her blood tasted as unimaginably intoxicating as Vladimir had imagined Catarina's would, he would drink deeply soothing a bit of the burn in the pit of his stomach from the closeness of Catarina. he would pry himself from her when she was almost drained of blood, she needed to be almost dry for when the change finished as it would be replaced by his blood to complete it. he wiped his mouth and was breathing heavily he found it almost impossible to stop himself as he licked his lips " drago take her, please. ill catch up with you i need a moment before heading back " he said leaning back against the stone wall he would let the clean air wash over his senses his head was spinning, in all his years he had never tasted blood so irresistible he would take a deep breath to calm himself as he saw Drogo and the girl disappear. he would attempt to stand his head still feeling dizzy, he would shake his head and start running toward the palace. once he reached the door he was greeted with warm arms wrapping around his neck his nostrils filling with the burning smell of Catarina but instead of just smelling her blood he caught the gentle undertones of strawberries and vanilla. he would place a hand around the middle of her back as his other hand placed on the back of her head. 92Please respect copyright.PENANAEUMogHxiYZ
"thank you." she said in a soft tone next to his ear. he would kiss her head right above her ear, "i told you, i would do anything for you" he whispered. she would press her lips to his cheek igniting the spot she touched in a blaze of heat. he smiled and saw his brother grinning like a fool at the end of the foyer. he would shove her off of him gently holding her shoulders" I must go speak with my brother but i must insist you go to the kitchens and request belles raspberry danishes, I hear they are superb. "he said with a soft chuckle as he bowed politely taking a quick glance at her blushing face admiring her beauty, it was almost a shame to change her into a vampire taking away the beauty of those glittering green eyes. he would quickly take his leave and find himself at his brothers side. 92Please respect copyright.PENANAZy2d8IdSvw
"so you found her and her sibling." stefan said still smiling 92Please respect copyright.PENANAx1xGaRYOsV
"i found more than that, numon is closer then we anticipated and his numbers are great but comprised of Catarina's family members."his tone kept steady with not an ounce of emotion92Please respect copyright.PENANAJ7uWXi8s9Y
"are you alright?" stefan asked with a raised brow noticing his brothers tone of voice. 92Please respect copyright.PENANAkb2Ll8iVNl
his brow furrowed slightly as he looked at his brother from the corner of his eye " she should not be so willing to hug me. im the worst kind of friend for her to have, i could kill her in the blink of an eye stefan and yet she dares to get so close. i cant say that i hate her because i dont hate her but at the same time i hate her for making me feel this way. it isnt her fault i know that but all it takes is one mistake on my part a breif moment where i loose control. that is all it will take stefan, though after feeding on the child i can say her blood isnt nearly as compelling to me anymore" 92Please respect copyright.PENANASU9FR36gUf
stefan hugged him catching him off guard. "you are stronger than you know" he said softly trying to be of some comfort to his brother he knew exactly how his brother felt but didn't want to admit that to him, because he didn't succeed in controlling himself and that wasnt something his brother needed to hear. 92Please respect copyright.PENANAxZW689aZzH
"Stefan, im married to the dark, im a darkness worse than evil. im not saying we are soulless monsters but we are creatures of death. that's all we bring about, i mean yes we are alive but we aren't. i want to be strong i choose to control myself but the creature i am inside the real me...its only a matter of time before..."he sighed as he sat himself down in his throne and placed the palms of his hands over his face "today i realized it, she is meant to be free. with me she would only end up dead or an vampire. i dont want her near me i dont want to be the reason she ends up that way, her own family member sare being fed off of by a vampire just like us with his own people and he is too strong for either of us to handle, waht use am i if i cant even protect her! because thats what i want to do the most is protect her and i cant. so what good am i to her?" his form slumped defeated. usually he would be composed with no oppinion he did not understand what this girl was doing to him and it was something that frightened even him. stefan seeing his brothers form sighed he knew what it was like to feel as though you were going mad over another person the thought made him smile"brother that is life, even for beings as us there will always be someone bigger and badder then we are. to love someone means to face these things as a team, it means to care about another more then you do yourself"92Please respect copyright.PENANA57IkTNsLt0
"i love her stef, there is nothing i wouldnt do for her. i barely know her, and yet i find myself wanting to give her every part of myself to keep that smile on her face. i would burn this world to the ground to keep her alive, " he would shake his head and pinch the bridge of his nose" but i am not good for her, she is fragile and as much as i find myself wanting her and wanting so badly to be close to her. i am too dangerous" he would say sucking his teeth and breathing a sigh out and leaning back in his throne. 92Please respect copyright.PENANAzI98fpcUDb
" but if you stay away you will never know if she wants immortality. if you want her that badly then change her, you want her to choose it you have to build to that or you can change her now and build it later" stefan offered knowing there was an easier way for all this to work" or i could do it" 92Please respect copyright.PENANAAFXLgTQV3G
vladimir scowled at his brother " id rather die then allow her to feel that pain" he said before looking away remembering the burn of the venom they secreted from their teeth that burned every vein. when bit by a vampire normally the change is so excruciating all you can do is scream in tormented pain as you feel your whole body be incinerated from the inside out. every molicule in your body boiling. he couldnt even imagine putting catarina through such pain. 92Please respect copyright.PENANAh2cqx5saVI
stefan smiled"i know, i think most would perfer to have your gift or be changed by someone like you. what is your plan on that part anyway? i know you brother and i know when u like someone you are a hopeless romantic" 92Please respect copyright.PENANA9iUdovlLvm
he smiled at his brothers jest's " i havent thought that far...well, i have but not in a public way. " 92Please respect copyright.PENANALHjzt6TKEc
stefan burst out laughing " brother when did you get so polite about sexual fantasy" 92Please respect copyright.PENANAgg3BHZKegM
he laughed with him"i am just stating i havent thought of her in the most modest of ways, but i want to marry her first that i know. i want her to experience every part of life. the good, the bad, the ugly... if i am going to change her i want it to be memoriable"he gave a crooked sexy grin" i want her to experience the greatest pleasure imaginable when i change her" 92Please respect copyright.PENANA7LLDjnyiFE
stefan swallowed with a grin listening to his brother as vladimir continued " i want it to be on our wedding night, that is what i want. it is also up to her, although a part of me thinks she may crave to know the feeling her sister got when i bit her. she blushed the brightest red it was so sexy to have her watch me do something like that" he bit the inside of his cheek. stefan raised a brow"you are one messed up individual brother."92Please respect copyright.PENANA4Hb25MjpX5
"why? its nice she doesnt scare easy, and it has been a while since i have had someone accept even the darkest parts of me without judgement. for me that means somthing." he was honest with his words and was humbled by them, he didnt realize she was that person for him until he said the words aloud. 92Please respect copyright.PENANANOiGYYaxSs
" no, the fact that you get off on her watching you kill another person"92Please respect copyright.PENANAb3L7G4oOEb
"stefan she asked me to do it, i saved a life today. i saved the life of a 16 year old girl and because i did so she gets to live a life and be happy. she asked me, i would give her anything in this world if she asked me. she was sincere and sure, she just wanted to spare her siblings life and yeah maybe it will be as a vampire and maybe she wont be able to live a normal life of a 16 year old but she is alive and that is what matters catarina didnt loose anyone she cared about today. that matters"92Please respect copyright.PENANAmSoiFNkzqD
stefan grinned "you were fifteen when i changed you, i didnt do it to save you. i did it because i couldnt live this life without my brother by my side. you should never regret changing someone, but i do. you never got to experience your life as a human because i took that from you, but today you saw a child on the brink of death and it wasnt because you were asked you would have done it anyway because deep down you knew it was the right thing to do. you gave that girl her life back, that isnt something a monster does. you saved her life and now she gets to be free and alive. you defy the selfish nature of vampires vladimir cant you see that?" he said looking over with a smile and shaking his head 92Please respect copyright.PENANAZrrSyTELSg
"i dont regret you changing me, your my big brother stef, you were ten years older then me i looked up to you. if you didnt change me you wouldve left me, father was abusive because he was convinced i wasnt his son because i looked nothing like him mother couldnt even look at me half the time without feeling like a failure. you saved me from that, you were my hero and after the change no matter how painful it was i finally felt that i was your equal. you are my brother you gave me this amazing life and i get to experience everthing and more because of it. " he said smiling at his brother. he may not have liked what he was but it wasnt out of beleif system or oppinions it was beause he knew what he was and he knew that at its core the creature he had become left without constant control was a vicious creature who was selfish and drivin by a carnal nature to kill. stefan looked over and cracked a grin "then if that is how you feel, why not use this amazing life to share it with someone you love." 92Please respect copyright.PENANAvygxCGLImh
"i know, but i really feel i should keep my distance for a while."he laughed a little his smile genuine"she is very affectionate person though so i am unsure of how long ill be able to stay away" 92Please respect copyright.PENANAABjejEZNxp
"ill put 50 lei on it that you last a week" stefan said pulling out the bill with a raised brow 92Please respect copyright.PENANAETPkMDrLBy
"oh we are betting now? " 92Please respect copyright.PENANA9HMb7bJpfi
"dont we always?"92Please respect copyright.PENANAVaw0EI3NW0
vladimir grinned and extended his hand to shake on it."it isnt official without."stefan grinned and took his hand and shook on it. 92Please respect copyright.PENANAUR4DMCSsza
92Please respect copyright.PENANAXDmO6Lq1DS
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~92Please respect copyright.PENANAuJzQN2LjGW
amalia lay in a bed in a guest room, the feeling of pleasure rolling through her entire being. the euphoric feeling of the venom causing her every nerve to tingle, but deep down everything was black she could hear her heartbeat as it began to beat faster and faster like a hummingbird's wings...she could hear the crunching sound of her veins like paper shutting as the last bit of the venom in her veins began to burn the blood out of them, what was happening? she was frightened, she began to breath erratically as she opened her eyes and felt as if she was blind as she couldn't see anything. she could feel so much pleasure but had no idea why. her heart felt like it was going to explode as she thrashed against restaints she was placed in. 92Please respect copyright.PENANAokaVrsf59u
" my lady?" a small mousy girl asked from the chair in the corner placing her book down and flitting to her side instantly. " shh, I know. you must keep calm miss, otherwise, it will hurt worse. you must let the venom do its job and when it is over I promise you will never have to feel this pain again." the girl was kid with a heart-shaped face and short deep auburn hair and bright red eyes. she had a welcoming smile that was warm and soft. she would take amalias hand 92Please respect copyright.PENANAbAbOuP5wx7
through gritted teeth the girl tried to speak "doesn't...hurt..." she would take a deep breath as she felt as if her chest would cave in on her as the beating of her heart had only gotten faster and faster"what....name?" she choked out in an attempt to distract herself "my name is lilly, my parents, er...well they arent really my mom and dad but they take care of me and have helped me in this life...my parental figures, i suppose is more accurate. are drago and lady Delilah, they were ordered to bring you here by our masters" she would place two fingers on her neck to stop blood flow and knock her out she really needed to stay perfectly still while there was still mortal blood in her veins so that the venom could do its work. lilly was gifted to sense another's pain and or pleasure while in the individual's presence. she was a form of an empath, she could physically feel another's pain or pleasure no matter the intensity but she could also influence the intensity as she took it in to herself and in this very moment she felt panicked and scared unaware of her surroundings and disoriented, it made her head spin. she would quickly clutch the chair behind her as she would try to breathe as she would pull the fear, anxiety, and distress into herself. 92Please respect copyright.PENANAA4qclJewYA
92Please respect copyright.PENANA36ICXjf8RT
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~92Please respect copyright.PENANAP0IfXCW7R8
a loud snap crackled through the throne room as a body fell with a thud. vladimirs face was twisted in rage as his nostrils flared. the lifeless boy lay at his feet as he stepped over his body wiping his hands on a handkerchief "get that out of here"he said to a servant who nodded to him once and picked the body up to haul it away with the assistance of Drago. Stefan came back in seeing the body and seeing his brother standing at the end of the throne room cleaning a weapon they never pulled out. he got it from the vaults. it was a long silver stake with a jeweled handle. Vladimir was admiring the glint of the sun reflecting off the metal surface "i leave for five minutes and you already killed someone?" he said his eyes wide in disbelief of his brother's actions hoping for a rational response. as he watched his brother polish the stake.92Please respect copyright.PENANA4XWlxAJXSl
"i received a report from Sedna, that boy was seen fraternizing with zhebi, you know her brother, she tormented you for an entire year after they captured you."92Please respect copyright.PENANAtDyV5V4JlP
"valhalla..." his breath barely a whisper he was every bit aware of who this girl was. she was a formitable foe indeed and one he was very familiar with. 92Please respect copyright.PENANAEKM8GvAVwe
"seems we had a mole in our midst, he was feeding her information and now they know i am in love with a mortal and it seems they are sending their elite trackers to rectify this situation, i won't allow it but to allow them to come here would mean to kill them, killing them-"92Please respect copyright.PENANAnx1pPnlc3J
"means war.." stefan said cutting his brother off without the intention of doing so, he couldn't help but sit down with the way the thoughts raced through his head. the woman that was mentioned had a gift with the wind though immortals had no need to breath she could make you feel like you were suffocating she could cause a breeze by your ear with a whisper that made your head feel as if it was exploding. he would run his fingers over his hands and wrists, where she tied him down with ropes soaked in vervain. he swallowed hard "so they are sending samada and neil..." 92Please respect copyright.PENANAkPHxtcgy46
vladmir tilted his head to the side the corners of his mouth tilting down as he shrugged "all the boy said was they are sending their best, so i snapped his neck. apparently, they offered him a place in their ranks if he could collect intel on our standing how many of us there were how many knew what we were our weaknesses and vulnerability and it seems in recent days he has learned one of mine so before he could find out what she looks like or divulge any other information i killed him" 92Please respect copyright.PENANAjCrYRMmkGQ
"samada and neil are their best and believe me they will not be kind. they will kill her to break you because they are also aware without your humanity your a killing machine on a leash that they can use for their own desire they did it once before"92Please respect copyright.PENANA2EWbVHy2am
"and that is precisely why they won't get the chance to do it again"he would turn to face stefan grinning, he had a wild look in his eye that almost made stefan feel that vlad had finally gone mad, till he recognized the look on his face and knew it was more then that, vladimir had shut off his humanity. 92Please respect copyright.PENANAoJf6NEJDU8