“Hmmm Demon Lord I se……….” My hands were shivering non stop…
“Yes I am…if thou do not believe it, I can show thou my status screen…”
She dropped her fork and stopped eating for a moment..
“STATUS” She said…
For a moment, nothing happened..
“What happened?” she was confused “Why is mine status not displaying?”
I asked her “Is status categorized as spell?”
“Yes it is..”
“AH!!” I realized “You cannot use spells or any power in shop”
“Fie!!! thou mean this shop can negate all the spell or power…that’s impossible…”
Suddenly she shouted “FIREBALL”
Immediately she got pushed down to the ground, the pillow beside her was flying around, the chair she sat on crunched, making her kneeled on the ground..
“Wh..at…th..e..he..ll..is…happ..e..ning..?” She tried to emit her voice after she forcefully got pushed down..she could not stand from her kneeled..
“Ah!! I forgot to tell you about it…that if there is a power that has destroying intent in this place, suddenly the caster will be pushed down to the ground…if the caster kept the intent, the force of being pushed down became stronger…and this force name is gravitation. ”
“Tha..t.’s..ludi…crous…may..t..hou…can..cel…it?” she kept struggling in the powerful force of gravitation.
“How do you cancel a sort of power or spell?”
“Ju..st…say…can..cela..tion..” The gravitation became stronger..
Immediately the force was gone, and she slowly tried to stand up..
“*sigh* *sigh* *sigh* here is insane.” She looked at me with uncontrolled breathing.
“It is what it is..don’t blame me for that.”
“Because the effect had been canceled, it should’st causes meself able to use spells.” she looked at the chair that broke, she raised her right hand and shouted “Restituo”
Every piece of the broken chair suddenly moved at the spot where it got broken with some of black aura around it, and they merged into one piece, making the chair be restored from the original..
I clapped at her “Woahhh, that’s amazing..”
She sat on the chair “Hast thou aye seen magic before?”
If I say yes, she will be asking me about the magic box.. “I have seen some magic..”
“Yet for what hath thou clap and praise me for this bawbling magic..”
“Because it’s great you restored my chair..”
“Right…..Now myself should be able to show mine status…STATUS!”
|LEVEL ?9?
|STRENGTH ?9??? |
|AGILITY ??9?? |
“With this thou see mine information..”
I looked at her status screen, and realized there was an attribute section.
I pointed at it “Does everyone have these attributes?”
“Of course they hath..”
“What happens if someone doesn’t have it?”
“What doth thou mean by that?”
“See, I don’t have that attribute section like you have.”
She was baffled and found it unbelieve “There is no way, a person doesn’t hast an attribute section like others.”
“it’s that so rare?”
“It’s not rare..” Her face was closer to my status screen “It’s impossible”
For a few seconds, the status screen automatically disappeared..
“So that’s my information.” I said to her..
“Don’t say it’s weird..and your name is Lilith right?”
“Yeah..that’s mine name..”
“Perhaps, do you want to know about a tale of your name?”
“Tale of mine name?? I hast been living hither for a thousand years, and this is mine first time, someone shall try to say to me about the tale of mine name..”
“Because, when I heard your name was Lilith, I remembered a tale about your name..”
“A tale about mine name?? Methought there was no tale about mine name..”
“You want to hear it or not?”
“Alright..I shall hear it..”
“Great…In the world so far away from this world and older than this world…there were only 2 races, it was the demon race and the angel race..They lived happily together…Until a new race emerged from soil…it was a human race…the creator of their race gave them ordered to submit to the new race…the angel race immediately submitted to the human race..But the demon race questioned about it ‘they who lived as immortal why need to submit to a mortal and weak race’..and choices not to submit to the human race..So they got banished to the underworld..where they swore to bring every human to the underworld..”
“So where is mine name?” she asked..
“Just wait…because he was the only human in the upper world..he was so lonely in there…the creator created something or someone that could accompany him in there…so the creator created another human like him from soil…the human was different than him…it was a female to accompany him..the creator gave her a name ‘Lilith’.”
“I am a human. that’s what thou desire to say?”
“No, just hear it more…Lilith and him lived happily…but suddenly they were in a heated argument…their argument was about the position of intercourse…where Lilith wanted to be on top…but he refused what Lilith wanted, he wanted on the top too…This heat argument made Lilith went out from the upper land..”
While sipping the coffee, she said “Thou say to me a tale about an blinking idiot couple..”
“Why do I need to tell you a tale about an idiot couple…Just hold on ... .After Lilith went away…The creator sent angels toward her and demanded her to come back…The angels found her in the cave…where the angels confronted her to go back…but she refused…The angels intimidated her if she not go back, they would take all of live from her generation…She replied back that she would killed every life from his generation…The angels went back and reported it to the creator that Lilith didn’t want to go back…Meanwhile, he was so lonely and sad..
“Would they demanded something and intimidated thou, of course thou shall intimidate ’em back”
“Yeah….The creator saw it and created another female..but with different ingredients…The creator made her from one part of him..Hope the new female could be more friendly toward him…He was so happy about the new female…Meanwhile Lilith who still stayed at the cave, kept thinking about him…and decided to see him…When she went back, she saw him with other female…The jealousy raised in her blood vein…She remembered about the forbidden tree, where the fruit from it was forbidden to be eaten..She was transformed into a snake..and persuade the female to eat the fruit…the persuade was working…The female told him to eat the fruit…and they ate the fruit…made the creator was furious..and banished them out from the upper world…Meanwhile Lilith lived in the underworld and started a generation in there..she was well known as ’The Mother of Demon…and humans still blamed demon for doing all that....that’s why when I heard your name and you are the demon lord…I remembered this tale…”
“Great tale to accompany drinking this and eating this…”
I saw her plate already clean and her glass already empty..and…her face was messy, full of cake, there was a stain of milk in her upper lip, even her hands were messy too…
“Your face! You can wipe your face with tissue..”
“What about mine face?” she tried to touch her face with her messy hands..
Could handle the view, I took some tissues and grabbed one of her hands, and started to wipe it…after it I gave her some tissues to wipe her face by herself…and she wiped her face.
She asked “Is this a paper?” while wiping her own face.
“Sort of…it is paper but thinner than usual paper..”
“The texture of it is more soft than paper I know…..”
I prepared for something coming…
“How doth thou compose it?” finally she asked it..
“Same like paper…” with some steps that are different from paper…when paper was invented almost 2000 years ago, and tissue only invented 100 years ago..
“May I hast some to bring back home?”
“Sure…but not that tissue box….just wait…”
I went back from the distance…opened my inventory screen, and took 3 pocket tissues from it to my hands..I came back to her…
“Here…” I gave her the pocket tissues “you can have these…”
“Many gracious…” she put the tissues on her shoes “before, thou quoth here is a shop right? so how much doth I have to pay for all of these?”
“What currency do you use?”
“I used copper, brass, silver, and gold coins…”
“Let’s make it easy…how much do you think you should pay for these?”
“Like 10 gold coins…”
“And how much are those coins for daily life?”
“Let’s see, Methinks it could afford a family 3 to 5 months of everything,and causes them live comfortably.”
“That’s too expensive for these, how do you think these are equal to 10 gold coins?”
“Because it hath sugar where it is so expensive and rare, and it’s ‘likuid’ sugar thou quoth, it is made more rare, and it is sweeter than sugar i hast tasted…and the cake seemed expensive too, yet i wot it shall be more expensive because it is so sweet and the flavor itself i never known it…what it called…’chocho–what’. that flavor itself make expensive.”
“It’s chocolate…it’s from a fruit named cocoa…”
“That will make it more expensive, hou named something unknowingly yet tasted great…sometimes an unknown can become more expensive because the people don’t understand or wot what it is.”
“But that’s too expensive…”
“Well how much shall thou sell those? thou are the one whom sells it…. but…there is something important that I want to say to thou…”
“What is that?”
She suddenly raised her right hand to the air, and immediately a spiral dark gate appeared beside her hand..I was surprised by it…she put her hand to the gate…after that she pulled her hand, and the gate disappeared in thin air. I saw in her hand, it was a silver ring with 5 different emeralds engraved on it. The emeralds were red, blue, green, purple, and orange.
I asked “Is that an inventory gate?”
“What!! thou wot about it?”
“Because I have it too, but the gate like that did not appear..”
“May you show it to me?”
I opened my inventory screen, after it showed, it seemed she could not see it. I prepared my left hand in front of the screen for the items to appear, I chose the pocket tissue, and I took it. Immediately the pocket tissue appeared in my left hand…the process of the item appearing was different under different circumstances…when I took out the cakes before, there were 3 cake stands in front of me, making the cakes appear in the cake stands.
She said “That teleportation..”
“What’s the difference?”
“Teleportation is where the object being reconstructed back to the destination, so the object from place A got destroyed first, and being reconstructed back in place B as destination…Gate is where the distance is being cut down, the distance place A and B is being cut down so their position will be close each other…mine gate is connected to other dimension where I stored mine items, the gate itself is a bridge between me and the dimension, if I use teleportation, I don’t need this bridge, the item where in mine inventory will be deconstruct, and in mine hand the item will be reconstruct, so there will be no same item in 2 places..”
Where she doesn’t know about espresso machines and freezer for ice, and now she explains some magic like sci-fi. “Great…”
She immediately realized something “Ah yes!! i hast something to say to thou..”
“Yeah..you said that before..what is it?”
She threw the ring at me from her right hand “Catch it!”
I caught it “so what is this?”
“That’s ‘vrach diavo’, that ring is proof that thou hast met me…”
“So what is the thing you want to tell me?”
“Ah about that! LANUAE!”
Her body became illuminated by a dark mist, and she said “I do forget to say to thou, that… i didn’t bring any coins…so i granted thou the ring..” and immediately the dark mist was gone with her…
I was dumbfounded and froze for some moments about the situation…