"What did you mean by that he ran away" I hear her father say.
"And who did he rape honey, did he rape you?" her mother says.
"Do you know where he is honey?" he dad says.
That's it, I can't take it anymore! I get up and unzip the jacket. "HE RAPED ME!!" I yell while taking off the jacket yet again.
Farrah's parents go quiet and before I could say anything else, I turn my head and see my parents standing there by the door with shocked looks on their face.
...Oh, shit.
"Kinsley...Kinsley...KINSLEY!!" I hear someone scream.
"Woah, wait...uh" I mumble while opening my eyes. I rub them quickly and realize that I am still laying in my bed. The person that was yelling my name was, my brother Aiden. Wait, that was just a dream? It felt real for a few minutes.
"Are you okay Kins?" he asks me with a concerned look on my face.
"Y-yeah, I'm okay. That was a lifelike dream"
"What was it about?"
"Oh, um, it was about my birthday dinner tonight. Hope it goes well" I lie to Aiden.
"Oh okay. Well, you should get ready. Were getting ready to go out" Aiden tells me while patting me on the back.
"Okay. I'll be down in a little bit" I reply while heading to my closet.
"Alright then" Aiden replies while heading out of my room.
I look through my closet for a little while and then I take a deep breath realizing that I just lied to my brother. I never lied to my brother, I always told him the truth. Stupid Cole, I hate you so much. So glad that I am not seeing you tonight. Tonight is my birthday dinner with my family.
I look around again and finally found the right to wear tonight. I go to my bathroom, close the door and take off my everyday clothes, now revealing the black and blue bruises and hand prints. I let a few tears fall down my face, this is going to be so hard to cover and keep away from my family. I look at my wrists and realize that there are some bruises as well. I grab my phone and quickly take some pictures of these bruises.
I have to take these pictures, as evidence for what happened last night. I save these into a private folder labeled as 'Salad Recipes'. Farrah doesn't like Salads, so that way she will stay away from that folder. Aiden doesn't look through my phone, he respects my privacy and so does my mom. As for my little sister, I don't have to worry about her, she doesn't know how to use my phone.
Anyways, I put on my dress and zip it up, covering everything. I put on some bracelets to cover my wrists and then I brush out my hair and put it up into a ponytail. I put on my blue dream-catcher earrings and necklace and then go put on my high top white converse shoes. I sit on the edge of my bed and take another deep breath. I just hope that this night goes well.
A few minutes later I grab my bag and put my phone and wallet in it. Even though were going out and my mom is paying for it, might as well be prepared for anything that happens. I head downstairs to meet up with my family. When I get downstairs, I see the one person that I don't want to see. Cole..
"What the hell is he doing here?!?!" I exclaim in my head. I walk into the living room and act like I usually do. I can't have them see me rip his head off in my mind. My mom stands there with a smile and starts clapping her hands like a teenage girl. I wonder what she has to say.
"Can I ask why he's here?" I ask my mom. Plus, where is Farrah and their parents?
"Oh, he wanted to join us tonight, since he is leaving tomorrow. Is that okay with you?"
"No. He can rot in hell for all I care" I think to myself.
"Of course, he is one of my best friends after all" I say with a fake smile plastered on my face. I really don't want to spend another day with this guy. Wish he would leave and just go back to his college dorm and never come back.
"Oh, great. Honey, it's time to go. Did you grab your coloring book and your colored pencils?'' my mother asks my little sister.
"Of course I did Mommy!" she exclaims with a sweet smile. I wish I could be her age again and start over. Forget about happened to me and make sure that it will not happen again. I didn't deserve what happened to me. Wish I could do something about it, but I can't. All thanks to my stupid friend Cole.
My sister goes and grabs my Mom's hand and heads outside. Aiden is outside and already started the car. He wasn't kidding when he said that they were waiting for me. I leave to go outside until I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. Damn, it hurts.
"What do you want?" I grunt out with an angry look on my face.
"That is no way to speak to your best friend Kins" he says with a smirk.
"Let me tell you, I am not in the mood for this. Why are you here?"
"I just wanted to celebrate with you before I have to leave tomorrow. Is that a problem?" he asks with a smile plastered on his face.
"Oh you didn't have enough fun last night, in my room?" I answer sarcastically.
"What are you talking about?" he asks with a now questioned look.
"You know what I am talking about, want to explain the bruises on my hips and my wrists?" I say while pulling out my phone and showing him the pictures. He grabs the phone and looks at them. Then a few seconds later his whole reaction changes. Like he is shocked at what he sees. Nice acting Cole, real nice..
"W-what happened Kins? How'd you get these bruises?" he asks with a concerned look on his face.
"Like you don't know. I already told you, you took away my virginity without my permission" I exclaim with a few tears running down my face.
"I would never hurt you Kins! You know I am not like that!" Cole exclaims back. I look into his eyes and see that he is telling the truth.
"Then, if you didn't take it away from me, then who did? And why were you acting like a dick to me?"
"I think I know who, and -" he says before I interrupt him.
"Who do you think it was then?" I ask with a scared look on my face.
"I think it was.." he started to say before he was interrupted by my brother.
"Hey, are you guys coming? Were going to be late to our reservation" Aiden says while gesturing us to head out to the car. We nod and head out with Aiden walking in front of us. All three of us get into the car and head out to our dinner reservations.
"We'll talk about this later. Okay?" Cole whispers to me.
"Okay?" I whisper back quietly enough so that my little sister can't hear me. She doesn't deserve to know what is happening to me right now. She wouldn't understand. I look out the car window and stare out at the stars and cars driving by. I fade out from reality and go back to that night.
"Whoever it is, this isn't the time-"
"N-No. Please...S-Stop!"
"Don't tell anyone about this, or else."
"...Also, happy birthday Kinsley."
"Kinsley, Kins!"
I jolt out of my daydream and realize that I had a few tears go down my face. I turn my head and see that Cole has one of his hands on my shoulder scaring me out of my daydream.
"You okay?" he whispers. I shake my head no and wipe away the tears that were forming again and going down my face. Before I knew it Cole wraps one of his hands around my shoulder and pulls me in close. I cry silently and he wraps his other arm around me. I really want to know who raped me last night. I want to know now and put them in jail where they belong!!
"Everything is going to be okay Kins. I just know" Cole whispers while wiping away the tears from cheek. He surely knows how to take care of his friends. I feel bad for saying all those things in my head now.
"Thanks Cole, I hope we find out who did this to me" I whisper back while wiping away the rest of my tears from my cheeks.
"Me too Kins. Me too.." he says sighing and removing one of his hands from my shoulders, keeping the other one wrapped around me. I lean my head on his shoulder and we sit in silence until we arrive at our dinner reservation.
After a couple hours of dinner we head back to our home and decide to call it a night. We all had a great time and I enjoyed being there with the people that I loved, plus I got to eat some free chocolate cake for my birthday. But I had to bring the rest home, I couldn't finish the rest of it. I did share a small piece of it with Cole and my little sister. When I wasn't looking Cole mushed a piece of cake onto my face, leaving frosting and crumbs all over my face and my dress. I laugh it off and mush a piece of cake on his face. After that we were told to not have a food fight in the restaurant.
We went and cleaned up ourselves before leaving for the night. All of us talked about it on the way home and we shared a few laughs. This is how I wanted to spend my birthday. I didn't even think about that night and enjoyed my birthday with my friend and family. My mom got me a new pair of , which are black. Thank goodness, my other ones are ruined and had a hole in them, now I can throw those away. Ashley made me a and I truly love it, its adorable. Aiden got me a new , which is hilarious and I love it. And lastly, Cole got me a new . It is truly beautiful and I'm definitely going to wear from now on. He kept the key-chain part so that we will never lose each other. It's really cheesy but I love it.
When we got home, I said goodnight to everyone and Cole followed me upstairs. We talked about the cranky waiter and the face reactions from everyone else. I am just glad that I had a great time with everyone. I truly needed this night to get away from what happened last night. Now I need to ask him those questions again. I need some answers.
"So, can I ask why you were acting so dick-ish to me this morning?" I ask him while closing the door to my room.
"First, I really want to apologize for acting that way. You truly didn't deserve that, your my friend and I'm sorry" he says apologetically.
"Okay, I forgive you. But you scared me and I thought you were the one who..raped me last night" I say while whispering the last part.
"Like I said, I would never hurt you Kins. Your my friend and I care so much about you, your like a second sister to me."
"Alrighty then, can I ask why you laid on top of me and gave me a hickey? Do you know how hard that is going to be to hide from my mom and especially my over-protective brother?"
"I only did that because I didn't want anyone to hurt you, so I claimed you as my own."
"Um okay. And last question, if you didn't rape me, then..who did?"
We both sit quietly for a few minutes. Until he gets up and runs his fingers through his hair. He is definitely hiding something. Something big. This is not going to be good. He takes a deep breath and then stands right in front of me with both of his hands on my shoulders.
"Kinsley, here's the truth. After we finished our movie night, I finished cleaning up in the kitchen and when I went to go pick up the movies to put them away, I saw that your drink was half empty and that it smelled a little weird. I immediately realized that your drink was spiked. I didn't know that until after I went upstairs. I went up to your room and tried to open the door. It wouldn't budge, I tried everything to get it open. After a few minutes, it got quiet and I heard someone walking towards the door. So I hid in my room and kept it slightly open to wait and see who left your room."
He takes a deep breath and I realize that he some trembling in his voice. We go to sit down and I grab his hand and wrap both of my hands around his. He looks back at me and takes another deep breath. Then, I realize something I haven't seen in Cole before. A single tear sliding down his face. I wipe it away and wait for him to finish.
"It's okay Cole. Take your time" I say with a caring smile on my face.
"No, it's not okay. I can't believe that out of all people, he's the one that hurt you!" he says while getting up, breaking the hold between us.
"What are you talking about Cole? Who walked out of my room that night?" I asked him with a worried look on my face.
"I-If I tell you, he's going to punish me, and then punish you again, while making me watch him punish you" he says walking around my room with a frustrated look on his face.
"Cole..just tell me. I won't tell anyone. I promise" I say while stopping him in his tracks and putting a hand on his wrist.
"I-I don't know if I can" he says with a scared look on his face.
"You can trust me Cole" I say while wrapping my arms around him. He wraps his arms around me and takes a few deep breaths. He calms down and I take a couple steps back from him.
"Okay. I needed that. Thanks Kins" he says with a calming voice.
"Now, if your ready and calm enough. You can tell me who came out of my room last night" I say with a questioned look and smile on my face. He takes one more deep breath before he tells me the person that came out of my room.
''Kins, the person that came out of your room was.." he starts to say. He closes his eyes and takes another deep breath.
"... my dad" he finishes while opening up his eyes seeing me roll my eyes to the back of my head.
"...Kinsley!!" was the last thing I heard before closing my eyes into pitch blackness.411Please respect copyright.PENANA4Hwq0DsqcP
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So, you just found out what has happened to poor Kinsley on that night. Comment below if you thought that Cole was the one who raped her. Or comment below your guesses on who you thought it was. I knew who it was because I am the author, duh!411Please respect copyright.PENANAr5RL1nm1mY
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this short update. Yeah, two updates in four days. The next chapter will be a lot longer and it may not be updated again until this weekend. The next chapter is going to be a little bit more about Cole and Kinsley since Cole is going to be leaving tomorrow to go back to College. Sorry, I'll stop talking about the next chapter.
So, again, I hope you enjoy this short update and I will see you all in the next chapter.