"K-Kinsley?" I hear someone stutter out.
I look up and it was none other than my best friend, Farrah.
"Far-" I start say until I felt a pair of hands wrap around me.
"Why didn't you tell me any of this?" I hear her say with sadness in her voice. I wrap my arms around her and start crying, letting it all out again.
"I-I was afraid to tell you. I thought you wouldn't believe me" I say while letting a few more tears run down my face and I hug her even tighter.
"Why would you think that Kins?" I hear her ask.
"W-well, he's your dad and I thought you would think that I'm making it up. And please don't call me Kins anymore" I reply back. That nickname makes me feel sick to my stomach and makes me think of..him.
"You got me there, but after hearing you telling this new kid Wesley, I would believe you. Plus, you are more important to me than my own father. He's barely here anyways. And what can I call you then?"
"Thanks Far, and please call me Kinsley for now." I say while breaking away from the hug and giving myself some space. Too much touching and it's making me uncomfortable.
"Okay. And can I ask who else knows about this?"
"Well, your brother knows about the first incident. I haven't told him yet about last night. Plus I was going to tell my mother when I get home. The more I tell, the better. Right?" I say while wrapping my arms around my waist. It's really starting to hurt again. What did he do to me to make it hurt this much?!
"Yeah it is, and are you okay Miss Kinsley?" Wesley asks me with a concerned look plastered on his face.
"No, not really. My hips really hurt. The pain went away and then came back this morning" I reply while falling back down on my knees with one of my arms still wrapped around my waist.
"Kinsley!" I hear Wesley scream before I felt him wrap his hands around me and picking me up in his arms towards his vehicle.
"Stay with me Kinsley" I hear Farrah say before I rolled my eyes back and blacked out into nothing but darkness.
I wake up slowly and see that I have IV's in my arms and tubes in my nose. I am at a hospital. All I remember is that I was at school, I told Wesley about my story, hugged Farrah and then I passed out and now I am here. Oh no, my mom! I jolt up and I see that Farrah, Wesley, my mom and Ashley are sitting in chairs a few feet away from me.
"Kinsley. My sweet, sweet Kins" I hear my mom say, then get up and come to hug me.
"N-No, don't touch me!" I scream out loud. "Don't touch me!!" my mom backs up with a worried look on her face and lets out a few tears. I hear a doctor come in and restrain me until I am calm.
"Kinsley. Your okay, your in a hospital. Your going to be okay" I hear a nurse say to me. I take a deep breath and then realize who I yelled at. My own mom. I look up and see that she is in tears. Why is she crying? Did I do something to make her cry?
"M-mom?" I whisper calmly.
"Yes baby, I'm here." I hear her say while wiping away the tears from her eyes.
"Why are you crying? What happened?" I ask with a panicked look on my face.
"You passed out at school and your friends brought you. I was crying because your in the hospital, laying in an hospital bed" I hear my mom reply while she goes back and sits in her chair.
"Do we know why I passed out yet?"
"Not yet, the doctor will be in a few minutes to let us know" my mother replies while picking up and putting sleepy Ashley on her lap. Wish I could be a kid again and have my mother hold me tight. I really miss that so much. I feel someone rub to top of my hand and it was Farrah. I wrap my hand around her and give her a slight smile. After a few more minutes of silence a doctor and a nurse come in. I look over at the nurse and see that she is holding some type of kit. Wonder why she has that?
"What are the results doc?" I hear my mom ask the doctor while setting down Ash on the chair and standing up next to the edge of bed.
"Well one of the reasons why she passed out is from Acute Severe Pain in her hips"
"How did that happen?"
"Mam, your daughter has been sexually assaulted. And we have confirmed that it has happened more than once."
I look over to my mom and see pure shock on her face. She puts her hands around her mouth, looks at me and then falls down on her knees letting the tears pour out. I really want to get up and hug her. But I am stuck with these things in me. I let go of Farrah's hand and yank the stuff off of me. I get up from the bed and go towards my mom. She gets up and turns around hugging me tightly. I let a few tears fall out and wrap my arms her waist as well.
"My poor baby girl. My sweet, sweet Kins" I hear my mom whisper. I break from her hug and back up towards the corner of the room.
"No, No, No!!" I scream while slowly sliding down the wall and onto the floor. I feel someone touch my shoulder gently and get down onto their knees.
"Kinsley. It's okay. He's not here" I hear Wesley whisper. I open my eyes and see that he has a calm look on his face. He kindly gestures his hand and I put my hand into his. We both slowly get back up and he takes me towards the bed, I back away slowly and shake my head. He notices and gestures me towards the chair. I nod and we go sit in the nearby chairs, he lets go of my hand and I bring my knees up close to me and I wrap my arms around them. Again, what just happened?
"Why does she keep doing that when I keep saying those three words?" my mom asks the doctor.
"I have to believe those are trigger words. This person must have said these words and it triggers her to believe that the person who assaulted her is here.
"Do you know who did this to her?"
"I am afraid not. She is the only one who can answer that. You can try asking her" the doctor gestures while pointing to me. My mom turns around and takes a few steps towards me.
"Don't come any closer. That's good enough" I say to her making her stop in her tracks. She nods and gets down on her knees. I look at her and see that she is calm and a little worried.
"Honey, can I ask you a question?" I hear her ask me. I nod and she responds with a deep breath. "Okay, we just want to know one thing, that's all."
"okay.." I whisper.
"Honey, who hurt you? Who did this to you?" she asks me.
"I-I can't say. He will hurt me and you guys, a-and Cole. I just can't" I say quickly and look away from her.
"Honey -" my mom says before she is interrupted by a knock at the door. We all look up and see that it was none other than Farrah's and Cole's dad. Mr. Charles Bailey.
"I'm here to pick up my daughter, Farrah Bailey" he says in a calming soothing voice.
"You can't protect him forever my sweet, sweet Kins"
"Get out of here!! Leave me alone!!" I scream out loud while getting up running towards him. Wesley grabs me by my waist and puts me down on the bed. He wraps his hands around my wrist and wraps his legs around my waist making sure that I don't escape his grip.
"Can you please get out and wait outside Mr. Bailey. Okay?" the doctor says while closing the door to my room.
"Kinsley, he's gone. Please calm down" I hear Wesley whisper to me. I take a deep breath and see that he has his grip on my wrists. He lets go slowly and gets off of the bed. Everyone looks at me with a scared look on their face, including my little sister Ashley. I can see the tears falling down her face, she's scared.
"Kinsy, did he hurt you?" I hear Ashley ask me. Mother looks at her and then back at me. I take a deep breath and before I could say anything I hear a knock at the door. The doctor goes towards the door and opens it. The person runs into the room and it was none other than Cole. What is he doing here?!
"Kinsley!!" he exclaims while coming up to me and wrapping his arms around me. I wrap my arms around him and start crying yet again. He strokes my hair and takes a deep breath in, trying to stop himself from crying.
"You can cry if you want, I won't judge you" I whisper while letting out a small laugh.
"I know. I'm just glad that your okay. Did you tell them yet?" he whispers back.
"Not yet. I am just about to. I am so glad that your hear" I whisper back. We break from the hug and see that twelve pairs of eyes are staring back at me. Cole wipes away the tears that were forming from his eyes and takes a deep breath and so as do I.
"So, honey can you answer my question now? Only if your ready to tell us."
"We can give you guys some privacy. We will be just right outside" the doctor says and then leaves with the nurse trailing behind him with the kit in hand. They close the door and disappear a few seconds afterwards leaving me in the room with my family and my friends.
"I'm ready"
"You sure?" Cole whispers to me.
"Yeah" I whisper back.
"Okay. And to answer your question Ash, yes. That man hurt me, twice" I answer while letting a few tears fall quickly down my face. I turn around and press my face into Cole's chest and wrap my arms around his waist. He wraps his arms around me and gently strokes my hair.
"Oh my god" my mom says in a tone of disgust. Wesley gently wraps his arms around her and moves her to the other corner of the room. They talk about what I just said to them. Farrah comforts Ashley who is crying her eyes out.
"He is definitely going to pay for this. And I am going to make sure he does" Cole says angrily while whispering under his breath.
"Thank you Cole. But I should tell the police before you get yourself arrested, okay?" I say while looking up at his chiseled-face. I can see that he has some stubble on his face. Hmm, very sexy. DOWN, KINSLEY!!
"Okay Kinsley" he says with a smile. We let go of the hug and gesture for the doctor and nurse to come back in.
We talk about the results and about the kit that the nurse was holding. I agree to the terms and we start the process. It took a few hours but it was worth it. Now all we have to do is wait for the results. We head out of the hospital and head back to our house. Wesley went home and Farrah went home as well. Wesley gave her a ride home since I just found out that he lives a couple houses away from her house. Which is good because now, he can gives us rides to school.
We arrive at my house and Cole decided that he was going to do the rest of his classes online until the semester was over. He wants to be here for me and I am so happy that he is, but I also wish that he went back and finished since there is only a couple months left. We talked it out and he decided that he was going to stay at my house. My mom is okay with it. Luckily, we have a guest room that he can sleep him. I did tell him and my mom about what happened last night as well. Surprisingly, they were really sincere about it.
We decided to call a lawyer and were going to tell the police about this tomorrow. Which means, I am going to miss a few days of school. Farrah is okay with it and will show Wesley around the school tomorrow. Hopefully everything will go great tomorrow. I really want to get this man into jail where he belongs before he hurts another girl! Like I said, I will no longer be a victim of Mr. Bailey. You have no idea what is coming to you yet. Better say your prayers, because I am coming for you.
The rest of the day goes by fast and before I knew it, it was the day that I will talk to the police and report Mr. Bailey for Sexual Assault.
"You ready Kinsley?" I hear my mom ask me from the bottom of the stairs.
"Yeah, I am almost ready. I'll be down in a few minutes" I exclaim while grabbing my shoes and put them on. I grab a black ponytail and put my hair up into a high ponytail. I grab my phone, which has the evidence in it and stick it into my purse. I grab my sunglasses and go meet my family downstairs.
"Now, are you ready?" she asks me with a smile on her face. She is looking a lot better today considering what happened yesterday.
"Yeah. Let's go."