3 months later (June 7th, 2019)
"Awwh finally, It's the last day of school!!" Farrah screams out loud while slamming her locker for the last time this semester.
"Heh, yeah. Finally" I reply back shutting my locker quietly and wrapping my arms around myself. I am now almost four months pregnant, I will be in a couple of weeks. I still haven't told anyone else. The only one who knows is Wes. Yes, I am still scared of him.
I have decided to let him take over me. He's won, I lost this battle. I'm now weak and there is nothing else that I can do at this point. The trial is in less than two weeks and I can't wait for it to be all over. I am still surprised that his wife doesn't know about all of this. Guess, she will find out when we go to court. Unless...no I cannot think like that. She would never do that, she is like a second mother to me. Just have to think positive and stay away from him till the trial.
Anyways, we walk out of the school doors and head for the buses that we haven't ridden in months. My mom is working late and Farrah's parents are out of town, thank god! And Cole, he is out of town with friends, still. We haven't seen him for a few months. I have tried calling him and it always goes to voicemail, even Farrah doesn't know where he is. I guess I can always search for him when we get back to my place.
"Hey, have you heard from your brother lately?" I ask Farrah while sitting down next to the window seat. I hear other kids laugh and enjoy their life while talking about what they want to do this summer. Wish I could enjoy my summer, but I won't be able to because of the trial and this baby inside of me. Just wish that this all could end. I wish I could take back that night and just stayed home. But I can't, I have to get back up and keep on fighting until I can't fight anymore. And I think that time has come, I am just going to stop fighting. Again, he won this battle. He has officially taken over me.
"Kinsley...Kinsley!!" I hear someone shake me from my daydream. I look over and see that Farrah has a concerned look on her face. I wipe my eyes and notice that I have been crying. But before I could say anything, Farrah wraps her arms around me gently. I wrap my arms around her and let a few more tears fall down onto her shoulder. We break from the hug and I wipe my tears away quickly.
"I-I'm sorry Fay" I reply, stuttering a little bit and wrap my arms around my belly like it is the only thing that I can protect from getting hurt at this point.
"It's okay. Are you fine? Please don't lie to me. I know you are not fine" she replies back. Damn, she's good. Now is good as any to tell her what happened three months ago.
"No, I am not fine Farrah. I am far from fine. I don't know how I am going to tell you this since it might hurt you, literally." I say feeling a few more tears form in my eyes.
"Tell me what? What is it Kinsley?" she says grabbing my hands while gently grasping them into her palms and looking at me in the eyes, still concerned and a bit scared. She should be scared, she is not going to like the news that I have to tell her.
"Fay, I, was abused by your dad three months ago. He also did kidnap Wes that day too. He did so many horrible things to me and him. We couldn't fight out of it. He did despicable things that I will not explain. It was too horrifying. And three months ago I took a test and it was one that I wish I did fail but didn't. I passed it and there is nothing that I can do about it." I say while taking a deep breath before finishing the last of the story. But before I could finish it, Farrah asked me a question that I will never forget.
"What do you mean by that Kinsely?" she asks quietly while gently rubbing my thumb knuckles. I look back up at her and see that she has a few tears forming in her eyes as well. Might as well rip off the band-aid now.
"I'm pregnant Farrah!" I exclaim quietly while yanking my hands out of her grip and pull myself together securing my little child by wrapping my hands around my belly and let a few tears fall down to the cold, dirty floor of the bus.
We hear the bus stop and I realize that it is our stop. I grab my backpack and walk out before I could hear her response. But once we got out of the bus she walks in front of me stopping me in my tracks. I look to my right and see a large figure walking towards, more like limping towards us. Farrah looks to where I am looking at and we realize who is limping towards us.
Her Brother.
We toss our backpacks onto my front porch and run towards him before he could fall all the way down to the ground. I wrap one of his arms around me and so does Farrah. We get him inside and set him down on the couch. He sits up slowly and wraps one of his arms around his waist, grunting in pain. He looks horrible. I need to find out what happened to him. But first I grab him an ice pack from the freezer. Farrah runs upstairs to grab the first aid in the bathroom.
I give him the ice pack and he puts it on his waist, but once he did he winces in pain. Without hesitation I pull his shirt over his body and toss it to the side to see a huge black and blue bruise on his waist, that is now almost purple. He needs to go to the hospital, he could have a possible broken rib or two. I grab my cell phone out of my pocket but before I could call an ambulance, Cole gets up and grabs my wrist pulling me in close, hugging me. I don't know what to say at this point. I drop my phone and wrap my other arm around his beaten up body. I can feel him shudder, this close to me. He's scared. I hold onto him for a few seconds longer until I force myself out of his hug.
"Who did this to you Cole?" I ask him getting straight to the point. He takes a deep breath and sits right back down on the couch. He takes a deep breath and before he spoke Farrah runs downstairs with the first aid kit, giving it to me. I am the only one who took first aid classes in the summer last year. Lucky me.
"I heard her question while running down the stairs. Who did this brother?" she asks while walking around us and sitting down next to her brother while picking up the ice pack and putting it on his bruised shoulder.
"Who do you think. Our father!" he says screaming it out loud. I drop the first aid the second I hear his answer. I drop down to my knees on the floor and let the tears fall where they may.
"I can't take this anymore!! He ruins everything that I love!!" I scream out loud while holding my stomach once again. Cole notices and gets down onto the floor and pulls me into another hug without saying anything. I wrap one hand around his warm and broken body and keep the other one wrapped around my stomach. He feels a few tears fall down from my face, but he doesn't care. I need to get up and listen to his story on how he is here now.
We break from the hug and I zip up my jacket quickly trying to hide my stomach for the time being. Our focus should be on him, not me right now. He goes to sit down on the couch again and takes a deep breath realizing that he is still in pain. He better get straight to the point before my little sister gets home from our babysitter's house in a couple of hours.
"How did this happen, and how did you escape?" Farrah asks her brother, beating me to the question. Great minds think alike.
"It all happen the day after Kinsely and I had a snuggle fest three and a half months ago." he says starting his sentence. I look to see that Farrah is giggling a little bit, but we both shake it off and he goes back to his story.
(three and a half months ago) Cole's P.O.V.
After feeding Kinsley and Farrah I decide to head out and go see my friends for a couple of days. Haven't seen them in a couple of months. I go upstairs to the room that I am staying in for the time being and pack up a couple of pairs of clothes and other things. After that, I head downstairs and say goodbye to them.
"Don't have too much fun brother!" my little sister says giving me a quick hug.
I give her a quick hug back and turn my attention to Kinsley who just got done eating her breakfast. I notice that she is still wearing my hoodie from last night. I smile and go wrap my arms around her from behind and plant a kiss on her head and then her cheek. She giggles and gets up from her chair, turns around and plants a sweet, gentle but rough kiss on my lips surprising me. I wrap my waist around her hoping that I won't have to leave her.
After that kiss, she whispers something in my ear that I will never forget. Those three words that will mean so much to anyone. And I can't believe that she is saying these words to a person like me.
She unwraps herself from my grasp leaving my waist to go cold. I hear her laugh, which is the best noise in the world. Even though she had one of the worse things happen to her, she keeps on smiling and laughing. She looks better with a smile on her face. It's the best thing about her that I love. Woah, wait. Did I just say, love? Is this what love feels like? Can't believe that I'm saying this but.
I am in love with Kinsley Rose Beckett.
I walk out of the door a couple of minutes later and head down to my car still thinking about Kinsley and our special night last night. I didn't think that she would let do what I did last night after what happened to her on her birthday. Damn, she is strong. That is another thing I love about her. She isn't afraid to get what she wants. And apparently, I am that person.
I put my stuff into my car and head to the driver side door and start my car. I sit in my car for a minute and think about all that has happened in the last couple of months. I can't believe that my dad had the nerve to put his hands on her. He deserves to rot in a cell for the rest of his life. He has hurt one too many people that I care about. I am going to go give him a piece of my mind before I leave to go to my friend's apartment.
I back out of Kinsley's house and head over to my house in less than a minute. I am beyond furious with him. He deserves to rot in the ground where he belongs. I park into the parking lot and realize that his car is still here. And so is mothers. Good, she deserves to hear everything that has happened. I shut off my car, get out and slam my car door shut, hard. I walk fast to the front door and open it to see father hugging mom. Ugh, he doesn't even deserve to touch her anymore either.
They both notice me standing there with both of my hands in a fist and break from their hug. Father starts to walk towards me, but before he could say anything, I punch him square in the face knocking him down to one of his knees, leaving my mother in shock.
"How dare you touch her, you bastard!" I exclaim while kicking him in the stomach until he couldn't get back up. Now is the time to tell my mom everything.
"Mom, you deserve to hear this. So please listen to me and don't say anything until I finish okay?" I say quickly. She responds with a nod.
"Mom, he did something so bad that you deserve to hear what that monster did. He hurt one of my friends that I truly care about. He did something so despicable that I can't even look at him as a father figure anymore. He..raped Kinsley. In our own house, on her birthday in the middle of the night. I know this because I tried to stop him. He drugged her drink a few minutes before she went to bed. He locked the door before I could get in there to save her. I tried to save her mother but it was too late. There wasn't anything that I could do to save her. She should've stayed home that night. And here is the thing, he has done this to her, twice." I finish saying to her.
She looks at me with a look of shock on her face. But before she could respond, she screams and points to what is behind me. I look behind me and see my father holding a handgun. He clocks it into place and fires off one of the bullets that grazes my right shoulder.
"Run, mom!!" I scream to her. She grabs her keys off of the counter and runs out the back door. Good, shes safe. Now I need to get the hell out of here. But before I could do anything I feel the back of that handgun hit me in the back of my head knocking me to the floor. I turn around to see my father standing tall above me.
"You shouldn't have said that Cole" is all I hear before everything fades into blackness.
I wake up a few minutes later and see that my hands are tied and one of my ankles is chained up to a pole somewhere in a basement. Our Basement. Of course. I grunt trying to untie myself from these knots. After a few more minutes I hear a pair of footsteps walk down the stairs to the basement. I know those footsteps anywhere, it's our father's footsteps. Urgh, I want to strangle him so bad right now!! Once he gets downstairs his footsteps stop, right in front of me.
I look up and see him standing over me, yet again. Whatever he is going to do, just get it over already. He is not going to break me that easily.
..And that is exactly what he did.
For the next three and a half months, he would come down every day to punch and kick me until I could not stand or speak. But I kept fighting. I had to stay strong for Kinsley and my sister. I won't let him hurt anyone else anymore! One day I found the courage to fight back.
I look around the basement around me to find something that can at least cut my hands free. I keep on looking until I found an old rusted bottle a couple of feet away. Guess we need to do some spring cleaning soon. I grab the bottle the best that I can and slam it down as hard as I could breaking it to a few pieces. I find a sharp piece and angle it at a way so I can cut off this rope. I rub it up and down until I felt it coming loose. It rips off and once that happens I hear the basement door open. Right on cue.
I toss the rope into a dark corner and put my hands back to the way it was before pretending that I am still tied up. He is not going to know what hit him. He needs to be stopped!! I will not let him hurt any more people!!
He stops down at the end of the stairs and sees me laying down and grunting. Even though they hurt like hell, I have to get up and get the hell out of here and warn Kinsley!! He stops right in front of me as always and gives me that devilish grin for the millionth time this month. He is no longer a man that I recognize. This man is no longer my father. He is a monster that has been awoken once again.
"Get up boy! I said get up!!" he screams while kicking me in the ribs once again. They are now black and blue and possibly broken. I get up while using my arms to help me up. Whoops.
"I guess the rope broke off. Oh well, I was going to take it off for today. Now let me unchain you so that I can make this fair for you." I hear him say walking towards the pole unlocking the chain from me. I try to keep on standing up but I just fall down to one knee, holding one of my hands on my waist.
'' Heh. How pathetic. You're just as weak as Kinsley." he says while spitting at my face. I wipe it away with my free hand and stand back up slowly facing him.
"What did you say?" I say grunting and trying to balance myself on my feet.
"Oh, I guess I forgot to tell you. I got to taste her once again a few weeks ago and had one of her little friends watch us. She did everything that I told her in order to save his life. She moved like none other with that soft, small amazing body of hers but, I am so glad that I got to be her first that night, unlike you." he replies laughing in my face.
"How dare you!" I reply while charging at him with all of my force. I miss and he knocks me to the ground. I save myself from face planting myself to the floor. I grunt and try to get back up. But I couldn't because he puts one of his feet on my bruised and broken back. I grunt loudly and try to get up again and again.
"Don't even try boy. Oh, and do you want to hear what she called me that day?" he says with a sheepishly smile while taking his foot off of my back.
"NO." I say in an angry monotone voice. I get up a little bit and look at him in the corner of my eye before getting up. He gets down close to me and whispers the one thing that sends the rage and adrenaline through my body.
"DADDY." he whispers into my ear. I put my hands into fists and use my head to hit his face making him back a couple of feet.
I stand up quickly and slam a knock out punch on him knocking him to the ground. I stand over him, take a deep breath and turn around to go upstairs leaving him unconscious on the cold basement floor. Once I make it up to the basement door, I open and slowly walk out of that death trap. I need to get to Kinsley and Farrah. They are in danger! I limp through the living and go open the front door. I walk out and try to run as fast as I could down the block until I found the house that I am glad to see. Kinsley's house. I see their bus stop in front of her house and I see Farrah rush up and stand in front of Kinsley looking scared out of her mind.
I try to yell out their names but I can barely speak. I see Farrah noticing me and then Kinsley turns around to see me with a scared and shocked look on her face. I notice her stomach and realize that it is a bit bigger than before. That bastard!!! How dare he do this to her!! I try to walk towards them but before I could take another step I feel two arms wrap around me helping me walk. I look to my side and see that it was my sister and Kinsley.
I take a quick look at her stomach and see a baby bump. She has to be about four months by now. I hope she does a DNA test to find out if he did this or if I did this. Can't believe I am saying this, but I hope the baby is mine. I do not want that monster to be the father of this precious child that my girl is carrying. I will do anything to make sure that she is cared for. Yeah, I am hoping that this baby is a girl. I can feel it. I will do whatever it takes to make sure that both of you are cared for.
Ilove you too much Kinsley Rose Beckett.
(back to Kinsley's P.O.V.)
After hearing his story I feel tears forming into my eyes. I can't believe that he went through all of that torture to save me and Farrah. And now I know that his mom knows all about this. I wonder where she is now. I hope she is safe somewhere. She means so much to these guys. He looks down at me and comes back down to the floor right in front of me. He wraps his hands around mine and looks at me with one of the bravest smiles that I have ever seen. I break from his grip and wrap my arms around his neck and trail my fingers through his dark black hair. He wraps his arms around me gently and I feel a few tears fall down onto my dirty jacket and onto my swollen ankles.
I have never seen anyone so brave do something like this for his family. I stay in this embrace for a few more seconds until we hear the front door open. We get up and out of the embrace and I slightly hide behind Cole while wrapping one of my hands around his waist. He puts one of his hands into a fist, preparing for what comes next even though he is broken and bruised. Farrah stands up and goes to stand right next to her brother holding his other hand preparing for what is going to happen next.
We hear the footsteps get closer and closer and even closer. They stop right in front of us and it is someone that I haven't seen in a long time. I walk in front of Cole and see who it is.
"Kinsley??" I hear the voice say in a worried, concerned voice.
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