Catarina seemed to take a moment to think over the proposal before she answered calming her heart rate as he listened he could hear the slow of the sloshing liquid gold that pumped through her veins. finally after agonizing moments of waiting she finally answered "if honesty is a policy here, then answer me first what are you? "she said calmly he could feel the warmth of her body seeping through the door and glanced over to his brother who sat as still as a statue who gave him a warm smile and mouthed to him 'you're doing great ' and gave him a thumbs up making him roll his eyes "depends do you scare easy?" he asked her taking another breath as it scorched his dry throat. his hand flew to his throat to squeeze it gently as he winced in pain patiently awaiting her response. she answered in a gentle voice almost as if she had sensed his discomfort "no, not in the slightest. my family is gypsies and I was cast out so I travel a lot and I have the pleasure of meeting many gifted and different individuals" she said modestly making him a bit curious as to why she was cast out, he desperately wanted to see her face so he could analyze her reactions as she spoke was she sad? or confused..the only hint to that he had was her tone in her voice. he thought through his response for a moment before answering"I'm a vampire, as is my brother beside me" he said softly afraid he may scare her but her heart rate never even skipped a beat, he was a bit concerned by this reaction." why are you not scared" he said softly. he could hear her shift the position she sat in "because your not the first immortal I have met, so let me ask you this when you feed do you have feeders or do you kill?" his eyes widened in shock by her response "what?" he said out of shock unable to find the words she gave a soft laugh on the other side of the door "do you kill to feed or do you have feeders?" she repeated. the sound of her laugh made him smile if his dead skin could blush he would be "it depends really, I only kill if I intend to change someone or as a punishment but that is only in severe cases i do take tourists and people no one would miss too feed occasionally when i don't want my feeders but that is a rare occasion as well. usually, we have prisoners bleed into a cup or bowl and feed that way" he wished he could see her face because he couldn't tell her reactions to his words which frustrated him "so you're pretty docile then. is it because you admire humans or is it that you prefer life over death" she asked curiosity peaking in her tone making his smile grow a bit showing just the base of his flawless teeth" neither, i just don't see a point in the mindless killing. people are a resource or so I have learned over the years without people the world will fall apart and my kingdom would be nothing but a den of vampires humans provide trade for the things we need clothing money etc." he said choosing his words wisely. he could hear her hand as it gently grazed the floor and her fingertips tapped rapidly was this her nervous habit? "so you dont like killing because you feel its mindless and think people are a resource...what about me? will i be a feeder or will i be changed?" she asked her heart rate speeding slightly, this was the reaction he was waiting for,fear an anxiety he finally sighed in relief before taking another searing breath in to his lungs"neither, you would be my brothers personal servant. you would dress him and feed him and be sure all his needs are met. in return we will offer you not only everything priorly mentioned but when the time comes we may offer you immortality if that is what you wish." he said softly. he could hear her heart rate speed up a small part of him hope it was because she wanted to become like him so that he wouldnt feel so compelled to kill her. " well, i mean while i would love to be eternally beautiful i have things about me that may be more useful to you if i was alive" this statement peaked stefans interest as well as his own as he glanced over to his brother sitting bit more forward"oh? what would these useful things be perhaps?" vladimir heard her let out a soft sigh hearing her head touch lightly agianst the door" its one of the reasons i was outcasted, the elder gypsie believe in an old story about the five original familys drinking the blood of the demon but they are not of our bloodline.." vlads eyes widened aas he sat straight and looked over to stefan whose mouth twitched at the corners. stefan had been waiting 200 years to meet one of these gypsie however most of them either stayed to themselves or they where dead without ever passing the gift on to another, but there was one gift he coveted more then any other. "long ago immortals like yourselves attacked my people at that time my people were revered for their magic and their skills, there was five bloodlines with unique gifts one of these bloodlines could burn anything to ash just by touch another could heal any ailement or disease but the strongest of these gifts was the shadow manipulation belonging to my great great grandmother. the gift only shows up in the woman from her bloodline skipping my father and grandfather, so i inherited it." stefans eyes practically sparkled with excitement. he had first hand experience with this formittable power of hers. as immortals the gifts we develop were tied to our abilitys in our human lives. stefans gift of ice was always something he could do but as a human he could only create small patches of frost with his hands, after his change he was able to control it so much so he could touch another without giving them frost bite but when angered he could turn another in to a solid chunk of ice. i would roll my eyes at his excitement, the only reason he was so excited was he wanted to know how strong that specific power would be in an immortal. "can you explain to me your abilitys?" vladimir asked calmly now getting used to the burning feeling she inflicted upon him with her presence" well, i dont use it much i was always warned about the dangers of it. although i cant help its effects most of the time, when sunlight is cast upon my body my shadow hides and is unseen. i can use it for a small amount of time to immobilize a foe but only if they are within ten feet of me i can also use it in darkened areas or shadows making myself almost invisiable to the human eye and without a keen sense of smell and hearing as yours you wouldnt be able to find me in those shadows its like they become a part of me as if im swallowed whole by them, even now the room i sit in is pitch black but the light is on,if im going to be trapped i may as well hone my gift right?" this comment made vladimir chuckle softly. he glanced at his brother who smiled brightly giddy with excitement. "it is a perfect opertunity, why are you exiled from your people if you are so gifted?"he asked genuinly curious. 113Please respect copyright.PENANAHnErFxrLn6
"well, it wasnt persay an excile. the elders beleive me and my cousins to be cursed, but i was the most valuable to them in many ways. my cousins are spread out through the world i beleive siobhan is currently in egypt for now but she travels often and dimitri he is in sweden being used as a weapon to burn enimes of the zandarian coven but our family was ignorant and made a deal with an immortal like yourself i know not the details of this deal but what i do know is they trade him gifted females as feeders, until he caught wind of my scent and because of that he despretely wanted me. so i ran before i could be traded, among my people if your traded to him you are no longer a person you are food and a servant to him i defied them and their believes and because of that i am exciled" he could here her feet shift closer to her body hearing the cuffs jangle a bit in her movements. what she had just confessed concerned vladimir "so your still running?" he would ask gently knowing this treatment from her people must've hurt her greatly "yes, i just hope he stopped looking for me...he would kill me if he ever found out where i was, that man is a psycho" she said honestly the pain evident in her voice as it broke. vladimir looked down at the floor and clasped his hands together and rested his forhead against them with his elbows on his knees " does he covet you for your blood or your gift" he asked curiously, he didnt know if her blood compelled another the way it did him but he didnt like the idea of it having this effect on anyone else because even though she didnt know it she already belonged to him. she would take a deep breath before answering" well he wanted me as a feeder, but he seemed more interested in the gift i possessed. it would keep anything that would bring him harm at a tenfoot distance imobalized and he could handle the situation quickly." this answer made vladimir uncomfortable as he stood up"there is a bed in there and a comforter, get some sleep tomarrow you start work here and will be given personal chambers within my palace. if this feind is after you we will take care of it." he said walking toward the exit frusterated as his fists balled up he wanted this being dead how dare he! catarina was not a weapon nor some item to trade for selfish needs and desires, these thoughts greatly perturbed him as he made his way out of the dungeon his brother fallowing behind him a few feet. 113Please respect copyright.PENANAlWjkPE8I09
once they had resurfaced to the foyer he would turn to a stairwell near the door and head up those stairs quickly making his way to his room in the tower and flung open the door and tossed a book at the window with such force it shattered in to tiny fragments. a hand grasped his shoulder, he would close his eyes and try and calm his mind before turning to his brother who hugged him"calm yourself, we have been blessed to find her!"he said excitedly. vladimir glared at him and shoved him gently away and snarled at him aggressively"she is not a goddamn weapon stefan!" he growled. stefans face changed in to a deep concern" brother, i know that...i just meant we are fortunate. i have been looking for the decendant of andreea for over a century and to find out she is your singer! this is fantastic. yes she is useful, but i would never make her a weapon she would be family vladimir. she would be your mate and she would be strong and powerful this is good for you" vladimir closed his eyes as a tormented pained look crossed his face" her own family traded her like cattle because of her gift another vampire collected her because of it making her run away...what if she feels thats all i want from her and runs from me too? i would" he would sit at the foot of the bed in his room which only existed as a decoration. stefan sat beside him and sighed"brother you are not a monster, you have a heart still even if it doesnt beat you still feel" stefan looked over at him his dark brows pulled together in deep concern for his brother knowing how he felt about himself. "really stef? i killed twenty people and placed their heads on spikes to prove a point at one time i had no sense of feeling left in me! " he retorted. he was being completly honest about himself and his veiws of what he was a killing machine incapable of feeling anything.113Please respect copyright.PENANAxzJhcKjByo
"yes, you did those horrible things. it doesnt mean that is who you are, you are my brother your the last peice of family i have left. traits of that boy i grew up with still exists inside you i know that aand you should too. yes your immortal and that means you dont feel the same way you used to you see the world differently your whole world is differant. you are driven by your desire to feed now, but as a person you are still mostly the same with your humanity intact you are kind, gentle and compassionate. that has not changed, you are two sides of a coin you can be cruel but you also have the ability to be incredibly kind. that is not the trait of a souless monster"113Please respect copyright.PENANAkB8BegVhcU
vladimir rolled his eyes as he looked over to his brother they were litterally night and day. his brother had dark black hair with the strong confident features of their father. while he himself had their mothers pale ash colored hair and delicate features. he was blessed to have inherited his fathers nose unlike his brother who got the straight bridged nose of their mother that tilted downwards, he was blessed with a narrow bridge with the wider tip to it"you only say that cause you are my brother"he have him a soft smile. 113Please respect copyright.PENANAkMEPhUu1wG
"while i would like nothing more then to take credit for it these observations are not just mine, natalie saw these things in you too. she also saw that you would find your perfect match one day"113Please respect copyright.PENANAqb1W0gWOST
this comment caught him offgaurd as his head turned quickly to face his brother"what do you mean"113Please respect copyright.PENANAhK9rU5Re8M
"well, delilah confirmed it for me a century ago, nat could only see in to the far future and only paths that where sure which wasnt many. delilah can see more as she has the stronger gift they both saw you happy but nat saw you leave her which she suspected would happen one day she saw you with a dark haired woman who made you smile and laugh. she genuinly felt happy for you and hoped that her vision would not change though her visions of the future rarely did die to them being so late in anothers life she couldt even tell the person about it because she was even unsure of the accuracy. but delilah saw the same thing several times when she has peered down your path. she described it as shuffling through a thousand paths based on your choices but every single pathway you took catarina was present in them, always by yourside." 113Please respect copyright.PENANANCBNU9qjFN
vladimirs smiled softly"every path huh?"113Please respect copyright.PENANAjauGNwbpDI
stefan would nod"yep, and in every pathway you took through the suffering pain and sorrow you where always happy with every glimse she caught with that girl. she also happens to know that catarina will choose to be an immortal, but she has seen other pathways that are a bit muddy to her where it isnt her decision to be changed and it wasnt yours either so be careful"113Please respect copyright.PENANAX8f7JRqLjJ
vladimir smiled and bit his bottom lip excitedly"so she does choose me, thats a releif i wonder if it is because i never tell her who i am on the other side of that coin you spoke of"113Please respect copyright.PENANAMwQ22dlBGh
stefan laughed"hardly, that girl seems strong as steele. if she loves you vlad she will except every part of you even the dark twisted side of you. calliope did."113Please respect copyright.PENANAAwG7Gtz1kb
vladmir raised his eyebrows and puckered his lips slightly as he glared at his brother from the side"for you i think calliope would accept anything...besides shes pretty dark herself"113Please respect copyright.PENANArNQoNY3Npp
stefan tried to hide his laugh behind a smile and shook his head"you are right about that, she is a very terrifying little woman. i am blessed she is my wife, no matter how bad things may be she is always by my side to build me up and support me"113Please respect copyright.PENANArlB21BucdF
"yeah all five feet of her." he joked playfully. 113Please respect copyright.PENANAffqBmm7Eje
"well, she makes up for her lack of height believe you me. besides it isnt really height that matters to me, for me when i met her she was the only woman to ever slap me so hard it hurt. i hadnt been struck like that since mother was around, it was her feisty little attitide the woman has spunk i like that"113Please respect copyright.PENANAt2lanHcUim
vlad rolled his eyes and shook his head with a smile"of course you would, i like a bit of a mean streak too but i also like the softness and gentle nature of a woman too, if they are too rough or remind me to damn much of mom i think i might avoid them, then again you where closer to mother then i so i suppose its only fitting you would like a woman similar to her in more ways then one. i dont know you like fighters i like dancers"he joked playfully. 113Please respect copyright.PENANAT9Hv6S2y9a
"well id be lying if i said you didnt have flawless taste in women yourself, between you and i calli isnt much in the ways of looks. but your lady has it all gorgeous face beautiful hair and her body well, that is something you can tell me about one day i seen her once buying flowers at the market i recognized her voice and had i not been a faithful married man i may have made her my bride instead"113Please respect copyright.PENANAYx25l4stOo
vladimir glared at his brother"shut up. she belongs to me"113Please respect copyright.PENANABoMmqE7QIG
stefan laughed"of course. i meant nothing by it, i should get back to my wife before she gets angry with me you should stay here for a while to relax yourself im sure being in such close quarters with your singer isnt comfortable"113Please respect copyright.PENANAUG2MSPiY9P
vladimir shook his head"no it was torture, every second of was worth it though.113Please respect copyright.PENANA7c5Ec66E6S