(Two weeks later) - June 22nd, 2019
I wake up yet again to a warm hand putting a piece of my hair behind my ear. I slowly turn over onto my back and see Cole smiling that cute smile that I adore.
"Hey, beautiful. How'd you sleep this time?"
"I slept great actually, now that you are here" I reply with a smile on my face.
"That's great to hear, really," he tells me while leaning up and wrapping his arms around me lifting me up off of the bed and onto his shoulders.
I start laughing and smiling watching him lift me up gently. He plants his feet onto the floor and takes me to the guest bathroom and sets me down on the hard, cold tiles. We stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds until he breaks it by tossing me a towel that was hanging from the rack next to him. I barely catch it and it lands on my face. Great..
"Better get washed up, we have a big day today" he says to me with a bit of laughter in his voice.
I yank off the towel and set it down on the counter next to me. I look at that smile once more and then slightly close the door. It now has been two weeks since Cole got out from his own personal hell from his father and most of his cuts and bruises have healed by now.
"Thanks for reminding me" I reply sarcastically a minute later with a bit of laughter in my voice as well.
"Heh. Well, see you in a little bit lil bean" Cole replies and then heads downstairs to talk with the rest of my family about who knows what.
I undress from my night clothes and turn on the shower and step in feeling the warmth of the water running down my back. I shiver for a few seconds until I got used to it running down me. I close my eyes and it takes me back to that night.
"Please don't do what your thinking Kinsley. You will regret it"
"What if I don't regret it?"
"Then I guess I am going to regret it."
I wrap my arms around his neck and he picks me up, still kissing me, and lays me down on the cool, wet grass. He grips his hands gently around my wrist and moves down to my neck making me moan a little bit. He stops and looks at me wondering if he can continue.
"It's okay Cole."
I open my eyes once again and finish my shower. Once I wrap my towel around my broken but strong body that is claiming a life inside me. Today I find out what the gender of the baby is. I don't care what he or she looks like. I will be happy either way. I also don't care if it's his, he will not be seeing this child ever. I don't want him anywhere this child.
Once I take a step out of the guest room that is Cole's room I see a pair of clothes sitting there, nicely folded on his bed. I hear the door open and it was my little sister Ashley running into his room in a cute little dress with pink and yellow flowers on it, white socks and little black converse shoes. She sure does know how to impress me sometimes with those outfits.
"How are you doing Kinsy?" she asks me slightly closing the door so that it's just us two in the room. She runs towards the bed and jumps onto the well-made bed.
"I am...great actually. How are you on this fine morning Ash?" I ask her while putting on the clothes that my mother probably left for me.
"I'm wonderful. I can't wait to see what you are having today," she says while standing up on the bed and twirling around. I put on my shoes and turn around and lean on the bed, standing on my knees.
"Oh really, what do you want this baby to be then?" I ask her smiling with pure happiness while watching her twirl and laugh.
"A girl. I am going to teach her how to be a princess."
"Really?" I ask with a little giggle in my voice.
"Yeah. And you and Cole can live in our castle."
"I think that we would both love that" I hear another voice say while coming into the room.
"COLE!!" Ashley screams out while turning towards him. He stands next to the bed and catches Ashley who jumps right into his arms. He spins her around a couple of times making her laugh.
These are the moments that you should truly treasure. Even though they may be small, it can make a big impact on your life. Enjoy these moments as much as you can. You never know when it will end. I go join them and we spin around in circles like little kids and enjoy some laughs as well. We sit down and plan out our little castle ideas with Ashley. She is truly a treasure, I am so happy that she is in my life as well. I couldn't have asked for a better and amazing sister.
After talking for awhile we head downstairs and go eat what my mom has prepared for us. Once we got downstairs I see that Wesley and Farrah are here. And a face that we haven't seen for a few months. Mrs. Bailey. I am quite shocked, but I don't show it. I go up to her and greet her with a hug and a few tears run down my face. Ugh, these damn hormones.
"How have you been and where were you?" I ask her in a concerned way while breaking from the hug.
"I've been better and I was staying with a friend. And I assume that Farrah has been staying with someone else as well?" she replies with a question in the end.
"That is great to hear and yeah, she has been staying with Wesley Woods. He is a good kid. He's been there for me for the last few months."
"That's great to hear," she says with a sigh of relief.
"Yeah. That and we haven't seen him for a while now which is good news as well." I say walking around her and grab a small plate from our cabinet. I offer her one and nicely refuses.
"That's good. And I finally picked up the divorce papers from our lawyer. Can finally divorce that bastard once and for all."
"Good for you mom, you don't deserve to be in that diseased relationship much longer," Farrah says coming over and resting her hand on her mother's shoulder.
"I'm surprised that you didn't sooner" Cole says while walking over to the oven and grabbing the scrambled eggs and setting them on the hot pan that is sitting on the table.
"I agree with you there son" their mother says, reassuring herself with a slight smile on her face.
"Well, now we don't have to see or worry about him till next week. That will give us time to work on the case and fix up a baby room. Okay?" my mother says setting up the last of the table for all of us.
"Agreed" Wesley and Farrah say in unison.
We all sit down and enjoy the food that has been prepared for us. Mrs. Bailey decided to eat some as well. We talk and laugh about all of the good memories that we have made. Got to hear some embarrassing stories that I haven't heard before and my god it makes me love these people even more. I am so blessed to be here right now. Happy and Strong. I may be broken on the inside, but I have decided that I will no longer be taken over Mr. Bailey. I may have said that he had, but not anymore. I have my best friends, my guardian angel, mother and my little sister. And I surprisingly have Mrs. Bailey on my side and most of all, my father who right now is at the police station going over my case that is next week.
After a half hour or so, we clean up the table and make sure that everything is cleaned, tossed and put away. We all go grab our bags and head out to the doctors for my appointment. I can't wait to see how they are doing and find out what this little angel is going to be. Good thing I have a couple of names picked out already. I picked out the girl's name and Cole picked out a boy's name. And surprisingly, he picked a good one.
"Are you ready?" I hear those three words come out of Cole's mouth. I take a deep breath and give him my answer.
"Let's Go." He says grabbing his keys and we all leave to go to the hospital.
We reach the hospital a short time later and we all park while my mom goes in to check me in, Cole and I stay parked and inside the car. I am now nervous all of a sudden, and I don't know why.
"Hey, you okay lil bean?" Cole asks me unbuckling himself and resting one of his hands on my thigh. I blush and look up at him with a slight smile.
"Yeah, I'm just a little nervous all of a sudden" I reply fidgeting with my hair.
"Everything will be okay. We will love this together no matter what happens and this child will love you to the ends of the earth too. You can do this, I believe in you." Cole replies back unbuckling my buckle and giving me a reassuring hug.
I wrap my arms around him too while taking a deep breath. We stay like this for what seems like forever and then break and head inside. We reach the door and take another deep breath. Cole intertwines his hand into mine and we head inside to see how everything will turn out for all of us, especially me. We wait in the waiting room for a short time until I heard the nurse call my name across the hall.
"Kinsley Beckett?"
I stand up and head towards the nurse. She greets me with a smile and I smile back.
"Did you want to bring someone with you?" she asks me. I look back at everyone and I look at the one person that I want with me at this time. The one person who has been there for me this whole time and has supported me as much as they could. I gesture for them to come with me and they come to stand by my side.
"I can't believe that you chose me to come with you. Why me?" they ask me.
"Because you were there for me when I truly needed you and supported me no matter what. Is that okay with you?" I reply back to them ending it with a question.
"Yeah, that is okay with me" they respond back.
"Thank you, Wesley," I say wrapping one of my arms around his neck while we both follow the nurse to the ultrasound room.
We reach the room and she gestures me to where I will be sitting. I go and sit down and wait for my doctor to come in and start the ultrasound. And Wes goes to sit down in the chair that is next to me. I lay down and take a few deep breaths until I felt a hand land on my shoulder.
"Hey, everything is going to be wonderful. I just know it." Wes tells me with a positive smile on his face. I smile back and put one of my free hands on his hand. After a few more minutes my doctor comes in and tells me how he is going to do everything.
He comes to lift up my shirt but I cover my stomach with my hands. I look at the both of them and Wesley gives that, "do you want me to do it?" look. I nod and remove my hands from my shirt, Wes slowly lifts it up a little bit and the doctor does what he needs to do to start the ultrasound.
He puts on the warm gel and picks up the piece that checks the heartbeat of the baby. I can definitely hear their heartbeat. I look over and see the little baby that is inside me. I look over at Wes and he has the biggest smile on his face. He is truly mesmerized by this. I let out a small giggle and look back at the ultrasound.
"Well, your baby is healthy and you're at 13, almost 14 weeks pregnant. Would you like to know what the gender is?" he tells me finishing up with a question that I was looking forward to. I look back at Wesley, he nods and I look back and nod at the doctor.
"Well Miss Kinsley, you are having a..."
"I can't believe that you are having a -" Wesley starts to say until I put a hand on his mouth stopping him from screaming it out loud.
"Shhh, I want to wait until we get home to tell everyone else. Okay?" I reply back removing my hand from his mouth. He nods and we head out to the waiting room where everyone else is waiting.
We arrive back to the waiting room and everyone stands up, my mom goes to check me out and pays for our appointment. I stand there nervously holding the results of the ultrasound. This envelope holds the key to my future and for who the father is. Yes, I know who the father is. The timeline makes sense. I put the envelope into my purse and we all head out to the cars that we all came in. I give Mrs. Bailey a hug goodbye and she whispers something that I will never forget.
"You're having a ... and ... is the father am I right?" she whispers into my ear.
"How did you figure that out?" I reply quietly so that she is the only one who heard me.
"It's just a mother's instinct. You better take good care of that child. They are truly blessed to have you as their mother. See you next week Kinsley" she replies back and waves me goodbye. I wave back to her and I get into the car with Cole and buckle up and close the door.
"What was that about?" Cole asks me. Shoot gotta come up with a lie or slightly tell the truth.
"She just wanted to tell me that the child is truly blessed to have me as their mother and that I better take good care of them" technically I didn't lie, told a half-truth.
"Oh okay. And are you going to tell me what the baby is going to be or do I have to wait till we get back home?" he asks me giving me a kiss on the cheek. I laugh and gently push him back to his seat.
"Yeah I will. You are just going to have to wait till we get home."
"Urgh, I knew you were going to say that" he says with a pouty look on his face. He buckles up and starts the car.
"Heh. Sorry. I want you guys to see the surprised look on your faces. Okay?" I ask him making his pouty face dissapear into a smile.
"Yeah. Okay. Can't wait to see what this little miracle is going to be" he says moving his arm across the seat and putting his hand onto the small bump that is carrying this bundle of joy.
I can't wait to tell everyone. They are going to be truly surprised and joyful. We leave the hospital and head back home. I look out the window and see kids my age walking around and laughing, enjoying their life as much as they can before school starts back up in September. Soon, I will be able to do that again. But with my little bundle of joy to share it with.
After another short time, we arrive at our house and an unexpected visitor is waiting on our front lawn. Good thing I told my mom and Ashley to go pick up some things for lunch. We can handle this little problem by ourselves. We go and park on the side of the road and so does Wesley. Cole sees who it is and gets out the car quickly leaving me in the car by myself. I get out of the car and Cole is already screaming at the top of his lungs.
"What the hell are you doing here?!!"
"Get the hell out of here" I hear Wesley scream with Farrah standing behind him. I gesture her to run into the house and call the police. She nods and runs into the house as fast as she can. She reaches the front door and heads inside before he could see her. I rush to go behind Cole and put a hand on his shoulder. He notices by wrapping one of his hands around my wrist gently.
"Why can't I be here? You are here. And I wanted to see how my little Kins is doing" he says with a devilish smile. I give him a disgusted look and then look away once again by putting my head on Cole's back taking a deep breath. I won't let him trigger me once again. I lower my hand onto his back and it is already tense. He is beyond furious and there is no stopping him now.
"Fuck You" I whisper loudly. I have had it with him. I am going to give him a piece of my mind, He can no longer control me. No more!!
"What did you say?" he asks me in a calm but stern voice. I un-grip myself from Cole, back up and go up to Mr. Bailey and stare at him dead in the eyes with my blood boiling at this point.
"I said...fuck you!!!" I scream while raising my hand giving him the hardest slap that you could ever give a person. He lifts one of his palms onto his face and uses his free hand to grab my wrist and grip it hard to where I can't feel it in a matter of seconds. He pulls me close to the point where we were only inches away from each other.
"How wonderful. You finally had the nerve to stand up to me. Why didn't you do this those last few times that we were together, hmm? Oh, let me guess, you had my disgrace of a son by your side. Have you guys done it yet?" he says to me but before I could say anything someone comes up behind him and wraps their hands around his neck making him lose his grip and balance. He almost falls on me but a pair of strong arms come up behind me and yank me away before Mr. Bailey fell to the ground.
We look back to see that Farrah has knocked her father to the ground. Her face is fuming with rage. She gets back up and wipes off the grass that was on her shirt. Mr. Bailey turns around onto his back and leans up a little bit with his arms and sees who knocked him down to the ground. He is in pure shock at this point.
"That is for Kinsley, and for hurting my brother and Wesley. And I also did that for myself. I won't let you take over me anymore!!" she screams out loud leaving all of us in shock. All except for Cole. What did she mean by the last statement? I need to ask her about that. What is she not telling me?
"Wes, hold him down. The police will be here any minute" she says watching Wesley coming up behind Mr. Bailey and kicks him back down onto his stomach and standing om his back with one of his feet making sure that he will not escape.
The police arrive shortly and so does the rest of my family. I see my dad come up behind the police cars and my mom comes up behind us and parks the car in the driveway. She grabs Ashley and rushes her inside forgetting the groceries for a second. She rushes back outside and sees what has happened. She sees Mr. Bailey being lifted from the ground by the police and comes up to me and gives me a "I am so glad that your not hurt" hug. I hug her back and then go give the police my part of what has happened here. I see them put him into the police car.
But before they could close the door I rush up and stand tall right in front of him with a big smile on my face. I cross my arms and he looks up at me with a face of pure disgust. I let out a chuckle and he opens up his mouth to say the question that I have been waiting for him to say.
"What are you smiling for?" he asks me.
"Oh me? Well, I went to the doctor's and figured out what I am having and figured out who the father is." he stares at me with a look of confusion spread across his face. He looks down at my little bump and gives me a little laugh. What is he laughing for?
"OOH, this is just too good. Can't wait to hear what you have to say about this."
"What do you mean by that?" I ask him with a smirk on my face."
"Tell me. Am I the father? I already know that I am. It all makes sense anyways." he says finishing his sentence with a burst of devilish laughter.
"Well, did your son forget to tell you that we spent a night together? The night before he went missing, but really he was just in your basement. So no you are not the father of my daughter" I answer with a stern voice.
"Meaning?" he says gritting his teeth together.
"Your son Cole is the father of my little girl. Deal with it" I say while slamming the door shut hearing the faint screams of Mr. Bailey's anger coming out.
I go back up to my family and see them talking about what just happened. And I hear them laugh about how Farrah jumped onto him like a mad man. I go over to Cole and wrap my arms around him and he wraps an arm around me and plants a kiss on the top of my head. The police leave our place with our statements until we could no longer see them anymore. Mom and Wesley grab the groceries and head inside leaving only me and Cole out here.
"So, did you get to tell him what you needed to?" he asks me while stroking my shoulder. I look out onto the street and take a deep breath before giving him my honest one-worded answer.
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We head back inside with the rest of my family and help them set up for what will be truly an exciting and shocking day for everyone. Yep, I am having a girl with my guardian angel and the love of my life, Cole Bailey.364Please respect copyright.PENANAsTWBrpIlWv
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