnt a very good reason now is it?" she said practically pouting at the thought, all she wanted was to be their friend. 81Please respect copyright.PENANAiuXCPaTjpt
"i suppose, but i knew it would happen one day. it would not matter if you were a servant and on level with them or if you are a stranger, they would find a reason to be jealous either way." he said opening the dining room door that stretched to the high arched ceiling making everything look so small. as the door opened they were greeted by a dozen pairs of red eyes.