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A lonely predator stalks his prey from the outskirts of the village, watching her ever so carefully with his bright crimson eyes. his cuspids descending into fangs were double-edged and sharp as razors giving his bite a nice two-puncture wound on either side as he sunk them into the flesh of a pretty girl with yellow hair. the people who passed by simply nodded at him and kept walking, as a drop of blood rolled from his lips and down his chin he smiled grateful that his brother Stefan had made the choice, to be honest with their people at the start of their empire. The girl in his arms moaned in ecstasy thanks to his gift, when he was changed he had developed two gifts one was to track any scent he came across and the other was to make his bite euphoric instead of excruciating. his senses heightened as the frenzy began, the world around him seemed to dissolve at that moment nothing but the hot liquid soothing his burning throat was present. he would listen to the sound of her heartbeat as it fluttered in her chest slowing by the second as he drank deeply almost unable to stop he pulled away from her and tossed her over his shoulder knowing that the change would take a few days at least. his well-tuned ears caught the sound of a voice so beautiful it send shivers up his spine, he had never heard something so angelic. he would naturally find himself drawn to this beautiful sound, could it be another immortal? it had to be, humans were full of imperfection. he stayed to the allies to avoid the crowd that had collected near the fountain in the center of town before a girl with dark ebony hair, his breath caught in his throat when he saw her look over her shoulder and seen her jade eyes. she was a mortal woman, how can one woman be so flawless? he thought to himself. he would analyze her features as he watched her performance, sweat sparkled across her caramel skin in the sunlight, He found himself mesmerized by every movement her body made the dress she wore caressing her body. the skirt was split up to her hips. flashing her flawless thighs with every move she made, The wind changed direction blowing her scent directly toward him. his whole body tensed as he felt the searing flames of hunger envelope his esophagus, he quickly turned on his heel to speed away back home. he ran quickly not able to be seen by the human eye as he barged into his palace and set the blond girl on the ground among the servants"make her comfortable, she will be a new addition to our home here" the two servants smiled at him. he would roll his eyes all humans acted the same in the presence of vampires, everything about his kind drew their pray in right down to the way they smelled they curtsied"yes lord Vladamir" he would shake his head as he made his way through the hall to the throne room which was empty besides his brother Stefan and Stefan's mate calliope. he would place his back against the door and take a sigh of relief as he bent over and placed his hands on his knees. Stefan flited quickly to his side"brother what is the matter?" he would look up at his brother" i don't know, I've never felt this before" Stefen's face gave a small hint of bewilderment unsure of what his brother had meant"Vlad, i don't seem to understand " Vladamir smiled and looked at his brother knowing what he said was confusing as he didn't give any explanation" I seen someone today who defies every law of existence to me" Stefen raised a brow "oh and who may this person be?" he asked snickering under his breath. Vladimir glared at his brother "you won't like it if I tell you, but I truly don't understand it myself" Stefan raised a brow his curiosity peaked as he sat down beside his brother"well, as for my opinions I don't think they should matter to you because you are my brother and you can talk to me if you need to about anything," Stefan would tuck his knees up toward his chest and clasp his hands together" so why don't you explain it to me so we can understand it together" Vladamir nodded and took a breath" as a vampire our senses are heightened it's like as a human when we look at a tree we see blobs and we think that is the way it is meant to look, but when we change we see it differently like a human with glasses the world is brighter we see every facet on every wall leaf and stone, but so are the emotions we feel they are deeper and stronger....I saw a girl today, a mortal girl. her blood was almost intoxicating even from across the village I don't know what I feel I don't understand it all a part of me wanted to rip her throat out, but another part of me wanted my hands all over her" he sighed and placed his head in his hands" what is wrong with me?" he said softly. Stefan would place his hand upon his brother's back as a smile played at the corners of his mouth "nothing. there is nothing wrong with you. you saw a beautiful woman and you liked her, that is normal...well it's normal for most men. with immortals like us when we feel that way it's usually due to something else when I first met calliope my whole world shifted. I felt very much like you do right now at this moment she was changed a few years after me and was hunting when I peered at her perched upon that rock ready to pounce on her pray I couldn't help but find the beauty in it, like a lion mid-hunt. something about it was immobilizing my body just wouldn't move it felt as if I was trapped in the dream realm of Hypnos. I saw at that moment the entire future of my life with her beside me, I married her a year later. so with that being said, you may have found your soulmate...so what are you going to do?" Stefan asked incredulously. Vlad would look down puzzled as he thought over the options he could change her but what would that do if she didn't want him that way, he could let her be a mortal and let her choose this life on her own which is more than what he got. then there was compulsion but he preferred to not use that on someone he wanted so badly it would've made him sick if he had the ability to be so. "usually the deal with mortals who wish to be immortal have to either work for us to earn it through years of servitude or dying, I can't be near her without wanting to rip her throat out so I'd have to get used to her scent for a while otherwise id just wind up killing her and that isn't an option I feel it would kill a part of me inside and no one needs to relive me without my humanity unless that is completely necessary. if I hurt her that way I don't think I could live with myself and I don't think id bounce back. if I change her id want it to be her choice, not by compulsion or selfish desire I want it to be something she chooses to do" he said softly conflicted by his feelings "or I could just run, far away from here and never look back" he said laying his head back against the door. Stefan shook his head and looked at his brothers defeated form. he placed a hand on the back of his blond-white hair "your not running, that isn't going to solve anything. doing something like that is only going to make this worse" Vladimir's eyebrows would pull together as he squinted at his brother his lips tightened under the sheer annoyance that his brother didn't seem to get that he couldn't stay if he did he would kill this girl it was almost certain" if I stay I won't be able to stop myself from going after her! its almost as if her whole body has compelled me too" he said his tone raising slightly" I hate her, I do for making me want her so badly but another part of me just wants to protect her.." he said the last part so quietly it was almost inaudible " it's going to make it worse cause even from a distance you are still going to feel this way, I would beg you not to leave but that wouldn't change your mind. you will still think about her she will still haunt your thoughts." Stefan said softly. Vladimir sighed and looked up toward the ceiling of the throne room staring at the arched support beams and seeing the streams of light pour through the stained glass windows filling the ceiling with a rainbow of colors "so then there is nothing I can do? she has to die?" Stefan sighed"no, maybe take it one step at a time. try feeding before you see her and maybe watch her from a distance rather than get too close right away..." the palace doors opened beyond the closed throneroom door wafting in a scent that made Vladimir's entire body go Ridgid as he gripped the base of the door with his hands braking it off in chunks"whoa, calm down it's just the guards with a prisoner, "Stefan said softly not understanding why his brother was feeling so unsettled"no it isn't. it is her." Vladimir said through barred teeth his canines descended and ready for the kill. his eyes had a wild look to them the crimson-looking deep burgundy with hunger. seeing his brother give himself over to his senses he got up quickly to tackle him right as he ran into the hallway to hunt the girl the guards brought in "let go of me!"Vladimir growled whipping his head back and headbutting Stefan with a loud crack like a stone breaking as cracks scattered over Stefan's face. he would flinch and quickly grip his brothers' arms to pin him to the floor"I'm not going to allow you to do something you will regret later and end up with a homicidal lunatic on my hands again! "he would grab a fistful of Vladimir pale blond hair and slam his head into the ground not enough to really hurt him but enough to disorient his brother's senses as the guards took the girl to the dungeons." who is the prisoner" he asked the guard holding open the heavy oak door to the dungeons. the guard raised a brow with his eyes questioning the odd position he was in with a snarling vampire beneath him "just a gypsy sir, she was performing in the town square soliciting money" Stefan nodded"what is her name?" the guard blinked"sorry sir I didn't seem to catch it when I find out I will inform you" Stefan nodded "then make quick work of it. place her in the dry cell "the guard was even more puzzled then he was before "but sire, that cell is reserved for master Vladimir." Stefan glared at the guard" and I'm saying to put her in there was I not clear?" the guard nodded and scurried off he requested the dry cell for a few reasons but the most important reason was that it was air sealed and Vladimir wouldn't be able to smell her from there. he would pick up his brother from the back of his coat and drag him up the stairs to their bedrooms and flung him into a chair and took hold of a brandy glass and gave his brother a glass of whiskey" for not wanting to kill her you have no control when it comes to her, I've heard about it from a few friends and their covens its called a singer a mortal whose blood is more potent to that vampire. its like she's your own personal stash of brandy that only you enjoy, its why when she entered I didnt go positively mad" Vladimir glared and rolled his eyes his brother's sense of humor could be quite distasteful at times like this"i didn't go mad."he said through barred teeth "a singer you say? does being around them get any easier?" Stefen sighed and leaned back in the chair in a form of a slouch "well many end up consuming them not being able to control their thirst or stop even the strongest vampire can't resist, however, i heard of one such instance with Malachi and temara she was his singer. what i know worked for him was the gradual torture of being in her presence allowing her scent to wash over him putting himself in great pain just to be close to her over time it got alot easier to be near her, then when the time was right he changed her himself as he could not bare for another to taste the blood he coveted for so long he almost killed her though took everything he had in him to stop"vladimir took the words his brother said in and sighed there was a chance for him to be close to her but it would take every bit of strength he had not to kill her these thoughts gave him a headache"i dont even have enough control to be in her presence she is going to end up dead if i am not careful stefan.." stefen glanced over his eyes full of empathy and compassion"if anyone can resist their inner desire its you vladimir, you have spent years practicing your control you have intermingled yourself with society and even made mortal friends she is just like them and i beleive you will make it through this without hurting her, if you want my oppinion i beleive your desire to protect her will be the trick, you wont hurt her because you want to protect her from the dangers in this life and you are her biggest threat you will have to protect her from yourself at the end of the day. 138Please respect copyright.PENANArF6JTt5Es9
vladimir sighed"what if I can't do that Stefan? what if i give in? what if she is it what if she is supposed to be my mate and I just go and kill her what kind of protector does that? a bad one or a monster who she shouldn't be trying to befriend"138Please respect copyright.PENANANA7UyM5MjC
Stefan sighed"negative thinking like that is what will get her killed, now come with me. " he said standing up in his leather shoes and smiling at Vladimir. 138Please respect copyright.PENANA6QkqC9YP0d
Vladimir raised a brow in confusion as the corners of his mouth tilted downward"why and where are we going?"138Please respect copyright.PENANA7HaVpeEPgA
Stefan smiled"to meet her and find out her name, having a name makes her a person its one of the first steps in building a form of relationship. while we are there you are separated and I will be with you every step of the way to keep you from hurting her because i want this for you"138Please respect copyright.PENANAekS8IMX67f
Vlad's face twisted into disgust" that statement was a bit disturbed, why?"138Please respect copyright.PENANAoi1GJGudGv
"Because for two hundred and seventy years I have watched you be alone, I have watched you walk through hell and back and come out stronger. you lost your first love, and i know you have run from any kind of intimate connection since. you watch everyone gain their happiness even help them grasp it if it is within your ability to do so and yet you never think of yourself or your own happiness so this is me helping you." 138Please respect copyright.PENANAauhmSMKgGo
vladimir would sigh at the mention of Natalie his first mate closing his eyes at the painful memory of her burning body which made him cringe. those that did it were still his enemy and he would have his revenge on the Valhalla coven for their grave mistake. he would shake his head to rid himself of the bad thoughts as he sat up and walked with his brother to the dungeons.138Please respect copyright.PENANAr4uOWXXE0G
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when they got to the dungeons Stefan would grab a torch and lead the way down the winding tunnels and down three more flights of stairs, the sound of dripping water filled the dank passageways they walked through as well as the sound of their own feet as they walked to the dry cell and set the torch up on the wall lighting up a small rectangle o the room inside but nothing more. there was a stool beside the door that a gaurd would sit in if need be but in the case of this cell it was usually reserved for stefen or calliope thanks to it being vladimirs dry tank. the place they sent him for a month as they dried him out to force his humanity back on. he would stare at the door infront of him 4 small bars and a tiny window was all that it had to the world outside of the cell. he felt bad for anyone locked in that room "was this specific cell really necessary?"he said softly. 138Please respect copyright.PENANAPT3vcaOEDv
stefan grabbed a second stool and sat him down in the one by the door with his hand resting on his shoulder stefan gave a soft grin"its so you cant smell her upstairs, even now it isnt bothering you to much" stefen was wrong on that remark it was bothering him but he had chose to hold his breath finding it easier to be around her if the scent wasnt burning him from the inside out. after a few moments of silence a small sweet voice piped up from the other side"hello? is anyone out there? please there has been a mistake i am new to this village i didnt know there was a rule against gypsie...if you can get me out of here ill leave and never look back you wont have to worry about me breaking rules anymore...please?" 138Please respect copyright.PENANAG1A56TMquI
her please made his heart drop as he lowered his hand and glided his fingertips gingerly over the rough wooden surface"what is your name?" he asked taking in a bit of air and clutching his throat as he felt the feel of acid pour down his throat. "my name is catarina...please sir i didnt mean any harm just let me go" 138Please respect copyright.PENANAcKPh38vnCf
"i will do that, but you will have to be in here for a short while if that is alright"138Please respect copyright.PENANAU9LcSgOggy
"why?"she asked cautiously as he heard her shift across the floor to sit against the door he would bite his lip and try to keep control 138Please respect copyright.PENANAg3peD9kmrU
"do you know what i am?" he asked softly 138Please respect copyright.PENANASxpFV4NkqW
"how am i supposed to know what you are i barely did anything before i was thrown in here"she said obviously talking with her hands as he could hear the handcuffs jangle as she spoke 138Please respect copyright.PENANAll2Vg2w6Nj
vladmir would look down at his hands that he had clutched one over the other " here in dacia we live by our honesty with our people, id like to extend that honesty to you and if you can except the truth then we can find you a job to work off the jail time and give you an income and a house in town" he said softly as he stopped breathing once more paying close attention to the sound of her heart as it fluttered like a hummingbirds wings in anxiety was she excited or scared he knew not the difference.