Once we arrive at our house I grab my bags and head inside. Once we get inside, I go upstairs and go relax on my bed in my room. Yeah, I have my own bathroom. That way I don't have to share with my little sister and whenever my brother comes to visit. Which is the whole summer. He'd rather hangout with us than his college buddies all summer. That is sweet of him. Luckily, he only lives an hour away.
That way he can come visit on the weekends whenever he wants. I wish I was there with him right now. I want to give him a big hug and never let go. I'm sorry Cole but I have to tell someone. I have to tell my brother. Luckily, he is going be here today for the weekend. And I am so glad that Cole is leaving to go back to school tomorrow.
I curl up into a ball on my bed and wrap my arms around my waist. It still hurts. I wish I could tell my mother about it, but I can't tell her exactly what happened less than 24 hours ago. So I guess I have to check on my small laptop and see what I can do, to make this pain go away soon.
The bruises won't go away for a few days and the hickey that Cole gave me earlier will last about a few days to two weeks. This is going to be hard to hide from my parents. I will have to try my best.
I keep myself wrapped up in a ball and start crying, softly so that nobody can hear me wallowing in my room. I don't think I can take any sincere talks right now. Just wake me up when this day is over. I just want my birthday to be over already. I keep on crying until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. They shut and I go to sleep.
"N-No... please"
"Don't tell anyone about this"
"Happy Birthday Kinsley"
I wake up quickly, not realizing that I just screamed out loud. I sit up and take a deep breath. When I getting up out of bed I hear someone knock at the door. That isn't my mother's or father's knocking. It was..Aiden's knocking. He's here already?? I wipe my eyes, get up and head over to my door. I open up and it was him, my brother Aiden. He's dyed his hair again. I really missed his normal hair color.
"...hey" I say while wiping away a couple more tears.
"Hey, you okay?" he asks me with a worried look on his face.
"Y-yeah" I say half-truthfully.
"Want to talk about it? I won't tell anyone. It can be our secret" he replies while putting his finger to his lips. He smiles and the walks into my room without permission.
"Your gonna say something after I tell you anyways. It's what you do." I think to myself. I turn around and I see him sitting there on my computer chair waiting for a response.
''Your definitely going to hate me after this" I think to myself again.
"Are you sure you want to listen to my dream, I mean my nightmare? It's n-nothing really" I say to him, lying a little bit in the process. I really want to tell him. But, what if Cole shows up when I tell Aiden? I can't risk it, but I really need to tell someone or I'm just going to fall into pieces, one by one until there is nothing left but blackness.
"Of course, your my sister. I care about you and I want to help" he says with a smile.
"You sure-"
"Yes! And I promised that I won't say anything."
"O-okay. You promise?" I ask him.
"I promise"
''Okay then"
I am so sorry Cole...
"I-it was about Cole" I stutter out.
"Um okay. Why would your nightmare be about Cole?" he asks with a confused look on his face.
"H-he did something last night" I say while stutter and letting a few tears run down my face.
"Kins. What did he do?" he asks while getting up slowly. He starting to get worried now.
"I'll just show you" I say while getting up. I slowly take off my shirt and show him my bruises and my hickey from this morning.
"Kins, what the fu-, he did this to you?! What did he do?"
"H-he, r-raped me and I couldn't do anything about it" I say letting the tears fall down. I fall down to my knees and Aiden comes next to me and holds me tight. I just keep on crying until Aide grabs my neck gently and wipes my tears away from my eyes.
"I, I am so sorry Kins. I wish I was there last night. I can't believe he did this to you. I'm going to kill that son of a bitch!" he says practically screaming.
"N-no, you can't say anything" I say while we both get up from the floor. he tosses me his jacket that he was wearing and I put it on quickly.
"Kinsley, he raped you. That's illegal. He's an adult, your a minor. You have to report this to the police" he says with a serious look on his face.
"He told me to not tell anyone or there would be consequences" I reply back with tears going down my face.
"You know that I can't just let this go. He did something illegal and he should be in jail for what he did. I have to do the right thing."
"You promised Aiden" I say looking at him in the eyes.
"I'm sorry Kinsley, I can't. Nobody hurts my sister and gets away with it" Aiden says while opening my door and leaving me in my room.
"Please Don't Tell Anyone Aiden!!" I scream out loud even though I am all alone in my room.
I shouldn't have said anything, now Cole is going to come over here and hurt me again. Noting my brother, he is going to kill Cole, literally. I wipe away my tears and put on my white Vans, yet again and rush downstairs. Nobody is home. I am so glad that nobody heard that argument. Once I reach the living room I ear the door slam shut. Aiden.
I run outside and see him get into his car. Oh snap, he's literally going to go kill him. Before I could reach him, he is already out of the driveway and heading out to his house. I pick up my phone and call Farrah, to let her know that my brother is coming and he's not happy.
"Hello?" Farrah questions.
"Hey Farrah, just to warn you, my brother is coming and he's not happy" I reply back.
"What do you mean by that Kins -"
"I'll explain it when I get there" I interrupt her.
"Wait Kins -" she starts to say before I said one last thing, "I'm sorry F" and then hang up on her.
I wipe away a single tear and I start running to their house. Luckily I know a secret way to get there fast. I take the secret path and arrive at their house in a few short minutes. I take a few deep breaths and climb up the tree that leads to Farrah's room. Once I climb it, I knock on her window and opens it up quickly.
"Thanks for hanging up on me" she says sarcastically.
"Sorry Farrah, but where's Cole?" I ask her while taking another deep breath.
"He's packing up in his room. Why?"
"I will explain it when I can. Sorry Farrah"
"Stop saying that and tell me, what's going on?"
"Like I just said on the phone, I will tell you later!" I exclaim while rushing out of her room and heading to Cole's room. And she was right, he is packing up to head back to college. I have like 5 minutes before Aiden gets here. I am lucky that their parents aren't home as well.
"Did you come back for thirds Kins?" he says with a smirk on his face. This is not the time!!
"No I didn't and I'm sorry Cole"
"What are you sorry for..wait, did you tell someone?" he says while his emotions start to fade away.
"I-I'm sorry. I couldn't keep it -" I start to say until I felt a hand slap me, hard across the face.
"I told you not to tell anyone! Who did you tell?!?" he says yelling at me, like I am his peasant.
"I, I told my brother. I told him to not tell anyone, a-and now, he is going to be here in about 2 minutes" I say while covering my face. He gets closer to my face and takes a deep breath.
"You little bitch, I told you not to tell anyone, now your gonna pay for it" he whispers into my ear. He grabs my wrist and tosses me onto his bed. I get back up and try to get off his bed. Before I could get off of his bed he wraps both his arms around my wrist and wraps his knees around my wait. Oh great, not again!!
"FARRAH!!'' I try to scream out but Cole stops me by putting a piece of duct tape on my lips. It's like he was prepared for this. He knew I would tell someone. I am a weak person and can't keep it to myself. What is he going to do when Aiden gets here? I really don't want to know.
He puts his hands back on my wrist stares back at me with a devilish look on his face. He's a monster. Aiden's right, he deserves to be in jail. I need to get the hell out of here. When he hears the door open I escape one of my wrist and punch him across his face knocking him down to the ground. Aiden taught me this. Don't tell my parents about that. I pull the tape off of my mouth and head out of his room.
I head downstairs and see that it was Aiden who arrived. He sees me and comes towards him. I wrap my arms around him and puts his arms around me. He breaks from the hug and sees that my hand is hurt. Damn, that lunch really hurt my hand.
"Are you okay Kins? Why is your hand bruised?" he asks me.
"He-he tried to -" I start to say to him. But he walks passed me and runs upstairs. I follow him and get up in front of him.
"Stop!!" I exclaim at him, making Farrah come out of her room.
"Why, he hurt you, he deserves whats coming to him"
"What's going on!?" Farrah screams.
"I'll explain -" I start to say.
"No, tell me the damn truth now Kins!!" she says with a furious look on my face.
"I can't!!" I exclaim at her. Before I knew it my brother turns me around and puts his hands on my shoulders. "Just tell her Kins. She deserves to know the truth."
"Fine" I take a deep breath and tell her the truth.
"Your lying. My brother would never do that"
"It's true!" me and Aiden exclaim at the same time.
"Show me proof then!"
"Fine, here's your proof" I say while unzipping the jacket and taking it off, showing her the bruises and the hickey.
She just stands there and is shocked. She just now realized that her brother is not the perfect child that her family has always dreamed of. I am so Farrah. You don't deserve this at all.
"Oh my god! He did this to you?" she says while letting fall down her face and falling down on her knees in front of me. I get down on my knees and grab her hands. She looks up at me and her eyes are red from crying and she gives me that look of innocence.
How was she suppose to know that her brother was capable of doing this? Especially to her best friend that she knew her entire life. How is she suppose to live her life knowing that her brother could do this her someday? He needs to be in jail for what he did.
"It's going to be ok Far'' I say while stroking her hair. I feel a jacket wrapping around my shoulders. I put it around me and zip it up covering my bruises.
"No, it's not. I can't believe that he did this to you. When did this happen? Where did it happen?" she asks me.
"Yes it will be. It happened last night and it happened it he guest room next to your room. I don't know what time though, it was late" I reply answering back the best I can.
"I can't believe this. It happened on your own birthday and in our own house. I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch" she says while getting up and putting both of her fists in a ball.
"Not if I beat you to him first" Aiden replies.
"Wait a minute? Do you guys hear that?" I ask.
We all stop talking and listen to the sounds. All we can hear is, is the sounds of birds tweeting and planes flying by. Something doesn't sound right. All three of us head to Cole's room and he is nowhere to be found. His suitcase full of clothes and other items are gone. All of us walk around until I found something. His phone, on the floor. I grab it and we all meet in the middle of the room.
"Shit!!" I hear Aiden exclaim while punching the wall and ruffling his fingers through his hair.
"That bastard" I hear Farrah exclaim under her breath.
"Now what?" I ask while shrugging my shoulders.
''How are we suppose to find him now?" Farrah exclaims.
"I highly doubt that he would go back to his college, that would be to easy" Aiden explains.
"No shit Sherlock" Farrah says while crossing her arms across her chest.
While we talk about this, we hear the front door open. Oh crap, Farrah's and Cole's parents are home. This is not going be fun at all.
"How are we suppose to tell them that my brother is a rapist and that he ran away without his phone?" Farrah starts exclaiming. Before we could say anything I point behind her. Oh snap.
"Cole is...WHAT?!?!" I hear her parents scream.
Oh boy...this is going to be a long afternoon. Might as well tell them right there and now. Here we go..
"What did you mean by what you said Farrah and tell us the truth!" I hear her mom say angrily.
"What did you mean by that he ran away" I hear her father say.
"And who did he rape honey, did he rape you?" her mother says.
"Do you know where he is honey?" he dad says.
That's it, I can't take it anymore! I get up and unzip the jacket. "HE RAPED ME!!" I yell while taking off the jacket yet again.
Farrah's parents go quiet and before I could say anything else, I turn my head and see my parents standing there by the door with shocked looks on their face.
...Oh, shit.
Wow, that was a dramatic chapter. I hope you enjoy this chapter. And I am so sorry for the late update. I decided to put my other stories on hold until this story is over. And I am sorry that this chapter is a little shorter than the last two. I promise that the next chapters will be a bit longer. There will be a few short chapters and a few long chapters. Just bare with me here.
College class are almost over, and finals are coming up soon. I have essays to turn in by next week and one due tomorrow. I will be able to work on this more during the summer. Eventually, I will delete this comment at the very end when classes are over because it won't be relevant anymore.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this short chapter and I will see you in the next chapter in a couple weeks.
Enjoy and again, I will see you all in the next chapter.