Makenna, Gina, and Tracey hurried their fastest down the corridor. Tracey was flying next to Makenna with Gina next to his cheek, and he and the Metamorphic Fairy glanced at one another, nodding. Then they focused forward again. However, because Tracey was so fast, Makenna started to fall behind, and she was running out of breath. She had no idea where the ninja was taking her. She guessed he was following his so-called fairy instincts. Tracey kept flying faster and faster, and finally, he was so fast, that Gina had to hold onto the collar of his shirt.
He led Makenna to a steep hill, and she yelled as she was forced to run faster. “Tracey!” she yelled, “Slow down!” Tracey was flying straight toward a wall, but he didn’t see it coming because he was flying so fast, and it was so dark in this part of the corridor. Makenna saw it though. If Tracey crashed into the wall, he was going to break his wings no doubt about it, and Makenna didn’t want him to; not after she saw how much they meant to him.287Please respect copyright.PENANA4sscakqpTO
Still only a green blur, Tracey yelled, “I have to find Sensei before it’s too late!” The wall was coming closer and closer. Gina saw it and squawked, starting to pull on the young apprentice’s shirt collar.287Please respect copyright.PENANAFs2qTfhhBV
“Tracey!” Makenna yelled, “No!” She made up her mind. She leaped into Tracey’s back and knocked him to the ground. Tracey yelled and closed his eyes as both he and Makenna started to slide down the hill. When eventually they reached the end of it, they stopped an inch away from crashing into a rough, underground river, and the wall that Tracey would’ve crashed into was directly in front of them. Gina was now holding onto his shirt sleeve, traumatized.
Tracey struggled to his knees, and he shoved Makenna off of him, glaring. He was furious! How dare Makenna break his flight!287Please respect copyright.PENANAkOlIptjEzX
She landed on her backside, and when recovered from her landing, she returned Tracey’s glare and said, “If I didn’t stop you, Tracey, you would’ve crashed into that wall and broken your wings!”287Please respect copyright.PENANA7b5BkuhTN0
“Aw shut up!” Tracey snapped at her, “I would’ve been fine! I have had it with you, Makenna! If I was really in danger, then you should’ve just told me! You shouldn’t have knocked me out of the sky!”287Please respect copyright.PENANAhYfsKsRs3W
“But you were flying too fast!” Makenna yelled, “I did tell you, but you didn’t hear me! Ha!” She closed her eyes and stood up, marching past Tracey, “Come on. Let’s find your sensei.” Tracey continued to glare at her. He clenched his teeth and watched as Makenna made her way toward another tunnel.287Please respect copyright.PENANApsKyjuhpQY
Then, standing up, he peered at Gina who was now merely resting on his shoulder, and said, “She’s sick, Gina.” Agreeing, Gina nodded. Sighing, Tracey again scratched her under the beak. Then, lifting into the sky, he hurried after Makenna. He landed behind her and crossed his arms, returning to his calm self.
Together, they peered into the pitch-black tunnel Makenna had noticed, and shivering, the Metamorphic Fairy asked, “Tracey, would you do the honors?”287Please respect copyright.PENANAUgoI068hXh
Tracey peered into the tunnel and felt a draft, saying, “Wait. I don’t like this.” Nervous, he took a few steps back and dropped his wings behind his back.287Please respect copyright.PENANA8Dy0AYEz0o
“Aw come on, Tracey,” said Makenna, “Where’s your sense of adventure? I’ll bet your so-called sensei is in this tunnel.”287Please respect copyright.PENANAKe4jXYQjzx
Tracey shook his head. “No, he’s not,” he explained, “My fairy instincts are telling me so, Makenna. They’re telling me that we must cross that river.” He pointed at the river, and Makenna glanced at it.287Please respect copyright.PENANA8ceh24A4MQ
Then she scoffed and said, “Oh come on, Tracey, stop being such a chicken! You’re a ninja!” She pointed at the tunnel, “I command you to go into that tunnel!”287Please respect copyright.PENANA2mSNmnNSk3
“And I refuse,” he said, “You’re not a princess here, Makenna, so stop acting like one. You do not have the higher sovereignty. If I don’t want to go in, I don’t want to go in. Until I find and help Sensei Merlin, I do not want to die.” Gina nodded and jumped off his shoulder. She started to hover, and as she hovered, she blew Makenna a raspberry. Makenna ignored her and turned red.
Clenching her fist, she faced Tracey and demanded,287Please respect copyright.PENANAxAZczhqz6a
“Do the honors of going into that tunnel, Ninja Boy, or do you want to do this the hard way?!”287Please respect copyright.PENANAxQrXYx6pmH
“No,” he refused. He crossed his arms.287Please respect copyright.PENANAQQ7oIMs7Rf
“Do it!” Makenna demanded.287Please respect copyright.PENANA6xiggpYUnz
“No,” he again repeated, “I refuse.”287Please respect copyright.PENANANa2gmPEtzR
“All right that’s it!” Makenna shouted, “You leave me no other choice, Ninja Boy!” Rubbing her freezing hands together, she reached out and shoved Tracey’s back, forcing him into the tunnel! His foot suddenly hit smooth ground, and he yelled as it twisted his ankle, and he was thrown to the ground.
The young apprentice started to somersault down an even steeper hill than the one he and Makenna had first experienced, and he yelled,287Please respect copyright.PENANAdntNS6qs7P
“My wings!” for his wings were constantly banging up against the ground. Just before they could break through with one last roll, he was suddenly thrown into the sky, and he crashed down hard on his back and head at the base of the hill, yelling. When finally, he stopped bouncing, he was resting motionless on his back with his head tilted back, teeth clenched together, his knees bent, and his arms aside of him, for he had been knocked unconscious.
From the mouth of the tunnel, Makenna was peering into the pitch blackness, and she asked,287Please respect copyright.PENANAMU91uXeKbC
“Tracey, what do you see?! Is your sensei down there?” When Tracey didn’t answer, she and Gina became nervous. Suddenly, a surge of nervous energy electrified Makenna’s body, and she started to sweat. “Oh no!” she said, “What have I done?! Tracey! Tracey, are you all right?!” There was no answer. It was dead silent in the tunnel. Gina squawked, and turning to Makenna, she started to angrily peck at her.287Please respect copyright.PENANAgx7G3PCVSy
Makenna repeatedly yelled, “Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!” as she did this. Finally, with her hair in snarls, she pushed Gina off to the side and again peered into the tunnel, yelling, “Tracey! Tracey! Oh no! I think I hurt him!” She was sweating like a fountain now. With her foot, Gina did a face palm.
Makenna didn’t waste any time. She turned her body and rapidly searched the area.287Please respect copyright.PENANA87LOvRaoby
As she searched, tears flickered in her eyes. “Tracey!” she said, “I’m so sorry! I don’t know what came across me! Don’t worry, I’ll find a way to get you out! I promise!” Her eyes fell upon a single lighted torch hanging from a wall, and she said, “Perfect!” Hurrying to the torch, she jumped up and tried to grab it, but the torch was too high up, and she was too short. Makenna however, did not give up. She refused to give up! She was the one who had hurt Tracey! It was her job to make it up to him! Gina watched her struggling to get the torch, and she closed her eyes, having an internal conflict with herself. She wanted to help Makenna, but at the same time, she didn’t want to. She turned to fly away, but she was forced to stop when suddenly, she noticed that blue magic was starting to surround the Metamorphic Fairy, and she was lifted into the sky. Makenna, who was continuing to sweat crazily, reached for the torch some more and said, “Almost got it!” Her fingertips brushed the torch, but she still could not yet grab it. “I’m coming, Tracey!” Makenna yelled, “I’ll do whatever I can to become a Crystal Metamorphic Fairy to save you, Caleb, and Merlin, and these wings, along with this personality, will not get in my way! I believe I can do it!” Right after she said that bold statement, her tiny wings began to flap, and she was literally hovering in midair! Finally, after what felt like forever, Makenna grabbed the torch, and she yelled, “I’ve got it! Cool, I knew I could do it!” She peered down and gasped when she saw that she was hovering. “Whoa!” she said, “I’m flying! I’m actually flying! Holy smokes, this is huge!” And it was. Makenna wanted to try flying all around the room, but then she decided that right now, she had more pressing priorities rather than the fact her wings were letting her somewhat fly. She had to find Tracey and help him! Then she would have to find Merlin and help him as well! Holding up her arms, Makenna landed on the ground and dropped them, focusing forward on the tunnel. Gina, who was seeming to smile, approached her and sniffed her Level 1 wings up and down. She circled her a few times, and when she finally stopped to hover, Makenna chuckled and asked, “See, Gina? I told you I was just trying to help, and look what happened to me!” She acted out a few twirls, and as she twirled, her tiny wings gave off a blast of blue fairy dust. Makenna added with, “I flew! I literally flew! Come on.” She gestured at the tunnel with her head, “Let’s go get your friend.” Gina slowly nodded, and she landed on one of Makenna’s bare shoulders, folding her wings.
The Metamorphic Fairy immediately became serious again.287Please respect copyright.PENANAfbgiwG4sfj
With the torch held tightly in her hand, she scurried forward until finally, she was shining the torch down the tunnel. “Tracey?!” she asked, “Are you all right?!” Taking a deep breath, she ducked into the tunnel, and she stopped immediately when she saw the drop Tracey had fallen down. “Oh no!” Makenna said. She took a step back, “I didn’t realize this tunnel dropped off! Tracey, Tracey, can you hear me?!” Once again, she received no response. In terror, Makenna clenched her teeth. She sure hoped Tracey was all right. How would she explain her foolish mistake around him though? He would never forgive her. Slowly and carefully, Makenna made her way down the steep hill, but she slipped; it was so steep. Fortunately, she caught herself. She sighed. Gina leaped off her shoulder, and she called to Makenna. The Metamorphic Fairy turned her head toward her and asked, “What’s up, Gina?” Gina nudged her wings that were flapping slightly, urging her to fly, but Makenna said, “Are you crazy, Gina? I may be able to fly now, but even if I do, I still don’t know how to get in control of these wings! I thought I was going to learn flying from Tracey, if he’s all right that is.” She peered down to the continuous hill again, and for the second time, she could feel the tears flickering in her eyes. “Oh,” she added with, “What have I done?” She continued on her way and held her arms out to her sides. At the thought of Tracey all alone down here, she started to really tense up. She sped up her pace, but that was a really big mistake. Makenna’s foot, like Tracey’s, slipped, and she started to slide down the drop like she was on a slide. She yelled, and Gina chased after her.
When Makenna finally stopped at the bottom of the hill, she said,287Please respect copyright.PENANAtFkVbS9Orr
“Oh!” when she saw that there was dirt on her Level 1 attire. She jumped to her feet and yelled, “Look at this!” starting to rapidly rub herself down, “My transformation’s ruined!” Gina rolled her eyes, and they adjusted to the dark. She turned her head and squawked when she saw that further away, lying on his back, still unconscious, was Tracey! Gina squawked again, and she hurried to him. Behind, Makenna asked, “What’s wrong, Gina?” She turned, and she too yelped at the sight of Tracey, “Tracey! Oh no!” She slapped her hands over her mouth, “What have I done?!” and plopped her torch into a torch rack she found. However, just when she thought the day couldn’t get any worse, suddenly, under her feet, the ground started to shake! Makenna gasped and peered down to it. Stones started to pop up, and gasping again, young Makenna peered up to the ceiling, jumping when she saw that hanging from it, shaking, were hundreds and hundreds of stalagmites! “Earthquake!” Makenna yelled. She screamed and dodged some of the stalagmites that began to fall. Gina squawked, and she leaped behind Tracey’s shoulder. Makenna hurried toward him, yelling, “Tracey!” and reaching him, she fell to hands and knees and flung herself on top of him to protect him. She yelled, “Don’t worry, Tracey, I’ll protect you!” and closed her eyes as the stalagmites continued to fall. There was a blast of wind, and Makenna screamed. The torch went out. Makenna clenched her fist, and suddenly, the back of her hand glowed blue. Her necklace pendant also started to glow, and then, out of nowhere, a blue bubble appeared and surrounded both Makenna and Tracey! Makenna closed her eyes tighter. The stalagmites continuously crashed into the bubble, but they merely bounced off every time and landed next to Makenna, Tracey, and Gina instead.
Eventually, the earth calmed down. The stalagmites stopped falling, and everything was quiet again. The bubble surrounding Makenna, Tracey, and Gina vanished, and Makenna coughed and sneezed through the dust. When the dust cleared, she hugged the unconscious Tracey a little bit.287Please respect copyright.PENANATtpqIGlPX3
Then, letting go, she got off of him and took his shoulders. “Tracey,” she begged. Gina popped out from behind the boy’s shoulder, and she squawked sadly. Tracey didn’t answer. Tears formed in Makenna’s eyes, and turning away, she buried her face in her palms and started to sob. “Oh, Tracey,” she said, “I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. Please forgive me.” Gina rubbed up against the apprentice’s cheek. Makenna continued to sob. After a few more moments though, Tracey stirred! He stirred! Then, with his eyes still closed, he lifted his hand and reached for his forehead, moaning. Makenna heard him. Gasping, she unburied her face and turned, yelling, “Tracey!” when she saw him struggling to a sitting position.287Please respect copyright.PENANAPEGlm5QsNI
She threw back her hand and accidentally slapped him in the jaw! “Ow!” Tracey yelled.287Please respect copyright.PENANAuZbXJ5oT7d
He reached for it, and Makenna shouted, “You’re all right! You’re all right, Tracey!”287Please respect copyright.PENANA7LCkpbZo5v
She tried to hug him, but he pushed her away, yelling, “Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!” for her wasn’t totally recovered from that fall, “Let go, Makenna! Let go! Yeah, I’m all right. I’m just a little sore.” Makenna backed up, and she watched as Tracey struggled to his feet. While attempting to stand, he reached for his tummy. Then, once standing, he opened his eyes, took a deep breath, and asked, “What happened?” Makenna fluffed her hair and blushed, waiting for him to thank her for coming down here to find him. Tracey didn’t say anything. Instead, he turned on his heel and cupped his hands around his mouth, calling, “Sensei?!”
Makenna fell to the ground.287Please respect copyright.PENANAZaSU7sBEE7
Then, looking up, she asked, “Tracey, you do understand that I came down here to save you, right?”287Please respect copyright.PENANAgRznVWdco4
“Not now, Makenna.” Tracey said, “I understand you did, thank you, but for now, I have to find Master Merlin.”287Please respect copyright.PENANAJdaUVHX2ym
Makenna narrowed her eyebrows. “Cheapskate,” she whispered. Tracey opened his wings and leaped into the sky, but ten seconds into his flight, he yelled and fell back to the ground, landing on his front.287Please respect copyright.PENANAr2ipIIrA71
Makenna gasped, and jumping to her feet, she asked, “Tracey, are your wings all right?!” With her beak, Gina grabbed a tuft of Tracey’s hair and pulled him up.287Please respect copyright.PENANACo1uoowmpN
Once standing, he shook out both his head and wings and said, “Yeah, Makenna, they’re fine. They’re just a little bit sore.” Gina let his tuft go, and she landed on his shoulder.287Please respect copyright.PENANAWIRdEVtLZn
“I’m so sorry, Tracey.” Makenna said in a choked voice, “I don’t know what got into me. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please forgive me.”287Please respect copyright.PENANAX6uDnNQNv1
“It’s okay, Makenna.” Tracey said, “Listen.” He took her shoulder, “You’re still a new fairy. You don’t know Merlin’s Cave as well as I do, so you didn’t know what was on the other side of the tunnel. I’ll admit, I was the chicken here, Makenna. You see…,” He hesitated, “I hate the dark. That’s why I have lots of lights in my room.”287Please respect copyright.PENANAsAfVgXMbMw
“You hate the dark?” asked Makenna, shocked, “But you’re-you’re a-a-a…!”287Please respect copyright.PENANAhA2f83Tarz
“a ninja.” Tracey finished for her, “I understand, but it all goes back to when I was four years old.” He released Makenna’s shoulder, and in his other hand appeared a bright ball of green magic.287Please respect copyright.PENANAwgR5MwpguC
“Wow.” Makenna said amazed.
“When I was four years old,” Tracey explained, “I got lost one day while exploring this cave. I had stumbled into a corridor much like this one. I had never been so scared in my entire life.” Makenna listened carefully. “Just when I thought I’d never get out,” continued Tracey, “Merlin suddenly spoke to me through telepathy. I explained to him what happened, and he told me to follow my fairy instincts and believe that I could get out. I eventually managed to find the exit, but that was after experiencing an earthquake in pitch blackness and getting chased by a horde of bats. Ever since then, I don’t like to go somewhere dark unless somebody’s with me. That’s why Gina and I are best friends. She always makes sure I’m never alone in the dark.” He stroked Gina on the head, and she seemed to purr, as if like a cat. “She’s a true friend.” Tracey said, “Anyways,” He shook his head, “my point is, I refused to fly in here unless you were with me. See?” He waved his hand, “I’m a chicken.”287Please respect copyright.PENANA1oobFvhmm1
“It’s all right, Tracey,” spoke Makenna, “I’m not too peachy keen about the dark either. You’re not alone.”287Please respect copyright.PENANAs0y2cHgtK2
Tracey smiled, and eyes sparkling, he nodded. “Right,” he said. Makenna sighed dreamily.287Please respect copyright.PENANA5MeRzH1a3A
Then, she snapped out of her doze and asked, “Well what are we waiting for? Let’s find your master.”287Please respect copyright.PENANAa8WJlyUB4u
“Good idea.” Tracey said. He shivered, “It’s nippy in here!” Makenna chuckled and let her palm hover over her lips. Then she dropped her hand, and together, the two fairies trekked down the corridor and called for Merlin. The ball of light Tracey created was their only source of light. As they trekked, the ninja-like fairy confusingly stared at the stalagmite-trashed room and asked, “What happened here? It looks like another earthquake struck.”287Please respect copyright.PENANAzjR7ADeMUg
“One did.” Makenna whispered, “Wait.” She shivered, “Another?” Flashbacks of the earthquake reentered her head, and she gulped.
She and Tracey soon stepped into a new, torch-lite room, and the ball of light in Tracey’s hand vanished.287Please respect copyright.PENANAcFj52edmqZ
Shivering, Makenna said, “It’s freezing down here!”287Please respect copyright.PENANAeduCnfeDWh
Tracey landed next to her and peered forward, gasping. “Oh no!” he yelled, “Sensei!” Leaping into the sky, he zipped forward, and Gina followed him.287Please respect copyright.PENANA69arEUTDK5
“Sensei?” Makenna asked. She too peered forward and gasped, “Oh no! It is your sensei!” She started to sprint. Sensei it was. Merlin the Great was in front of the two fairies, and he was lying passed out on the floor! His wizard hat was resting next to him. Tracey and Makenna reached him, and together, they kneeled and dropped their wings behind their back.287Please respect copyright.PENANA15JQvPZw3Q
“Oh,” Tracey whimpered, “Sensei.” Makenna picked up Merlin’s hat, and she held it in her left hand. Together, she and Tracey lifted their heads and met eyes. Tracey’s palm was resting on Merlin’s back. Gina rubbed up against Tracey’s thigh, and he said, “It’s his powers, Makenna. My master is dying, and you’re the only one who can save him.”287Please respect copyright.PENANAlDz5InwQyk
Gulping, Makenna pointed at herself and asked, “Me?” Tracey nodded, and he and Makenna continued to stare at one another.
The next morning eventually came. Morning sunshine washed over Merlin’s Cave, but inside it, it was still dark. Makenna and Tracey had dragged Merlin out of the depths of the cave where they found him and brought him back to the heart of it because the heart was where his bed was. The two fairies were fast asleep. Makenna was resting on a mat with a blanket over her, and Tracey had fallen asleep with his arms crossed while resting on a chair that he had pulled up to the side of Merlin’s bed. Gina was asleep on his shoulder. Resting next to Makenna, sleeping peacefully, was a young bat who had been interested in her!287Please respect copyright.PENANAPwDegt2Uy1
Makenna slept peacefully for a couple more minutes, and then, she stirred and opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was the bat. At the sight of it, Makenna froze and turned blue. Then she screamed, and the entire cave shook! Hearing her scream, Tracey snapped awake and yelled, falling out of his chair. Gina squawked and jumped from his shoulder.
Tracey leaped to his feet and drew one of his ninja stars, hurrying toward Makenna who was on her feet.287Please respect copyright.PENANANuDj0I7jKb
“Wha-what’s wrong?” he asked, and he rapidly searched the area, “Who’s attacking?”287Please respect copyright.PENANAUHgSyXCpIX
“What is this bat doing sleeping next to me?!” Makenna shouted, and she pointed at the bewildered bat.287Please respect copyright.PENANA9GinQNeQk4
“Hm?” asked Tracey, and he peered down to the bat, “Oh,” chuckling, “That’s Raeven, Makenna. He’s a curious little bat who, when he likes someone, likes to sleep next to them.”287Please respect copyright.PENANAlGdUCqf5H6
“He’s disgusting!” yelled Makenna. She fell to her knees, “Get him away from me! Get him away from me! I hate bats!”287Please respect copyright.PENANAKaTIuJ1eoL
“Oh, Makenna,” said Tracey, and he slipped the ninja star back into his back pocket, “you’re scared of just one little bat?” He kneeled and picked up Raeven. Makenna shivered as he stood back up. “Go on, Raeven.” Tracey said, “Go find your friends. I apologize about her.” He tossed Raeven into the sky, and he took off in flight. Tracey waved goodbye.
Continuing to shiver, Makenna rubbed herself down and said,287Please respect copyright.PENANAsXyYS5nb1m
“Bats. Anything but bats. Hm?” She turned her head, and her eyes landed on Merlin who was shuffling in his bed, “Hey, Tracey, I think your sensei’s waking up!”287Please respect copyright.PENANAuBa0o1thzq
Tracey turned and gasped when he saw Merlin attempting to sit up, “Master!” Jumping into the sky, he flew to him and landed next to the bed. Then, dropping his wings behind his back, he took him by the shoulders and said, “Just take it easy, Master, you’ve had a rough night.”
Merlin opened his eyes and gasped.287Please respect copyright.PENANAHLWOHgiGWN
Startled, he shoved Tracey to the ground and yelled, “Don’t you dare take my apprentice back to the Bermuda Triangle with you, Octopus Man!” He shook his head and said, “Oh,” when he recognized the area and saw Tracey on the ground, “it was just a dream. Hello, Tracey.” He nodded at Makenna, “Makenna.” Makenna jogged to the foot of the bed and focused in on his face. Tracey stood up and brushed the dust off of him. Then he too focused in on Merlin’s face. The wizard looked very confused, and he asked, “Huh? How did I get here?”287Please respect copyright.PENANAxDrRmnA7nE
“Tracey carried you here on his back.” Makenna explained, “We found you unconscious in a dark room in the underground.”287Please respect copyright.PENANAtY8zu7IXoi
“What happened, Master?” Tracey asked. He crossed his arms, “Why were you down in the deep underground of the East Wing?”
Merlin turned on his thinking cap.287Please respect copyright.PENANAwXdrnFqkaQ
He said, “Hm, I don’t remember. All I remember is stumbling into a deep corridor and being drained of power. I felt as if every bone in my body was breaking. Next thing I knew, my world went black.”287Please respect copyright.PENANA6hiBjfB3Gt
“I felt that pain too,” said Tracey, “and Makenna and I hurried down to find you.”287Please respect copyright.PENANAd8GEKICDDA
Makenna raised her hand, “I saved him from crashing into a wall,” she said. She curtsied, “Your welcome, Merlin the Great.”287Please respect copyright.PENANAo4MIjVxtCl
“Ahh!” said Tracey, “Wait, Makenna, don’t mention ‘great’!”287Please respect copyright.PENANArIfOibrXi7
Makenna gasped, “Oh no!” and she smacked both hands over her mouth.287Please respect copyright.PENANAa9sQ1SrbZJ
Merlin got out of his bed and again curled into a ball on the floor, “I am no longer great. This hurts like a train smashing into you.”287Please respect copyright.PENANARkjbUkYjZK
“Don’t worry, Master,” said Tracey, “We’re going to help you.”287Please respect copyright.PENANAKoG6GOcVQ9
“Oh, thank you.” Merlin said. He stood back up, “I need you guys to help me so that I can continue being Merlin the G-r-e-a-t. I don’t want to lose that position.”287Please respect copyright.PENANA52gZkYtb4p
“But,” said Makenna, “why are you losing your powers, Merlin? I mean, I still don’t know why I’m a fairy!”287Please respect copyright.PENANAcedvMkbOqa
“You will soon, my child.” Merlin said, “But that will be after you find your brother. This morning, you and my young apprentice will travel to ‘Where the water meets your wings.’ There and only there shall you find your brother.”287Please respect copyright.PENANA58wYd4LZc5
The two fairies nodded. “Yes, sir,” they said together.
Tracey turned to Makenna and excitedly clenched his fist, saying,287Please respect copyright.PENANAElxapMTaAQ
“So, we’re off to find your brother, Makenna!”287Please respect copyright.PENANADzTKIY3MOa
“Correct, Tracey.” Makenna said, “But wait.” She turned to Merlin, “‘Where the water meets your wings?’ What’s that supposed to mean?”287Please respect copyright.PENANAiAnVXMIJu5
“I can’t answer that, Makenna,” spoke Merlin, “You must find out yourself. ‘Where the water meets your wings’ is my clue.” Tracey crossed his arms and closed his eyes, huffing. Makenna suspiciously glanced at him.287Please respect copyright.PENANAlS8Gb9q0gH
Tracey asked Merlin, “Will you be all right, Master Merlin?”287Please respect copyright.PENANAIPnmkonMZ3
“I will be, my young apprentice,” said Merlin, “Don’t worry. You just take good care of Makenna, all right? Take good care of yourself too.”287Please respect copyright.PENANAOtsF4aWeXu
“I will, Sensei,” spoke Tracey, “I promise I will not fail you.”287Please respect copyright.PENANABXXtrWmf2v
“You never do.” Merlin said, “You’re a true apprentice, Tracey.” He and Tracey put their hands together and bowed at one another. Afterward, Tracey turned and held his hand out to Makenna. She took it, and he lifted her into the sky.
As they flew away, Tracey waved goodbye to Merlin,287Please respect copyright.PENANAdKlcblIqc1
“See you later, Sensei!”287Please respect copyright.PENANAt47vstGwvH
“Goodbye!” spoke Merlin, “Good luck! Be careful out there, young’uns! See you this afternoon!” Chuckling, he dropped his hand and watched as the two teens exited the room, adding, “Teenagers. They’re always looking for an adventure. Gina,” He turned to Gina who was hovering next to his head, “can you watch Tracey for me? I feel like the Octopus Man is nearby, and I don’t want him to catch him. I hope you understand.” Gina nodded. Then, flapping her wings, she chased after the two fairies.