I walk up towards him slowly until I am face to face with him. I cannot believe that he is here, after all these years. Before he could say anything I wrap my arms around him and start crying. He drops everything that he was holding and wraps his arms around me without saying a word.
"I missed you so much dad. I am so sorry that I didn't come to visit a while ago. I should have came to see you -" I start blabbering out until he interrupts me with a sentence that I am surprised to her come from his mouth.
"It's alright Kinsley. I forgive you babygirl" he finishes saying while he gently pats and then rubs my shoulders. We break from the hug and he realizes something different about me.
"Y-your -" he starts to says while pointing at my stomach. We gesture him over to the couch and sits down.
But before I could tell my story my mother and Ashley walk in with their stuff and the smiles that were spread across their face disappear. My mother shuts the door and gestures Ashley to go up to her room. Farrah walks towards them and helps Ashley upstairs real quick before she hears anything that she will not understand. A few minutes later I hear someone knock at the door. I open it and see that it was Wes. I need him here now more than ever. Both of my parents sit down and Farrah comes back down and stands right next to me, holding my hand. Cole stands behind me and Wes stands on the other side holding my other hand for comfort as well.
I take a deep breath and tell my dad the whole story of what has happened up until 4 months ago. After telling him all of that, I take yet another deep breath and tell them both about what happened four months ago. Including my night with Cole, when Charles tied me up, made me dance and call him names in front of Wes. I tell them everything. Then Cole tells them what happened to him and Wes does the same. I then tell them both about what he said to me if I told anyone about this.
After telling them my story I slowly go down to the floor and my friends follow me. Farrah and Wes let go of my hands so that Cole can wrap his arms around me. I intertwine my hands into his and then everyone else comes and spreads their arms around me. I let out a few more tears in sadness and also in happiness. I am so happy that they are all still with me after all of this. I couldn't have asked for a better family or friends. We break from the hug and both of my parents go into the kitchen to talk about the trial that is coming up really soon.
"Well that was an emotional hug fest" Farrah says breaking the silence between the four of us.
"I agree. Sorry about all of that you guys" I say drying my face from the tears that fell down from my face. I feel a few more forming my eyes but before I could wipe them away Cole wipes them away with his perfect thumb. I look up at him and smile. God, I love him so much. Wish I could tell him how I feel, but I don't know if he feels the same way, even though we shared one night together.
"Hey, its okay Kinsley. Just be glad that is all over" Cole says to me wrapping his arms around me in another hug and then goes to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around me once again.
"Yeah, now all you just have to worry about is the trial and putting that bastard in jail." Wes says while crossing his arms and walks towards the couch to sit down and think about how the trial is going to go down.
"I agree with Wes. That and don't you have a doctor's appointment soon to figure out what the gender of your baby is?" Farrah says while walking a couple of inches away from us to sit down on the chair that is next to Cole.
"Yeah I do. Do any of you want to come with me?" I say to them with a small smile on my face.
"I'm coming no matter what." Cole answers quickly.
"Count both of us in" Wes answers for him and Farrah who nods in agreement.
"Sweet, thank you guys so much!" I say while jumping up and down in excitement, breaking Cole from his hold on me.
"No problem" they all say at the same time. They all look at each other with a weird look and then we all break out in laughter for a short time.
We definitely deserved this after all that has happen between the four of us. We all settle down and turn on the TV to watch our favorite show, 'FRIENDS'. My mom comes in a few minutes later and joins us. I hear dad go upstairs to go enjoy some time with Ashley. I hate for what he did to us, but he will always love us. He regrets what he did and I see that he is trying to make amends. Hopefully I will forgive him soon. But just not right now.
"Hey, how about I order us some pizza tonight?" my mother asks us once the current episode we are watching goes onto commercial.
"Yeah, what do we all want?" I reply while looking at the other three who are beside me.
"An extra large meat lovers pizza" they all whisper in agreement.
"We will take an extra large meat lovers pizza and whatever Ashley wants as well" I answer my mom question.
"Alright then. I will be right back honey" she says kissing the top of my head, gets up and heads upstairs to talk to the rest of our family.
"I am just going to get straight to the point, boy or girl?" Farrah says to all of us.
"Girl" Wes and Cole say at the same time.
"I don't care as long as they are healthy" I reply to her question while stroking my belly that is growing a human being.
"Same here Kinsley. I agree with you." Farrah says agreeing with me.
We talk a bit more about baby names and what we are going to do for the rest of the summer until the pizza got here. My mother went to pay for it and we go sit down in the kitchen and eat some pizza, until I take the first bite.
I take a bite of the pizza and all of a sudden I started to feel a bit nauseous. I drop the pizza slice and rush to our second bathroom right around the corner of the kitchen. I close the door and vomit into the toilet. I hear someone come in and hold my hair and stroke my back. It was definitely Cole, I know that hand by heart.
"Hey, you okay lil bean?" he whispers to me while kneeling down next to me, letting go of my hair in the process and grabs a washcloth for me. Lil Bean is my new nickname that he made up, and I kinda like it.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I guess this little one doesn't like pizza" I reply while grabbing the washcloth that Cole gives to me. I wash my face and lean back against the cold tile that is our bathtub.
I hear a few more pairs of feet run towards the bathroom and see us both sitting there. I see my mom holding a wet, cold washcloth and she gives it to me so I can put on top of my head. Farrah was holding a cup of water and gives it to me while giving me the prenatal vitamins that I need to take in order for my baby to be healthy when it comes into this world. And Wes stands there with a clean shirt for me to change into.
I get up slowly and try to grab the black shirt that he is holding but to no avail, I almost trip over my own two left feet. Cole wraps his arms me so quickly that he is carrying me bridal style out of the bathroom. Everyone gets out of the way and he goes to sit me down on the couch. He gets back up and goes to talk to everyone. Farrah comes to say goodnight and heads out with Wesley who gives Cole the shirt before leaving. Mother heads back upstairs to check up on my dad and Ashley.
Cole comes back and stands right in front of me. I look up and just smile at this amazing human being, I don't know what I would do without him. He has definitely turned my whole world upside down. He gave up his college experience to be here with me. Moved into our house just to protect me from his father. And that is just the thing. I haven't seen him for what feels like a week now, but it has only been a day. I haven't felt this free when I am with him. He is my guardian angel.
"Here, let's get you out of that shirt. Okay?" he asks me while stretching his hand out to me. I take up on his offer and put my palm into his. He puts the shirt on his shoulder and then moves back a step and gently helps me back up to my feet making me almost lose my balance.
We chuckle for a bit until I felt his warm hands fall into place, on my waist. He slowly removes the dirty shirt off me until I am standing there in just my bra and he looks at me, mesmerized. It is covered with past bruises that formed on my ribs and scratches that have formed into scars. But the one that stopped him is the four-month human that is growing inside me. He gets down on his knees and wraps his hands around my belly and gives my child a kiss. I really hope that he is the father. I don't want that monster to be this poor child's father.
I stroke one of my hands through his dark brown hair and lay my other hand on top of his hand. He looks up at me and smiles and I smile back. He gets back up and cups his hands around my neck, leans in and gives me a kiss that makes me feel even more free. I grip my hands around his waist not breaking this heartwarming kiss.
He breaks apart from our kiss, grabs the shirt and I turn around so he can take off my bra and put on the shirt. I feel him take it off of me and put the shirt over my head covering my bruised and scratched up body. I turn around and wrap my hands around him, and he wraps his arms around me making me feel safe like always.
We head upstairs after a while and go up to my sister's bedroom to see that my dad is laying in her bed with his arm wrapped around her tired body. My mom puts a blanket over them and sees us standing there right outside of the room and comes up to stand in front of us.
"Man, she must have tired him out." I whisper to my mom.
"Yeah, she sure did." she says while turning around and watching them for a few more seconds.
"Well, we have a big day tomorrow, we all should get some sleep" she informs us while we all leave Ashley's bedroom. Cole closes her door slightly and we all head to our rooms.
"Yeah, we do. Goodnight mom" I reply giving her a quick wave before going to the room that I haven't been in for three months.
''If you are not ready, you can still sleep in my room" Cole whispers next to me while giving me a quick massage on my shoulders making me feel relaxed. I take a deep breath and slowly put my hand on the doorknob that leads me to my room.
I open the door and see that everything is still the same way as it was months ago. I can still smell his scent in here. I take another deep breath and take a couple of steps into this room. I look around and see the ripped clothes that are still in the corner from four months ago. I keep looking around till my eyes fall onto my bed. I close my eyes and try to not remember what has happened in here, but the memories started to rush back.
"Tell me the truth!!"
"I am telling you the truth!!"
"Shut Up!!"
"Please, stop -"
"I guess you haven't learned your lesson from the other night. Guess I have to punish you...sweet Kins"
"Lies!!" he says while slapping me across my face.
He inserts himself inside me again and I try to hold back the screams. He releases himself from inside me leaving me to cry on my bed. He plants a kiss on my lips and whispers something in my ear that I will never forget.
"You can't protect him forever my sweet, sweet Kins."
I grab a pillow from my bed and toss it across the room in a pit of anger and sadness. I grab another one and toss that one off of my bed but before I could go grab my lamp I feel Cole wrap his hands around me stopping me from making a bigger mess in here. I just stand there and let the tears fall from my face and onto my floor. He lets go of his grip and I slowly fall down to my floor and keep on crying. Cole gets down in front of me and wraps his arms around me once again without saying anything, letting me cry until there were no more tears left.
For what seems like hours, I finally calm down and open my eyes to see Cole with his arms still wrapped around me. We both get up from my floor and head out as quick as possible. He closes my bedroom door and we head to his room that was once the guest room. We go lay down on the bed and face each other. He just lays there and wraps an arm around me, protecting me once again. We lay there for a while until I felt my swollen eyes giving out. I try to fight it, but I gave up and let sleep take over me.
But before it took over me, I felt Cole pull me closer to him and I snuggle into his chest hearing his heartbeat nice and slow. And that was the last thing that I felt before I fell asleep into what will finally be a peaceful night that I haven't had for months.
I love you so much Cole Matthew Bailey. My Guardian Angel.