calliope glared at him. "you shouldn't be down there, not with her effect on you" she said softly. He didn't always like Calliope or get along with her but she was his sister-in-law and he had learned to love her over the years, but not when she was trying to tell him what to do. " look, i get that your just trying to look out for me but i am fine. catarina is alive if you had that concern and no i didnt loose it down there nothing is broken and i kept control" he said placing his hands on her shoulders and making eye contact with her ruby colored eyes "that isnt what has me worried vlad, i just dont want to see you hurt agian.."she said looking up at him with genuine concern as she placed a hand on the side of his face. her gift was her ability to love even the worst person and see the good in everyone. he would take a hokd of her hand and kiss her knuckles" i know, i wasnt okay for a long while after that but that isnt going to happen this time. im going to do everything i can to keep myself under control, besides harming her is a thought that is unimaginable to me" calliope smiled softly"i just worry, i know that control hasnt always been a stregnth for you."she kissed his cheek. it was a conforting gesture but the little faith his own ffamily had in him was exasperating, though as annoying to him as it may have been he knew they were right. He would breath a sigh and feel the clawing ache of hunger in his stomach, he had just fed but the exposure to catarina was a bit much for his thirst. He needed something fresh, he would have to go. he would rush up the stairs getting to his room in seconds, he would shower when he returned as he changed his clothing to something a bit more comfortable a black cloth shirt with long sleeves and black trousers that hugged his form. he would slip back out his door finding himself nose to nose with Stefan "where are you of to brother"he said raising a brow at him. Vladimir shook his head "nothing escapes your ever-watchful eye does it, brother"his tone seething with annoyance. Stefan rolled his eyes and crossed his arms " must you always be so annoyed with me giving a damn about you? im just making sure your not running away" stefan said clearly worried he was going to loose him. vladimir gave a bit of a crooked grin"no im thirsty, i went to get myself a meal elsewhere" he said. stefens posture straightened as he placed his hands behind his back "care for a partner on your trip? it will be like old times me and you" stefan sounded overly hopeful as he asked this question. vladimir raised a brow and walked on to the stairs "come on then"he said over his shoulder. stefan burst in to a grin and fallowed him as they left the palace at a full run dodging trees. this time with stefan was worth it, he missed spending time with him. he would look over to stefan with a devious look and lept in to the air catching a branch anf flipped in to the nearest tree landing on the branch and planting his feet as he placed his hands in the grooves of the bark he climbed all the way to the top. "show off" he heard his brother moan at the bottom before joining him at the topmost branches looking out over most of romania, the palace was just small square lights in the distance he clasped his hands together and sat there looking out over his kingdom as his brother took a seat next to him "whats on your mind vlad"stefan asked knowing his brother well enough to know that this was what he did when he needed a moment to breath " i spoke about natalie." he said softly his face looking haunted and broken. stefan knew that it wasnt something his brother spoke about "what brought it up?" he asked calmly. 100Please respect copyright.PENANAqm82gtMRcO
" catarina asked." 100Please respect copyright.PENANAq0sFyvzzSX
stefan seemed rather shocked by this admission simply because he couldnt even get his brother to speak about it "and you told her?" 100Please respect copyright.PENANANTgJZPaoU8
he nodded "yes, it was time. i cannot just go my whole life without speaking of her, it was mentioned and catarina asked. i found myself being rather forth coming about things, she made me think."100Please respect copyright.PENANAeqqQ6KDg9H
stefan could see the pain on his brothers face " think? what about?"100Please respect copyright.PENANA0JCapYi5ps
"something you said, the singer is like a soulmate and your compelled to be close to that person but our thirst makes that an almost impossiable task. i took natalies life without knowing if she was that person for me out of a selfish need to not loose a peice of my human life without any concern of what she may have wanted, what if i am doing that with catarina?" 100Please respect copyright.PENANAQnb95Is3e8
" well technically i just said a singer was a person whose blood was so potent it was like a brandy only you would prefer, however with natalie i dont think you couldve anticipated how that turned out you were new to this life. you just wanted your girlfriend to enjoy this new life with you, things just dont always work out the way we want them to" 100Please respect copyright.PENANATzl3yzIO7j
" that is true, however i wish id never done it. i am still haunted by her screams as valhalla burned her. they still are after us, they feel we are wrong for being open with our people but in truth it is better this way. we are honest and people have embraced us, if they had their way we would live in hiding never able to be ourselves. if they were in control my feelings for a mortal would be disregaurded because if have to be honest with her and it would cost both of our lives, if im being honest even now it wouldnt be wise for me to be with who i love because they would find a way to hurt me just to destroy everything we have here."100Please respect copyright.PENANAPaTBWjRBye
stefan looked over to him and placed a hand on his back caringly "it wont, calli and i wont let it happen, we have waited two centurys to see you happy, even with natalie you werent completely happy." 100Please respect copyright.PENANAXMu7f1ZRau
he looked over to stefan with an annoyed look "our people, they are not fighters stefan. we have accumulated gifted individuals and those who have earned their place at our side and defying them if it comes to it will result in a war. are we really willing to risk all of our people?" 100Please respect copyright.PENANAjwfCxjfNQV
stefan thought about his brothers concerns "no, its precisly why we placed you in the dry tank before. your only option is to change her. they have entire covens on their side even nomads we keep to ourselves in our small kingdom because we dont want to make waves, i dont agree with you having any kind of romantic relations with a mortal i think its a one way ticket to her death, but if it makes you happy then i am willing to help in any way that i can because your my brother. though i still feel it is better to change her."100Please respect copyright.PENANAVYoceUe4l9
"i wont do that, it has to be her choice. i changed natalie without ever knowing how she felt or what her choice would have been...i wont make that mistake again it hurts me to my very soul to think about ever doing something she wouldnt want"100Please respect copyright.PENANACpk8sIS88N
"you care deeply for her...why?" stefan asked curiously 100Please respect copyright.PENANAxrpx8BXFUB
"she isnt like anyone ive ever met, shes understanding and kind. that being said ive never felt the need to protect someone, and its like shes drawn to danger."he chuckled softly 100Please respect copyright.PENANAdb5chctEmT
"what?" stefan raised a brow confused 100Please respect copyright.PENANApbt7VlLYoC
"shes running from a vampire who covets her blood, yet she comes to a town ran by vampires its ironic really"100Please respect copyright.PENANAPMk6T54TaC
"or maybe she is exactly where she is supposed to be. maybe it was fate."100Please respect copyright.PENANAOCUTJdcl8c
"how so? i dont go looking for mates if that is what you are insinuating"100Please respect copyright.PENANAeM9omUCScM
stefan laughed loudly"no not at all brother! i know you dont care about such mynute things, but i know every male has their...needs"100Please respect copyright.PENANAfCFpkx0NYc
vladimir looked over about ready to push his brother out of the tree"she touched me, it burned and i felt as though my whole body was being electricuted but, that small contact was the most pleasurable feeling i have felt in years"100Please respect copyright.PENANAt0uYnQkDgJ
"you touched her."100Please respect copyright.PENANAzevHvUFrf3
"no, i asked her if i could touch her, it was her choice to touch me the second time. i have never felt such bliss"he would get up and stretch a minute as his legs had gotten a bit stiff sitting there "however it made me crave something fresh so much more then i usually do"100Please respect copyright.PENANAxLuMwy0xk4
stefan would stand up "then lets get going shall we? "100Please respect copyright.PENANAa2UheVB2U3
vladimir would smile and shake his head and jump from the tree straight down to the ground and land with a thump on to his feet and start running. he would use trees to jump off of having a bit of fun as he tucked his body and flipped before heading back in to a full run. "think you can do better then that stef?"he asked his brother who matched his pace the world around them a blur. 100Please respect copyright.PENANAVXn9zUM20T
100Please respect copyright.PENANAt39IQhml9W
The eventually found themselves in a small sleeping village far from their kingdom where they seperated to find their meals, vladimir would breath in the smell of fresh human blood all around him and give himself over to his senses he could hear all their heart beats narrowing in on one and fallowed it to a man asleep in his bed as he slipped in the door after breaking the lock. he would grab the man and before he could let out a scream he sunk his teeth into his flesh feeling his teeth rip in to him. the mans blood coated his mouth as he drank deeply from him draining him to a lifeless husk as he felt the new blood rush through his body. he would wipe his mouth and focus in on his next victim the mans wife making quick work of her as well, her blood was tangy in comparison and not being as thirsty he would take his time with her making it a bit less painful as he traced his fingertips up her bare arms his other hand gripped her hair making sure she kept her head to the side as he lapped up every drop of her blood. he could feel droplets drip down his chin as he drained her body of her life before dropping her next to her husband. 100Please respect copyright.PENANA1ErmatBrxX
he would lick his lips as he finished and head to their bathroom where he saw himself in their mirror, his mouth and chin red with their blood. his pale ash blond hair flawless as usual as it lay on his brow line his eyes a new shade of crimson then they were before leaving, filled with the fresh blood of his victims. he turned on the water and wash up before heading out of the home the fresh meal sloshing around in his stomach absorbing in to his body giving his limbs a boosted agility. he would meet up with his brother at the edge of the village and smirked "did you find yourself a sweet young vixon to seduce brother"he would joke playfully knowing his brother perferred his victims weak to his charm. 100Please respect copyright.PENANAihwj4Hb4rF
"i did, i missed hunting with you. though i really hope you will not tell calliope of my...unusual tastes"100Please respect copyright.PENANAcdsNaGDLKe
"you mean how you play with your food?"he said referring to his brothers habit of sleeping with his prey100Please respect copyright.PENANA227Ad8YTTN
"presicely" 100Please respect copyright.PENANAX7WcwHcz3D
"wouldnt dream of it, besides you always finish your food. im just happy you got your fun out of it"100Please respect copyright.PENANAnRiAyKA0FR
"it isnt that i dont love calli its have a bite that doesnt make it feel like your being burned from the inside out and i want my prey to feel that euphoria before their demise. its the least i can do, they are feeding me after all"100Please respect copyright.PENANAhq45igTa2P
vladimir rolled his eyes" i do not care what you did or didnt do brother what matters is you got to hunt the way you like to and i know it has been a while since you got to enjoy things your way"100Please respect copyright.PENANABfxg4I6CB6
"for a little brother i was truly blessed to get you, i am just curious how you got the gifts you have"100Please respect copyright.PENANARyysBBdajO
"i have not a clue, perhaps because i hated seeing others in pain."100Please respect copyright.PENANAt501WIRMZV
"father didnt make life easy for you i know that, you spent your life taking licks from him to cover for me"100Please respect copyright.PENANAs0IbxmcAbs
"i was no stranger to pain, i appologize that you envy my gift but it really is more of a curse"100Please respect copyright.PENANAhYQZc7aG89
stefan laughed as they took off running for home"how is it a curse?" 100Please respect copyright.PENANAipfs60ZhF0
vladimir laughed as he bolted around a tree "think about it this way, i am not in to men and every man i bite gets off on me biting him"100Please respect copyright.PENANAeb9Dz1ifHb
"woah. thats a bit weird i mean im bi-sexual but i dont know how i would feel about being every guys wetdream, litterally "100Please respect copyright.PENANA1P93zwhDhc
"see, not a gift. its a damn curse"vladimir said as he stopped at the steps of the palace and stefan came up right behind him and slapped him on his back "perhaps but think about what it will do to catarina when you change her?" the thought made him smile deviously "dont get me all hot an bothered" stefan chuckled "yes well you know the drill you bite them you bite yourself and when they wake they have to drink from us otherwise they die" stefans words snapped him out of his fantasy of catarinas naked body under his hands as her toes curled under the influence of his bite" well thats one way to kill my fantasys"he shivered under the thought of catarina feeding off of him. stefan smiled"glad i could help, we really dont need you and your blood lust getting frisky in that cell with her too soon" vladimir raised a brow"please, i could just hold my breath not like we need to breath"stefan would shake his head rolling his eyes as he headed inside and up to his room vladimir shook his head and headed to his shower.100Please respect copyright.PENANAn5mviCtbDW
He would turn on the water not caring if it was cold, he would step in letting the cool water run down his skin, he couldnt help but think of catarina. the way she danced was enchanting, her hips swaying in perfect rythym. he bit his bottom lip as he thought about the way the dress she wore as it framed her flawless figure. he could imagine his cold fingertips against her warm skin the softness of her skin as he slid the straps off her shoulders exposing her luscious breasts. he would shake his head before his thoughts got too invested as he was already feeling turned on. he would wash his body and hair and dry off getting dressed in a white button-up shirt and just put back on his black pants. he felt entirely relaxed, had he been able to sleep he would have with how relaxed he felt, he would lay down in his bed and thought about the feeling he got when catarina touched him closing his eyes as he lay on his stomach. when dawn approached the birds began to chirp loudly on vladimirs window sill he would open his eyes and stared at them, two larks. both were males which explained the songbird's behavior he wondered if she could hear them in the dungeons as they were on the same side of the place. 100Please respect copyright.PENANACAFpWOyhoT
his thoughts were interrupted by a clattering of items at the door, he turned slowly and met the gaze of a nervous servant she would bow to him her short black hair falling around her face" i am so sorry master.." Vladimir sat up and looked at her staring at her bent figure, she was impatient with an elevated heart rate hinting at her anxiety "name?" he said sternly as if he was angered by her clumsiness "sanati" she said keeping it simple and not over-explaining herself. he admired that his servants had the ability to talk to him without feeling they needed to tell him their whole life story. he would get out of bed and step across the room to stand before her, his shirt unbuttoned partially exposing his chest as he placed two fingers under his chin being as gentle as a summer breeze as he tilted her head up to meet his gaze forcing her body to follow suit and stand. it was practice for when he was near Catarina without the burn of her blood. sanatis heart rate sped as her pale cheeks filled with blood becoming a rosy color that spread over her face, he would wrap his arm around her waist and pressed her close to his body as he traced her lips with a fingertip " dear girl, you have no need to apologize for being clumsy, now then pick out my clothing and be a doll and tell the cook to make a meal fit for a queen for the prisoner in the dry tank"she would nod admiringly at him her heart beating so fast he feared it may explode as he let her go and went to the bathroom to fix his messy hair while she set out his clothing. he would smirk as he hear her let out a sigh and place her hand on her chest to stop it from beating so fast100Please respect copyright.PENANA208o0hukyB